From John Ryan for Sheriff:
John Ryan is pleased to announce that he filed with the Harford County Board of Elections as a Republican Candidate for Sheriff on January 10, 2014. He is currently the only candidate to file for that office according to election officials. John is looking to affect changes in the Harford County Sheriff’s Office including lower crime and reducing wasteful spending through sound policing, true leadership and restoring of honor. John is a life long Harford County Resident, Husband , Father of 2, Harford County Small Business Owner, and has spent 24 years in law enforcement; including 22 years with the Harford County Sheriffs Office where he currently serves the Northern Precinct with the Patrol Division. For more information on John’s plans for change please visit or his Facebook page John Ryan for Sheriff.
Thank you John Ryan for Sheriff.
“Reduce wasteful spending and restoring honor.” Sounds like this guy has no respect whatsoever for His boss. How about some examples of the wasteful spending going on and where your boss has shown a lack of honor?
-Creating a major’s position for a friend where one had never existed, boosting his salary to the tune of $109,000 per year
-Creating an “Executive Majors” position for a friend who whined and cried when a Captain was promoted to his equal rank and was making more than him based on time on the job and not time in rank. Extra money for him
-Creating a “Precinct LT” spot for a member who completely destroyed a shift and couldn’t handle life as a shift commander. More money
-Does every unit/commander need a secretary?
-Why does the Sheriff need a secretary when there is a DFC assigned to the command team as a food runner/email sender?
-Why is he paying for a pay study when one was just completed within the last 10 years, that still hasn’t been funded, and this new one was commissioned without any union input to the tune of towards $100,000
-Why is he spending (initially) hundreds of thousands of dollars for a for-profit company to come in and “certify” the department, and then obligating the department to pay tens if not hundreds of thousands of taxpayers dollars every year to maintain a worthless certification?
-Why do background investigators have take-home cars?
-Why do the only two non-contractual deputies assigned to circuit court have take-home cars when they drive to the court house and home each day. Waste of a car.
-Why does all of warrants (headed by a friend of his) all need SUV’s?
Want more examples???
The announcement written above is proof that filing for the position does not require good writing skills.
Now that I have had my morning laugh I can get back to work.
Where is Marc?
He’s putting up campaign signs.
Congratulations John good luck! ANYONE BUT BAINE!!!!!!!!!
I suspect Ryan is no more than a plant by Bane in the republican race and many others have the same suspicion. Rumor is he has never even tested to be a supervisor and now he wants everyone to put him in one of the most important jobs in the county? If not a Bane puppet, then he is just delusional.
Well it’s Known Democrat’s spend money’ Freely. it take’s a republican to tighten it up. & then along comes true blue spilling the Bean’s.
Unless you want an elective war and money is not a problem as long as you can feed the war machine and the contractors it supports. Good old Republicans… always good for a laugh.
While I agree that Bane needs to go and I’m not exactly sold on Gahler, I don’t think someone who’s spent a career in law enforcement and never been directly responsible for anything more than whatever sector a supervisor assigned him to that day should be running an entire police agency.
Hell, one of the big issues that people had with Meckley 4 years ago was that he was “just” a patrol lieutenant. I think Meckley would’ve done just fine as sheriff and he was certainly far more qualified for the position than John Ryan.
It appears that everyone running meets your description, but only Gahler and Bane had the energy to aspire to make something of themselves. Bane as had his time and has run the place into the ground.
Well we have Bane for Sheriff and he never wrote citations or made arrests. Probably the most unqualified person to hold office in recent memory. He avoided Edgewood as a deputy and when he ran for Sheriff he misrepresented his qualifications and education. The citizens don’t seem to care who their Sheriff is as long as he smiles and tells them what they want to hear. If people took this seriously they wouldn’t be making silly comments here and they certainly would not be backing the current Sheriff. He has wasted too much taxpayer money these past years.
I’ve been reading all the posts and would like to offer the following comments about your choices for Sheriff. On one side you have Bane, a nice guy but a lousy leader. He appoints a Major over numerous more qualified people because he thinks he is being politically correct. She has ruined the morale and has embarrassed the agency in the eyes of the public and allied agencies. Bane has been told repeatedly about the damage she has caused to his administration but appears to be afraid to deal with her. His failing to control her will cost Bane the election. ….On the other hand you have Gahler a retired State Trooper. Originally most of the Law Enforcement community were excited about his running because his administration was going to include his long time friend and extremely qualified police officer Chuck Moore as the number two. Gahler however came under the influential spell of former HCSO Col. Howard Walter, Walter directed Gahler to no longer consider Moore for the number two position. Walter directed Gahler to leave the number two position open for his wife Theresa Walter who currently is police chief in Hdg. Gahler has shown that he is a weak leader who can easily be manipulated. The HCSO does not need a puppet leader with the Walter’s controlling the strings. Gahler was deceptive to the Sheriff’s Union when asked about the Walter’s, The people in the Sheriff’s Office need to be able to trust their leader. Maybe the citizens of the county should look hard at John Ryan. He would not make decisions based on political correctness and he certainly is not anyone’s puppet. I hope people read this post and think hard about this election. I strongly urge people to contact any member of the law enforcement community in this county to verify that these are legitimate concerns,
I followed the race very closely last round and one thing is sure, Gahler said all along that he would not put a trooper in the number 2 spot from day one of his campaign and never backed off that even though most of us did not want Walter or whoever he was looking at. Nice sad story to promote the laughing stock of the office. If the citizens consider Ryan, it will be to DJ or steam a crab.
Moon Dog,
Today I took your advice and spoke with five members of the HCSO regarding their concerns. Specifically, the allegations you make in your comments. All five stated that the Sheriff made a mistake when he appointed an unqualified Lt. to the grade of Major and placed her in change of police operations. All acknowledged that Bane did so for political reasons.
With regard to your comment about Gahler being directed by retired Col. Walter to give his wife the position of Chief Deputy, none agreed that they believed this to be accurate. Three of the five stated that it was their understanding Mr Gahler had been on record as stating from the start of his campaign, that he would not appoint another person from the State Police as his Chief Deputy. The other two Deputies said that they did not know one way or the other, and all stated that during the last election many Deputies in fact had a distrust for anyone who was affiliated in any way with retired Col. Walter. All stated they had changed their opinion of this affiliation and no longer believed that Mr. Gahler intended to involve Walter in any capacity in the HCSO if Gahler is elected.
None of the five Deputies considered DFC Ryan a viable candidate for the position of Sheriff. In fact four Deputies found his candidacy laughable and one just smiled and said Ryan is not a serious candidate.
Mr. Welsh,
How relaible is this statement?
“All stated they had changed their opinion of this affiliation and no longer believed that Mr. Gahler intended to involve Walter in any capacity in the HCSO if Gahler is elected.”
Mr. Gahler wrote a letter to all of the members of the union addressing many issues to include the colonel. He has made it very clear that he will not have any role at the office after the election. As much as he has torn up the current sheriff on not being honest, I don’t think he would write it and then do otherwise. Most of us believe that the colonel is not an issue.
“How relaible (sic) is this statement?”
I suppose only as reliable as a Deputy. If you are wondering if I grilled them on this issue the answer is no, I didn’t. I took them at their word.
I have no idea what union you belong to or speaking about, but almost evry one of us who’s been there when the past col was there, knows him coming back to screw us up again IS an issue. You must be one of his few buddies left around… BTW No fan of the way this sheriff is doing things, not sure on mr. Gahler yet…..
Mr Welsh,
The former Col has been present at many of the activities for Mr Gahler, such as fund raisers and other appearances?????
I’m sure that Mr. Walter supports the Gahler campaign, as do many others. I assume that the Deputies I spoke with feel confident that Mr. Gahler is telling them the truth.
Mr Welsh,
I certainly hope that he would trustworthy. Apparently by his success in MSP, he is just that…. honest….can he run an entire dept? Good and logical question
Know the Truth,
“can he run an entire dept?”
I’m guessing that his abilities to command divisions within the State Police is an indicator of his overall abilities, but the Deputies should decide if they want to help effect change in leadership at the HCSO, or just continue down the path that has been around for the past seven years. Sheriff Bane is the only viable Democrat candidate at this point in time, so to effect change the Deputies will need to support someone other than the Democrat candidate. If the Deputies are extremely uncomfortable with Mr. Gahler, or don’t see DFC Ryan as a viable candidate, they should make an attempt to recruit another candidate they find more qualified and acceptable to them. Otherwise, it would appear you will have four more years of the same… or worse.
Mike, I am neither a Bane nor a Gahler guy. I am just pro-deputy and I want to the truth to be told. You failed to prove anything by your inquiy with the 5 police officers. You state that Mr Gahler was never going to place a trooper in to the number 2 position. Maybe you should contact and talk to Cpt. Chuck Moore from the Maryland State Police about that. He might tell you something different. Ask Mr. Gahler about his responses to the simple question “Is Theresa Walter going to be your number 2 or in any way be involved in your upper command?” Everytime he responds by saying “I am telling you Howard Walter is not going to be in my administration”. Why can’t he answer this question succinctly yes or no? Mike, why can’t the officers of the HCSO have this information?
It appears to support Moon Dog’s concerns that Mr. Gahler might be a puppet for the Walters. If he wants to give her that position then say it. It is a simple yes or no answer. Why can’t he answer this question? How can members of the HCSO count on Mr. Gahler to “have their back” especially if they are not Walter supporters? Many people in the agency have not forgotten the way it was under that reign of terror. Mr. Gahler needs to dispell the growing concern that he is a puppet for the Walters and develop a reputation as a competent leader for a great police agency. The HCSO does not need a Pinocchio at the helm with Howard “Geppetto” Walter pulling the strings. All Mr. Gahler has to do is honestly answer this one question so the voters and police of this county will know the truth. If Mr. Gahler gets elected he can place who ever he wants in to whatever position he want, but If he wants the respect of the agency members he needs to be honest an transparent.
Truer words were never spoken with regards to the former col…Very scary if he were to return in any shape or fashion to the workings of the Sheriff’s Office.
His wife however, whom no doubt is a fine well rounded law enforcement officer and now administrator, flew up the ranks on the coat tails of her husband. Although many would say, as do I, she would have done well anyway on her own, there still is the coat tails aspect.
Regrettably her professional and political integrity seems to be marred by her association {professional} with him. She has stood against him in the past (while employed by the HCSO) on several issues, but the stink of the former col still follows her around.
Sadly, her professional reputation has been damaged… and unfortunately the honeymoon is over in HDG….allow her to remain there, leave her alone, let her continue to do her job and more than likely she will prove many wrong in the following years…
BTW, many agree, Mr. Gahler, make a decision, be clear and consistent about it, and assure the members of the HCSO and the union members what it may be… either way.
Exasperated with the BS,
I wasn’t out to “prove” anything when I spoke with five Deputies about their concerns — specifically, their concerns about Mr. Gahler. I spoke with them after having been encouraged to do so by Moon Dog. I simply published the results of my conversations with those Deputies.
I would encourage all Deputies who are concerned about who the Chief Deputy would be in the next administration to ask the candidates to name their choice. That would include Sheriff Bane, as I’m hearing that the current Chief Deputy has indicated that he will be retiring after this election, and perhaps prior to the election if the early retirement offer is extended to Sheriff’s Officer personnel.
I agree. Contact Cpt Moore and see what he says. The truth is if anyone other than Gahler answers the question, you know that person is lying. Plain and simple on Gahler knows what he will do and made it clear that he would be no ones puppet last campaign. Talk to some troopers and see who is more highly regarded and more trusted.
To Mike Welsh: First of all I would like to commend you on your aticulate and informed responses. Your responses appear to be partisan but not confrontational. Confrontation is not my purpose either. The unfortunate thing is Mr. Gahler has been questioned repeatedly about his number 2 and other upper appointments and continues to emphatically avoid the question. WHY??? Last night I was watching an old movie with my kids and started thinking about Mr. Gahler. The movie was called Dodge Ball. In the movie the players went to see an old wise man by the name of Patches O’Houlihan. The old guy taught the players the 5D’s. They were: Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge. It seems to be the responses of Mr. Gahler when asked questions about his personnel choices. His resume reveals that he has a Masters Degree in a management related field and also has held management positions. You can not make anyone believe that with less than a year remaining he does not have a blueprint or a plan. It is ludicrous to think othewise. He wants to lead the largest Sheriffs Office in the state but will not answer one single question which is so important to the agency. WHY??? The employes of the Sheriff’s Office are longing for the truth. The simple truth. They would like to be convinced that Mr. Gahler has not cut a deal with Walters and is afraid to break it. He needs to prove that he is a strong leader with a mind of his own and not a puppet. I hope that he will make a decision one way or the other and continue to be honest with the fine men and women if he gets elected. I guess time will see if he is a man of integrity who is worthy to lead a fine agency. There are a lot of folks out here waiting with open ears and eyes for his resonse.
Exaspirated with the BS,
If there is anything partisan in my comments it would be that I do not support Bane for reelection. All candidates are free to fight it out in an attempt to gain the voters confidence in selecting one of them as the next Sheriff of Harford County. For me, Gahler seems to be the best alternative to Bane. I know more about him than the other candidates, but that is because he ran four years ago and the others are new candidates with little information out there about them. I look forward to hearing more from DFC Ryan and Mr. Peck as the campaign moves forward. Mr. Gahler has certainly made lots of information public regarding his thoughts about leading the HCSO. Now lets hear from Ryan and Peck.
