From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
Statement of Congressman Andy Harris on passage of legislation to fund the National Institutes of Health (H.J.Res. 73):
“During a temporary lapse in funding, the guidance for government operations is that activities protecting the safety of human lives should continue.
However, someone in the Executive Branch has decided that pediatric cancer patients seeking to enroll in research at the National Institutes of Health do not merit services necessary to protect the safety of human life. A facility to treat people with a common cold is left open but not services to treat children with cancer. Even lab rats at NIH continue to get service, but not children with cancer. As a physician I have seen many children with cancer, and as a parent I think all of us would agree this decision is not acceptable.
I thank my Democrat colleagues for bringing this problem to our attention. The legislation passed with bipartisan support by the House of Representatives today solves that problem. The bill protects children seeking to enroll in cancer programs at NIH by providing funding for NIH. While it does not fund every government program in every government agency, the President and the Senate already accepted a step by step approach when they accepted legislation to fund military paychecks during this lapse in funding. That bill was signed into law with bipartisan support and this bill should be supported by the Senate and the White House as well.”
Brad says
You are like the bank robber with hostages who says you will harm
One of them an hour if you don’t get what you want and then blame the authorities for the results of your action. The worst part is you lack the moral compass to lead and do the right thing
non-excepted says
Any negotiator would love to get a hostage released! The GOP offered to release several hostages. The dems said no!
Because says
We don’t negotiate with terrorists, foreign or domestic
Arturro Nasney says
I agree. Nancy, Harry and Barry are terrorists.
Dog, the Bounty Hunter says
Arturro Nasney, You never cease to amaze us, You’re full of S#@T as always.
B says
How can compromise not be reached with such reasonable people on the other side.
Shut it down and keep it shut down. Enjoy your vacation David.
ALEX R says
Which part of ‘passed with bi-partisan support’ do you not understand?
Cdev says
Well if the ACA cleared the Senate Finanace comittee with bi-partisan support. Snowe, Enzi, Grassley and Bennett gave input and voted for it out of comittee.
ALEX R says
I suppose you had Burbey for reading because the direct quote is:
“The legislation passed with bipartisan support by the House of Representatives today solves that problem.”
working dad says
Congress and President – not about what’s right for the country – now all about sticking it to the other guy so whoever your pimp is will say great job honey. Dems stuck it to Reps by ramming through O-care without a single Rep and now is payback time. so now it’s Woo hoo time ! Cancer patients not getting clinical help? kids not getting food? big deal? I think instead of Dems/Reps “standing their ground” they ought to take a shovel, dig a hole, and get under the ground where they all belong. All these pious jack asses – if the debt ceiling goes over the cliff – then the dollar becomes even more worthless than what it already is and we won’t have time to be wasting on editoral garbage – we’ll be too busy taking our wheelbarrows of cash to market for a loaf of bread. Move over Spain, Greece, and Italy. Here comes Poor, very poor, Uncle Sam.
W.T.F.? says
Lying Andy is at it again! Those of us in the know (and without our heads up our arses) fully understand that this government shutdown is entirely on the backs of the republicans in the House of Representatives (and more specifically, John Boehner for not bringing the CR to a vote!). Just let the entire House vote John and the “tea bagger” caucus won’t win!
“Boner” is a cry-baby wuss, who’s afraid that he may loose his “speakership” (and be “primaryed” in his next re-election effort) if he doesn’t kow-tow to the extremists in his own party. The re-bubba-cans have painted themselves into a corner again, and will be hurt as a result of this political shenanigan of holding the American people hostage, while they attempt to undermine a law that was passed (and proven constitutional) a few years ago!.
Hey “red state reps”, if you want to pass (or change) laws, do it the constitutional way… elections!
BillH says
Be proud of your achievement Andy, you have complete control to give those kids the medical care they need, yet you won’t. They should strip you not only from office but of your medical degree. You should be ashamed of yourself
non-excepted says
Reid has control of the senate. How does Harris have “complete” control over the NIH authorization?
BillH says
Send through a clean bill…. try to keep up.
Arturro Nasney says
Why should they comply with the Socio-Marxist demands?
Because says
Because they are our duly elected representatives and this is a democratic republic as much as you would prefer to bring out your hate and fear tactics.
