From LaFerla for Congress:
The display between the House and Senate would be embarrassing if it were not so harmful to the country’s economic recovery. Over 800,000 federal workers are not being paid because Congress failed to do its job. Closings and furloughs are directly hurting many middle class families. Suffering caused willfully by a handful of radical right wing Republicans, including our representative: Congressman Andy Harris.
“The Republicans say they are listening to the American people by delaying Obamacare. But if they were, they would hear almost 70% of Americans saying that a government shutdown is a bad idea and not the solution to our problems,” said Dr. John LaFerla, Congressional Candidate, Maryland District 1.
Dr. LaFerla continued, saying: “The fact is that Congress has not done its job, but they continue to collect a paycheck. Something is very wrong with this picture.”
For each day this shutdown continues, members of Congress will continue to get paid while thousands of their constituents scramble to make ends meet. Dr. John LaFerla calls on Congressman Harris and his counterparts to forego their paychecks to truly understand the consequences of their actions.
“It’s past time for the political games to stop. Real people are being hurt by the political grandstanding. Call Andy Harris and tell him to end the obstruction and forfeit his paycheck until the government is running again,” said LaFerla.
Congressman Harris can be reached in Washington, DC: (202) 225-5311; or at his district offices: (410) 643-5425 or (443) 944-8624.
Better yet, call those numbers and commend Dr. Harris for holding the line. Tell him to stiffen his spine and hold up against the talking points that Dr. LaFerla has so dutifully memorized in anticipation of his next gig.
LaFeria is nuts. This argument that the Congress and President are having is great. We, the 85%, don’t want Obamacare. Stick it to Harry Ried and Barrie, Andy. Just a thought, how about shutting down State, County and Municipal governments as well? We could call it the “Freedom From Tyranny Time.”
If 85% don’t want Obamacare how did he get re elected?
Ask the unions. T
hey were on board until they figured out what an Obama administration really meant for them.
Barry Soetero was reelected because approximately four million people did NOT vote. These folks were apparently disgusted with BOTH choices for president. So was I…..
@BillH……….Simple,,,,, Poor suckers still waiting for “hope and change”
A lot of people who voted for this clueless puppet hate Obamacare . Look at the unions who backed him 1oo% and now realize just how bad this socialist plan is for the economy and quality healthcare. There is a wave of” buyers remorse” with President.
The government shut down? I hadn’t noticed. The sun was shining, the world kept turning, people went to work, babies were born, etc. Those 800,000 federal workers are extraneous to the lives of the majority of Americans. Better they found something more productive to do.
Will you think that when an airline cuts corners and a plane crashes because there are no inspections?
@Cdev –
Did any airlines announce that they were cutting corners on safety?
One doesn’t announce that but the people who inspect those things are non essential along with your FDA inspectors. Milk anyone?
@Cdev –
Did dairy farmers announce they would sell contaminated milk?
Common Sense has a point. We should return to the ways before government regulation and oversight was begun under Teddy Roosevelt when anyone could sell anything and the public was left ot its own devices to figure out if there was anything wrong and business and corporations were not held accountable. Damn those Moderate Republicans.
Because most businesses are held accountable for their intentional and unintentional misdeeds in court actions by individuals & class actions and not by government agencies
Personally I would not like to have to actually be harmed by the product and go to court in the first place. I would much rather have inspectors. BTW the quality inspectors who inspect government purchases from big contractors have also been furloughed.
Well do your homework for once and stop relying on the government Sorry, the nanny state to tell you what’s good and bad. As someone who often bashes religion on here, you should be for Darwin’s survival of the fittest, and against any kind of welfare systems. God forbid.
If it weren’t for govt in those cases we could not do homework and find out airline safety ratings!
And now we have a large salmonella outbreak out west.
And the federal government is investigating along with state agencies.
According to Reuters –
“FSIS is one of the arms of USDA that continues to work during the federal government shutdown, but with reduced staffing. Meat, poultry and processed egg inspection activities have been maintained.”
Should we be concerned that the federal government did not prevent this from happening?