You were doing fine to the part about John Ryan being trustworthy…….trust him as far as you can throw a crab……or cd from Dj ing……get real..
Moon, Is Chuck Moore a Deputy? Is he affiliated with John Ryan?
I for one am willing to give Mr. Ryan a chance. Many people are bashing him for his lack of a supervisors position, but it states that he owns a small business, so he must have some management skills. I would not vote for Bane since I don’t like the way he and his administration staff treat people. I was considering Gahler until certain people here have shown that he has vendictive people working for his campaign and I’m afraid he/they might be in his administration, which scares me. If I get the same impression aout Mr. Ryan, then I just won’t vote for him either, but I think everyone deserves a chance to make their case of why they want to be Sheriff. They all need to let the deputies know who they would have in their administration since it seems to cause a lot of concern for them and will effect moral in their department. I just want someonethat can be trusted and treat everyone, not just the deputies, withrespect.
Yes, I am a well documented supporter of Mr. Gahler and his campaign. There is no one in this race with a more complete and well rounded resume than Mr. Gahler. Not only a more experienced and highly educated police commander, but also a faculty member at Johns Hopkins University and a partner in a company that develops police leaders. Just a bit more than you are willing to give him credit for.
I do agree with you that Sheriff Bane needs to go and Lt. Meckley was far far more qualified and a better candidate than Mr. Ryan. Mr. Ryan is simply not a legitimate candidate in this race which begs the question, what is he up to? Until I see something to prove otherwise, I am with Trueblue above. Ryan is a plant by the democrats to improve Bane’s chances.
Nice story, Onpoint, but you are just shooting off at the mouth. You really don’t know what you are talking about as far as Ryan’s motives. I might ask you since you are a big supporter of Gahlers, who paid for his advanced degree?
No I don’t, but I would guess he did. Who paid for Ryan’s? Oh, he couldn’t find time for college because of his commitment to being the dancing, flying, driving, car detail specialist.
I’m sure he was wise enough to take advantage of the education opportunities afforded him by the State of Maryland, as are thousands of other State Employees. You should be asking yourself why you haven’t partaken in the same available to you by Harford County. You claim to be in our department, fine, look at how many Deputies have received higher education, have the fancy diploma on their wall and still can’t handle their job, the road, or their supervisory obligations. Kudos to those who have furthered themselves and remained a viable part of the department, they are the intelligent ones.
I can tell you that the State Police offer NO tuition reimbursement. There has been none since Shaffer was the Governor. Captain Gahler had to have paid his own way to earn his degree.
Well educated,
I have never said or pretended to be in your department or any department, or to even be a policeman. Check your facts for whom the state pays tuition and gives time off to.
Former Trooper,
I was not stating the Maryland State Police themselves paid for it, it is the State of Maryland through grants pay for the education. Check the state site for further information.
You may say what you will, but yes, many state employees are reimbursed for their education expenses and it is up to the individual employer in regards to time off for this purpose. You check your facts please…..and we all believe what we will about you and your posts. If not a “even a policeman” then it stands to reason that you have no first hand knowledge of what you’re commenting upon.
Well Educated,
I find it interesting that you know nothing about my professional background, and yet, make the comment because I said I never said that I was a policeman that I don’t know what I am talking about. I am a voter, and that is all you need to know. Is this how Gahler supporters handle direct questions, by trying to belittle the person who asks them? I do know that the state offers tuition, more to some than others. My guess is that Mr. Gahler went to his master’s program on tax money and received time off and a car at taxpayer’s expense to do so. Now, Well Educated, address that.
Monster, Please re read my comments prior to “belittling ” me. First I said it “stands to reason”, paranoid? Wasn’t a direct statement to belittle you, as you seem to do that quite well on your own. As far as your profession, if you indeed have one, I’m not the least bit interested in it if it doesn’t pertain to these posts…. Kindly get over yourself…..
In the same fashion, how is it that you know I am a Gahler supporter in fact? Your guess, your guess, why not show up at a function for Mr Gahler and ask him , or at any future debates??
Seems to me that would be the adult intelligent thing to do……
If you must know or if you even care, I am undecided right now on any of the candidates…
Is Roger Shietz still interested?
Roger Sheets is supporting Gahler last I heard.
Who paid for Gahler’s advanced degree?
I certainly don’t know the answer to that, why do you ask the question?
Finally, we have a story that is directly on point and I feel like many others I’m sure, a place to enlighten the non-law enforcement readers as to the real state of affairs within the Sheriff’s Office. Hopefully these responses will stick to facts and educated opinions.
The current Sheriff, although a very pleasant and personable individual, appears to have failed to gain the support of the majority of his troops, as well as displayed what many call a failed leadership role. Yes it’s true that he has not been assigned to any of the divisions that operate in the communities or on the road in a good 34 years. It could be this man has lost the edge on policing in this day and age, and perhaps his lack of being in touch with the streets has hurt him. His administration was form by many, (not exclusively) inept persons who shine at the oral boards, have a sponsor, or fall into the politically correct category many speak of. People remember he was the undersheriff to Dominick Mele, and many veterans and retirees will agree his actions back then took Mele down. (Besides several other factors) Perhaps the current sheriff would realize these effects and take the honorable and respectful course and quietly end his career with the Sheriff’s Office and possibly move on to some other field, or political position.
Mr. Gahler appears to be running a clean (as far as mudsling goes) campaign, although as stated many are apprehensive about some of his issues. Yes he “shoots from the hip” as far as the issues go, researching all aspects prior to making his stance known. He has addressed the Sheriff’s performance with numbers and facts, stated his mythology intelligently and diverted from direct insults of the other candidates. With all the many years I have been involved with the HCSO; it scares the Bejesus out of me that he would involve the former colonel. This is something he must overcome to gain the support of the Deputies Union as well as others. He should realize just how much distain is present and still lingering in regards to that person.
Again, most of the veterans and retirees from HCSO remember the perils and calamity he caused. This was a person who held personal grudges, had vendettas against others and stymied several decent deputies’ careers. He used to brag about how he smacked people over the head with the old flashlight and slap jack, and how he got away with sleeping and once wrecking a patrol car (wheel and tire) and how he got it fixed before somebody found out. His morals were continuously brought into question (drinking, infidelity, etc.) by many. The same group also believes he’s responsible for the downfall of Sheriff Golding and to a certain degree that of Former Sheriff Meadows. (He [former colonel] was not immune of guilt in the Meadows incident) Enough said on that topic.
Agreeable, Mr. Ryan’s announcement is quite suspect to say the least. Yes a deputy who has never supervised, nor tested for a spot, is only concerned in doing what a supervisor directs him to do, and many times that has not been completed, and someone who is distracted by many other endeavors in his personal life is not an ideal candidate for a demanding leadership position. Allow him to go on with the side interests he has and leave it at that.
The long and short of this post is we need a new direction here in the HCSO, and possibly none of these candidates are the answer…
Well said Know the Truth…. angry with the way the department is run???? Seems so, just a bit… But what is your answer to the problem???
Know the Truth. Lets add some more truth and clarity to your comment. Your statement “Mr. Gahler appears to be running a clean (as far as mudsling [sic] goes) campaign” seriously? in reality, Gahler started throwing mud first during the last election and appears to have the
distinction of being the first to do that in this election. I have not seen any negative remarks from candidates Ryan, Peck or Bane.
Most importantly Bane did not resort to that strategy during the last election, even after some pretty vicious attacks. I think this says alot about his character.
I hope this helps to clarify some things for you. It seems as if there are small nuggets of truth in your essay and Gahler (Dull Point) propaganda throughout much of it.
Please provide some specifics regarding the mudslinging you accuse Mr. Gahler of engaging in during this campaign.
Mr. Gahler’s “mudslinging” is sharing documented facts and their sources with the public that contradict direct statement’s made by the incumbent. That is what conservatives call factual reporting and liberals refer to as vicious attacks. Sure Peck and Ryan have run a clean campaign by your warped standards, they have no position on anything.
Blue Sky, Mr Welsh,
Mudslinging; defamation, backbiting, slander, denigration, character assassination…… Mr Gahler has not displayed nor conveyed any of those.
The incumbent takes on the responsibility of operating the position he/she was elected to. This encompasses and exposes them to public ridicule as long as it is not slander or libel. The incumbent’s performance and expressions are certainly open to such ridicule. I haven’t seen any actions by Mr. Gahler, nor Mr. Ryan, (or whoever is helping him) which rise to that level. That is what I’m stating. It seems the “negative remarks” are mostly from unhappy Deputies and some others here that are so vile.
The candidates are “attacking” the incumbent’s performance, and history, in this case as Sheriff, in an unsoiled fashion so far. I haven’t seen any “negative remarks” regarding his personality or stature. Let’s hope it remains that way.
Is there any truth to the rumor that John Ryan will name Jack Mickley as his chief of staff?
Mike, within minutes I had six links of these articles from Gahler directed at Bane. Starting from the last election: An officer was charged with a criminal offense and Gahler was attacking Bane for not being able to immediately fire the guy (you can’t because of LEBR rights). Bane even attempted to arrange a face to face with Gahler to discuss this and Gahler refused to meet.
In the early part of the previous campaign you had twisting of crime statistics on the part of Gahler, who was critical of Bane. Gahler was trying to dissect crime stats and redefine Part 1 crimes to suit his agenda. In reality, Part 1 crimes were lower than before.
This election you have Gahler going at Bane about the Harford County Detention Center, and the new helicopter.
I was going to post the links to these stories but decided not to as I don’t feel that type of negativity deserves further promotion.
Mike, I invite you to research them by simply Googling Bane – Gahler and decide for yourself if it is mudslinging or not. Looks like it to me.
Mike, I hope this helps you in your decision making process and those are the facts!
Is that the same criminal major that Bane did fire prior to the court date after he committed another theft from Home Depot? The same investigation that just happened to not be completed until the day after the election? Is that the same detention center story where 9 inmates have died under Bane’s less than watchful eye?
That would be the same one. Sheriff Bane spends almost a year telling people that due to the LEOBR, he can’t fire this guy until he has his day in court. Bane lets him continue to receive his $100,000 plus salary sitting on his butt at home. Then after the guy gets caught stealing again, Bane fires him, even though he had not yet been to court on the first or second incident. Bane’s ultimate action made everything he had stated before on this issue false. In the end we learned Bane could have fired this man all along.
@Mike Welsh
Wow, it didn’t take them long to prove my point did it? You don’t even have to tickle them before they begin to spew propaganda. It’s almost laughable when I predicted which ones would respond. Although, I kinda miss their granddad, North Harford Grad. When I think about it though, he/she probably turned into a zombie after the last loss, drinking JRG Kool Aid and smoking a cheap cigar…. Lol…
Sorry Bluesky. You tossed up a challenge and it was knocked out of the park. Not propaganda if true and Bane did retain and pay a criminal just so he could win an election.
What does Marc Eaton think? Is he still a spokesman for the Deputies. ?
I would like to add some info that some here may not have or have not seen. My hope is that each voter takes the time to learn about each of the Sheriff hopefuls.
Vote wisely my friends…
Sheriff Bane:
John Ryan:
Jeff Gahler:
Bob Peck:
Thank you for posting these quick links. I took the time to read the web sites. The web sites for both Ryan and Peck failed to convey any supervisory or command experience that these candidates achieved in their law enforcement careers. Hopefully this absence of information will be corrected soon.
The HCSO is a large multi-faceted organization that requires someone at the helm who has demonstrated leadership/command abilities. The apparent lack of this experience by Ryan and Peck make me ask if they are candidates who should be taken seriously by the voters. The sooner Ryan and Peck include this leadership experience in their web sites, the more viable their candidacy will be.
@Disapointed Dem. Nope no homerun from me and ur title fools no-one. Now lets expound. If you look at the totality of the Forewood stuff you would see that Forewood was fired within an acceptable timeframe for that type of case. Especially if you look at how long some leo internals facing termination stay on in other departments. Rightfully, the sheriff was making sure the “I’s” dotted and “t’s” crossed. Gahler had no right to stick his nose in that. Maybe Gahler should be asked if he had any serious internals going on in his unit at the time when he was at AESD during the last election. Oh, a simple Google search revealed this investigation: btw, wasn’t Gahler the commander of that unit when this happened. I didn’t see anyone dogging him about it. Look at the timeframe that the investigation started and the time he was found guilty.
Getting back to whether Gahler is running a “clean” campaign and is not “mudslinging” as Wants to Find the Truth purports, when you google Bane – Gahler, how many articles pop up in which Gahler is taking pop shots at Bane, conservatively, at least 5 – 7. If you dig a little harder you’ll find many more.
Early on in the last election Gahler tried to discredit Bane for not bringing down serious crime within Part I crimes, in reality Part I crimes (in total) were lower in the time frame being looked at; you then had the Forewood matter; next you had Gahler trying to discredit Bane for trying to get more deputies in the county and using the subjective definition offered by the FBI on the recommended number of officers per 100k people. At this point Gahler was even asked by Bane to meet to discuss his (Gahler’s) concerns, and Gahler refused, wow! Next you had Gahler criticizing Bane taking steps to reduce traffic fatalities.