Brianc says
Bills are NEVER clean. Remember they wouldn’t pass a line item veto bill, just because of that fact. Upon real consideration, we should actually like the fact that they are sending one thing up at a time; then not as much fat sneaks through…… Again, this makes too much common sense, so it won’t happen…
Word on the street says
Mr. Harris, what happen to those kids if the ACA is not funded?
non-excepted says
Same thing that happened to them last week. They receive treatment. The world will not stop because ACA is not funded or is delayed. Pelosi said she had to pass it to know what is in it. It appears they still don’t know what is in it. And they certainly are not ready to implement it.
Word on the street says
You are right the world will not stop, but for a lot of people that can’t get affordable care it would stop.
Common Sense says
Word on the street is you don’t have a clue about how these insurance programs offered through the exchanges work.
Word on the street is you are uninformed about the premiums and very high deductibles.
Word on the street is people thought ACA would provide free or nearly free health care.
Word on the street is that many supporters of Obamacare thought it would be like Medicaid for all.
Word on the street says
common sense see you are still drinking that tom marr and rush tea.
Common Sense says
Word on the street you are well informed listener of the positions of Tom Marr and Rush Limbaugh.
Word on the street is you should read the Wall Street Journal.
Arturro Nasney says
There you go again, showing your ignorance.
Stop the congressional paychecks and the shutdown will end very quickly. Make Congress shop on the health exchanges and Obama care will go away quickly. Vote EVERYONE of these obstructionist morons out of office and maybe, just maybe , we can get some semblance of sanity back in this country.If you think it’s bad now just wait until President Hillary and her VP O’Malley get in the White house.
No thanks to you Andy. This is a simple matter; the Affordable Care Act has been passed by both Houses of Congress and signed into law. The Supreme Court has ruled that it is constitutional. The matter is closed. However, you and the Greedy Obstructing Plutocrats/Tea Party of the 1% (BKA the Party of No) has put their ideological concerns before the American people or even logic. Now you have the nerve to place the blame on Democrats! Get off your partisan ass and work for your constituents for a change rather that the Koch brothers. You are a disgrace to your office.
Common Sense says
Proud to be liberal –
How many Republican votes did the ACA get.
Congress is doing it’s work and you don’t like that they have to the power to condition the Continuing Resolution.
The act passed both houses. Why is it so hard to realize this. There is no compromise, it is the law.
Common Sense says
Congress has the purse strings, it’s the law.
Cdev says
First Congress Funded it. Second Congress simply must pull out the checkbook the Senate and President must sign the check too. I am personally thinking that we should lock them all in a conclave. It would be the “Christian” thing to do!
Amazed. says
Since ACA came out of DC it is, in my opinion, invariably a bad idea which is doomed to failure on an epic Federal Government scale. I’m more concerned by the president’s behavior and the pass he’s getting. Big business leaders (read: rich people) came and whined about how much hardship they’d face without a delay. Apparently, out of the goodness of his heart and not because these big business leaders (read: rich people) will soon be heavy contributors to Big D re-election campaigns, he gave them a one year delay. Them. Not you or anyone else. For me, he just accepted a bribe. I find the zealots that still support this president in the face of such blatant unfairness just as disappointing as he is. As you say, “it’s the law”… only apparently not for everyone at just this moment and ideologues are willing to accept this cherry picking of who gets a pass without question. Until people accept that politician, republican or democrat, equals lying dirtbag, this crap will continue. Next step is increase the debt ceiling – the very thing that O said was unpatriotic during the campaign will be what he fights for now. Lying dirtbag. 17 trillion? Why not just make it one trillion kajillion? A$$holes every one of them. Someone said cut off Congress paychecks… Hah! what do multi-millionaires care about that chump change? Congress approval in the teens and most get re-elected. Idiots.
Common: This comment just shows how little you know about this law, and the irony around it, it is not dependent on Congress for funding; it actually is rolling out to help millions of uninsured Americans while the Greedy Obstructing Plutocrats/Tea Party of the 1% (BKA the Party of No) is destroying our hard won economy for an ideological and selfish party cause. As far as how many Republicans/ tea aprty votes the act get is immaterial as the majority wins in this country (as you people will discover in 2014 once we clean house of the rats.)
Common Sense says
Proud to be Liberal –
The President should accept one of the many compromises and re-open the government.
Because says
The Congress needs to work this out for themselves or did you fail to learn basic civics? You would like to see the President capitulate, I expect you may get some arousal out of that. He’s a separate branch of government and Congress is the one failing to do their job. I stand by what I said yesterday about you and your ilk. It’s not because of any other reason than your simple hatred for the smart black man that got elected twice.
