From Friends of Harford:
A Development Advisory Committee (DAC) Meeting has been scheduled for the following nine (wow!) projects:
– DUBLIN DOLLAR GENERAL: Located on north side of Conowingo Rd (Route 1); west of Whiteford Rd (Route 136). Tax Map 27; Parcels 29 & p/o 539. Fifth Election District. Council District D. Construct 9,100 sf Retail Bldg.; 1.43 acres; B3.
– AINSLEY FOREST: Located north side of Bynum Hills Rd; at the end of 12 Stones Road. Tax Map 57; Parcels 224 & 267. First Election District. Council District F. Create 16 residential lots; 168.655 acres; AG.
– REDLEIF RUN: Located on the west side of Calvary Rd (Route 136); east side of South Fountain Green Rd (Route 543). Tax Map 50; Parcels 83 & 59. First Election District. Council District F. Create 27 residential lots; 255.74 acres; AG.
– EVERGREEN WOODS APARTMENTS: Located on the west side of Vietnam Vets Memorial Highway (Route 24); south side of Tollgate Road. Tax Map 56; Parcel 591; Lots 1 & 2. First Election District. Council District B. Create 198 garden style apartments; 17.54 acres; R3/R4.
– HARFORD HILL FARM: Located at the end of Engle Road; west of Pocock Road. Tax Map 38; Parcel 22. Fourth Election District. Council District B. Create 12 single family lots; 246.60 acres; AG.
– APPLE TREE ORCHARD: Located on the west side of Tollgate Road; south of Winter View Drive. Tax Map56; Parcel 22. Third Election District. Council District C. Create 31 townhouse lots & 1 sfd lot; 24.180; R2.
– SUSQUEHANNA MEADOWS PHASE 2: Located on the north side of Webster Lapidum Road, on the east and west sides of Cooley Mill Road. Tax Map 37; Parcel 42. Second Election District. Council District D. Create 30 residential lots; 175.22 acres; AG.
– RIVERWOODS @ TOLLGATE CONSTANT FRIENDSHIP BUSINESS PARK LOT 3: Located at the end of Arundel Court. Tax Map 61; Parcel 103; Lot 3. First Election District. Council District B. Construct 61,200 units; 79 unit Housing for the Elderly & 84 garden apts w/community bldg.
– WHITEFORD LAND ASSOCIATES LLC LOT 7: Located on the north side of Slate Ridge Road; west of Ridge Road. Tax Map 5; Parcel 72. Fifth Election District. Council District D. Create one residential lot; 157.102 acres; AG.
Date/Time: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 at 9:00 am
Location: Second floor conference room, County Office Bldg, 220 S. Main Street, Bel Air
The DAC meeting announcement with links to the proposed site plans is available at .
The public is invited to attend, ask questions and voice any concerns.
County government has a description of the DAC process at
Do you want to know where this fits into the development process? Read A Citizen’s Guide to the Harford County Property Development Process by Friends of Harford.
The Money Tree says
Get while the gettins’ good. Over 1000 acres being developed here alone; and this in a county that was supposed to have a slowing growth rate over the next decade. Gotta get that permit in hand before Craig and his cronies leave. Filthy Craig.
disgusted says
probably a bunch of illegal 4 story condos……..
Steve Jacobs says
Money Tree, this is the way of the world. As generations grow up they move to the burbs. And as the more people migrate the population grows.
The more schools there are, the more houses they can build, when there are too many students, they build more schools. The population grows and grows. As the flood of people moved to Harford County from Essex, Rosedale, Parkville and other beltway neighborhoods the terrain has dramatically changed. Zoning changes, and before you know it….you’re basically living in Rosedale again.
But you’re living the dream!
Lee says
The flood of people moving from Baltimore City/County to Harford County is long over. BRAC movement is essentially complete and cannot justify further housing development. Speaking of schools, we have a glut of empty seats at many schools in the county with student populations projected to gradually decline for several more years. Since no one seems to be moving here there seems little reason to build new housing that would accommodate couples of child bearing age other than to create business opportunities for certain developers at the expense of county taxpayers. Demographic projections do show an aging population which could justify some new construction to suit the needs of this group; however, this would also free up existing housing units as a result of downsizing which would further undermine the need for new construction.
noble says
Riverwoods at Constant Friendship. I’m surprised this hasn’t gotten more attention. Sticking a couple hundred apartments behind Target seems like a good idea? To anyone?? The elderly in particular, is the DAC honestly going to say with a straight face that emergency response time inside Constant Friendship center is acceptable?
