From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
[October 10, 2013, Bel Air, MD] — Harford County Sheriff’s detectives have charged John Joseph Wilson, 53, of 2903 Dunbrin Road Dundalk, Maryland, with multiple counts of robbery, 1st and 2nd degree assault, theft, and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony for his role in committing six bank and US Post Office robberies investigated by the Sheriff’s Office and Postal authorities.
Sheriff’s detectives, the Maryland State Police, the FBI and United States Postal Inspector’s Office had been working jointly sharing information and intelligence since the robberies began occurring in December 2012. As a result of the October 5, 2013 robbery of the US Post Office in Benson, Maryland, detectives with the Maryland State Police developed information and identified a suspect in their case. They shared that information with Sheriff’s detectives who connected Wilson to six cases they were investigating one of those dating back to 2010.
Wilson was charged in the following cases:
September 30, 2010 – Madison Square Federal Savings Bank, 2209 Bel Air Road, Fallston, Maryland
December 10, 2012 – Madison Square Federal Savings Bank, 2209 Bel Air Road, Fallston, Maryland
December 12, 2012 – USPO 108 Connolly Road, Benson, Maryland
December 17, 2012 – Sovereign Bank, 1816 Emmorton Road, Bel Air Maryland
April 27, 2013 – Sovereign Bank, 1816 Emmorton Road, Bel Air Maryland
April 27, 2013 – USPO 108 Connolly Road, Benson Maryland
Wilson was taken before a Harford County District Court Commissioner on October 10th and is currently incarcerated in the Harford County Detention without bond. The Maryland State Police have also filed charges in their cases.
From the Maryland State Police:
(PIKESVILLE, MD) – Colonel Marcus L. Brown, Superintendent of the Maryland State Police, was joined today by Frank Schissler, U.S. Postal Inspector/Public Information Officer for the Washington Division, and Major Douglas Verzi, Commander of the Investigative Services Bureau for the Harford County Sheriff’s Office to announce the arrest of a Baltimore County man suspected of committing several armed robberies in both Baltimore and Harford Counties.
The accused is identified as John J. Wilson, 53, of the 2900-block of Dunbrin Road in Dundalk, Maryland. He is charged on several counts to include armed robbery, first and second degree assault, use of a firearm in the commission of a felony and attempted murder. Wilson is currently being held at the Harford County Detention Center without bond.
After a multi-jurisdictional investigation, Maryland State Police arrested a Baltimore County man last night, suspected of committing several robberies in both Baltimore and Harford counties over the past three years. Robberies targeted a Baltimore County grocery store, a U.S. Post Office and several banks in Harford County.
On October 9, 2013 investigators from the Maryland State Apprehension Team arrested Wilson without incident at his Baltimore County residence after a cross-jurisdictional investigation. Wilson is believed to be connected to at least fourteen burglaries. All of these burglaries took place within the last three years, dating back to July 2010.
The Maryland State Police, the United States Postal Inspector’s Office, and the Harford County Sheriff’s Office continue the investigation. Further charges are pending.
String em up!
Another career criminal continually released back into society by the judicial system.
Glad they got him!! (Great job!) Glad no one got seriously hurt till they did..Now I will be MOST glad when he is NOT housed in Harford County anymore…and can move to his new home in Jessup, MD !~
And may his asshole forever stretch in prison!
needless to say ,I d love to see Incredible be his cellie.I can guarantee you who would be stretched.have you people ever heard of innocent until proven guilty.just because the popo lock someone up does nt mean they have the right person……..
iNCREDIBLE2….the fine upstandingcitizen fired a shot at a bystander who was trying to chase him. Maybe you should run for congress and think everyone doesn’t need health insurance and the average government employee doesn’t need a paycheck. I for one would say……make sure to be nice to your cellie. LOL
I wish I was your cellie. I would give you a night like you wouldn’t imagine.
Your use of the term “innocent until proven guilty” is rather loose. In the USA, a person has the presumption of innocence only in a court of law. If one commits a crime and gets away with it, it doesn’t mean he is innocent. He may have been found not guilty, but in such a case obviously he isn’t innocent.
well done police work, community like Benson is one of our last vestiges of rural Harford county…the fact this fellow is likely not a ‘bad man’…maybe, maybe not…
the crime has been solved.
Your last vestige of rural has a super walmart smack dab it the middle of it. Don’t tell Money Tree or Gary…
If you read the news correctly, You would see this is a case solved by the Maryland State Police. They solved cases the Harford County Sherriff’s Office cases which were over three years old. I say congrats to the Maryland State Police for their fine investigation and their tireless effort in making both Harford County and Maryland a safer place for all. Just my $0.02.
And the State Police barracks is only about 200 yards from the post office that was robbed 3 times.
If the Emergency Operation Control Center which is run by Harford County Sheriffs Office would share information simultaneously instead of have a five minute delay between dispatching and then another ten to share information with Maryland State Police there would have been a higher probability of the suspect being apprehended during the first offense.
Actually Hatco Citizen, the Emergency Operation Center is NOT a part of the Sheriffs Office at all and the Sheriff has no control over it. It falls under the County Government and as such is controlled by the County Executive. They do answer 911 calls and dispatch them to Sheriffs deputies, but that is all.
Kudos to MSP, but I’m pretty sure the Feds had a major role in solving this, too.
And a “big” thanks to the eye witness. I think he or she should get crime stopper dollars!$
The vermin should be locked up forever in a pit in the ground. Of course in MD a life sentence w/o parole means he’ll probably be out in a few years, At least he’ll be trained in the use of the free tablet Doug Gansler wants to give him.
I can understand robbing a bank, but who robs a post office? What’s he going to steal, somebody else’s bills? Please take mine!
You ever heard of “Money Order’s”?
And people have stamps on lay a way hon…..
This guy is my hero!!…I’m just sorry he didnt waste a couple of you on the way up… lets hear from a couple more harford co pigs and assholes…lol, ooppps, sorry, i shit myself laughing so hard.