From Del. Mary-Dulany James:
Delegate Mary-Dulany James announced today that $300,000 was approved by Maryland General Assembly to fund local projects in Harford County.
“This session I was able to secure crucial funding for multiple projects which are important to our community” said Delegate Mary-Dulany James.
The Maryland General Assembly, through the hard work of Mary-Dulany James, allocated in the state budget: $50,000 for the restoration of the Historical Society headquarters, 50,000 for the Havre de Grace Opera House restoration $50,000 for the Havre de Grace Maritime Museum, $100,000 for the Bainbridge Development Corporation and $50,000 for the Edgewood Community Support Center.
“For the past sixteen years I have gone to Annapolis to fight on the Appropriations Committee for Harford County. I believe that this crucial funding is a good use of our tax dollars because all of these projects help build and grow our community” said Delegate Mary-Dulany James.
Pork and pet projects for those well connected. Why?
It’s an election year.
Other than the Brainbridge Development Corp, what is there about the other recipients that, in your view, constitutes their being among the “well connected.” ?
Are tax dollars being used to repair damage done to government property by M-DJ’s out-of-control racist staffers? By the way, when is their trial?
It should be noted that all of her requests received “unfavorable” reports from the appropriations committee and the small amounts that actually were appropriated came from a legislative fund designed to help legislators facing a tough election. That means she failed to get the funds requested and was given token amounts to allow her to say she was successful. More smoke and mirrorss.
The process in Annapolis is to give unfavorable reports on ALL of the funding bills, and then the ones that are approved are put into the Capital budget by the appropriations committee. So, you’re actually incorrect in your assumption, and instead don’t have the experience of being an Annapolis insider, whether that is good or bad. Sure you might not like the process, but if your guy goes down to Annapolis and doesn’t know the process, then we’re screwed out of getting anything.
Nothing on this list sounds all that important for 300k of our tax dollars.
What on a Non – Profit Organization’s “needs list” would you consider “that important” ? Did you READ
the proposals, or do you rely on SOUNDS ?
You know it’s an election year when……………..
Why are we putting $100,000 of taxpayers money into the failing Bainbridge project? And then acting like it is something we should be proud of on top of that???
Of course, look at the players in this project, Manekin, Paterakis and Clark Turner (although Turner is no longer on board). All major contributors to David Craig’s campaign. And look where Delegate James works – the law office of Joe Snee, Craig’s one time campaign advisor and attorney to major developers. It all comes full circle.
More money to bail out developers in a failing project.
Tell me there is not a better use of this $100,000?????