Lets now move to this election where you have detention center deaths. Deaths are tragic no matter where they happen but has anyone looked at correctional deaths nationwide to see what the averages are? Maybe that fact does need to be looked at but I bet HCSO has the answer. The latest and greatest helicopter enquiries by Gahler, of course highlighted by his ever present PIA requests, placing more debris on the tracks to slow the cogs of government. In reality I bet Gahler would love to have that helicopter if he were sheriff and it is cheaper to fly than the alternatives.
So Dem its up to the people to decide if all of these enquiries are tirades, “mudslinging”, propaganda, honest issues that need review; or, are the issues being raised by somebody trying to sprinkle in nuggets of truth among typical and sometimes tragic challenges that law enforcement faces.
I could not find one negative volley of Bane rhetoric directed at Gahler. So when a commenter wants to claim that this is a “Clean election” I don’t think so, not from my perspective and the commenter needs to be held accountable. Many, including me, are tired of this partisan type behavior which is why I’m sounding off. Im an old retired guy, who really isnt completely sold on Bane for the next election, but I know who I’m not voting for. Let the Sheriff do his job for G–‘s sake. I’ll do my best to continue to provide some clarity to PROPOGANDA.
Blue Sky, In your challenged mind anything you disagree with is “propaganda and fiction”. You are a fxxxking fool! Probably a hard core liberal or dumb ass government door knob. Sounds like your head is so far up Bane’s ass you could give him a kiss!
I clicked on the link you provided in your comments to read about a case you imply mirrors the Forward case, only to learn that the case you reference doesn’t in any way mirror the Forward case. The case you reference is about a State Police “civilian” employee, who would not qualify for the provisions offered in the LEOBR. Even if the case you reference was eligible for LEOBR, it would not be within the power of anyone other than the Commander of the State Police to affect those provisions. How this involves Mr. Gahler in any way is a mystery to me.
Questioning the actions of our elected officials is not only proper but should be encouraged. It is the basis of a free society. Stating disagreement with the current administrations of our government entities in Harford County should be encouraged by all voters, and is certainly expected by candidates for elected positions. Your desire to fashion/describe any stated disagreement as mudslinging/propaganda falls far short of what free societies expect of their leaders.
You are correct that the voters will decide — as they always do.
If you take the time to pull aside any deputy who feels confident enough in you that they will speak honestly, you will find out most will agree that Gahler is on the money with every topic he has researched and that is regardless of who they are supporting as a candidate. Again, that is only if they trust you since there is an environment of fear that exists on the part of any employee who fails to appear to be towing the Bane line. This intimidation was driven home through the inappropriate termination of a female deputy for a truly non-serious offense according to outside personnel who heard the case. Bane managed to fast track this case and terminate and yet had the legal right and moral obligation to terminate an at will Major and one of his campaign donors for a criminal enterprise, yet this case dragged on until the day after the last election.
All of this and you want to fault the guy who has the ability to bring these offenses to light and you want to credit the current sheriff for running a “clean campaign”. Do you really believe Bane is going to stand up and say, “vote for me, I treat women and non supporters poorly. I kept a criminal on the payroll to help me win a second term, I am making up staffing figures that give a false impression of the true number”?
Bane made a deal with the devil (Fred) to win his first term. At that time, he sold his soul and he knows that everyday of his life, but as far as his first term, that and Forwood coverup were about as bad as it got. His second term has been and continues to be an embarrassment.
Today I support Gahler because he is the best shot at bringing needed change to the office. I and others eagerly await more details from the other Republican candidates or anyone else (D or R) who might get into the race before the filing deadline. To repeat and earlier thought, anyone but Bane is a must.
All that said each candidate is going to have to go out in public and stand beside each other and defend their actions and positions (or lack thereof) on these and many many other issues. Gahler had well established his position on these matters and many others, Bane has his record to own and sell as best he can and so far, Ryan and Peck have declared they want to be in charge, but no real thoughts or plans.
As far as Ryan being a plant by Bane, I don’t know, but so far it is certainly working to Bane’s delight. Seeing the Republican supporters going at it, must put a grin on Bane’s face. Ryan’s legitimacy will show soon enough when he is forced out to speak more openly about the issues in the office and with the current Sheriff. If there is no more than putting his name in the race, we will all know.
As far as this forum, there are probably just a very few people bothering to read these exchanges and that would be Bane, Gahler, Peck, Ryan and supporters. I recommend if you are anyone other than Bane or a supporter, let this thread go and wait for the next story. If you are a Bane supporter, get your equal time response posted and let’s move on.
One of the reasons I will not be voting for Bane is some of the inept and arrogant senior staff he maintains and rewards. I think the new sheriff coming in needs to clean house. I have worked with one of his senior staff on a community level committee and was not impressed.
I am in no capacity associated with the Sheriff’s Dept., I just want to be an informed voter so I can make the best choice for our next Sheriff. However, in reading the posts on this site, I find it annoying that candidates aren’t forthcomng when asked direct questions. Why won’t Mr. Gahler answer the question of who he will have in his administration? I alredy know that I will not support Sheriff Bane, he is too busy trying to be politically correct to be an effective leader, and takes credit for things other agencies have done, which I know for a fact but will not elaborate because I do not trust that his administration will not be vendictive. I don’t know much about Mr. Ryan, but he appears to be the most transparent of the candidates so far. Please for the sake of the voters who really care enough to make an informed decision, anwer the questions honestly when asked, and clearly state your position instead of slinging mud at the other candidates. Thank you.
Ryan hasn’t said anything yet? What has he been transparent about? You want to know who will be in Gahler’s administration even though you are in no capacity associated with the Sheriff’s Department (it is actually the Sheriff’s Office and only John Ryan calls it a Sheriff’s Department). Who will be in Ryan’s administration? Please let us know (because we need honest answers) for Mr. Ryan since you apparently (and transparently) have the answers.
Jesse Bane will be Ryan’s Chief Deputy and vise versa. LOL!
On Point,
I stated that Mr. Ryan has been transparent so far because I haven’t seen anything written that he’s evading questions or being dishonest, but I also stated that I don’t know much about him, so my opinion may change over time. As for Mr. Gahler’s choice for his administration, he can choose whomever he wishes, it just bothers me that he won’t honestly answer the question that seems to be an issue for the deputies. I wondered why so many deputies were concerned about Mr. Walter, so when I looked him up, I saw that he was the one that the deputies turned their backs on in a pic that was in the paper when he was at the Sheriff’s office. It gives me pause about Mr. Galher’s leadership abilities if he’s considering having someone that problematic in a high position. I do not work for the Sheriff’s Dept (-as it is listed in the County directory) or related to anyone that does. I resent your tone inferring that I’m backing Mr. Ryan and that I have some sort of alterior motive. You are very rude, and obviously a biased Gahler supporter, so if I learn that you are going to be in his administration, he has lost my vote. I haven’t made a decision about any candidate yet, I am trying to make an informed decision. Law enforcement impacts all citizens, not just those who are in the Sheriff’s “office”, and I would like to have an honest politician in office for a change.
Ok then, what specific question do you know Mr. Gahler has answered that you have first hand knowledge of, meaning you asked it, you were there or you read it, and how do you know it is not honest. If you post it, I promise to email it to him and ask him.
It is my understanding that Mr. Gahler has announced that he does not intend to have Mr. Walter in his administration in any capacity.
It is my understanding that Mr. Gahler told the Deputies Union members during the last election, that he did not know for certain who would be his Chief Deputy, but it would not be Mr. Walter.
It is my understanding that Mr. Gahler has told several Deputies that he will definitely announce who his Chief Deputy is going to be if elected this time. So stay turned for further information.
Congratulations, you turned a cold shoulder to another voter. You Gahlerites need to take a breath and not belittle voters because you can’t answer their questions. Come on, Marc, you can do better than this.
Yes, I think that is exactly what happened and I don’t think it was a plant pretending to be honest (please read with note of sarcasm). Talking about people being a plant by others….
on point,
I never stated that I asked Mr. Gahler anything directly, only that I was concerned that he was avoiding answering the deputies’ question as evident by the numerous posts above. If I have a question for Mr. Gahler, I will ask him myself, I don’t need you to ever do anything for me. I don’t know nor would I ever trust you or anything you say. I have no tolerance for someone that has no respect for anyone’s opinion but their own. Please do not respond to me anymore.
You are not expressing opinion, you are stating supposed fact, why can’t Gahler be honest. Your statement, not mine. If you had courage to call him, then do so. I just offered to help you out.
courage? Seriously? I already stated that I will contact Mr. Gahler myself, i doesn’t take courage to ask someone a question. You are the one expressing your oopinions and trying to force them on everyone else. I wouldn’t trust you to ask him a direct question then to post an honest answer anyway. As others have stated, you and Mr. Welsh are his mouthpieces that pontificate aout everything but answering the question that has been repeatedly asked, and avoided by Mr. Gahler-(fact, not my opinion)–is Mr. Walter or his wife to be part of Mr. Gahler’s administration. It seems to be a very simple question, yes or no? I do not believe that he doesn’t know who he will choose as his second in command, I think he’s avoiding answering because it’s apparent from a lot of the posts that he would lose lots of votes if he includes the Walters’ in his staff. I don’t work for the Sheriff’s Office but occassionally have had to work on projects with them. I have experienced first hand the incompetence of the current administration and it would be nice to have someone in the office that everyone, not just the deputies that will work for him, can respect and believe. Why doesn’t Mr. Gahler be his own man and answer questions directly here instead of you talking for him if you’re so close? Don’t bother replying, as I Give Up has stated, I won’t get an honest answer anyway.
To need an honest answer:
Don’t beat your head against the wall. You are not going to get an honest answer. Exaspirated by the B.S. made a fair and honest appeal to Mike Welsh. The question was, what was the role that Theresa Walter was going to play in the Gahler administration. It could not have been asked in any plainer english. Mike Welsh choses to respond by continuing to talk about Howard Walter and to avoid any comments about the involvement of Theresa Walter. Mr Welsh seems to be an intelligent person capable of understanding the question at hand, but for some reason does not address it. If Mr. Welsh is a close associate of Mr. Gahler , and it appears that he is, he should no the real truth. The fact that a simple question can not be answered and is clearly avoided should be a major concern to anyone considering Mr. Gahler. Why are Mr. Gahler and friends avoiding presenting the truth? I think people are starting to draw their own conclusions and will vote accordingly so don’t beat your head against the wall. I don’t think you will get the truth anyway.
thank you, I agree wih everything you stated
NO, Mike, we all know that you are undecided and don’t support Gahler. Come on, just openly and honestly admit it.
Thought I would add my two cents to this dialogue as it appears that ONe point is missing. Are the mean spirited remarks from Gahler supporters a pretty good way of measuring their leader? Personally, I think it is, they; On Point (bad cop), M Welsch (good cop), Barbara (parrot), and others, obviously have a direct channel to Gahler. I’ve also read some of his material which is very similar in style and content to their comments. With respect to the concerns of a few regarding chief deputy, does it really matter? Do you want this type of flawed leadership in our office even if George Washington was the Chief Deputy? I actually want to thank them for helping me to make up my mind and the minds of my family. Not voting for him.
Amen, Chiming in. Mike comes across well, but it is obvious he is a strong Gahler supporter. I have talked to numerous deputies also and am not getting the anwers he is. On point just spouts off and is defended by Well Educated, which he is not. I suspect that On Point is another name for Marc EATON and Well Educated is part of Gahlers want to be’s who is hoping for a job.
I thought the deal was that Steve Bodway wouldn’t run for Sheriff this go round and as a result, that he, not Howard Walter, would be the chief deputy.
The deal?
Ok Fred, sounds like you know Jesse Bane well.
Why don’t you knowledgeable people cite where you got information about “the deal.” Or do you wish to continue the Marc Eaton School of Journalism precept of not letting the facts get in the way of a good story?
Monster, Can you please tell us the story of a union thug that falls asleep on the job?
It must have been you. Tell us about it.
From the Sunpaper;
While Carlevaro succeeded in temporarily blocking his suspension – which could tie up the decision until Golding has left the agency – an attorney for Visnaw does not plan to seek similar relief. Visnaw, who works the midnight shift at the southern precinct, was found sleeping in his police car while on duty, a “minor incident without factual dispute,” said attorney Michael Marshall.
But the way Visnaw was caught – and how the investigation is being conducted – raises eyebrows, he said. Marshall said Visnaw had parked in a remote location and dozed off when three high-ranking deputies – a major, a captain and a lieutenant – rushed his car with flashlights. All were off duty, he said.
For the record, I heard that John Ryan’s #2 is going to be Fred Visnaw. Very telling that he has not announced his Chief Deputy and looks to be ducking the question. Also, his announcement does not say he is not a plant. Very telling. If he wasn’t a plant he would have said so right away! That’s good enough for me and all my friends and family not to vote for him.
That is what silly comments look like Mr. Ryan
I did not write tihs, so why did you use my screen name?
I didn’t. There is no s at the end of my name. Lol.
you are a jerk, trying to make it appear that I wrote something I didn’t by giving the impression that I wrote it. I’ve decided to not vote for any of the 3 that arerunning for Sheriff and for the record, I”m not posting anything else here, it’s a waste of my time, so if anyone else reads something you wrote trying to pretend to be me, they’ll know what a fraud you are.
the last 2 posts are not mine,who are you? Mr. Walter??
Who are you? John Ryan?
No, I’ve never met him. I’m a hard working mom of 2 beautiful daughters. I just want a change from the current administration and for the record, I’m not using my name because I don’t trust anyone on this site not to be vendictive if elected, I need my job
I can understand your concerns. Would you care to share with us why you want a change from the current administration?
