From the Office of Congressman Andy Harris:
“Instead of reaching out to Congress, President Obama instead chose to lecture Congress tonight. The President is more interested in attempting to implement his liberal utopia unilaterally, in defiance of the Constitutional limits on the presidency, than in actually working together with Congress to get our economy moving again. Instead of accepting that his health care plan has major flaws and needs changing, he obstinately holds firm—harming families across the country. By taking unilateral actions and refusing to enforce parts of laws he does not like, he shows he has no interest in the rule of law. There are a number of names for the governing system President Obama envisioned in tonight’s address, but representative government as envisioned by our founders is not one of them.”
Cdev says
You must not have been paying attention. He specifically asked for your ideas and help in fixing problems!
Cdev says
Here was the section and what he said.
“Now, I don’t expect to convince my Republican friends on the merits of this law. But I know that the American people aren’t interested in refighting old battles. So again, if you have specific plans to cut costs, cover more people, and increase choice – tell America what you’d do differently. Let’s see if the numbers add up.”
So Mr. Harris if you have an idea bring it forward. This sounds like an invitation to do the exact opposite of what you said.
“Instead of accepting that his health care plan has major flaws and needs changing, he obstinately holds firm—harming families across the country.”
Clearly you were not paying attention!
B says
CDev, has the presidents numbers on unemployment and Obamacare added up to what he sold them on?
Cdev says
Stop changing the subject. Andy Harris sat in that chamber listened to a speech and than clearly misunderstood at best and lied at worse about what was said. But no, things like this rarely do. The President asked for ideas….again!
Arturro Nasney says
You are absolutely correct Cdev. The emperor did say that he wanted the loyal opposition to bring him suggestions. That was just a pert of his great kubuki theater. He has also refused to consider one piece of input to date. He is not going to allow any changes to his signature point of legislation. We can only hope for a veto proof congress in 2015, so that his train wreck can at least be removed from the tracks.
Cdev says
The Grassly ammendment was a republican idea. In fact many parts of it came from the Heritage Program.
B says
CDEV, Has the cost of Obamacare been what the president claimed it would be? Can you keep your insurance if you want to? Answer the question.
Obama is asking for liberal ideas from a conservative. You are as disingenuois as he is with your post above.
Cdev says
The ideas originated with a conservative think tank in the 90’s. Not sure what the cost is as I have employer sponsored health insurance and do not need the exchanges. I do know I have the same plan as a did a few years ago except it has more coverage. My newborn with a heart defect will be able to get insurance and switch insurance if need be.
Again you claimed no republican had any input or was offered the chance to…..that is clearly wrong! But again the point is Harris clearly was incorrect in his press release!!!!
B says
Some of what you accomplished.
B says
How can the same man whom is printing billions every month to bail out wallstreet, complain about income inequality?
Lame duck.
Because says
How can you defend corporate welfare and an egregious ratio of the income of the top top 1% of the population with the bottom 99%. Exactly how much more money do you want to give the top 1% to create jobs – which go overseas? Where are the jobs? Why are you defending entitlement programs for people that have so much?
B says
I don’t know what is more troubling, a federal employee who clearly didn’t comprehend the post above, or that there are two others that agree with you.
I’m not defending corporate welfare, I’m pointing out that your President, who spends his time lecturing on income inequality, is currently transferring enormous amounts of future wealth to Wall Street now, to keep the stock market propped up.
As far as jobs going over seas, buy American. Just got a nice Maytag washer and dryer, Union made on Ohio.
BillH says
Andy, you have an approval rating of 14%. You are an embarrassment to our founding fathers.
Stop pointing fingers man…. you are the problem.
Arturro Nasney says
The overall approval rating for Congress is in fact somewhere around 14%, depending on who’s data you use. That tells me that 14% of the people questioned di not understand the question.
whispers says
SOTU speech put the tea party back on their heels!!! Speaker Boehner looked constipated and in need of some fresh air- step away from the tanning bed dude! Nothing like showing a citizen needing health insurance and the coincidental “i need surgery or I am dying part” just to bring it home. The Reps talk about market forces and private market solutions to health care, but clearly it wasn’t working in that case and many others with pre-existing conditions and the uninsured. Obama care is here to stay so enroll or pay your penalty because the rest of us won’t be paying for your failure to insure for a medical emergency. I thought the speech was more like a scolding to inept tea party and the condescending RepubliCAN’T party. The Grand Old Party is just OLD and tired. No new ideas or leadership that actually wants to govern. The Tea Party is the biggest piece of intellectual crap this side of don’t ask don’t tell. Tea baggers are against the any notion of actually working with the Republican’ts or the administration on anything. They stand for nothing that benefits America or our nation’s welfare unless taxes ar being cut for the rich. They have no problem cutting food stamps or social welfare programs as long as the military industrial lobby keeps getting fat contracts for items that aren’t needed such as new nuclear submarines, fleets of planes, tanks and drones.
B says
You do understand that you are still paying for their insurance right?
LazyDog says
I don’t think they do. Another kool aid drinker. Probably one of the ones that does not have to pay, and lives off of taxpayer money.
I thought the speech was full of crap. A lot of his numbers were already disproven.
WIsPeRs iS dA vIllAgE IdiOT says
A more accurate State of The Union Address:
In my America, Vets will be DENIED access to national parks and memorials.
In my America, I don’t need to negotiate with republicans – I get what I want or I will use my phone and my pen, and through executive action just bypass the constitution and congress.
In my America, CRIMINAL illegal aliens get to protest on the capital and I will do nothing.
