From the Maryland Pro-Life Alliance:
I’m sorry to have to report this.
But Senator Barry Glassman (R-Harford County) is continuing to run away from taking a firm stance in defense of the unborn in Maryland.
While Mr. Glassman films himself running around the state house for his County Executive campaign . . . he’s refusing to publicly pledge his support for SB-34, the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.
Instead of filming campaign videos in Annapolis we want Senator Glassman to be in the state house fighting for the unborn!
What is the delay in supporting a bill that will end late term abortion in Maryland?
Why won’t Barry Glassman commit to supporting the bill?
This is especially disappointing because Senator Glassman serves on the Senate Finance Committee.
The Senate Finance Committee is the committee that SB-34 is assigned to.
Mr. Glassman is in a very unique position to be a champion for our cause, instead he isn’t even stepping to the plate.
Please call and email Harford County Senator Barry Glassman today and tell him to be a pro-life champion in Annapolis by pledging NOW to support SB-34.
Glassman, Barry
Republican – Harford County
P.S. Read my below email to get more background on Senator Glassman’s retreat on protecting life in Maryland.
——– Original message ——–
Subject:Re: Senator Barry Glassman responds
From:”Diane E. Hussey, President, Maryland Pro-Life Alliance”
We’re very worried about State Senator Barry Glassman.
This week we reported to you that NOT ONE Senator seated on the Maryland Senate Finance Committee would commit to supporting Senate Bill 34.
As you know, SB-34 is the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act which would end abortions after 20 weeks.
One of our members received a response from Senator Barry Glassman (R-Harford County) yesterday that is causing us grave concern.
Here’s what Glassman said when asked directly if he would support SB-34:
“I have a 100% MD Right to Life voting record but will wait for the bill hearing before my final decision..Thanks and take care. Barry”
We need Senator Barry Glassman to stand up today to be the pro-life legislator he claims to be and publicly support SB-34.
A pro-life legislator shouldn’t need to “wait until the hearing” to figure out whether or not to support a bill that would end late term abortions.
We need your help today to show Barry Glassman the way.
Please call and email Harford County Senator Barry Glassman today and tell him to be a pro-life champion in Annapolis by pledging NOW to support SB-34.
Glassman, Barry
Republican – Harford County
Friends, we are thoroughly convinced that without pro-life champions fighting for this bill in Annapolis RIGHT NOW SB-34 won’t be heard or voted on in the Senate Finance Committee this year.
Barry Glassman is currently running to be the next County Executive in Harford County.
If Senator Glassman is unable to stand tall in defense of the unborn in Annapolis, what will he do (or not do) as County Executive in Harford County?
Although he’s the first one to tell you about how “pro-life” he is, waiting until the last minute to support a bill to end late term abortion doesn’t seem too “pro-life” to us.
There are several Democrats on the Senate Finance Committee that need to hear from their voters.
But your Maryland Pro-Life Alliance can’t start activating in those districts when the 3 Republican Senators on this Committee aren’t even supporting the bill yet.
We need Senator Barry Glassman to start acting like the pro-life champion he claims to be.
What would it mean to be a pro-life champion on SB-34?
Senator Glassman could:
– Release public statements in support of the bill
– Call for a hearing to be held in HIS committee on the bill
– Demand a roll call vote be taken on the bill
As a Republican Senator, Barry Glassman, could rally his colleagues and draft a letter on behalf of the entire caucus that states that all of the Republicans in the Maryland State Senate support SB-34.
Sadly, none of this is happening and without champions for SB-34 we will not be successful in beating the abortionists in Annapolis.
So please, if you have a moment today, call and email Senator Barry Glassman:
Glassman, Barry
Republican – Harford County
Let him know that we demand leadership from him.
As a member of the Senate Finance Committee, Senator Glassman must play a critical role in advocating for the protection of unborn babies.
With SB-34, we are talking about ending late term abortions after 20 weeks.
This is not a radical bill.
From our perspective at the Maryland Pro-Life Alliance this bill is a “low hanging fruit” that we need to pass so that we can move on to passing the next critical pro-life bill.
Today we are embarrassed for Senator Glassman.
Surely it’s a no-brainer to support legislation that would end late term abortions in Maryland?
How many more late term abortions have to happen in Maryland before Senator Glassman makes up his mind?
Please click here to help us hold Senator Glassman accountable to the principles he claims to uphold.