Arturro Nasney says
“Smart black man” Sharp catch there because. I think he’s actually a black/white guy who is sharp with words but dumber than a sack of rocks when it comes to management. A leader would have gotten involved and worked to find a middle ground. His Marxist doctrine tells him to dig in and call the opponents names. You are just as bad with your smart black man comment. By insinuation you are saying that anyone who disagrees with him is racist. I disagree and disrespect him, but also degree and disrespect Joe Biden, Nancy Palosi, and Harry Reed. Two to one, I must just be in disagreement with their leftist ideology.
Because says
Parse as much as you like Arturo, you are part of the ignorant bottom feeders that make this place so enjoyable to live in. And you are a hateful little man any way you look at it and while I am sure you would like to draw out the “Racist” label, you are still angry that the smart black man got elected.
Arturro Nasney says
Perfect response from a true follower of Marx. Call names and belittle.
Common Sense says
Because are you race baiter?
Because says
Sorry you’re ignorant. Introspection would help you with that.
The reasons I despise the Greedy Obstructing Plutocrats/Tea Party of the 1% (BKA the Party of No): 1 On one hand they are continually whining about too much governmental control of our lives while on the other they pass the most intrusive laws possible. 2 On one hand they go to draconian lengths to protect zygotes but complain about children’s needs for health care and education and go to any length to deny these services. 3 On one hand they clamor for freedom OF religion but deny freedom FROM religion to all who are not in their exclusive little club. 4 On one hand they are all about profits on the backs of illegal aliens and give the businesses who hire them a pass but persecute these same aliens relentlessly. 5 On one hand they are all about people taking responsibility for themselves while enabling freeloaders on those who have healthcare insurance. Don’t they understand that those without healthcare are carried by us who do have it? 6 They have attacked women, the elderly, police, teachers unions, auto workers, postal workers, minorities, immigrants, the poor, the unemployed, Medicare and Social Security. 7 The only ones they have not attacked are Wall Street, big oil and coal, billionaires and the top 1%. 8 They are spreading their message of hate, racism, intolerance and incivility trying to activate their base and make sure they come out and vote while at the same time trying to suppress voting rights in many states. 9 They are mean spirited hypocrites. 10 And as Arturro has shown us, they are blind to everything but what they see on Fox.
Common Sense says
Because the President has stated he will not negotiate on the Continuing Resolution.
Because the President hasn’t negotiated on the Continuing Resolution.
I really think this is all about the Greedy Obstructing Plutocrats/Tea Party of the 1% (BKA the Party of No) trying to punish the American people for electing President Obama.
Cdev disgusted Because of Proud to be Liberal says
President Obama is persecuting the citizens of the United States.
Fascinating says
Who are Cdev disgusted Because of Proud to be Liberal ?
Jaguar Judy says
No, PTBL, Obama is punishing the people for electing him.
Because says
Nope. Just you and your kind Judy
Cdev disgusted Because of Proud to be Liberal says
because, what “kind” would Judy be?
ALEX R says
“Smart black man that got elected twice”? Not really. Not smart at all. A petulant toddler acting as a tool for every Lib/Dem whacko liberal cause out there. As a conservative my view is that B. Obama is the biggest disappointment as a president since Jimmy Carter. And I was hoping for a black president who would be a great president. Which Mr. Obama is decidedly not. His legacy will be ‘the first black president’ and nothing more.
Because says
Hate much Alex? Yes he is a smart black man and you are an angry man.
Because says
A few words on the Compromise proposed by the Teabaggers:
Arturro Nasney says
Up to now I had you figured for obtuse and misguided. Your use of the homosexual obscenity has reduced you to a far lower and despicable level. You had the gall to refer to me as a hateful person, shame on you.
Arturro you need to read up on your party’s history. Allow me to give you a history about their chosen symbol: On January 19, 2009, Graham Makohoniuk, a part-time trader and a member of Ticker Forum, posted a casual invitation on the forums to “Mail a tea bag to congress and to senate…The TEA BAG PARTY wrote: Please tell your friends and neighbors about the Tea Bag Protest Party. Today! This is a grass roots movement that relies on your participation for success…After you send your tea bag protest letter please register your protest here. This step is completely optional, but will help to ensure that your message is not ignored by Washington and the Media. For each individual tea bag protest that is registered here, we will also add another tea bag of our own to a large bundle of them that will be used for a public protest ceremony in the near future. was conceived by a small business person. Michelle Bachmann used a tea bag on March 11, 2011! You do know she is their poster child? As soon as they stop their racism and lies, I will stop referring to them by their own symbol. I make no apologies either!