Seems to me nobody in their right mind would *choose* to live in those apartments, which tells me there will be a couple hundred rent-subsidized apartments in there, but the developer hasn’t said a word about it have they?
They sure didn’t have a lot to say about anything at their community input meeting.
Look I don’t have a problem with apartments, every community has to have them, and I don’t even have a problem with affordable/low income housing when it’s used properly. What I have problems with are ridiculous locations for such plans, and companies that aren’t forthcoming with information the public would like to know. What’s the point of having a community input meeting if they can’t answer your questions? Check off a box right?
Please if anyone can go to the DAC next week, ask about these issues.
The Money Tree says
Nearly 400 new housing units here and of course that’s not to mention the perhaps hundreds already on the books and not sold as yet, perhaps not yet even built (Red Pump townhouses for instance). In addition we have over 2400 properties in the pipeline according to…those properties a cross-section of just about anything a person could want from an 11K postage sized lot to a 5M mansion in Fallston. What is the point here? The law of supply and demand is scarcity = high prices, and glut = far less value. We have a problem with jobs and young people not employed or underemployed, we have no real evidence Brac will ever be what county leaders expected. There is no evidence we need all this. A healthy economy exists where the demand is organic – driven by real characteristics in the marketplace. Just building a bunch of stuff; swamping the county with empty real estate only brings down the value of already existing housing. Since none of the Beechtree properties return county taxes to the budget (thanks to the unholy alliance between filthy Craig and his crony), we had better not be thinking any of this needs to be subsidizes with taxpayer money or waivers like those given to Clark Turner for Beechtree; and I especially single out Eva Mar.
disgusted says
Yea they are building houses that no one will buy so they go out of business. That’s how capitalism works isn’t it moneytree…..
The Money Tree says
You don’t think it’s a bit odd to have a rush of building permits, a history of bending the rules and fronting money to developers, and this glut of housing units. It would make sense if the trajectory for population increases justified it, but no snarky comments you might make changes simple supply and demand. We’re already on the hook for Beechtree, with no return on investment for years because we basically waived putting real estate taxes into the general fund for Turner’s benefit…sure wouldn’t seem necessary or wise to march down that same road with Eva Mar.
disgusted says
There is no glut of housing units.
Do you really live in Harford county? You are so out of touch with what is going on I can’t believe you actually live here.
The Money Tree says
Your homework assignment is to go to and count to 2400. The rest you can easily find since you seem to have easy access to the county development records.
Common Sense says
Beechtree TIF was a bad investment.
Supply and demand is not anything that Harford County officials have any business determining or managing.
The market will sort out oversupply and undersupply.
Government manages and administers the zoning process and permitting.
noble says
Have you seen how the market sorts out under and over supply of things? Or how the market forces shape the outcome of a development 5 or 10 years down the line? You can’t leave everything up to the market.
Government is absolutely responsible for those things, it’s their job to sort that out as best they can during the zoning process, and to tweak it during permitting.
Anyone who can’t see the insanity of putting residential behind the Target in Abingdon is drinking the kool aid. As I said, nobody will *want* to live there. Even if some do when it opens, a few years later, people won’t, and when they can’t fill the rental units, the prices will come down, or the property will deteriorate, and there you go. A mess.
The really outrageous thing is that people in government do see this, but the right political connections means someone gets their way regardless.
Somebody walks away with the money, and the people in the area get the problems.
disgusted says
Christ you can’t even read the for sale ads can you? Gee I see where Gemcraft homes has 7 different listings all with different houses for the same lot. Does your employer get special tax credits for hiring you money tree?
LOL says
Hey, people are free to buy and live where they want.
If I was the slightest bit interested in a big house, big congested neighborhood the first thing I would see is wha kind of heating the home has, heat pump only, I’m leaving quicker than someone running to the toilet with diarrhea.
I swear heat pumps only in this area has to be best trolling ever, because when that $500 electric bill comes in at the end of February, who’s laughing now?
Old days says
What happened to everyone more interested buying land and building a home themselves? Hey, at least you know what corners you are going to cut with your own building budget.