From Del. Kathy Szeliga:
The House Republican Caucus issued a letter to Lt. Governor Anthony Brown commending his call for a full investigation into the ongoing problems with the Maryland Health Exchange during his interview with WBAL reporter Jayne Miller on December 10th.
“The members of the Maryland House of Delegates Republican Caucus are deeply concerned about the status of the health exchange, especially considering so many Marylanders are receiving cancellation notices from their insurance companies due to Obamacare. We are requesting that a full forensic audit of the exchange take place so that policy-makers and the public can better understand the failures of the roll-out including cost to taxpayers, implementation status, and the steps needed to fix Maryland Health Exchange. We appreciate his (Lt. Gov. Brown’s) candor earlier this week in accepting responsibility for the problems related to the roll out of Maryland’s Health Exchange and urge him to lead on this issue,” commented House Minority Leader, Nicholaus Kipke.
The Caucus seeks a thorough investigation and forensic audit of the entire program in order to discover where, when, and how things went wrong; with the ultimate goal of providing a better system for the citizens of Maryland. The investigation would include the examination of the state officials and contractors responsible for the roll-out of the program.
“With fast approaching deadlines for citizens to sign-up for health insurance in the Exchange, time is of the essence,” said House Minority Whip, Kathy Szeliga. “There are so many unanswered questions about the MD Health Exchange and the cost of this program is only increasing. Some of our members have attempted to get answers to important questions without satisfactory answers. It is time for a thorough investigation.”
I Want to Hear from YOU!
I would like to hear from you!
Have you signed up for the Md Health Exchange?
Have you been canceled by your insurance?
We are looking for the real-life stories behind this massive government take-over of health care.
Tom Myers says
I find it amusing how Delegate Szeliga failed to mention that she is a member of ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council), which has been working with the Koch Brothers to undermine state legislatures in their efforts to make sure that health reform works for the people who really need it.
The fact that she is a member of an organization that wants to see health reform fail and then publicly complains that certain components of enrollment aren’t working (thanks to the efforts of ALEC) is a reason which I (as a resident of the newly redistricted 7th District) will be encouraging my fellow District 7 residents to voter her out of office. We need legislators who will move Maryland in the right direction. We don’t need legislators who answer to two billionaires who never worked for their fortune, but inherited it.
Give it up says
Really Tom, give it up. The fucking website as of yesterday was still down, Its not secure, its a joke. Stop deflecting from this issue. You are the epitome of what is wrong with todays society. You REFUSE to ever admit that anyone on your narrow minded side of the world could or would do anything wrong. Omalley could come into your front yard and shoot your dog. In your dream world you would somehow blame the Koch brothers for making the gun. You truly are pathetic.
ALEX R says
Tom, Maybe you could get Wendy Rosen to run against her.
Keesha Jackson says
The system is screwed up, the web site doesn’t work and it’s about as secure as shopping at Target. The only person that doesn’t want to know who is to blame and why is Tom Myers. Why is that? I think it is because Tom already knows why and who but wants to change the subject. Tom, the Lib/Dems have royally screwed us and you want us to like that? You poor dumb white slob. The poor blacks and other minorities have had enough of you and your ilk.
Tom Myers says
Wow. Either Szeliga’s minions or some brainwashed Kool-Aid drinkers from some tea bagger group made my comment unavailable due to an alleged “low comment rating.” So, in the interest of protecting the First Amendment, here I go again …
Kathy Szeliga is a member of ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council). They are a conservative group that is working with the Koch Brothers to talk to convince state legislatures to do everything that they can do ensure that the Patient Protection and the Affordable Care Act does not get implemented as well as it should. As a result, those who really need and want affordable health insurance are not being given to it. And Szeliga, an elected official, is shamelessly celebrating the fact that the Maryland Exchange is not working for some.
Hence my new slogan: Anybody But Szeliga in 2014! It will catch on.
I can and will do this all day.
Cdev disgusted Because of Proud to be Liberal says
Myers you are a shameful and awful human being. You can’t get your point across so you use vile sex terms in your name calling in an effort to silence people with whom you disagree.
Tom Myers says
Nice to see I have yet to be disproved about my post.
B says
What exactly do you want disproved? I say bravo to her. Alec is for limited government, free market and stronger state government.
And why shouldn’t she fight against Obamacare when no one on the right wanted it in the first place?
Pointing out your incompetence is not celebrating. No conservative is celebrating the existence of this bill that was passed with lies and deception, which you continue in your posts above.
This bill has done nothing but damage to the economy and those searching for full time employment, not to mention the millions kicked off their current health insurance and many millions more about to be kicked.
A year from now, I hope that everyone around here remembers that just like Obama, Tom Myers is responsible for the coming chaos,
Liliana says
To all those who complain about the Health Care Act…Well hey, I don’t want car insurance either, but the government says I have to have it for my own well being and for the safety of others. AND more importantly, I don’t want to pay any more into “Social” Security either, but I have to, for my own well being and the well being of others. So, for those of you who are so against govt programs like Health Care, I dare you not to take your Social Security and have it done away with as well.
Arturro Nasney says
WEAK ANSWER Liliana! You don’t have to have a car. You can live and work off the grid if Social Security bothers you. I would really not have wanted to participate in the communist ponzi scheme either. This act is not affordable and no one in office cares two hoots in hell about me or anyone else who has to fund this boondoggle.
Cdev disgusted Because of Proud to be Liberal says
Myers you have proved yourself to be vile and disgusting in your use of sex act terminology to marginalize people you disagree with.
Cdev says
To be honest. While I disagree with her on a great number of things I have found she has attempted to be responsive to her constituents, even the ones she disagrees with. This is in stark contrast to McDonough who is running again despite his initial self imposed term limit or Impallaria who is all about himself. So given the three I would like to keep her!
Because says
Multiple thumbs down from people who have access to multiple wireless sites they can go to and add their votes multiple times. Yes Alex, Wendy Rosen taught you well. You want attention? Say something thought provoking and watch cockroaches come out from the walls. Bottom feeders, parasites. Nothing is more entertaining than sharing a planet with people that hate others for what they believe and who they want to help. Entitled Conservatives are the Koch Brothers personal wet dream
Arturro Nasney says
you imply that there is anyone on here who even cares enough to have multiple sites in order to respond to your inane ramblings. You are so hung up on the Koch brothers. What do you have to say about George Sorros? How about the corporate donations to the democrats? There is enough graft and dihonesty for both parties to share equally in the blame for the current mess. The latest call for the depths of the sewer is “we have nothing to offer but fear itself”