From Harford County government:
Harford County mourns the loss of former county Register of Wills Harry L.W. Hopkins. Mr. Hopkins, who served as Register of Wills for 24 years, passed away on Sunday, August 11 at the age of 87.
The Register of Wills is responsible for appointing personal representatives to administer estates and for overseeing the proper and timely administration of these proceedings. They also provide information to the public regarding wills and estates, and maintain related documents and records.
Mr. Hopkins put his personal touch on the office during his many years in office. He was first elected in 1986 and was reelected five times, retiring in 2010.
“Mr. Hopkins was a long serving elected official who was an icon in this community. His hard work and dedication set an example for others,” said Harford County Executive David R. Craig. “He touched many lives and will be missed by all who ever met him.”
“I will remember Harry fondly as a great story teller and as a true gentleman who was dedicated to public service,” County Executive Craig added.
County Executive Craig has ordered the Harford County Flag flown at half-staff until sunset Thursday, August 15, the date of Mr. Hopkins’s funeral. Arrangements and an obituary can be viewed at
A fixture in our neighborhood for many many years. He will be misssed.
Tombstone was truly one of a kind…our friendship goes back over 55 years…we rode together many times…i’ll miss the hell out of him…folks who knew him and worked with him know of what I speak…don’t make ’em like that any more. They were truly the fabric of our county…
Mr. Hopkins was so kind to us when we went to finalize our dad’s will. He took the time to chat with us and share stories about Harford county back in the day. He wouldn’t let us leave without sending us off with a nail file from the Office of Wills. He told us that he always “has to take care of his girls”. He was a lovely and gentile man. I am sure he will be missed by many.