No inspections took place ahead of this and the CDC is not able to help solve this like they normally would and contain the spread!!!!
@Cdev –
ABC & AP is reporting today – “The outbreak appears to have begun in March and the USDA was notified of the illnesses in July, said Dan Engeljohn of the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service. Investigators had a difficult time pinpointing the source of the illnesses, Englejohn said.”
NBC News is reporting today – “Federal food safety workers who monitor dangerous bacteria have been recalled from furlough to track an outbreak of salmonella linked to Foster Farms chicken”
So you are trying to make things up and scare people.
Shame on you Cdev.
Only if YOU are on the plane.
Gotta love this turd and his ilk. At the mere mention of the government spending less sends them into spin mode. Your babies will die, your food will be tainted, and the illegal aliens will go free. Opps, they already are
First the agreed upon spending level of the CR is actually already less than the Ryan Budget was. Second are you aware that a government shutdown actually ends up costing more in the long run? So everyday the government is shutdown it actually costs more money than it would have to be open. I know this seems counterintuitive but here is an article that explains it.
What budget, your precious leadership has failed to pass one (as required by law) in what 5 years now. You advocate your communist friends pass a real budget, then I will listen to your hatespeak and falsehoods, maybe even consider one or two of them as legitimate arguments.
The senate and house both passed one in April.
You are a correct. People who directly support the warfighter should pack it up. Just because something doesn’t impact you doesn’t mean it isn’t necessary.
So how would anything that the Department of Army does directly impact you your daily life? It won’t. Does that mean it is not necessary? Do we not need to research new weapons systems? Do we not need to develop better armor? Do we not need to protect the health of our soldiers?
Your myopic of the world is both scary and ignorant.
It’s more like 85% aren’t happy with how it’s implemented. A significant percentage of those people think it should be farther reaching than it is. I’m not happy with a lot of the stuff in it, but there is also quite a bit of good in in (especially the bit about forbidding insurance companies denying people coverage due to pre-existing conditions.) It needs to be sensibly amended and fixed, not eliminated.
The bottom line is, Congress already passed it. It’s not going away, and shutting down the government doesn’t even really affect it and the people being hurt by the shutdown are your family, friends, and neighbors.
This entire dog and pony show is incredibly stupid, only hurts the entire country, and accomplishes very little. And even if this gets resolved fairly soon we get to go through it all again soon with the debt ceiling on Oct. 17 and then again whenever the temporary spending bill they pass to end the shutdown expires (because we all know damn well that they’re not going to actually pass a budget like they’re required to.)
These childish games by both parties (in this case I put the blame more on the Tea Party Republicans than anyone else) are exactly why I refuse to vote for any incumbents and refuse to vote for any Tea Party backed candidates even if I generally lean more their way than I do Democrats.
When the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and the Presidency in 2009 and 2010 did they pass a budget like they’re required? You know that the answer is no. This is part of the very reason the tea party came into existence. The Senate has twice voted 100 to 0, disapproving a budget submitted by President Obama. When you have that kind of collusion on the part of the Presidents own party you have to acknowledge that this is just smoke and mirrors on the part of the party in power.
I think you misunderstand me. Both parties are responsible for the the embarrassing state this country finds itself in. Congress can’t and won’t do anything but blow hot air. Our President is a joke. The only things either party cares about are getting re-elected, sticking it to the other party, and gaining as much power as they can just for the sake of having power.
I just said that in this particular self-manufactured crisis, Republicans (specifically the Tea Party) bear more of the blame than Democrats, but only slightly more.
16 trillion in debt, the dems refuse to stop spending, and the tea party is responsible? Good analysis George. With solid thinking like that, we are screwed.
Budgets are no longer passed by a “simple” majority. The D’s never had 60 Senators who could pass the budget. It is a tired argument. Anything after o-care came in automatically had the defund portion in the budget submitted by the R controlled house. Never forget Mitch “the Turtles” McConnell stating from day one to make Obama a 1 term President and block his every effort. Not very compromising is it?
