From the Office of the State Fire Marshal:
HARFORD COUNTY, MD (April 1, 2014) – An investigation by Deputy State Fire Marshals and the Harford County Sheriff’s Office has resulted in charges being brought against a 17 year-old male for manufacturing and use of improvised explosive devices.
The devices, commonly referred to as “soda bottle bombs”, were reported initially as shots fired at approximately 7:20 a.m. in the 900 block of Todd Road in Bel Air. The subsequent investigation revealed the teenager was responsible for exploding the devices in the area. No reports of injuries or property damage occurred during the incident.
The juvenile has been charged with (2) felony counts of Manufacture, Possession, Distribution of Destructive Device and released to the custody of his parents pending actions by the Harford County Department of Juvenile Services.
“The construction of these types of illegal devices has often been misrepresented as fun, however the destructive nature that occurs can cause: loss of vision, permanent hearing loss, severe damage to hands and possibly death”, stated State Fire Marshal Brian S. Geraci.
Jesus wept.
Bomb???? baking soda and vinegar in a plastic bottle a bomb??? hell you can poke an eye out with a Nerff gun…Give me a break!
When will you be coming for my model rockets?
This is the kind of “useless” cases that plague Harford County. Over zealous idiots charging minors with felony crimes that pose absolutely no danger to the public. The fear produced by a moron of a Fire Marshall trying to get people to be afraid of vinegar and baking soda noise bombs is just ridiculous. I also would debate whether or not this was a “Manufacture, Possession, Distribution of Destructive Device”, as the device didn’t cause any destruction, nor did it have any potential to cause destruction. Everyone has to realize that prosecuting teenagers on such BS felony charges is a waste of time and does nothing but cause a burden on the judicial system and resentment from the youths caught up in this modern philosophy of political correctness and cowardice. Yes, I said cowardice. If you are afraid of a plastic soda bottle bomb, then you are a coward and should seek shelter at the nearest Mental Health ward………
Say that after some kids throw that at your house and it explodes in your face. You are incredibly ignorant.
I might trip on my own shoe laces, we should make it mandatory to wear a helmet when walking.