Mr. Welsh,
Although I appreciate your comment, but I don’t trust anyone on this site, especially since On Point is also a Gahler supporter that claims to have close ties with him. He’s the kind of person I would be afraid would in Gahler’s administration, the same type that is in the current administration, a bully if he doesn’t get his own way.
OK. What does that have to do with your thoughts about the current administration, where you would like to see a change?
I would be interested in hearing about why you want a change in the Sheriff. Who you might support for Sheriff to achieve that change is not part of the question.
Please post the comment where I “claimed” any close tie to Mr. Gahler. I offered to email him for you to get a answer from the source instead of your imagination. A lack of being able to show where I have claimed a close association shows your lack of integrity and amounts to yet another lie from such a farce of a screen name. First stating your opinion as fact and now just making stuff up.
On Point,
you are the one that “implied” that you have a personal relationship with Mr Galhler by stating that you would email him for me, which implies you have his email address, why else would you say that in the first place? Instead you could have just listed his email address and I could send one myself. You are a pompous jerk that likes to argue about non-issues just to try and impress people but you’re not. Stop botheriing me, I don’t care what your opinions and am not interested in anything you have to say.
I am capable enough to get any of the candidates email addresses since they are all running for office and all have posted their contact information. In your definition, I have a close relationship with Gahler, Bane, Ryan and Peck, and O’bama and O’Malley…you get the point. Anyway, you made the point that you made an assumption and then tried to pass it off here as factual and you did it at least twice so far. Find a new screen name, maybe Canttellthetruth is available.
Oh, OnPoint, you are so wonderful, knowing all of these people. You have to be Marc Eaton. He has an ego the size of yours. If I were Mr. Gahler, I would pay you to stop posting. Your not representing him or yourself well.
Okay Fred.
Ok, Marc.
Is that the same Fred Visnaw that looks like Meatloaf?
I guess if you eat enough meatloaf you fall asleep on the job with your radio off… Now ya know what ya don’t know…
Crickets…… Lol! That meatloaf will get ya… emmm hmmmm
Lol. Marc Eaton is the only one with the balls to stand up and use his own name. The rest of you active and ex-cops are a bunch of cowards. This stream of messages is boring. The Dagger should simply have the candidates provide a brief summary of positions and prospective command staffs.
Perhaps they will do exactly that. I certainly encourage it. At least name who their Chief Deputy would be.
Even though you call everyone a bunch of cowards for fearing to use our own names (with good cause for some of us) while you too do not use your real name, you are correct in this is going nowhere.
That has bee true when Gahler ran in the last election also, but it doesn’t stop any of you.
Mr. Welsh,
I would like to see a Sheriff that is : respectful of other peoples’ opinions; doesn’t make promises to citizens that he doesn’t have the authority to make; does not side with politicians just for political gain at the expense of others; is open and honest; and hopefully will restore integrity to the office so there isn’t dissention/low moral (as apparent from all of the posts) like there is in other branches of County government.
I endorse your thoughts. I also agree that the current administration does not demonstrate the qualities you want to see as leadership in the HCSO. I hope the citizens of Harford County also support your thoughts and that a change in leadership occurs. The Deputies and citizens of Harford County deserve much better than currently exists.
agreeing with yourself, Mike?
All this nonsense doesn’t matter. Bane and the Union will never allow Howard Walter to win.
Didn’t know Mr. Walter was or ever has been a candidate for the office of Sheriff.
No he wasn’t a ticketed candidate, but the slimebag slid in to suck up to each candidate, all the way back to Joe Meadows. Ask the jerk why he was supporting Coomes and then switched near the end. Just one of the reasons why nobody trusts him, besides how vendictive he is…..
If he is not a candidate for Sheriff and he is not going to be in the administration of any of the current candidates should they win election, why is he even an issue?
I don’t think he could be anymore vindictive than Sheriff Bane. From what I have seen Sheriff Bane has set a high bar for being vindictive. It is exactly that reason, as Chief Deputy for Sheriff Mele, that Mele was not reelected. Not to mention Bane actually stated for the record that the Sheriff was sovereign and none of the rules and regulations of the HCSO applied to the Sheriff. What I hear from current Deputies and employees of the HCSO, that attitude still exists today with Sheriff Bane.
I agree. Yes the current sheriff is just as vindictive. I also agree with the part about Sheriff Mele. The “former col” brought down Meadows and Golding. I think the issue is (as many say here too) the “former col” has been @ Mr. Gahler too much. If Mr Gahler would come out and reassure the deputies and public the “former col” will not be involved at all. That’s what worries us about Mr Gahler.
I agree with that person “knows the truth” or whoever on one thing and that the “chief of HDG” has “the stink of him ” surrouding her. She’s a decent cop. I quoted the names from posts above, (some are funnt) so no need to say I’m the same person. That seems to be a trend here. This is only my second time posting something. I too am afraid of trouble from above if they find out who I am. “Randomjoe 1” hit it pretty much on the spot above….
Mike, Tell us how you know that Walter won’t be number 2. You are starting to lose it.
I worked on the Bob Coomes reelection campaign from start to finish. At no time was Howard Walter part of the effort to reelect Bob Coomes. He was a man who worked long and hard to elect Joe Meadows and Meadows rewarded him for his efforts by making him the Chief Deputy.
That sound like Fred who instead of being fired worked side by side Bane and Bane put him in control of the office for four years.
Look who’s making assumptions—the jerk who claims to deal with facts and truth–hahahahaha
WWBPD What would Bob Peck do?
Does John Ryan shovel snow? Send him over with a pit beef sandwich and he has my vote!
On point,
If you are really Marc Eaton, I’m very disappointed that you are not the same decent deputy that I had the opportunity to work with on occasion, what happened to you???
If you really worked in law enforcement (if that is what your post means as I don’t want to make assumptions like you do) I would fear for the people who were victimized by your lack of ability to be honest in your comments.
On Point,
apparently you can’t read English. I said that I have never worked in law enforcment, only that I have occasionally worked on projects with members of the Sheriff’s Office. I am not a liar and you are the onle that has victimizd Mr. Gahler by losing votes because of your lying and bullying. You are nothing but a hyprocrit.
To need honest answers,
I might have some interesting information for you. I have been doing some checking around. (recently I had occasion to enter in to conversation with some die hard Republican Gahler supporters who seemed like decent people) Mr. Gahler clearly knows that association with the Walters is not a politically healthy thing. However, he has reportedly stated openly in the past that he values Howard Walter’s ability to raise money for his campaign and very much appreciates his support. This allows him to be more active politically. Makes sense. I guess you could check public record to see how much money (probably one or two hundred thousand or more) was actually generated. The big question is how Mr. Gahler is going to show his gratitude for such an undertaking by the Walters. Many fear that the payoff could be a Colonel or other staff position for Mrs. Walter. No one will know the real deal unless Mr. Gahler comes clean and answers the $1,000,000 question as to who his second will be. If it is his decision to include her in his administration just say it and possibly offer some justification. The truth is all that anyone is asking for. Right now his avoidance of such a simple question stinks worse than a fish market dumpster in July. Mr. Gahler needs to be honest and transparent when asked simple questions. I truly hope for the sake of the Deputies and the public which they serve that the above concerns are not true and if elected Mr. Gahler would be a fair an honest leader. That is all anyone is asking.
If it turns out that positions are awarded to the highest contributor(s) please let the public know the price of a Colonel or other staff position. Maybe the citizens would be willing to put up a higher bid to rescue the integrity of the agency. I truly hope that scenario two is not the case. No I pray it is not the case. Time will tell.
I give up,
thank you for the information, and for treating me with respect, unlike a lot of others here. I also hope the positions can’t be bought, but it wouldn’t surprise me with the way things are all over the country. I just hope however wins if fair and honest.
Need honest answers, myself and several others are focusing on the Signal 13 Fund to help Police, Firefighters, EMS workers and Dispatchers injured on the job or retired from the job and in need help with medical concerns. This Fund is important to me and this is what I am working on. I can not get caught up anymore in this back and forth on here. We are staying out of the political arena and working for our Brothers and Sisters in Law Enforcement and Emergency Services who are in need. When I was posting on here I used my name, my real name. Please all of you if you get a chance take a look out the Signal 13 Fund. Thanks. You can contact me on our web site, thank you.
Sure, Marc, this is your first post. It is going to be 89 degrees tomorrow.
I have read posts here before and noticed that you are one of the few that uses your own name. Unfortunately this is the first time I’ve ever posted anything on this site, and it has been such a horrible experience, I never will again. I apologize for letting the conspiracy theorists get to me (the ones that accuse you of being somethng you’re not if you disagree with them) and make me believe you are On Point. I will visit your site, I have a lot of respect for first responders and for the military, and will be happy to make a donation.
As for On Point, you are a bully, liar and hyprocrit, in a word, scum.
In a word, you are dishonest. Point proven quite easily and quite clearly in the posts above. It is really very simple. If you want to be viewed as honest, don’t make stuff up and make statements of fact when it is no more than your speculation. Not a hard goal. Give it a try.
PS, I am a bully for expecting honesty from you. You are a special kind of crazy aren’t you?
I am not dishonest and have made nothing up. There was no speculation, just repeating concerns stated by numerous others and wondered why if it’s an issue for them, why they can’t get a straight answer–that is not speculation-look up the definition since you obviously don’t know the meaning. I don’t care what you think of me, your opinion only matters to you. My family, friends and collegues are the only opinions that matter to me, and they know I’m honest, hard working, caring and respectful, things that you can only dream about but will never achieve. So why don’t you go and try to bully someone else and lose more votes for Mr. Gahler, I’m sure he will really appreciate it.
To need honest answer,
I have some information that I recently obtained from a former Gahler supporter that might interest you are at least help you understand some of these posts a little better. I have every reason to believe the information is credible based on the proven integrity of the source. This person was formerly a very loyal Gahler supporter and a former co-worker who was reportedly at one time in his camp. Here goes, take it for what it is worth, On Point is the G man himself. The plot thickens!
Ok Marc the entire time during this election you have talked crap. You have knocked Jesse bane. You HAD clearly supported Gahler. What changed did Ryan offer you a cushy position. You have been ranting and raving for months. Yes people are tired of hearing it but since when has that stopped you???? I question your reasoning
I think I speak for many of us here when I say that we are getting a bit tired of the Marc Eaton bashing. Granted he may be Opinionated, speak his mind, ruffle some feathers and so on. But, the guy uses his own name, and doesn’t appear to attack too many people that do so to him. He is now involved with a decent charity, and maybe, jus maybe he’s tired of the crap he gets on here. I don’t agree with him sometimes, but give the man a break.
And Mr. Gahler, please step up to the plate and clear up this issue, so we all may move on…..
Please let me know when Mr Gahler clears this up. You know what I think I think it’s time for the few folks that are running to get some more competition. The more the better right. Marc comes or did come on here and bashed bane, clearly he had some agenda then Ryan runs and everyone thinks Marc fled the country for South America. If it smells bad its for a reason basic police work. Not rocket science
Sometime eaton fan,
You haven’t read his posts for the past 4 years if you believe that. He has tried to destroy a man’s reputation in every way he can (Bane). He does it through guessing at Bane’s motivations, putting a slant on every news story and referring to always having blockbuster information about Bane. He wants to talk to people on the phone, instead of posting what he has to say online. He uses his own name because he doesn’t live in Harford County.
Fred – Have another donut!
Whatever Jesse, Fred, dave, V or whoever you are this time…
If you bothered to read what I wrotee, you would see that I don’t always agree with Marc, but respect his steadfastness to use his name and speak his mind. It’s a shame the deputies can’t do the same, due to your malicious retaliation, which you and your followers do so well
Moon Dawg,
I find you to be an overbearing bag of wind that repeats himself over and over with the SOS. If you are so concerned as you say about having a capable sheriff, join me in pressuring for a face to face debate, and stop bashing everyone who disagrees with you. And, by the way, as I review the posts, I don’t see anything in which you have disagreed with Marc Eaton about. Enlighten me, what did you disagree with him about?
Bob peck for sheriff why not the other three terms are try to figure out how to get upgraded to grill class. Please explain to me a.) what has bane done in 8 years b.) what has John Ryan done his entire career and c.) if Jeffrey Gahler plans on bringing back Teresa, Steve, Howard or Roy how effective will he be. I know tough questions but ones that need to be answered. So each of you let’s know thanks, Discountdooooooublecheck
Sometime Marc Eaton fan,
Don’t tell me you disagree with Marc on something? Would you mind mentioning something in which you disagree with him? We eagerly await your reply.
There have been several issues/ comments he has made in the past that I disagreed with. Back then I vowed not to get involved here due to your vindictiveness if you were to find out my identity. To be specific and bash him or drag up the past posts stoops to your level.
Seems many are starting to come around and see you for who you are? I think I’m right. Actually feel a bit sorry for you……especially here….
you feel sorry for me? That is a good one. How does Marc disagree with himself? Your syntax and use of certain words clearly tells me who you are. Change your names all you want, a rose by any other name is still a rose.