In my America, I will renege on our obligation to pay PROMISED BENEFITS to retired military.
In my America, I will treat American citizens like criminals by spying on them using the NSA.
I will keep and store every phone call, every text message, every internet search, every Facebook and LinkedIn association. I will monitor your credit card transactions, go through your purchases and track your movements using your private mobile devices.
In my America, catholic priests will not be allow to perform services on Sundays at military bases but will be forced to perform gay marriages and provide free birth control even though it violates their beliefs.
In my America, if you disagree with my political ideology I will have you investigated and harassed using the IRS, DOJ and FBI.
In my America, if you disagree with me I will label you a racist.
In my America, it is perfectly fine to have three separate flights to take the first family on vacation with the president on one flight, the first lady on another and the first dog on an osprey.
In my America, there is more security guarding the WWII memorial during a government shutdown then security guarding an American Embassy in Benghazi.
In my America, we will take you guns away from you to save the life of one potential child but we will not pass a separate house bill to save one child through cancer research funding.
In my America, the president has visited all 57 states.
In my America, I will instruct the Boarder Patrol NOT to arrest illegal aliens and I will use the courts to give ILLEGALS tax payer benefits such as in state college tuition, drivers licenses and voting rights.
In my America, I will pick and choose what laws and what parts of laws I choose to follow.
In my America, I will take your private property and distribute it to people who I deem deserve it more than you do.
In my America, I will call my opposition terrorists but will not call terrorists “terrorists”.
In my America, I will decide through agencies like the EPA what industries I want to prosper and what industries (like coal) I want to eliminate through excess regulation and taxation.
I my America, political bundlers will get huge tax breaks at tax payers expense. The Green Energy campaign since the 2008 election has cost tax payers over $3,007,000,981.00 this figure represents 31 faltering or bankrupt companies and over 1/2 of these companies are now completely bankrupt.
In my America, we have had four years in a row of Trillion dollar deficits and in just one term I will have increased the national debt as much as ALL prior presidents from George Washington to George Bush COMBINED.
In my America, the Department of Justice will not prosecute any black on white crime under hate crime legislation and The New Black Panther Party is still allowed to protest voter polling centers while carrying bats and clubs, as we see nothing wrong with that.
I my America, I will force you to buy a product you don’t want and I will fine and tax you using the IRS if you refuse to pay for it.
In my America, Austrians speak Austrian.
Common Sense says
What no paragraphs allowed in liberal la la land?
You made every liberal just a little bit more embarrassed today. Nice work!
whispers says
@Common Sense— Is that the best you can do to refute my points? FYI– What I write matters more than how I write it besides this is just a blog, not a thesis. Your idiot friend (WIsPeRs iS dA vIllAgE IdiOT isn’t a whole lot better than me but somehow you had to point mine out… are you on drugs???
whispers says
Meant to say is he on drugs? BTW– are you as well?
Common Sense says
There is nothing in you wall of text that warrants a response.
You’re not interested in serious discussion.
W.T.F.? says
“Useless Andy”, pay attention and stop lying, or shut the “F” up! (’nuff said)
Fed up says
I hope you’re all enjoying yourselves insulting Mr. Harris while your President does his Harvard best to sidestep or disregard the Constitution of the U.S. Our only hope is that his grand ideas never get off the ground. You elected him, now we all suffer the consequences.
Cdev says
Mr. Harris clearly has a comprehension problem. That is not an insult, it is a data based conclusion!
Looked it up says
BO has already issued 168 executive orders or about 33 a year. Outrageous! Look at GWB, I am sure he didn’t do that. Oh wait, he issued 291, about 36 a year. OK, how about Ronnie. That would be 381 or 48 a year. Never mind.
WIsPeRs iS dA vIllAgE IdiOT says
Number of EOs are measuring stick of a president.
you’re a baffoon
concerned citizen2 says
Is there someone running against Andy Harris in this next election? I was shocked that he won the last time. I am hoping the community is finally seeing the true Andy Harris.
Young American says
Yes, John LaFerla and Bill Tilghman are running for the Democratic nomination. Hopefully I wake up on the morning of November 5th to a new member of Congress from the 1st District.
what says
move back to baltimore city
Because says
Get down inside your bunker
defcon 4 says
Visiting time at the detention center over already?
Praise King Obama. He has a vision for America and won’t let minor things like the constitution or congress get in his way. Why stop at $10.00 per hour, lets start everyone out at $ 25.00/hr. Or let’s just just double everyone’s pay. It’s only fair. If you worked for a company for years and worked your way up to 10 or 12/hr how are you going to feel when a new hire starts and is making as much or more $ than you? Obama didn’t mention that the middle class is taking a beating because they pay about 40% of their wages in taxes.
noble says
It’s humorous to me that in a time when 8 out of 10 Americans would love a chance to stand and scold and lecture Congress for acting like spoiled brats, Andy Harris lacks the pulse of the people so badly that he has the nerve to complain about it……that’s if the President even did it, which is clearly debatable.
Of course, in a state where Republicans are pigeon-holed into a single district and the establishment won’t ever run a credible candidate against an incumbent, what does he care, right?
another former student says
wow,,, Harris is upset that POTUS isn’t seeming like he wants to work with Congress. hey Andy,, when was the last time ya’ll said,, it’s compromise, we need to work together.. yea, didn’t think so.
and nice town hall you had in BelAir,, to bad you could actually answer questions on things that relate to the people you “represent” Or discuss with an open mind what you are wanting to do for the people of MD. oh,, and also those thousands and thousands of Federal Workers and contractors..
your time is about up, please go away…