The vote was 100 to 0 in not approving the President’s budget. Your position is that because the D’s never had 60 votes for it, all of the D’s voted against it?
100-0 are rare votes. They are usually procedural to get other items added/removed. Ted Cruz railed against O-care then the vote came up for his own termination of speaking against it, surprise 100-0. He was agin’ afore he was for it. It’s SOP in DC.
@Five Iron
Whatever the vote, the fact remains that the Dem controlled House, Senate, and President, failed to pass a budget in 2009 & 2010. Now they are screaming about the House failing to do their job! A federal budget has not been passed in 5 years.
Look it’s both their faults.
The Supreme court upheld slavery several times. Under your pathetic arguments, it was already law, it was not going away so deal with it. SO many of you voted for hope and change, yet when attempted, you do nothing by shit on it. Practice what you preach, and perhaps Nancy Pe-lousy will send you a lollipop
Arguments like this are exactly why our government can rarely get anything done.
That makes about as much sense as people claiming that legalizing gay marriage will lead to legalizing child molestation and bestiality.
I didn’t vote for Obama in 2008 or 2012 and if he could run again I still wouldn’t vote for him. He’s a terrible President, but for better or worse he is our President and Congress passed his health care law. It needs to be seriously amended, but shitting down the government is not the way to do it. I have several family members who aren’t getting paid and at least one who has been having serious problems getting prescriptions filled (for conditions that if she can’t get her prescription filled could be potentially life threatening) and all because a bunch of overpaid politicians in Washington are playing games.
@George –
The government gets way too much done. Unfortunately most of what they do is a drag on the economy and intrusive into our lives.
Laws and more laws are passed all the time creating new and growing existing federal agencies.
We rarely eliminate any old laws and often we expand them.
Its not an argument. When someone says its the law deal with it, you should be consistent. Just because something is a law does not mean it is right. The supreme court upheld slavery on several occasions. He was just pointing out that “its the law deal with it” is a lousy excuse used only by those who have no nothing else to go on. You cannot pick and choose what laws are valid and which ones are not.
Than change it but shutting down the government is not the proper venue.
No, he’s equating Obamacare to slavery which is just absurd. Just like equating gay marriage to child molestation and bestiality is absurd.
If you don’t like a law then get it repealed. Don’t shut down the government because you’re in the minority, didn’t have the votes to stop Obamacare from passing in the first place, and don’t have the votes to repeal it.
Shutting down the government costs us (taxpayers) billions of dollars in wasted time. It’s not just flipping a switch to turn off the lights and tell people not to come in. All those federal employees had to waste hours shutting things down and they’ll all have to waste hours starting things back up once Congress gets their act together and reopens the government. Not to mention that everyone who was working on projects, reports, audits, etc will not be several more days if not weeks behind. Most of them already are behind because Congress won’t pass a budget so no one can properly plan what will and what will not be funded.
You want to talk about waste in government, not passing a budget and funding government through temporary spending bills is an incredible waste of money and every time one of those spending bills runs out we right back in this situation. It’s the same thing with the debt ceiling. There are no easy solutions, but most of Congress (and politicians in general for that matter) lack the courage to compromise and come to sensible solutions because they #1 concern is getting re-elected. Instead it’s “Do this or we’re going to shut everything down because while we don’t have enough votes to pass anything, we do have enough to block anything you want to do” or “You don’t like it? Too damn bad because we have a supermajority and don’t give a rat’s ass about bipartisan support on anything.”
Both parties are equally guilty on that.
We could sure use Wayne Gilchrest again…he was one of the last members of congress who had common sense.
I have been meaning to call Congressman Harris to thank him for taking a stand against President Obama and his insane healthcare act. Thanks for the contact information.
He got elected by the freeloaders and idiots that believe the liberal media.
Reality has a known liberal bias
It would appear that Obama’s plan to destroy the American economy is on track and running at flank speed.
You realize that the tea party hijacked the budget debate by attaching Obamacare crap to it. That is a fight for another day. If they put a clean CR on the house floor, it would pass overwhelmingly with Democrat AND Republican support. But JB won’t do it. He is allowing the tea party to drag the country down.