Arturro Nasney says
PTBL, we have had this discussion before. The symbol of the “Tea Party” participants was and to a lesser degree still is the tea bag. The reference to the tea bag is, of course having to do with the Boston Tea Party. The first tea party and the current one is about excessive taxation. that said the name you are using is offensive in just about any circle, and you know it. By the way there is no party affiliation associated with this party. The word party refers to an event like in birthday not as in rep or dem Have and use all the derision and hatred you wish, just don’t resort to obscenities.
W.T.F.? says
Arturro, It’s not necessarily a “homosexual obscenity”. Any male with a scrotum sac (which DOES eliminate you) can participate in said activity that you were referring to (whether it be with another male, or a willing female!) 🙂
Arturro is a little too sensitive about the term “tea bagger” to describe his party. “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
Cdev disgusted Because of Proud to be Liberal says
Or it’s that you are a vile human being who is full of hatred, hypocrisy and, contempt for your fellow citizens.
Common Sense, There is nothing to compromise, it is the law of the land. It went through the regular process, was reviewed by the Supreme Court and it has ruled that it is constitutional. Get over yourself and accept it!
B says
Tyranny, pure and simple.
No B, it is called a DEMOCRACY.
B says
Actually it is called a republic.
Sic semper evello mortem tyrannis
Because says
Ooooh John Wilkes Booth again, how classy B
Cdev disgusted Because of Proud to be Liberal says
No brother SOTUS said the ACA tax was constitutional.
Bright Oak says
To be clear, trials won’t stop for people already enrolled. The NIH won’t be -starting- new trials until furloughs end. The NIH reported that about 10 children with cancer begin trials each week.
Lab rats will continue their service because they are part of an experiment, same as those undergoing the trials. To stop feeding them or administering drugs would ruins months or maybe years of reasearch.
noble says
Wait a minute… are you saying that a press release from Dr. Harris’ office (the PR monkey) contained incomplete or misleading information??????????????????????????????
I am shocked. And horrified. Unbelievable.
Next you’ll be telling me that he’s just adapting his press releases from party leadership talking points and has no real interest in educating or informing his constituents on the issues!
(Way to bring the facts Bright Oak, thank you)
Seriously? says
Andy Harris misses the irony that the government shutdown is because the GOP wants Obamacare overturned, care that could supply treatment costs for a lot more kids that can’t afford to enter the trials. He also misses the irony that CONGRESS decides what is “essential” and they didn’t find new kids in NIH trials to be essential.
Here Here says
So a few highly-privileged patients don’t get their experimental treatments until the long-suffering poor, who have lived without healthcare for years, finally get a chance for health care. Seems like a fair trade to me.
I don't want conservatives to threaten my family says
So “Obamacare” or Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as the real title is called is actually LAW. Republicans or at least the Tea Party controlling the Republicans is trying to reverse that law. That’s fine, just not in this forum. You can’t hold up the rest the government and budget and try to say you are “negotiating” when you are stopping the government to try to reverse something that was already voted on. All these Tea Party representatives should be impeached and hung from the nearest tree.
Brianc says
” hung from the nearest tree” Wow!!! that is so racist…
Brianc: ever hear of a metaphor in elementary school?
Brianc says
absolutely I know what a metaphor is, I even know what synonyms and similes are. However, If a person that leans more to the right says something like that–holy moly, all hell would break loose.
Because says
It’s probably not good for the tree… I suggest we simply drag them behind an M1A1 since the prefer technology that kills and destroys as opposed to technology that warns them about the impact we have on the planet or could lessen our dependence on fossil fuels – because after all they are replenished at the rate we consume them aren’t they? Of course if you believe all dinosaurs existed at the same time as Adam and Eve and they were vegetarians I suppose you will believe oil and coal just magically spring from the ground.
Putter says
Yep, when you lose an internet debate here, the general idea is just create another faux name and keep going.
Putter says
1 person commenting with 3 usernames. LOL
ALEX R says
Thanks, Andy. I like it shutdown just fine. Keep it shutdown until the dictator decides he will have a negotiation with the House. Until then just ignore the rest of the jerks on here like PTBL. If the Dem/Libs don’t like it then maybe too bad. That’s democracy at work.
