From the Republican Central Committee of Harford County:
The Republican Central Committee of Harford County condemns HB 1513 as an effort counter to the principles of the Republican Party, disruptive to party unity and counter to the expressed wishes of the Republican voters of Harford County. They unanimously passed a resolution to this effect at their regular monthly meeting on March 19, 2014. The complete resolution is below.
A Resolution Condemning HB 1513 March 19, 2014
Whereas, the Republican Central Committee of Harford County (RCCHC) represents the Republican voters of Harford County and is elected at large by the Republican voters of Harford County each gubernatorial election year; and,
Whereas, HB 1513 –Harford County Republican Central Committee – Membership, as written would subvert the will of the Republican voters of Harford County for their choices of members of the RCCHC; and,
Whereas, HB 1513 as written would permit the addition of State Delegates as Ex-officio members of the RCCHC without the consent of the Republican voters of the Harford County; and,
Whereas, HB 1513 as written would permit State Delegates who do not live in Harford County, and thus could not be elected to the RCCHC under current law, to vote on removing and adding members from/to the Committee; and,
Whereas, political parties are independent of government, not appendages to it, HB 1513 violates the independence of political parties by elected officials of the State government by placing them on the RCCHC; and,
Whereas, HB 1513 would allow State Delegates not elected to the RCCHC to participate in the deliberations of the Committee to fill vacancies within the body as well as to subvert the Constitution and By-Laws of the RCCHC and the Maryland Republican Party (MDGOP) regarding filling of vacancies which may occur in Harford County offices or vacancies occurring with Harford County representatives in the Maryland General Assembly; and,
Whereas, HB 1513 usurps the power of the Chairman of the MDGOP per its Constitution and By-Laws to fill RCCHC vacancies when the Committee vote is deadlocked on the replacement; and,
Whereas, the leadership of the MDGOP is firmly against HB 1513 as disruptive of party unity in an election season and an usurpation of its Constitution and By-Laws; and,
Whereas, HB 1513 seeks to re-write Maryland State Election Law for a single county, namely, Harford County; and,
Whereas, HB 1513 was offered as “Emergency Legislation” meaning is was “Necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health or safety” when it clearly was not; and,
Whereas, William Pitt the Younger stated, “Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the plea of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves”; and,
Whereas, the reasons offered for passage of HB 1513 by its spokespersons relies on misinformation and disinformation regarding the RCCHC regarding the appointment of the most recent member of the Committee and removal of Committee members, therefore be it
RESOLVED, the RCCHC hereby rightfully condemns HB 1513 as an effort counter to the principles of the Republican Party, disruptive to party unity and counter to the expressed wishes of the Republican voters of Harford County in the election of 2010.
Adopted March 19, 2014
Hear! Hear!
Meaningless from the most worthless RCC ever.!!!
Harford County’s representation in Annapolis is truly pathetic as referenced by the County Executive about a year ago. I have to say its one of the few times I have agreed with him. If that crew buffoons actually spent time on meaningful legislation to turn back the tide in Naptown it would be one thing. Instead, we are subjected to a duo of perennial doofuses in Impallaira and Pat McToupee acting as perennial blowhards to cover for their increasingly thin legislative record. Szeliga is now working to make it a 3 ring circus while the rest of the delegation suffers Stockholm syndrome.
Hey voters. What are you getting for the soon to be $50,000 you will soon pay for these guys to play Student Government politician in Annapolis and produce zero results???
Fortunately, the voters of District 7, 34 & 35 have some choices this year. Let hope this year the voters of District 7 finally wise up and see that there is no there there with these clowns and that Emperor’s Impallaria and McToupee, have no clothes.
Time for Impallaria and McD’s Harold Hill show to end in 7.
Oh, certainly no agenda from “Redundant Bill” here… C4L is worthless, the RCC is worthless, and grassroots organizations are worthless. We got it Bill, go away.
Pretty telling that this resolution passed unanimously, despite a hard-line division among that body. I guess when you try something as egregiously-tyrannical as these Delegates did with HB 1513, even one-time lapdogs can’t ignore it. Good on the Committee–all of it– for this one.