Discount Doooooooooooooblecheck: Bane got us a helicopter. It was free. The pilots, spotters, equipment, fuel, rent, etc. are not. Bane fires good people for foolish reasons. Bane hires those who contribute. I would take Howard Walter over Bane any day. WIth Howard, you know you are dealing with a D _ _ K. Bane puts on a front and pretends to be Mr Nice Guy, but he is more vindictive and vengeful that the whole group that you mentioned put together. I would prefer to deal with the guy without the mask. And for everyone calling for Gahler to name his 2nd in command–why aren’t you asking the same of Ryan and Peck? After reading all of this nonsense, Peck is sounding like a good alternative and I don’t know a damn thing about him.
Is English your second language? I would like to reply to you but need a translator to understand what you said.
On point- what is you point to attack a voter who “needs honest questions answered” maybe you need to grow up. I’m gonna take a guess you are probably someone insecure about yourself and probably have been promised a job or have been promoted too quick. Calm down young man or woman your making your self look ridiculous and making your “choice” for sheriff look even worse. It isn’t helping. If you are from hcso what is your point. We need to fix things not make things worse. If your hcso you know that
Nick J,
Thank you, all I wanted is more information so I can decide who to vote for. I appreciate your comments.
Nick J,
I agree with you. Let’s have a true debate on issues facing the HCSO now and the future. Let’s stop trying to discredit people using war stories as documented facts. One of these people will end up being sheriff. Is that how the HCSO wants the public to view them. I said 3 three years ago that this has been the history of the HCSO every election. It is jockeying for position by getting your candidate elected. Despite that, the HCSO has good deputies and does a great job.
Monster = Bane mouthpiece for abuse of power
Moon Dawg,
and you are a mouthpiece for Gahler. My earlier comments stand and you can continue to bad mouth and belittle any and all who disagree with you.
Whatever Fred, go back to sleep Meatloaf… Unlike yourself, I’m just telling the readers the facts. Caught on duty sleeping and kept on the force by Jesse Bane. Anything that you would like to dispute?
Moon Dawg,
Careful where you throw your stones. There are many abuses that took place during the Golding administration and you know it. Remember the Captain who was DWI and was picked up by a deputy to be driven home. Let’s not forget Meadows and the ladies. Visnaw was probably doing what he had done previously, and I bet he isn’t the only one.
Can’t believe people like monster actually carry a gun…. Now that’s scary…
I guess as scary as Jesse Bane giving out favors to deputies that sleep on the job and that steal from Home Depot…
Reading all these posts, I just like to say, its sad if most of you are police, carrying guns, locking up criminals and all. You folks are supposed to protect us, and I think you all do a great job, but my gosh you all sound like whining little babies here or maybe like my teenage kids calling names… or worse…
Just saying…
If it doesn’t look right it doesn’t smell right it ain’t right. All these folks who are running for office need to start being honest and so does Marc. People are getting and have been getting tired of his antics it’s getting old quick. Time to be honest and yes who is your #2, who is your command staff and Marc Eaton you are not even a Harford county resident. Which then I need to ask why are you so interested. We’re you I’n fact promised a job by one of the politicians?
First things first, great screen name it made me chuckle. Second, I am flattered that you and others think I am such a great political asset that I would be offered a job. Really? I am opinionated, outspoken and like many of you say on here an a hole. No politician in his right mind would want me supporting or working for them. I see weakness in Bane supporters by the way the attack others who support someone else. If you had confidence in him you would not do this. As for me, after finding out how yet another Deputy was discarded like Noel was I decided to do something about this. After making contact with the outgoing Union President it was clear to me that he and his VP had no interest of taking care of retired members. This is what me and others are working for now with the Signal 13 Fund. This is where I am spending my time and effort. My goal is to make the Signal 13 Fund successful and be able to help as many people as we can. No one helping me or myself will get one dime in doing this. Our way of giving back and trying to make a difference, and we are making a difference. I stood beside many of you and no matter how I would feel about you as a person I would put it all on the line for you because you were my fellow Police Officer. This fund allows us to continue to do that. So say what you want about me I do not care. Others who disagree with me have made donations to the fund and I thank you and we appreciate it. If I can put politics aside for a good cause so can you. Be safe out there and take care. If you have questions about me or the fund all of my information is on our web page.
You said earlier that you were done posting here. Yet, you post again. You really are confused.
I am not a police officer but have worked with Bane and a few of his higher ranking personnel. As a citizen of this county, I feel that a change is needed and hopefully a new leader will mean a new administration and better morale. Our resources are already stretched thin without spendinng unnecessary time learning how to get along and work together. Thank you, police officers, for all you do for the good of our counnty and its citizens.
When are you following Rush to Costa Rica Marc?
When are you going to start earning your fed salary?
Good name, Skid Marc’s….,
You nailed Marc. He is posting even though he sends a post and says he is done posting and only wants to help his brothers and sisters. We are all tired of him.
Way to go Lionel…. and you wonder why we have a problem with you and your cronies…..Or is this Dave???
You epitomize what I posted above.
All these people running for sheriff need to inlighten, us as to how they intend to reduce crime When there has been little change in the edge wood area. The population is growing, & so is the crime.
To be fair, Mr. Gahler has already made it clear to every member of the Sheriff’s Office his commitment where Mr. Walter is concerned and his timetable for announcing his would be chief deputy. He did so in writing and since he has offered the employees an opportunity to be heard before he makes his decision. I don’t thing you will get him to betray this promise and do otherwise. Anyone on here posting contrary information on behalf of Mr. Ryan or Mr. Bane are throwing out false statements that their candidates know to be false. Ryan is a union member and received the letter and there is no doubt that Bane got his hands on a copy of it.
Thank you for clearing that issue for the readers. Probably not much will change for the posters since their seems to be a real attempt to provide lots of misinformation about Mr. Gahler. That will probably continue. It is hard to dispute what Mr. Gahler has to say if he puts it in writing.
Well then, who is it and when will he announce if for sure?
Check with the Deputies Union. Apparently Mr. Gahler is willing to meet with them and hear their thoughts about senior management prior to making and announcing his selection for Chief Deputy. One would assume that the deputies union will be scheduling a meeting, so they should know a time frame.
You don’t think that is inappropriate? A deputy union meeting with a candidate instead of relying on an open public forum for him to express his intentions? That sounds a little twisted. I’m surprised you are not bothered by it.
Not bothered at all. We are the ones it matters to the most, so I think it is great that Mr. Gahler wants some feedback on anyone he might be considering. On the other hand, we have John who no one is asking who his #2 is going to be and Mr. Peck who picked his best friend who has no more qualifications than Mr. Peck.
I beg to differ with the post of DSU Member. Mr. Gahler has maintained that Howard Walter will not “physically” be in his organization but has consistently avoided the question regarding his spouse Theresa’s involvement. I read references to a letter sent by Mr. Gahler. Sometimes written passages need further verbal explanation. Sometime positions change. Sheriff’s Deputies and citizens have pleaded repeatedly for the truth regarding this one issue and have not gotten it only political double-talk. There are many good police officers who have supported Bane and others that supported Gahler. After the last election they were still remained friends and brothers in blue. Many of the Gahler supporters acknowledged that he lost the last election because he withheld information about his number two. Many stated that they had personally told Mr. Gahler that they thought he should distance himself from the adversity. Many wanted to know if there was Walter’s involvement but never got a straight answer. Mr. Gahler was a good officer on the street who was well liked. Early on (Circa 2008) the general consensus was that a Jeff Gahler/Chuck Moore Sheriff’s ticket was unbeatable. People were looking for a good source of leadership. Apparently someone or something steered him away from that arrangement. The someone is what people are worried about. A testament to this premise was HOW in Republican Harford County in a year of Republican trends could Mr. Gahler lose an election. He knows how and his followers know why. It is a growing fear that Mr. Gahler has not changed his mind from 2010. Hopefully Mr. Gahler will heed the advise of many and make the right decisions for the betterment of the officers and the community he wishes to serve. God luck to all especially the Deputies.
Do you Gahlerites have any answer? How about you, Mike? Talk to those deputies you know.
I do speak with the Deputies. They are looking forward to Gahler naming his Chief Deputy prior to the election, just as he told them he would do.
Mike, Respectfully, your responses are not answering or addressing the questions which the Deputies would like answered NOW!!! You are unfortunately reinforcing a growing concern regarding the credibility of your cause. These are good and intelligent people who are only requesting the truth. I assure you that the folks in the HCSO are much smarter than your responses have given them credit for. Maybe you should stick to the positive attributes of Mr. Gahler’s campaign and avoid trying to “stonewall” the answer to a simple question which is so important to the Deputies. This is starting to get old.
From the troopers I know we should all be glad that didn’t happen. Talk to some of the troopers who worked for Lt. Moore. I would take Walters back anyday.
John Ryan needs to explain how he plans on lowering crime and reducing wasteful spending. Does this mean that some wasteful spending is ok. What is your plan to make this happen. Not one person running for office has answered any questions. I think that they should all agree to a debate. Also who is Marc Eaton is he running for Sheriff I am confused. I am not in the loop like you posters all seem to be.
True Question,
I agree with you. A face to face debate would be valuable for voters to make an informed decision. Get away from the war stories that some of posts want regarded as fact and deal with true issues. Perhaps, this can be suggested to the League of Women Voters as a neutral organization. Also, HCC has done debates before as well. Any of the candidates who don’t show up would be sending a clear message to me.
Monster, There is nothing untrue about Jesse Bane keeping Fred Visnaw and Mark Forwood on the job. Voters have a right to know these things. Please let us know if you disagree.
Moon Dawg,
As I pointed out in an earlier post, are you telling the voters that other administrations have also had problems. Any organization has rogues, miscontents, loafers, and unfortunately, people who do things they shouldn’t do. Ask Tom Golding about the Captain that he attempted to save from a DWI , or better yet, ask Joe Meadows about his female issues. You know this, but you would rather dismiss it. It fits your agenda.
If Tom Golding or Joe Meadows were running for Sheriff your comments might have some credence. Based on your comments, one could discern that your point is, Bane’s actions even if untoward or just morally wrong are OK because other Sheriff’s before him have done things that were improper. It is certainly true that Joe Meadows had female issues. It is also true that he resigned from office as a result of those issues. Are you suggesting that Sheriff Bane resign as a result of the Visnaw and Forwood issues?
If Tom Golding or Joe Meadows were running for Sheriff your comments might have some credence. Based on your comments, one could discern that your point is, Bane’s actions even if untoward or just morally wrong are OK because other Sheriff’s before him have done things that were improper. It is certainly true that Joe Meadows had female issues. It is also true that he resigned from office as a result of those issues. Are you suggesting that Sheriff Bane resign as a result of the Visnaw and Forwood issues? Of course you’re not… it doesn’t fit your agenda.
Why don’t you focus on things today, your campaign and leave the past behind? You seeem to drag it up, and relive it………..Same movie, different actors…..
My point is that if you want to tell war stories, there are plenty to tell in past administrations as well. So, stop all your past stories and let’s focus on real issues. Every organization, and I don’t care what it is, has people who misbehave. It is not good, but let’s talk major issues. You are like the evening news- you love to go on and on about petty things, but fail to address the major issues affecting the people. Got it?
Your failure to tell me even one thing regarding where you disagree with Marc is, excuse the expression, a cop-out. Marc, I know you can find something about yourself that you disagree with and we all would like to hear it.
Well done Mike !!
True Question,
No, Marc is a retired Deputy First Class who thinks he knows how to run the HCSO. He also has a vendetta against Bane, the current sheriff. He has posted for at least 5-6 years critical of Bane’s character, morals, background- you name it. If you want to discuss issues-okay, but he is not doing that. He tries to get the sympathy of readers in every possible way, but always returns to try to assassinate Bane’s character.
Lionel, Dave, Carl, Doug, Fred….whoever you are this time….. you seem to “assassinate” Marc Eaton just as much…. look at what you fellows wrote…..whoever you may be this time, you need some professional mental health help…..
How do you shave in the morning? Can you actually look at yourself in the mirror?
I sleep well at night also. How about you, Marc?
Monster, he also does so with a hidden animosity against Bane’s political affiliation. You can read that on his Facebook page. He really is a hateful little man with a grudge and an overdeveloped sense of entitlement for wrongs he has perceived but probably has no idea how he got that animosity he generates. Seriously, this is bordering on an asocial personality disorder. A sense of martyrdom, the feeling that everyone is against him and a ruthless pursuit of his critics for the purpose of revenge. It would be nice if he developed a hobby like beekeeping
Because, I agree with you completely. He tries to make us feel sorry for him and then he spreads more hate. Some people actually buy in to this and think he is for his brothers and sisters in the HCSO. He is a sad case.
I find it interesting that all of the Gahler supporters didn’t endorse my call for a face to face debate of the candidates for Sheriff. If Bane is so uninformed as they say, this would be a picnic for their candidate.
Have any female’s filed for sheriff or are there any that are willing. All these men bickering back and forth is getting old it’s like a vfw hall from hell.
It is the price we pay for an elected Sheriff. Support the right person and move up the ladder quicker. Unfortunately, that is what our democracy has become, and you may well be correct.
Julie, there is a female major in the department. She has a thug boyfriend who is a correctional officer at the detention center. He made a video flashing gang signs all over the place. I’m sure you can find it in the Dagger archives. She is as spiteful as Bane and one of the main reasons the morale is so low in the agency. It’s really not a male/female issue, it’s a leadership and character issue.
The original rant
Sherman: “I’m the best corner in the game! When you try me with a sorry receiver like (the 49ers’ Michael) Crabtree, that’s the result you are going to get! Don’t you even talk about me!”
Andrews: “Who was talking about you?”