The Tea Party,, ????? just another label for “true Republicans”… We as Republicans have gotten too lack on our convictions and by bending to the Socialistic left have ruined this country..Dems only concerns are to babysit the American people,,,give em anything they want , desire , or need… Only one simple “glitch” you can only go to the “Well” so many times , then it dries up….For all you “Bleeding Liberals” who belive in this President,,,,, One simple question…. Where is the money comming from????? Idea????? Look up Greek economy… thats where your answere is…
How about you look up German economy instead? Basic taxation rate equivalency, high Unionization, combo of private and public healthcare, paid higher education, low unemployment, great social safety net and pretty much supporting all of southern Europe. Do not come back with the typical RWNJ memo of “homogenous population, blah blah”…they are looking for immigrants to fill jobs, Turks, North Africans, etc. They are not the only country doing well AND taking care of their citizens.
@Five Iron…
Really,,, you seem to know a lot about Western Europe…. how many years did you live there???? We cant be speeking about the Same place,,,, When I was there,,, the Turks were “invading the place” (much like the mexicans here),, Their heathcare , aint all that , still have family there,,,And wow,,,, low unemployment,,, you must have been there in the 50’s, (or you lived your life on “K Strasse” in Frankfurt, where all the prostitutes are,,,buisness is… The tax rate is somewhere around 50%… how would you like to pay tax on owneing a dog, taxed for each television in your house, cant wash your car on Sundays, . The list of restrictions goes on and on and on .. Europe just LOVED Obama,,,, my wifes cousin called two weeks ago,,, SCREAMING,,,,”What the hell is Obama doing,,, All of Europe is “Pissed off at him.” word for word,,, They , like many republican are finally seeing the Real Socicialist in the flesh.. oh and dont get me going on “taking care of their people”. Suggest you stay away from those silly tourist companies….
Yes Mad, I am quite aware of what is going on in Germany, 5.3% unemployment vs 7.3 in the US. German Max Income tax rate for individuals: 15 to 42%, and of that 42% max, 15% (public health insurances (fixed rate by law), as well as a solidarity tax (depending on income) (This goes away by law when successful East/West German integration is finalized) and a 26% social security tax (retirement + unemployment) vs a US 10% to 39.6% (federal) + 0%-13% (state) + 0-3% (local). So what I see here is you could be paying 39.6% Fed + 13% State + 3% Local (55.6%) in the worst situation. For that 55.6%, we get to blow shit up remotely, while bridges collapse, kids and their parents go into debt to pay for college for most of their life and if you are lucky, you get health insurance. I travel the world quite a bit and I can tell you that the majority of the retirees on the planes to Asia, India, Australia, Japan are NOT Americans. I don’t see a lot of 1st worlder’s giving up their jobs to move to America anymore. The pay here sucks. You complain about a freaking TV tax/license but have no qualms with reducing the quality of life in this country. I’d gladly pay a TV tax to have a retirement that enables the rest of my countrymen the opportunity to live out their days with dignity. BTW, the GERMANS just elected their first Turkish immigrant and she won in an heavily native, non-Turk district. If the Euro’s hate Obama as you say, it’s more for his “right leaning” stance as in Europe and the rest of the non-crazy (Iran, North Korea, etc.) world, he is at most a right leaning centrist than a progressive.
No country can support a welfare state.
Rome couldn’t do it and no modern country can either.
Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek have it right.
And yet, they still do. Sweden, Norway, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, etc. What are your options then if Friedman and Hayek say they can’t? Friedman is one of the big pushers of shareholders uber alles, damn the employees, you know the ones who actually make capital from labor? Hayek is nothing more than a shill for privilege providing the original thought process of “trickle down” failed economics. Fend for yourself, dog eat dog, rather old people eat dog? Rome fell under its own imperial weight and useless expansion, not from giving bread (daily) to the Romans and their slaves. The failing of OUR society mirrors Rome (reality TV, NFL SB Spectacles, Kardashian, Teen Mom…all manna for the masses so they don’t see how they are getting screwed by the policies of Friedman and Hayek). Berlin, Stockholm, Oslo, Sydney, etc., are not Roman in any sense of the word (maybe some architectural copying though!)
