From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
On September 1, 2013 at approximately 5:00am, Harford County Sheriff’s deputies responded to the 1300 block of East Spring Meadow Court, for a report of a fight in progress. Upon arriving witnesses told police the suspect and victim had left the area. At 5:20am, Sheriff’s deputies were notified that Darrius Cornell Johnson, 20, of Abingdon, had just been brought into Upper Chesapeake Medical Center (UCMC) suffering from a stab wound to his chest. He was treated at UCMC and subsequently transferred to University of Maryland Shock Trauma.
Detectives interviewed numerous witnesses and learned that at approximately 3:00am, Johnson had been involved in an altercation with Christopher Elias McCullough, 20, of 1404 Valley Forge Way, Abingdon. Witnesses then reported a heated exchange occurred between the two occurred shortly before 5:00am that resulted in Johnson being stabbed by McCullough.
As they investigated the case throughout the day detectives developed sufficient information to apply for and obtain an arrest warrant for McCullough. During the early evening hours of September 1st, detectives learned McCullough may be inside a home in the 600 block of Yorkshire Drive in the Harford Square community. Detectives located the home where they suspected McCullough was but were refused entry. A short time later, deputies surveilling the area saw McCullough run from the rear of the home. After a brief foot pursuit McCullough was apprehended without further incident.
McCullough was subsequently taken to the Harford County Detention Center. He has been charged with attempted first degree murder, as well as 1st and 2nd degree assault. He is currently awaiting a hearing before a Harford County District Court Commissioner. Johnson remains at University of Maryland hospital where he is listed in critical condition.
Dave says
Kudos and thanks HCSO!
DC says
absolutely! doggedly worked the case and got a dangerous criminal off the streets; reminds me of that case a while back where the deputies successfully hunted down and captured that criminal who stabbed the blind guy and quickly apprehended him. there’s some darned good people wearing that badge. no they can’t prevent every act of violence, but when it occurs the best thing is to get the criminal behind bars and keep the public safe. good job Sherriff’s Dept!
Otto Schmidlap says
“…they can’t prevent every act of violence.” Uh, I don’t know how to break this to you, but police don’t prevent anything. The job of police is to investigate crime.
Lenny Lane says
If the job of the police is to investigate crime, then why does Jesse Bane have so many specialized units, most of which have nothing to do with investigating crime.
Mike Welsh says
“….why does Jesse Bane have so many specialized units, most of which have nothing to do with investigating crime.”
For the most part those specialized units provide special accommodation for special people who have done special things in support of Sheriff Bane. He does in fact reward his supporters very well.
Otto Schmidlap says
If the job of police is to prevent crime they are doing a very bad job. Here, I’ll make this easy for you…how many police officers are duty in Harford County at this very minute? How many would that be per square mile? How many criminals are there in Harford County? For that matter, how many are in Edgewood? There is a HCSO precinct in Edgewood, right? How come there was another murder committed there recently? The police didn’t prevent it, right? They are now investigating it, right? I rest my case.
wouldntmakeadifference says
Now to find out who did the stabbing at El Rodeo’s in Edgewood.
mvphkr says
I am sick and tired of ghetto thugs infiltrating Harford County, and bringing their propensity for violent crime with them. I hope the various law enforcement agencies in this county (and I include the State’s Attorney’s Office and the court system here) can discourage these creatures from moving here, or at least intimidate them into obeying the law, by pursuing them aggressively and prosecuting them vigorously.
This isn’t Baltimore City (yet) where the bad guys are so numerous they overwhelm the system. There should be no plea deals, no suspended sentences, and no probation for anybody who does something like this. Prosecutors should charge this guy and others of his ilk with every applicable violation of the law, and he should be sent up the river to serve the maximum sentences, consecutively, for each and every one of those violations.
Maybe, just maybe, when enough of these cretins get put away until they are old and senile, their peers will get the message that Harford County “don’t play dat”!
Serendipity says
So what is different about this act of violence and the actions of police than any other crime in Harford County? I thought the citizens of Harford County wanted criminals to kill criminals! I thought the police in Harford County wanted criminals to kill criminals! I thought all you so called “human beings” in Harford County were all for Black people killing other Black people! Neither one of these guys should have been on the street and one kills the other, you should all be happy, right! Where is the racist, republican attitudes that normally swamp this website?!? C’mon everyone, a cut throat from Harford County killed a Drug Dealer from Baltimore City, you should all be thrilled! This stuff is exactly what the citizens and police of Harford County want, right?!?
Mike Welsh says
Why do you believe that the law enforcement/public safety community of Harford County is content with letting blacks kill blacks? Are you? Can you name one instance when Harford County refused to prosecute a black person for killing another black person, when they knew who the killer was and had them in custody?
Serendipity says
Are you implying that the racist, republican agenda of the Harford County Judicial System is not what it seems?!? Really?!? I guess its time for the PROUD BLACK MF’er to come back on here and prove to you once again how racist factions in Law Enforcement, THE State’s Attorney Office and the Judiciary perform their duties on a level of racial bias that is just incredible. Furthermore, the police officers that get on the DAGGER and spew their racism using VPN protected identities can be identified on a regular basis. Its time to play that game again……….RACISM IS HARFORD COUNTY!@!!!