Sherman: “Crabtree! Don’t open your mouth about the best or I’m going to shut it for you real quick!”
Andrews, looking at camera and talking to directors: “And Joe (FOX Sports announcer Joe Buck), back over to you.”
The Bane Rant
Bane: “I’m the best candidate in the race! When you try me with a sorry candidate like (Jeff) Gahler, that’s the result you are going to get! Don’t you even talk about me!”
Eddie Hopkins: “Who was talking about you?”
Bane: “Eaton! Don’t open your mouth about the best or I’m going to have someone shut it for you real quick because I’ll get hurt if I try to do it myself!”
Hopkins, reading the posts and texting the editors: “And Aaron (Dagger editor), back over to you.”
That is what we get from the Gahler supporters. This kind of nonsense. I am sure that Mr. Gahler is a fine man, but he needs to talk to his supporters. I don’t see John Ryan supporters doing this. What I have seen from his side is a disagreement with Bane, but he doesn’t try to get personal about it. The Gahler group is a bunch of verbal thugs who amuse themselves making up things. I am a registered Republican who plans on voting for Bane. In the primary I will vote for Ryan unless I see Gahler and Company trying to discuss issues of importance to the public. I have had enough of the personality battle that comes out every 4 years in the HCSO.
I feel like a lot of people are labeling me. I don’t care about your corrupt major or what you think of about females just giving a suggestion. Maybe the current complaining males are not either.
Julie, There is a police chief in HdG who was a deputy. I wish she would run, not because she is a female, but because I think she would do a good job.
Why don’t you pay her a visit. See if you can convince her to become a candidate. 🙂
Good idea, mike, should I also try to talk Gahler, Ryan, Bane and any others into a face to face debate? Maybe you could help me arrange that.
I have no desire to run or interfere in the campaigns of Bane, Gahler, Ryan et all. In fact, some measure of their leadership will be how they handle their campaigns. They don’t need me sticking my nose in.
You have no desire to interfere in the campaigns? That is a very weak answer and I am being kind. Why wouldn’t you want to see a debate?
If they have a debate among all candidates then I will attend. I am not going to help arrange it. Tell ya what, you arrange the debate and I will attend.
Sure, Mike. You have no role in this except to vote. Good attitude. That attitude is how people like Obama get in office. Shame on you. I will call the college to see what can be done when the election gets closer. At least I will try.
Mike Welsh,
You reveal yourself more each day. Of course I am not excusing past administrations or Bane. What I am saying is that all administrations have had internal problems. Not everyone is an ideal employee. You are smart enough to recognize that. Let’s deal with police issues and stop the personal war stories. You might wish to talk to other deputies than the 3-4 that you know.
Can we stick to the undisputed facts;
Jesse Bane kept Fred Visnaw on the job and in a power position after Visnaw was found sleeping on the job.
Jesse Bane kept Mark Forwood under wraps so it different effect the last election.
Of course each administration has personnel issues that arise from employee actions. All of us understand that. What comes into question is how those issues are addressed by leadership. Sheriff Bane has had more personnel issues than just Visnaw and Forwood, some of which have been addressed appropriately and others that have questions remaining on how they were addressed.
When a sitting Sheriff runs for reelection they must address the negatives as well as take credit for those things that they believe are positive accomplishments. You can’t have it just one way. If you don’t want any of the negatives from “the past” brought up for consideration by the voters, then why would you want any of the positives from “the past” brought up for consideration.
If I reveal myself more each day it’s because you haven’t been paying close attention. I have stated several times in the past that I am NOT a supporter of Sheriff Bane. I supported him the first time he ran, but not the second. I am NOT a supporter of Gahler, Ryan, or Peck, but will find myself voting for one of them if they are the only alternative to Bane. Currently I believe that Gahler is the best choice, but that is based on the availability of current information about the candidates. That may change as the campaigns move forward. It’s a long way to November.
I do read your posts carefully. Of course, I realize that negatives are discussed during a political campaign. Where you and I differ is that the Gahler people only want to discuss the incidents of people under Bane and not the issues of policing. The latter is far more important than the former. What do we know about Gahler’s leadership? My guess is that in 4 years we will be discussing this about whomever the next sheriff will be, whether it is Bane, Gahler, or anyone else. Can’t we talk about issues that are more important to the people of Harford County? Why do you want to keep rehashing the same old stories.
I don’t bring up the old stories. Others do, and I comment on them, as do you.
We only know what we want to know about Gahler’s leadership. If someone is interested then they go to the source and ask questions. You seem to want someone other than Gahler to explain Gahler’s thoughts and position to you. Gahler has explained his positions in writing repeatedly on the Dagger, and in the Aegis when they would print it. If you believe him to be wrong, then challenge what he has said, don’t challenge other posters because they seem to be a supporter of the Gahler position. It is fair to ask them why they are a supporter. You have asked me, and I have answered that I am a non-supporter of Sheriff Bane. Simply stated, I support whoever is the alternative to Sheriff Bane. That may or may not be Gahler, time will tell. However, I will not vote for someone who is simply not qualified. Should that come about, I simply will not vote. Truth be known, that is the same position most of the Deputies I speak with have. Sheriff Bane has left such a bad taste through his senior leadership selections and personal treatment of several employees that an attitude has developed as… anyone but Bane. If you are in or close to people in the HCSO you have to know that is the situation.
Mike, I also know whining and complaining when I see it. Few, if any posters have told me why they think Gahler is better than Bane. Voting against someone rather than for someone is a weak argument at best. That is how we got Obama.
One final thought- you and yours talk about the deputies, how bad their morale, etc. etc. The HCSO isn’t there to serve the deputies. It is there to serve the citizens of Harford County. So, when you are feeling righteous, please remember that.
You are correct, the HCSO is there to serve the citizens, and I believe they do an excellent job of their mission. I also happen to believe that life for the Deputies could be much more pleasant if they believed in and trusted their leadership to treat them fairly. That isn’t happening under this administration.
Yes Mike, you’re right. But we shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that the two named above have one thing in common. Those of us who know the real story on them. Both were involved in deception and fraud. One may have been sleeping, but it was the lying about it and the other circumstances around it. The other , theft scheme… well enough said. The Sheriff sure did take care of both of them, to his advantage…..
So Monster, lets hear abou that. BTW I’m not Marc…worked with him… never socialized with him if it’s any of your business.
“The Sheriff sure did take care of both of them, to his advantage….”
Yes he did…. and to theirs! The only losers in those instances were the citizens of Harford County.
I didn’t ask you if you knew him or if you socialized with him. I could care less about you. I am not arguing with you about what those two did being wrong. Of course, they were wrong. Are you telling me that the sheriff is responsible for their behavior? If that is the case, then the President is responsible for the conduct of every military person under his command. Personnel decisions are handled confidentially for a variety of reasons. Just ask Marc Eaton. He knows.
Wow Monster lets hope your lack of awareness and integrity is not reflective of the whole department. We already know that it is reflective of Union Leadership considering Fred Visnaw was president of the Union and still has influence over its members. The point about Visnaw is that Jesse Bane kept him on-board and in power. For that, the Union continually supports Bane.
Mark Forwood was handpicked by Bane to be one of the highest ranking members of the Department. It was a questionable move that turned out to be the wrong one. Bane’s decision making skills and integrity need to be called into question.
Monster what don’t you understand?
Your ignorance. Every leader has bad apples. The next sheriff, no matter who he is will too. Do you know what an important issue is. Why don’t you talk about that or how Gahler is so qualified to lead the HCSO and make all of the deputies happy. Oh, talk about crime, what a novelty.
Monster – Like I said, I hope all of our Harford County officers don’t share your poor character…
read above
Monster seems to have a man crush on “Marc Eaton”.
read above, and keep your swamp gas to yourself.
Why do you accuse anyone who makes a post of being Marc Eaton? You seem obsessed with him. You are very defensive all the time. Are you seeing someone for your condition? Want me to have Junk talk to you?
I would go to Marc’s psychiatrist, but I see what it did for him. Who do you see?
Now that is a fake name!
I thought you were done posting.
Monster: Regarding your comment: “One final thought- you and yours talk about the deputies, how bad their morale, etc. etc. The HCSO isn’t there to serve the deputies. It is there to serve the citizens of Harford County. So, when you are feeling righteous, please remember that.” Are you so small minded that you don’t realize that if the morale is bad that the citizens are not able to be served properly? And morale is lower than its ever been, even with Howard Walter in office. The personnel in the agency live in fear every day that they will be the next target of Bane and IA-28. How would you feel going to work every day knowing that for no reason at all, just because THEY CAN, that you or one of your co-workers will be the next victim? And there is always a next one. I’m sure you have some smart ass comeback. You aren’t as witty as you think.
Smart ass answers go to smart ass posters. Anybody who is an officer of the law should be big enough to deal with pressure. Were you in the military? If so, did you like all of your commanding officers, sergeants, etc. I doubt it. Did you always know better than your superiors. I bet so. But, you went through training to do a job, otherwise work for a private company. You are whiney cry baby- boo hoo, I get picked on by my superiors. Be a man and do the job. Stop your bitching.
When I read this back and forth between Gahler, Bane and Ryan supporters I get really confused. But the thing that confuses me the most is why the Deputies Union seems to upset some of the posters that I thought the union represented. Some of these posters make it sound as though it is the union that needs to change and it doesn’t protect the rights of the deputies. If this is true, why is the union tolerated?
William. Why should taxpayers support Jesse Bane and the deputies union when they both supported Fred visnaw sleeping on the job putting the public and fellow officers at risk?
your answer confuses me more. my question is why do deputies put up with a union that doesn’t support them
They don’t. What makes you think the union does not support the deputies?
From reading the posts. Where else would I get it. I am merely asking a question and this is what I get. Thanks.
Thats right. You get the answer that the union supports deputies. Always has.
Moon Dawg,
You really exaggerate don’t you. I pay taxes, does that mean I support Obamacare? Agree with our involvement in Afghanistan? Support welfare for drug users and baby factories because I don’t support any of that. Your answer is absurd.
Good question. It should be the union’s role to look after deputies and other HCSO staff. After all, isn’t the union composed of deputies and other staff? Harford County Public School and Harford County Government staff have written agreements and state laws that it is the union’s job to see are enforced. Is the Sheriff’s Office really different?
I find it amusing that the majority of comments are of no real value, it’s mostly grown men calling each other names and attacking anyone that doesn’t agree with their opinion. Really? It’s like reading a rag like the National Inquirer. You need to stop acting like school kids!
check back with my earlier posts on this site and you will see that I agree with you. Thanks for saying it.
Monster. Let’s stay on point. Why should taxpayers support Jesse bane and the deputies union when they both supported Fred visnaw sleeping on the job putting the public and fellow officers at risk. Awaiting your reply monster Fred.
Moon Dawg, why are you asking me instead of addressing your question to the person who asked it. Once again, is this how you handle voter’s questions. Personally, I thought it was a good question that was asked. You keep mentioning Fred Visnaw. How did he become President? Why haven’t deputies replaced him? Those are interesting questions that I would like you to answer.
Since you asked me, how do taxpayers support the Deputies Union? Please inform us with your knowledge.
Taxpayers pay the deputies salaries which in turn pays the union dues that support past presidents like Fred Visnaw. Is that clear enough? Remember, the deputies serve the public. A union that supports poor deputy performance and department inefficiencies is not serving the citizens and taxpayers.
Moon Dawg,
your answer is absurd. Just because I pay taxes doesn’t mean I support the war in Afghanistan, welfare for unwed or wedded mothers who continue to have children or ObamaCare. The man’s question is legitimate. Don’t cry about Fred Visnaw if you voted for him to be President. Don’t cry about deputy mistreatment if you don’t do anything about the union’s lack of support.
It doesn’t send a very strong message to whine and complain, blame the man at top, and do nothing about it yourself. Is that clear to you?
Monster – Many suspect you are Fred Visnaw. The Question at hand is why should any voter/taxpayer support Sheriff Jesse Bane given that he supported Fred Visnaw who was clearly caught sleeping on the job? If that is not clear enough than you really are a dumbass.
Moon Dawg, you are now calling me dumb ass. You know what they say about the kettle and the pot. By the way, your question is ridiculous as are you. The people have nothing to say about Fred Visnaw, he was put there by the deputies. So, why do you keep repeating this. If you don’t have anything to say, don’t say anything.
Why do you keep bringing up Fred Visnaw. He is not the Union President anymore. Any influence he had over the DSU was significantly diminished by the outcome of the most recent Union election. The DSU needs to stand strong and united for the common good. They need to start thinking about who they will support and endorse for Sheriff. Many factors should be considered. You have Mr. Bane, who many will say has attempted to do a good job but has made some HORRIBLE appointments which have destroyed morale in his agency. You have have Mr. Peck a virtual enigma. Very mysterious! Then you have Mr. Gahler who has both education and experience but will never gain the support of the majority of the Deputies as long as he continues to display his deceptive tactics when asked simple and direct questions about his administration. Some say he doesn’t care if they support him. “Big Mistake”. A great number of the Deputies are looking hard at John Ryan. Does he know all there is to be about the office of Sheriff? No, but he is honest and transparent and willing to do the best job he can. He has no political agendas and is certainly not in the pocket of any contributor or politician.
Ralph. Fred Visnaw is the poster child for Jesse Banes lack of integrity and judgement. Look deeper and you’ll see this patern with Bane.