Don’t forget about those Nazis that you seem to admire so much
Wow. Not sure how we went from German Unemployment to me liking the Nazi’s!?! Considering my family members are from parts of the world the Nazi’s would have liked to kill, I believe you are nothing but a troll. Back under your bridge and get a shave!
They are not true Republicans. They are a right wing fringe element. Just like the libs have there left wing nutjob fringe element.
Where were you when George W. Bush pushed the federal deficit from $4 trillion to $10 trillion and his Vice President said “deficits don’t matter?” And don’t tell me that W wasn’t a “true” Republican…there were two national Republican conventions that decided he was!
Under Bush’s 8 years the federal deficit rose $4.9 trillion.
And so far Obama’s deficit is what?
@Common Sense,,and the unemployment level,,,is what??? and Social Security Compensations rose howmuch???? Deficits ???? like obama has anything to do with that….HuH thats just a balance of what come in as to what goes out,,,Our nations “DEBT” is what its all about,,,, 46cents on the $ is borrowed… But good ol Obama admin “Ben (print more money) Bernakie , just keep throwing billions of dollars every month,,(degradeing the value of our currancy) Tax the “Uber rich” they can afford it,,,but the middle class cant..And thats where all the Obama care money is comming from,,,,WAKE UP!!!!!! the path of Spend Spend , and more Spending cant be sustained,,,As of 2017 Social Security Disability will BE BROKE!!!!!! when that happens all the Sick , Lame ,And Lazy (even the legits) will live off of what come in on a daily basis and split between the rest of social welfare plans Oh and I’ll bet you have an Obama phone too,,,,
Bush and company kept the cost of the dual wars off budget while they were being executed. The estimate for all the wars in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq are estimated to be 3.2 to 4 Trillion Dollars. And Dick Cheney estimated the cost for two years in Iraq would be about $100 Billion. He also did proclaim that deficits don’t matter… apparently as long as they are on his watch.
Silly me ,,,,That wasn’t Obama , who in 09, said raising the debt ceiling is “WRONG”???????Just another one sided dumbocrat.. Hold on ,,I’ll get your the GPS readings for Greece,,,,your just going to love it there…
Pass a budget, not a CR. then attempt to argue for more of your propaganda. Oh it was the democrats that passed a law that required a budget be passed in the first place.
Both houses passed a budget but the senate minority didn’t want to let it go through regular order and go to conference!
Congress and President – not about what’s right for the country – now all about sticking it to the other guy so whoever your pimp is will say great job honey. Dems stuck it to Reps by ramming through O-care without a single Rep and now is payback time. so now it’s Woo hoo time ! Cancer patients not getting clinical help? kids not getting food? big deal? I think instead of Dems/Reps “standing their ground” they ought to take a shovel, dig a hole, and get under the ground where they all belong. All these pious jack asses – if the debt ceiling goes over the cliff – then the dollar becomes even more worthless than what it already is and we won’t have time to be wasting on editoral garbage – we’ll be too busy taking our wheelbarrows of cash to market for a loaf of bread. Move over Spain, Greece, and Italy. Here comes Poor, very poor, Uncle Sam.
It is not Obamacare it is the Affordable Care Act passed by Congress the Senate and sign in to law by the President and ratified by the Supreme Court.
Word on the street is ACA is also known as Obamacare.
Obama calls his signature health care law Obamacare.
If Obamacare is okay with the President it’s okay with me.
And that’s the Word on the street!
ENOUGH!! The Supreme Court does not ratify anything The Supreme Court rule for or against an issue. Because of a semantics change the Court ruled that mandatory participation clause of Obamacare is a tax, and therefor constitutional. They have never ruled on the entire act and can not until someone is damaged by the law and brings suit. It is okay to be ignorant, but advisable to keep it to yourself so that no one else knows.