Paul Mc says
There are racists of every race.
George says
Why’d you change your name Soul Crusher?
Soul Crusher says
I am the SoUl CrUsHeR, what do you want George? I am just watching and waiting for the right moment George. You guys are doing just fine without me. Make no bones about it, Harford County is Racist! I’ll go further than that, the Harford County Judiciary, Law Enforcement and the State’s Attorney Office are criminals that Suppress the Rights of Harford County Citizens each and every day! I thought that Racism in Harford County was a given! Don’t call me out unless you want the truth cascading down the side of your face, oh I’m sorry, that was my appreciation running down your lips! FU, F them and F Harford County and the most illegal police force on the planet, the Harford County Sheriff’s Office! And remember gentlemen, I’m already dead, so strip down, core, violate and paralyze, I’m every where you don’t want me faggots until you realize, that I’ll love you like a whore, this devil wants some more and I’m too far gone a freak to apologize……..
Mike Welsh says
I am not implying anything. I asked you three questions. You chose not to answer any of them, which I understand. You don’t have any sensible or legitimate answer to my questions. Why do you need BLACK PROUD MFer to answer for you. Perhaps you are one and the same.
mvphkr says
Serendipity, I can’t recall any instance where anybody called for blacks to kill other blacks. If you can please post a link to it.
Regarding your claim that this county is “racist”: Many of today’s Harford County residents are native Baltimoreans who were driven out of the city, or its close suburbs, by black criminals, thugs, and lowlifes. We have seen firsthand what happens when a community “changes”, and we are justifiably wary of that. We see what is happening in Edgewood, and the spillover effect that has in other parts of the County, and we want the County to get a handle on that before it gets out of control. In other words, we see the handwriting on the wall, and we don’t like it.
Can you name one jurisdiction in Maryland — any place — where the community went from being majority white to majority black without an increase in crime, and a decrease in property values and quality of life? Racists? No we are not racists…we are “statisticians”.
we were here first says
What they are are, is miserable white trash, steeped in their racist upbringing and who; when faced with people of the wrong color but the EXACT same skill sets; fled the city and came here. The result? Polluting the true rural and community based nature of this county with those disgusting traits. Statisticians? ROFL. How about this statistic – Harford County was a nice place until “Highlandtown & Dundalk went to the Country”
Kharn says
I am sure both involved parties had completely legitimate reasons, with zero hint of illegal activity, for being outside at 3am and 5am.
Serendipity says
Not quite what I’m looking for, you were supposed to make mention of how they were black, KHARN! C’mon tell everyone how you think they deserve it, cop!
Kharn says
Criminals come in all shapes, sizes, colors and creeds.
You’re the one that throws race into everything, not me.
Serendipity says
Oh, you can thumbs down me but can’t throw all the racist, republican comments out there that normally follow! C’mon everyone, this is your great chance to throw jabs out there about how he deserved to be stabbed because of his record. This is your chance to show the world that this county’s citizens approve of blacks killing blacks and how you all wish they would just kill each other off!!!! C’mon racist, republican citizens of Harford County, tell the DAGGER how you really feel!!! At least “mvphkr” has the testicular fortitude to go off about how the sentencing should be handled! Hey, “mvphkr”, you got it wrong, it was the Black guy from Harford County that killed the Black guy from the city! C’mon everyone, I read the DAGGER to get my daily dose of racism by this wonderful republican county and you guys are all letting me down!!!!
Robin in the Hood says
String em up!
additional charges says
And those in the Yorkshire Dr. house that refused police entry should be charged with harboring a fugitive and possibly accessory after the fact.
Serendipity says
I’m looking for the normal racist, republican comments on here, not this crap you are all writing today. C’mon tell everyone what you really think!
Serendipity says
You can always tell when shift change is at the Sheriff’s Department, because that is when the racist, republican start. Everyone please note the time when “kharn” and “additional charges” comments came in, coincidental that they occurred right after shift change, not…….
Otto Schmidlap says
Serendipity is a racebaiter if you axe me.
Billy Jack says
I had an incident HCSO was involved in this past holiday, very minor compared to the crime in this article, and they were wonderfully helpful, thorough and pleasant to deal with. That has been my experience in the past as well.
Robbed in the Hood says
String Em Up!
LMFAO says
You wanna see racism-Come to Ceciltucky! We wil shows ya!!!! Yeee Haw!!!! Heeee Huuuuuuhhhhh!!!!
LMFAO says
We got the same crap going on in Elkton! it’s turning in to mini Edgewood! Only i think they are migrating from the other way, New Castle, New Jersey, Or even creepin from B-more & Edgewood! i am smack dab in the middle, but don’t get me wrong, cross me, I smoke a thug!
LMFAO says
I mean in my fire pit! LMAO!!!!
Hedley Lamarr says
Harford county needs more section 8, Plenty room way up 152, Let’s have some developers buy out some of the farmers and build some section 8 housing.
Bel Air Bob says
Maybe some of moneytrees farmer relatives would be looking to sell some of their farms.
Old Skool says
Population control in the black community. Have at it boys
otto rader says
Y’all are a bunch of turd burglars! Kwit her yappin!