I’ll make it simple for you… you don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Monster is correct… I’m sure he disagrees with many things the federal government does (as do I) that either endorsed or not endorsed by the chief executive. We have different reasons for endorsing or opposing Sheriff Bane. We don’t expect a hedgehog like yourself to understand them.
Because, Monster, and Union Leadership in Jesse’s back pocket – Let me make it simple for you. This has everything to do about Bane’s character. This blog is about the upcoming Harford County Sheriff election. Its as simple as this… Vote for Jesse Bane if you want a sheriff that condones Fred Visnaw’s behavior of sleeping on the job. Vote for Jesse Bane if you want a sheriff that tries to bury the Mark Forwood story. Vote for Jesse Bane if you want a sheriff that is beholden to a Deputies union that supports the likes of Fred Visnaw and Mark Forwood.
Moon Dawg, Is that why one or more posters have indicated that Gahler is going to the union to get their input on who his number 2 will be. You talk in circles which leads right back to your stupidity.
I am getting a definite feeling here. People on this site just want to be bitches.
To Monster, and the rest of the truth seekers,
Apparently you people don’t realize you are being played by Mike Welsh and the rest of the Gahler supporters. His posts continue to divert your attention from the frequently asked questions regarding Mr. Gahler’s choices for number two and other command positions. Mike Welsh is a very cunning and sly rascal. Get back on track and continue to demand answers. Mike, possibly when the smoke clears we can get together for a game of chess or bridge. I am sure that you would be a worthy competitor.
I give up,
You are correct. A few years ago I thought he was on the level. But, I don’t any more.
“Mike, possible when the smoke clears we can get together for a game of chess or bridge. I am sure that you would be a worthy competitor.”
Hey, I’m up for that. Maybe Sheriff Ryan, Peck or Gahler can also join in fun! 🙂
Who would I be playing against… you, Monster, William, etc.? Should be a great match.
Poker might be more fun.
Monster what issues would you like to debate?
Off the top of my head- Give each candidate an opening of 3 minutes to make introductory comments. Then Go to a 1-2 minute rebuttal time for each candidate. Then go to a candidate Q/A time. Finally, open questions from the audience evenly distributed to each candidate. The issues would be long term plans for HCSO, Specifics on dealing with crime in Edgewood-Abingdon, Future budgetary concerns for crime prevention, etc. There should be a planning committee that would actually meet to do the specifics and address the issues that should be covered. No questions would be given to candidates in advance. This is off the cuff, and it could be designed differently, but I think it would be beneficial to the voters and a lot more helpful than bickering back and forth on this site.
Marc I’m getting a little bit tired of you asking what the issues that need to be debated. How about basic policing issues. Please I don’t know who you are but you seem to stick your nose into everything. Stop it’s getting old you keep saying you are not going to post but you do. I challenge all the sheriff candidates to have a debate I agree why not of your scared grow up
Sheriff Bane doesn’t need to debate anyone, least of all someone like DFC Ryan. Sheriff Bane does not need to defend his record as Sheriff to patrol deputies. That is laughable.
To new Insider.
Thanks for using my screen name.
It may be laughable, but necessary. What is wrong with a face to face debate on the issues? It needs to be fairly and honestly handled. HCC or League of Women Voters, Aegis, Dagger, many others could sponsor this.
There is no need and no way Sheriff Bane is going to debate a patrol deputy currently in his employ. Jesse Bane does not need to defend his record as Sheriff. Certainly not to any patrol deputy still in his employ.
Debates are for the benefit of the voters, so I don’t understand why the Sheriff would not participate?? It’s not about him defending his record to anothe candidate, it’s about him defending his record to the voters, and to let us know what, if anything, he’s going to change if he’s re-elected.
amused, seems like a simple concept to me, apparently some people do.
His record speaks for itself. The voters have elected him twice and they understand what he is doing as Sheriff. There is no need for Sheriff Bane to defend his record to one of his employees. Especially someone who has never sought or achieved any supervisory position within the HCSO during his more than 22 years there.
Insider, I agree. I am a Bane supporter. The debate will NOT be for the deputies, but for the voters. Is there something wrong with that?
The only thing I have posted is my earlier thoughts on this and that this thread is way too long and it is time to move on. This new “insider” is not me and could have selected another name. From his posts, it looks like he justs wants to stir the pot and Monster is letting him.
Insider, I have located your original post on this thread and will cease using your screen name. I was unaware someone had already used that name. Needless to say I did not agree with your thoughts, but agree you were using “Insider” prior to me. Henceforth I will use “Reelect the Sheriff”
You are right, he can not defend his record to Patrol Deputies who suffer from his Major IA 28 and other head hunters. I agree with you 100%.
My apology Julie, I will check with you prior to anymore posts I make in order not to annoy you. What was I thinking?
Marc, the poster is annoyed with you for the same reason a lot of others are. You are a retired deputy and ask me what issues. That is a sad comment coming from someone in law enforcement.
Monster, I was asking you what issues you would like to debate on here with me? Guess I should have been more clear. Clearly my fault.
Monster, are you now Julie from Darlington to?
Agreed, only other suggestion would be to have two moderators, one from the Democratic and Republican committee from Harford County. Have a total of three debates, one for primary and then two in the General. We agree on something.
Marc, can you comment on the Visnaw situation and why he wasn’t fired immediately? Is it common for deputies to sleep on the job with their radios off?
Everyone is charged and offered a trial board, after that your receive your punishment. Fred was not the only one who would sleep on duty it has been going on for decades and in all departments. I think the issue was not responding to calls and then acting like he did. When I worked with Fred I never saw him or any others do this, he and others who would find their sleeping holes always backed each other up. Seems someone had a hard on for Fred to do a low crawl to catch him and forget about the others. As for why he was not fired I have no idea. Fred and I butted heads many times but when it came to having your back issues were put aside and he did his job. I think the special ops mission to sneak up on him was a little over the top. I don’t agree with what Fred and Mark did the issue is not with them but with Bane. If he kept them in was something to his advantage to do so. The question should not be to any of us on here but to Bane at a debate or one of his community meetings why he kept people on? Jesse does what is good for him first.
Amazing Eaton, sleeping has been going on for decades and in all departments. Do you condone that behavior? Nurses work 12 hour shifts. They don’t sleep on the job. If they do, they get fired. Perhaps, you should come to a County Counsel meeting and explain to the taxpayers why we are paying deputies to sleep on the job. Maybe so they can get enough rest to work their numerous part time jobs, i.e. John Ryan. Pathetic on some many levels!
I don’t know about nurses, you asked me a question and I answered it. I would rather have a cop pull up beside someone take a break like normal workers for 15 or 20 minutes then go wreck a car riding around. Do you get breaks where you work. If a cop gets a 20 minute break for lunch is it wrong if he takes a nap instead of eating? So yes I have no problem with a person doing this. What I have a problem with it guys coming out every night and finding a hiding spot from 3 to 6 am. I have a problem with midnight guys telling the new guys that you are not allowed to talk on the radio after 3 AM. You already new this all when you asked me. Okay. Moon Dawg, you act like Monster. Ask a polite question and then attack for the answer. I am not running for office so what I think does not matter.
Eaton. Obviously I’m speaking about officers like Fred Visnaw. What a bunch of pussies hiding behind a fat ass union and a lazy politician of a sheriff.
I have a random question and thought I’d ask it here: why do several deputy sheriff’s hang out it seems on a regular basis, at the Wawa at Fountain Green with their cars parked in opposite areas of the parking lot with the engines running? They could be on a dinner break but it just looked odd to me, esp after seeing it a few times. Just wondering.
Have you seen the size of some of the Deputies…? Does the Sheriff’s office have any physical ability requirements at all anymore?? Looks like some of these guys sit on their fat ass waiting to collect a pension at 46…
Dagger Press,
Your articles are stimulating a lot of interest in the upcoming election for Sheriff. This strand alone has over 200 posts. Admittedly, a lot of bickering and name calling, but still interest. Would your organization sponsor a face to face debate between the candidates for the office? It needs to be impartial and fairly constructed. Are you willing to step into this arena?
You are roughly 1/4 of all the posts on this story and that is just if you are not using any additional screen names (which I am betting you are). You like Bane, I like Gahler, There will be plenty of forums and debates just like any other election year and not because you thought of something new. Bane has been through it in 06 and 10, Gahler has been though it in 10, and we will see if Ryan and Peck have the fortitude to do the same. Blah, Blah, Blah, I agree with insider above, it is time to move on for all of us.
It might be blah blah, blah to you, but it isn’t to me. Yes, it is time to move on and I have suggested a way to do so. Yet, you reply with an answer that says I don’t want to be involved. Yet, you post on here frequently also. All I am asking is to put your time and effort where your mouth is and do something valuable for voters. Are you afraid of Gahler facing Bane and Ryan? That is what it sounds like. Which brings me back to my statement: you are a loudmouth who prefers to deal in personalities rather than discussing Harford County policing issues.
The number of posts by whoever is Monster total more than half the posts on this thread. He is not even smart enough to observe that when he posts as Marc Eaton, his false post prints in black on the screen and when Eaton actually posts it prints in red on the screen as Eaton has been using his real name for several years now.
Whoever Monster is he/she must be a very lonely person. When you have conversations with yourself using a multitude of screen names you really need a life.
Monster claims to support Sheriff Bane, but I am beginning to have my doubts about his/her sincerity in that regard. Some of the posts are really out there!
Reelect the Sheriff, Is this a change in your previous posts, or is who you really are confusing to you? I don’t post in Marc Eaton’s name. So, I don’t know what you are talking about regarding the color of the print. What have you been drinking or taking? I merely suggested a debate, and the Gahlerites do what they always do and that is to attack the messenger. I do support Bane and you know it. Deception for you might be fun, but it contributes nothing to voters’ understanding the differences between the candidates.
Julie, Please don’t put me in that group.
Monster: Contact Brian at
Thanks, Vietnam Vet
Interestingly enough, I have not seen any posts supporting my idea of a face to face debate by the candidates for sheriff from the Gahler supporters. I am not sure why. Maybe some of these whiners could tell me. You know- Marc Eaton, Moon Dawg, e tc.
Then there is good ol’ Mike Welsh who wishes to appear as the sage of democracy. No, he doesn’t want to get involved in helping to create such a debate, he just wants to spread the war stories backed by 3-4 deputies he claims to talk to on a regular basis. Mike, I think you are a plant who tries to play the good cop against the bad cops. I think you get what I am saying. I never see the Bane or Ryan supporters trying to run-down the character of opponents. It bothers me that the Gahler supporters on this site do so continually, and when someone mentions an idea that could be helpful to the voters, they get silent. Shame on you all.
Monster, you are either very dumb or mentally unstable. Hopefully someone will ask Bane why he kept Visnaw and Forwood on during a debate. The more debates the better
Well, he is not dumb!
Marc, can you comment on the Visnaw situation and why he wasn’t fired immediately? Is it common for deputies to sleep on the job with their radios off?
Again, your idea. There must have been more than 10 of them in 2010. Gahler and Bane supporters know this is coming since they have been there and done it. Why don’t you call for the sun to rise tomorrow and when it does it will have been your idea and you can criticize all the Gahler supporters who also didn’t call for the sun to rise.
Brilliant reply, Onpoint. Where were these 10 debates held? Were all of the candidates present? Inform me.
Monster, get some mental help before its too late?
Moon Dawg,
I already told you, I would go to Marc’s shrink but I see what happened to him. Who do you see?
Monster, I don’t want to see your story on the evening news man. Please get some much needed help.
All people have to see is your posts and that you are a Bane supporter, I am sure the Bane supporters know who you are. The fact that they have not muzzled you yet shows the true character of Bane. You act like Bane and his head hunters. What is really disturbing is the list of screen names you use and how you talk back and forth with yourself. Now this is where you come back call me nuts and accuse me of having other screen names. You are a bully, a coward who hides behind a computer. Tell us all the story how someone scared you last time when you used your real name. I use my name, no one threatens me. My phone number is out there no one calls me. Your pathetic.
On point, moon dawg, Marc a eaton, Vietnam vet and monster. I want a debate I don’t see why not. I need to know why not what are all of you worried about. Marc a eaton you have put me down time after time why? The others I called out you complain back and forth how about getting things done like a debate and stop trashing each other. It’s time and Marc I don’t know you but it makes me sick when you call me out like telling me “I will check in you prior to making anymore posts in order not to annoy you what was I thinking” really. I’m just trying to get the candidates to have a debate and you jump on me please stop I have nothing against you but clearly you have a problem with me and Marc a eaton it’s getting old.
I mean this in the nicest possible way, you must not be paying attention or you must not be all there. I have never said anything against the debate idea. From someone who has followed the Sheriffs race closely in the past, there will be several debates and forums before this is all over, but none of that is going to happen before the filing date. There still might be more candidates enter the race.
On point – no the fact that I get up at 2 to 4 am to go to work might have something to do with it. I am paying attention and I am all there. What I don’t appreciate is your character assassination of me. Maybe you need to grow up I am not a cop and your right maybe I’m not paying enough attention but as a voter I deserve the right to know. Don’t I or do you think not? Monster I have more respect for you now, Marc you continue to bash me, I am not monster get over your self I am offended that you bash me like you do and you are a jirk. Bottom line. There are few idiots on here and that’s a shame, how do you know really what’s going on without reading things like dagger. At this point I have been @hit on by Marc A Eaton and On Point who is next. No wonder the public is reluctant to post. You select few are a bunch of answer killers. What is your problem seriously Marc would you really go as far as to call me the monster you have lost it. I don’t know you hope not to meet you but why go after me. I am sickened by your comments. Marc I am in a field that your signal 13 fund intends to help you need to stop posting needless stuff on this site . What is work with you guys/gals that put this needless crap on here
Speaking of putting needless crap on here. Take a moment and re-read your post… talk about needless crap!!