Arturro –
Word on the street is you are exactly right the Supreme Court only ruled that Obamacare penalties are constitutional as a tax.
Great catch Arturro!
You miss the point: It was not deemed unconstitutional.
Arturro didn’t miss anything. Arturro is right on point. While the court upheld the individual mandate as a tax, they also ruled that the states “did not” have to participate in the expanded medicaid provision of ACA as had been signed into law.
Do you know how to read Mike?
Oh yes, we all know that mediamatters is such an un opinionated trustworthy news source. For all of you idiots yammering on about the evil Koch brothers. George Sorros funded media matters is by far worse.
I guess none of you have read the bill. The bill clearly has rationing, and death panels.
Obamacare contains largely unreported text that allows the health secretary to limit any “alternative treatments” of the elderly, disabled or terminally ill if such treatments are not recommended by the new research institute.
Here is the text FROM THE LAW ITSELF
Reads that qualifier:
Paragraph (1) shall not be construed as preventing the Secretary from using evidence or findings from such comparative clinical effectiveness research in determining coverage, reimbursement, or incentive programs under title XVIII based upon a comparison of the difference in the effectiveness of alternative treatments in extending an individual’s life due to the individual’s age, disability, or terminal illness.
Paragraph (1) refers to the section that bars the health secretary from valuing the life of an elderly, disabled or terminally ill patient as lower than that of the younger or nondisabled patient. The qualifier leaves the health secretary with the power to use government-provided research data to determine whether “alternative treatments” are effective in extending the life of the elderly, disabled or terminally ill.
So stop believing everything you read on mediasmatters as fact and read the F*$kin Law for yourself.
Here is the text of the actual law. Stop being a lemming and read it.
“Do you know how to read Mike?”
Indeed I do. That’s why I know that the SCOTUS ruled the individual mandate a tax, thus constitutional, and that they also ruled that the states did not have to participate in the expansion of medicaid. Do you not agree that the SCOTUS ruled in such a way?
The supreme court does not “ratify” anything. You should know this, you were held back in 5th grade 4 times
I feel properly chastised by your reasoned and adult come back. Thanks for adding to this discussion.
I think it’s more commonly called Obamacare because he ought to own it, but I’m also aware on paper it was dubbed the “Affordable Care Act” which in and of itself is sort of amusing. Since it’s now proven to cost more, both in increased premiums and higher deductibles, plus according to the CBO will add another trillion or so to our debt it might be time for a name change – perhaps “The big pile of poo that costs a lot act”.
It was dubbed Obamacare by those who want the bill defeated and we know who they are and as for as the cost I think would should wait until it is fully implemented before we make that conclusion. I’ve seen reports on other suppose to be news channels other than fox that said that is affordable and people do like it. If ask would you prefer ACA over Obamacare some low inform vote would prefer ACA because they listen to right wing rhetoric.
Word on the street is you are a low information voter?
wow,,, someone isn’t watching the same new channels I watch,,,, 80% of the population dont know the differnce between Obama Care and the afordable healthcare act!!!>FACT…..Ignorance is Blissssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
It is a fact that a considerably higher percentage of republicans when described the program dislike it when it is called Obamacare but like it when called the ACA. This was actually a FOX new survey. 14% of republicans approved of Obamacare but 22% approved of the ACA. In their Democrat and Independent sample the difference was about 1%.
No it was dubbed Obama care because Obama himself called it that.
He adopted it because the dull among you were using it as a pejorative. Why not take credit for it and use it is a positive affirmation of your involvement, especially if it annoys the slack jawed doomsayers?
It is the law live with it.
The three fifths compromise was part of the Constitution for crying out loud, but that didn’t make it right!
“It’s the law” is a pretty weak argument when you’re talking about using violent force to make people “buy” something they don’t want to buy.
Do you feel the same way about the Second Militia Act?
I’m not a lawyer, thank God, but I think I do. It goes back to forcing folks to buy and do things that they might not want to do. I’m a freedom first kind of dude.