This isn’t the first time Senator Glassman has let us down on protecting the unborn.
Just last year he voted to fund 3000+ abortions in Maryland.
Now is the time to move our elected officials to make the right choice on SB-34.
Please help us bring Senator Barry Glassman to the right position IN SUPPORT of Senate Bill 34, the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.
God bless,
Diane E. Hussey
Maryland Pro-Life Alliance
P.S. It’s time to show the anti-life lobby in Annapolis that there’s a new game in town.
Maryland Pro-Life Alliance is going on the offensive this session to force politicians to go on the record on important bills.
We desperately need your financial support to beat the abortionists.
Please consider clicking here today to become an MPLA member in 2014!
Maryland Pro-Life Alliance
686 Holly Circle
Aberdeen, MD 21001
Phone: 410-756-0557
So let me get this straight… Barry Glassman has a 100% pro-life voting record, but because he has the audacity to say that he “will wait for the bill hearing before my final decision” regarding some piece of legislation, this Diane Hussey person (whoever that is) throws a hissy fit. Give me a break. It’s people like this Hussey woman that make me embarassed to tell people that I am pro-life.
Another fraudulent fundraising scheme by McGrady and Hussey. What a disgrace to the pro-life movement. I called the sponsor of the bill today and said he has nothing to go with this group and considers Sen. Glassman a supporter.
Maybe Mr. Glassman needs to determine the impact of this bill on health, safety and well-being of the mother as well. The mother is also a life that we should be “pro” also. Any politician that wants to know the facts, the details, and the impact of their decisions is O.K. by me.
This one has the odor of McGrady and Hussey to me.
Unfortunately McGrady was elected to the Republican Central Committee
and continually violates what is expected of him by neglecting his duties
and raising money to oppose good Republicans like Barry Glassman.
It is a shame that McGrady has no clue that it is the DEMOCRATS AND LIBERALS
that are destroying out state and nation and not good Republicans
Senator Glassman has directed his aides to focus their time on pro-life issues and legislation, making protecting the unborn a priority. I have no doubt that he will do everything he can to make pro-life legislation more likely to pass in this very liberal state, and that he will use sounder tactics to do so than what Ms. Hussey deems appropriate.
The congregation at Mountain Christian Church should be ashamed of this “hussy” lady. She is anything, but Godly!
All the more reason for her to be in Church. It’s difficult to change, a Hypocrite.
Hypocrisy is alive and well in many Christian Congregations. Going to church does not suggest you have morals. If you lack morals you do not lack religion or a belief in God. You lack empathy. It would nbe nice if you gave a damn about them after they left the womb.
If you took a second to step into Mountain you would see that the Church is all about kids. You as usual have no idea what you are spouting off about.
To Knows A L: it is not liberals, Democrats, or Republicans that are destroying our state and nation, but small minded people. Fortunately, Glassman is not one of those.
I am pro-choice but I would hope that if there is a change in the law, that Maryland does not perform the horror that was recently witnessed in Texas with the young lady who was brain dead and against her and her families wishes, was forced to be an incubator until this past weekend. Pro-life or pro-choice, you cannot expect a fetus to grow inside a cadaver. Change the law, fine if that is what the people choose, but make it rock solid so something like that does not happen in this state.
This one circumstance is more horrid to you then murdering millions of children in utero?
I mentioned one specific case and am not going to argue the other points. If the people of the state wish the law to be changed, they will do it. Having a cadaver incubate a fetus IS horrid. IF the law is changed, this exception needs to be included, along with rape, incest and health of the mother.
B: yes, it is to me. Please, think it through. Give it a lot of thought for the mother, the family, but most especially, the details of the circumstances.
I think the point is Ms Hussy claims to be a mountain Christian person but lies and distorts to disparage people for any political gain. She has the nerve to use God’s name in this McGrady trash she emails.
It’s one thing to DO SOMETHING about abortion in Maryland – tax payer funding of it, no count of it, Carhart coming in here every week and murdering babies on Sunday and women whenever he feels like it. Where is the requirement he perform late term abortion in hospital w/2nd physician assisting?
Glassman might VOTE prolife after doing nothing and actually HINDERING behind the scenes any one trying to do anything.
WAKE UP. We wouldn’t have abortion in Maryland if so many people who consider themselves “pro life” actually ever did anything for the 100 babies being murdered daily in the state.
God bless Ms. Hussey!