Her post makes more sense if you hum the Twilight Zone music as you read her post! Wow!
on point, re-elect Bane and boot Bane,
didn’t your mother or father teach you that if you can’t say something nice, positive or constructive, not to say anything at all?
it’s not worth wasting your time trying to reason with ignorant people.
My Mother and Father taught me to be honest. That is why I support re-electing the Sheriff.
Sorry that your parent’s lesson didn’t take. There is nothing honest about Bane and he certainly lacks the integrity for the office (see more of this on your comment below about the majors). Bane is cut in the mold of a true liberal. Smile and lie your rear off then attack and criticize anyone that questions your lies. That is what you are voting for Phil.
My comments about the majors are absolutely true and accurate. People who are reading this thread need to understand that Sheriff Bane is doing an outstanding job. The fact that most deputies do not support his re-election is because they dislike him on a personal basis and they get mad when one of their brothers or sisters are disciplined for misbehavior. What many of the deputies are saying about Sheriff Bane’s senior leadership team is just sour grapes because the Sheriff didn’t choose them to be one of the majors.
You mean the deputies don’t like it when Bane fires a female deputy for an offense that was recommended as a few days loss of leave? How silly those deputies are to think they might not be treated fairly and justly by a guy who promotes those who kiss his rear and fires women for questioning his divine self. I am so sure that many of the deputies (lowest rank in department) are upset that Bane didn’t promote them to Major. If you care to be honest (I am guessing that is a stretch) you will acknowledge that your statement is B.S. Also, please send me a little of what you are drinking. It must be good stuff.
Reelect the Sheriff, When is Bane gonna stop feeding some of these Deputies? Some of these officers are supersized in the wrong way. Its a disgrace, a bunch of Boss Howgs runnin around Hazard County…
Ryan is no slouch in the size department. Is that the point you are trying to get across? Might be part of his platform, never missed a meal and won’t let the deputies miss one either!
To Boot Bane. You don’t address the fact that she was found guilty and while there was a recommendation for loss of leave as punishment it was in fact just a recommendation. The Sheriff obviously knew about her entire career at HCSO and decided that it was time for her to go. The HCSO does not need malcontents in our ranks and the Sheriff was right to let her go. If you can’t support your leader then its time for you to move along.
To B.I.G
The next time you need help, and one of those “Boss Howgs” roll up to help you, be sure to tell them you don’t need their help because they are …”a disgrace”. If the Sheriff is not bothered or embarrassed by the size of his deputies, why should you be? The Sheriff knows their capabilities and he is satisfied with their job performance.
Reelect the loser… I mean Sheriff,
So the high and mighty Sheriff took irrelevant incidents into account in firing her? So following that logic, we as Deputies, citizens and voters should take all things the Sheriff has done or failed to do in his career and boot him out of the position. ????
” If you can’t support your leader then its time for you, more like him (the sheriff) to move along.” Obviously we can’t….. OK people and voters in Harford County… listen to him…….remove him… too Sheriff… move on…
For Real,
Obviously the Sheriff didn’t think the other incidents were irrelevant.
Following your logic, if you look into a mirror and don’t like what you see, you believe the mirror needs to be replaced.
Reelect the Sheriff,
Obviously the Sheriff needs to review the basics of the LEOBR, Administrative Law, and Maryland Rules to wit: Prior bad acts are not admissible.
In deciding to increase the punishment, the police chief or sheriff must notify the officer ahead of time, and provide clear and relevant documentation as to increasing the penalty recommended, and then meet with officer to discuss the same.
In this case the word irrelevant is the key and most believe this officer had a strong case to appeal and reverse his vindictive punishment.
Why did he punish a deputy who admitted a first degree assault using issued equipment to 6 months @ the radio shop and then allowed the deputy to be promoted? How about deputies who mislead the courts on a warrant getting transferred to another LE position and still be allowed to be promoted?
Questionable acts that the public should be concerned about now that you bring up the one stated above.
Awaiting your response or justification of those tidbits…….
Not to mention deputies who are arrested for punching prostitutes, committing tax fraud, still have their jobs, still getting promoted. And then there is the female corporal who suggested that the Sheriff not compromise a crime scene, the Sheriff doesn’t like to be told what to do, and she was ousted. I could go on and on but Monster has been quiet for a while, don’t want to stir him up.
Then have the officer appeal. Sheriff Bane can’t stop the officer from appealing. Running your mouth on this forum does nothing to help the officer.
If you want to know why Bane took certain actions, ask him. By the way I didn’t bring anything “up”. I only commented on what had already been posted.
And when she wins her case, would you expect Bane to apologize and stand up and admit what he did was wrong? You can bet when he sees he is going to lose, he’ll make sure the settlement is sealed. Wouldn’t be a first time he treated a woman unfairly and lost, just ask him and he’ll tell you he can’t talk about it.
No, I would not expect Bane to apologize, anymore than I expect a judge to apologize if his/her decision is overturned on appeal. Should she apologize to Bane for having put the HCSO through such an unnecessary process if she doesn’t win her appeal?
The have debates Julie, I watched them last election. It will happen.
Moon Dawg, I am surprised you watch the evening news.
Marc A Eaton,
I know what the A stands for, we all do. Don’t accuse me of doing what you do. This post of yours is the real Marc Eaton. Yes, people know you and you are dumb enough to use your real name. You are as much a whiney baby as some of those other posters, OR YOU trying to make everyone think there are many posters. You said some time ago that you weren’t going to post on here anymore, yet you do. Maybe that shows your character. You are paranoid, and as Because stated, you have a martyr complex. You want people to feel sorry for you one time and then shower us with your hatred another. That says a lot about you. You are a poor excuse for a human.
There it is and right on time. You are predictable.
Monster, Answer the questions. Why did Bane keep Visnaw and Forwood on? Why did he protect an officer that was sleeping on duty with his radio off? Simple enough?
Yes, you are simple enough. Why don’t you talk to your union and ask them to educate you on personnel laws. Better yet, ask Marc to inform about confidentiality when it comes to personnel issues.
Yes, you are simple enough. Why don’t you talk to your union and ask them to educate you on personnel laws. Better yet, ask Marc to inform you about confidentiality when it comes to personnel issues. Oh, while you are at it, ask your union about why Visnaw was not fired. I am sure that they would have fought Bane tooth and nail. Tell me, what is the purpose of your union?
Monster, get some help man! Go get a mental health assessment…
you need to stop picking on Mark. He is starting to cry.
Don’t worry, William, he will be back on this site telling everyone how he supports deputies, and the great he is doing for the Signal 13 Fund. All of his saps will then defend him. He is very resilient.
Yet another new screen name, you are brilliant. And Monster, all three GOP candidates have asked how they can help with the Signal 13 Fund. No calls from Bane or the Union. No I stand corrected the outgoing President and the Vice President have stated it is not their responsibility to keep track of people like Noel when they retire. What does this say about Bane who stated he wished he could do more for Noel? Leave it to you and your many personalities to make fun of helping injured Officers, you represent the Bane camp proudly.
Who is the new President? Does that person see it any differently?
Eaton you can’t help yourself.
Looney Tunes, Marc Eaton should have your name, your posts make sense.
Yet again you are talking to yourself. Feel free to use my name again. @Hillary, I have not talked with Tim yet about this.
I for one as “Jane Citizen” would be very interested in attending a debate to hear substantive answers to important questions asked of them. It would be great if a series of debates could be open to the public, held in a large enough space to accomodate everyone who wants to attend, be well advertised and moderated correctly. Having worked with several of Bane’s higher level designees on a number of community initiatives, I was very surprised. One in particular that was not the brightest crayon in the pack, another that turned out to be a criminal. How do some of these people get promoted to such positions? I truly think that a good housecleaning is in order. Wish the county government would do the same- lots of people there based on who they know rather than their credentials
People who serve in the grade of Major at the HCSO are not really promoted to that grade, they are ‘appointed’ to that grade by the Sheriff. Sheriff Bane gets to make that decision because he gets to choose his inner circle of loyalist who will be close to him. That is only fair and there is nothing secretive about the fact the Sheriff can do this, it is his right as Sheriff. Imagine if you were Sheriff and every time you made a decision several members of your most senior staff were disagreeing with your decision. That’s just something Sheriff Bane does not need to put up with. He is a leader and he wants his senior leadership to support and follow him.
You are correct they are chosen personally by the Sheriff of those he trusts the most. Let see, Major Forewood spent his days stealing from home depot and Bane kept him on the payroll much longer than he needed to, Major Bodway so frustrated with Bane’s lack of leadership ability, he retired to run against him, Major Presberry, Bane’s greatest accomplishment, promoting a black female lieutenant over all of his captains to appeal to the minority vote. This is a sampling of Bane’s inner circle choices and are some of the reasons he will be packing boxes in November.
It is not Sheriff Bane’s fault that Forewood was stealing from home depot. Forewood did that on his own. As Sheriff Bane said many times, Forewood deserved his day in court so the Sheriff kept him on until his court date. When Forewood was caught stealing again, Sheriff Bane had enough and fired him. I agree that Sheriff Bane should have fired him.
Major Presberry was promoted because she supported Sheriff Bane. That is only right. When you work as hard as Presberry did to get Bane re-elected you should receive some reward. Besides, she is a black female (the first I might add to achieve that grade) and it has helped Sheriff Bane relate to many citizens in the Edgewood community. She has been an important asset to Sheriff Bane in policing the Edgewood community.
Major Bodway left because he wanted to be the boss. Nothing wrong with that. Ryan should do the same thing since he wants to be Sheriff. It’s the proper thing to do if you are really serious about being elected Sheriff.
Ryan is not serious, he is a plant by Bane to be sure. Bane wanted Forewood case to drag on to his day in court so it would not get him thrown out of office and he succeeded in doing just that. As for Presberry, she is such an asset Bane moved her behind a desk to hide her and so she would stop screwing with the deputies. What a great asset she must be!
To Reelect the Sheriff,
I somewhat agree with paragraphs one and three but with regards to paragraph number two I am afraid that you must have fallen and bumped your head. There were many people who worked harder for the Bane camp than Major Presberry and were much more loyal to him. Speaking of loyalty Sheriff Bane might want to investigate which one of his current command once maliciously called him a bald headed —— —— prior to their appointment? This is the same pattern of disrespect that many good Deputies have endured. Please don’t insult the intelligence of the Deputies in the agency or for that matter the voters of Harford County. Her appointment has virtually destroyed the morale of the HCSO. If Sheriff Bane wants to win the election, which he still can, he must release her immediately. The members of the HCSO currently have a tremendous distrust for Mr. Gahler. Many question Mr. Gahler’s veracity due to his unwillingness to respond to questions regarding his future command staff appointments. Sheriff Bane needs to get rid of his detractors now and capitalize on the Deputies distrust of Mr. Gahler.
two out of three,
Bane will never get rid of Presberry, even though she is incompetent in her position, because she’s a minority,and he doesn’t want to be accused of discrimination. He might lose votes. Just more of the same from his administration.
Thanks for the clarification. I do not work for law enforcement and have tremendous respect for what the officers do on a daily basis to try and maintain law and order. However I have to say that in judging effective leadership, a basic tenet is to see who the leader surrounds him or herself with. I am sure that most of the upper level eschelon are quality folks, but there have been a few that just amazed me with their lack of professionalism.
Ps…I’m not crazy about the helicopter.
Well, she apparently has had a muzzle put on her. I am sure she is keeping score if Bane can pull a win out of his tush. @Two out of three, Bane has to keep his “detractors” because if they are cut loose they may talk about the real issues that we are accused of making up. A lot of skeletons will fall out of that closet.
You know that Bane rewarded her because she backed him for Sheriff. He also promoted her because she is female and black. Smart move on his part to keep the problem people in Edgewood appeased. It’s true she has become a disruptive influence in the agency, but there have been others before her who were just as ineffective. To say the least, she is not the first bad Major the HCSO ever had. Bane deserves to be re-elected. His poison is not any worse than the others. I mean really, you would rather have John Ryan as Sheriff than Bane?
Reelect the Sheriff,
I have read some boneheaded posts on the Dagger but you are going to at least get an honorable mention. ….”Smart move on his part to keep the problem people in Edgewood appeased”…. Wow!!! I will just leave it up to each reader’s individual imagination as to how to interpret that one. The sad truth is the Major in question has destroyed the morale of the HCSO because of her lack of maturity and personal insecurities. Nothing to do with her race or gender. All I can say is get ready for some surly responses to your post. I hope in my heart that your intention was not to offend any of the good people of the Edgewood community with your post. Hopefully, Sheriff Bane will release her and move forward. Currently the majority of the men and women of the HCSO don’t trust Mr. Gahler as far as they can throw him in to the wind. Sheriff Bane needs to clean house and take advantage now of a strong anti-Gahler sentiment.
Sheriff Bane has no intention of releasing her. How would that look for the Sheriff? Besides he would get lots of blow back from many folks in Harford County. He certainly doesn’t need that in an election year.