That said, I personally am all about the guns and ammo ( and managing my own health risks) . I just don’t want have others make *you* that do the same under threat of violence via the law.
Does the ACA threaten violence if you don’t get health insurance? No it simply administers a tax. Now we could accomplish the same thing if we gave those who had insurance a tax credit. BTW when someone does not have insurance you pay for it when they can’t afford to pay for it. This actually makes them pay into a plan that will cover those costs. A plan administered by a private insurance company not the govt. To say that making people buy things is unprecedented is actually false the Second Militia act did, the state requires you to purchase Auto Insurance to drive, although I will conceed you could chose to not drive just like you could choose to pay the tax. Even Kennesaw, GA requires each house to own a firearm!
I have no problem with strongly encouraging/forcing people to buy healthcare insurance.
I agree that people should be allowed the freedom to opt out.
But I also think those who opt-out should have the freedom to die in the emergency room lobby when their decision doesn’t work out for them.
Choose wisely.
Good point, Noble. In order to have individual freedom, one *must* personally accept the risk that goes with it.
Slavery was allowed under law, live with that. Woman not having the right to vote was law, live with that. Blacks being segregated was the law, live with that. Another retarded voter.
Word on the street ACA is a law so change it.
Word on the street is the President has made numerous changes to Obamacare.
First they came for our health care and nobody said or did anything. Next they came for our private phone, text and email and nobody did anything. Next they came for our self defense weapons and nobody did anything. “IT IS THE LAW, LIVE WITH IT.”
If Obamacare is so good for America why wasn’t Obama the first to sign up? Why is he and Congress exempt from it? On another note: “Its the Law of the Land”………how do the supporters of Obamacare claim this when Obamacare has been changed by Obama some 19 times outside of the legislative process? How do you cling to “Law of the Land” and then turn a blind eye to other laws on the books such as the states that have legalized marijuana in violation of federal law and the US justice department and Obama look the other way? Can one simply choose to purchase more than 10 round magazines in Maryland just because one does not like the law? How do these people justify picking only the laws they like? Hypocrisy at its finest!
So many straw man arguments in one post.
Wow Jack Rabbit your clever defense to the legit concerns of More Common Sense has really turned me around! It would be funny except for the fact that so many think the way you do, which is the reason our country is what it is today and our leadership is who it is these days.
Happy Happy Happy
I defend nothing and you don’t understand strawman.
technically they are not exempt from it. But, the wonderful leader Harry “the whisperer” Reid passed a law that gives them a 75% subsidy for it. Which is even worse.
The subsidy replaces the employer contribution that the staffers will lose because of the Grassly ammendment.
Don’t laws have to be passed by both houses of Congress and signed into law by the President to become actual law? Isn’t this issue one where the President has directed the OMB to provide a subsidy to certain categories of persons who are not otherwise entitled to a subsidy by the actual ACA law? In the words of several posters here, “It’s the law get over it” only means it”s law unless the President doesn’t want to enforce the law, and in many instances he does not want to enforce the law. Exactly where in the ACA law does it provide for the President, or anyone else for that matter, to singularly “change” the law?
Is federal employee benefit package legislated? No, this simply takes the money the employee used to get covered on their health insurance and redirects it.
Which is against the law. The ACA does not provide for that. That’s why the President made an exception for the Congress and other political appointees. If the ACA provided for and authorized a subsidy the President would not have had to made an exception to the law. Just another case of do as I say, not do as I do.
I will agree that the ACA law did have unintended consequences for congressional employees, but it is the law. If you don’t like the law then change it. In the meantime, comply with the law.
Where is it against the law for the OMB to offer a benefits package for employees. All they are doing is offering Legislative branch employees money to cover their private health insurance purchase. I guess we could take that away and than the poor secretary in the Speakers ofice could pay 4x’s as much for her health insurance! The lovely Congresswoman form NC who can’t afford to give up her paycheck can pay more for health insurance.