Cdev disgusted Because of Proud to be Liberal says
Because says
He does not have to any more than the Supreme Court gets to weigh in on this issue. Congress alone has the authority to tax and spend or raise or reduce revenues. The executive branch is supposed to execute the laws of the land it does not raise or lower taxes. Basic history. Reality has a liberal bias Alex. Sorry it hurts you so.
Cdev disgusted Because of Proud to be Liberal says
President Obama is discovering he does not have supremacy.
Because says
This is true. The branches of government are supposed to be co-equal with no branch having dominance over any other. Was there something else you were trying to say by making this point?
Cdev disgusted Because of Proud to be Liberal says
Yes the branches do have dominance within their reserved rights. Supremacy does exist in the Supreme Court. Lawmaking is in the Congress. And veto power in the Presidency.
Because says
You really have a very limited understanding of their respective responsibilities.
Cdev disgusted Because of Proud to be Liberal says
Gee I don’t know did I get any of these separate powers wrong?
Because says
Your over-simplification reveals much about you
Brint says
Andy’s part of the problem: a minority within a minority. What part of “majority rule” does he not understand? Can’t the Republican party find a REAL Republican to run against him in the next primary?
Cdev disgusted Because of Proud to be Liberal says
What part of separation of powers of the branches of government are you missing?
ALEX R says
Okay, so we are in day 9 of the shutdown and the best these guys can do is refuse to fly a few family of deceased military to Dover to meet the caskets of their loved ones who have been killed in action? That will show us all. Take that you fools who volunteered for military duty and got killed. Your commander in chief really knows how to show his respect to your families.
Meanwhile the White House chef and staff continues to cook for and serve the first family and their retinue.
Because says
You and people like you voted for the asocial misfits that wanted to show how much they hated the government. You only have yourself to blame for this manifestation of your hate for your fellow Americans.
Cdev disgusted Because of Proud to be Liberal says
because –
The hater is you. You think government isn’t big enough, doesn’t tax enough and there are not enough government programs to redistribute wealth. Other people disagree with you and you have unmitigated vitriolic hate and contempt for them.
Because says
Hyperbole. You have no idea what I want. Keep imagining adversaries where you can if it helps your paranoia
Cdev disgusted Because of Proud to be Liberal says
because it’s pretty clear you are the hater I’ve described. I got it from your posts on the Dagger.
B says
There is a reason the symbol of the Democratic Party is a jackass.
ALEX R says
Because, So it’s my fault that the commander in chief decided not to fund bringing families of killed in action military to Dover to meet the caskets of their dead soldier? Meanwhile his planes and helicopters and those of all of senior military staff and cabinet secretaries continue to fly? I’m sorry but I can’t be responsible for your toddler president and his government when they throw a tantrum because they don’t get their way.
This is just an example of how petty Obama is and the extent to which he will go. He is their commander in chief and the fact is that he does not respect their sacrifice even one little bit. What the White House staff ate for free this week in the White House mess would have more than paid for it. I’m surprised he didn’t cancel the flight to Dover to bring the bodies home. The flights were probably coming anyway to replenish the White House kitchen and wine cellar with foie gras and grand cru Bordeaux.
Because says
Read the news Alex… I shouldn’t have to tell you that. once again you are bitching about the Smart Moderate Black Man that was elected President.
ALEX R says
The last place I look for facts is ‘the news’. Yes he is black and yes he is educated. But educated isn’t smart and he is an abject failure as a leader. And no he is not moderate unless you are comparing him to Karl Marx.
ALEX R says
I don’t get my facts from the news, Because.
Yes he is black. And yes he is educated. And in some areas he is smart. But smart doesn’t make a leader and he is no leader. His legacy will be the first black president and nothing else. He is an abject failure as a leader and as a President. And he he is no moderate unless your idea of liberal is Karl Marx. He is kinda like Jimmy Carter with black skin except Jimmy Carter had ethics and morals.
Jaguar Judy says
Sorry, Because, I think you are mis-remembering your history. Both Martin Luther King and Colin Powell are/were smart and black and moderate but neither was ever elected president. And JFK was white. I can’t think who you might be referring to. I guess you had Burbey for history.
Because says
That’s clear Alex. Extremely clear. And since you made a point of telling us where you don’t look for information, we can only begin to speculate where you do get it from.
B says
I find it interesting that in post after post, because talks about the skin color of the president instead of his politics, yet he calls everyone else racist.
Cdev disgusted Because of Proud to be Liberal says
I want a government funded retinue! Everyone should have one.