It is covered in the same provisions that everyone else is. If your employer does not offer you health insurance and you must go to the exchange to obtain insurance, or pay a tax if you don’t, you would be eligible for a subsidy depending on how much you earn. As a result of earnings, most congressional employees would not be eligible for a subsidy, and none would be eligible for a subsidy as large as the portion of insurance premium paid by their employer.
Granted, this is an unintended consequence of how the law was written, but, none the less, it is the law. I suppose the employer could increase the employee salary to compensate for the out of pocket expense, but in the case of government employees that would require a change in the classification laws to compensate for congressional government staffers, or the congress would have to pass a law to provide for a special allowance for certain categories of employees, like a variable housing allowance depending on where you are living. To date, that has not been done.
Yes but their employer offers the health insurance. They are not getting a subsidy based on qualification under the law. They are getting it in place of the employer contribution they used to get.
Their employer does not offer insurance to them. That is why they must go to the exchange. If the employer offers insurance to them they should take the insurance. Both you and I know that all congressional employees must go into the exchange under current ACA law.
Their employer does offer them insurance currently. Furthermore the law requires their employer to continue to offer insurance. The difference is that insurance must be bought on the exchanges. They are getting a subsidy to cover the employer contribution!
@Cdev –
You write “Furthermore the law requires their employer to continue to offer insurance.”
No employers do not have to offer insurance. Businesses can drop insurance for employees and pay the fine instead.
Also, the employer does not have to pay a fine if they have fewer than 50 employees, or have workers who work less than 30 hours per week.
I am sure congress has more than 50 employees
RU listening?
This from LaFerla’s website: “John’s entry into the world of politics came from meeting and supporting the late Paul Wellstone during his bid to become Senator from Minnesota some 20 years ago.”
For those that don’t remember Wellstone (who was killed in a plane crash) did eventually become a Senator from Minn. and was left of progressive, in fact the most liberal representative in the entire congress, and described as a socialist (communist) by his own followers. We ought to understand the small print when (if) the democrats start trying to scrub his (LaFerla’s) record.
And that’s a good thing to counter all the fascists that have been elected since
Because calling conservatives fascists makes you kind of foolish since fascism is a leftist ideology.
Yes, nationalizing private companies and services is what the Nationalist Socialist party did. IE NAZI Party. next time plastic pelosi goes on and talks about Nazi activity she need only look in the mirror. Bailing out car companies and having government ownership what?
It still sounds good calling you a Fascist. From Wikipedia: Although fascism is usually placed on the far right on the traditional left–right spectrum, fascists themselves and some commentators have argued that the description is inadequate
Left vs right in the US are actually reversed in Europe. Conservatives are considered Left wing. No more MSNBC talking points for you for at least 4 days sir.
Investigator Money Tree diligently on the job.
When she’s not actually doing what she is paid to do…..
Well….wasn’t Congressman Neugebauer not doing his job while he was yelling at a park ranger for actually doing their job? I mean shouldn’t he and the others Democrats and Republicans included been up at the Capitol working this out instead of making trips down to the WW2 memorial for photo ops? I am personally in favor of barrowing a page from the catholic church and putting them in a conclave. Habemus Bulga!
Yes, spending more money on security and fences to keep parks closed than if they had been open is a genius idea. Closing off parking lots to the privately owned Mt. Vernon estate is another great great way to shove it up the taxpayers ass.
Yes but the parking lots are owned in part by the NPS!!!!!
Well they are still spending more money closing them then had they been left alone.
A federal shutdown costs more money all around. A shutdown is not fiscally conservative!
Great, another democrat asshole (Dr. John LaFerla) trying to tell us what to do.
Yes, we certainly don’t want anymore Democrats shoving transvaginal ultrasound equipment up our wives, mothers and daughters private parts…..oh wait…..
Cool, per usual dagger press comments, the same people talking to each other with their multiple cloned usernames.
Someday there will be a different “username” registration here on the comment boards, and you will see a substantial decrease of comments.
Putter –
Very true, anonymity in posting is going away.
did I just clone you?
Yes Putter you are my father (think Darth Vader).