From Harford County government:
Harford County experienced two sewage spills during a large amount of rain. The county systems performed very well under difficult conditions. The Bill Bass pumping station located at 2 Kennard Avenue in Edgewood experienced a Sanitary Sewage Overflow (SSO) from Wednesday, April 30, 2014 at 3:00pm to Thursday, May 1, 2014 at 2:00am. The total estimated SSO was 300,000 gallons. The SSO was discharged into the Bush River.
The East Baker Avenue pumping station located at 3817 E. Baker Avenue, Abingdon also experienced a SSO from Wednesday, April 30, 2014 from 5:00pm to 8:30pm. The total estimated SSO was 200 gallons that was also discharged into the Bush River.
The Harford County Department of Public Works reported the SSO’s to the Maryland Department of the Environment and the Harford County Health Department on May 1, 2014 at approximately 11:00am. Signs indicating that an SSO had occurred in the area were also posted at each site.
For more information, please contact Joel Caudill with the Department of Public Works at 410-638-3300.
Well look at what we have here! There seems to be an excessive amount of shit floating around in Edgewood! Who knew?
And that is just the outflow from David Craigs office…..
No mention of the 2 million gallons the Army spilled into the Bush river. Gonna be a fine year for crabs going to taste just like the ones from the inner harbor,
You ever wonder if that steak you ate was from a cow that was grazing near a septic drain field?
Your logic makes no sense, Bush River isn’t the only watershed to have excessive runoff of all things life.
Waste water is still discharged in all watersheds (after treated), mother nature has and will still be the best way to fully recycle the treated wastewater. Of course, things happen and spills occurs, but life will go on, everywhere.
I have never had to remove a cows stomach and it’s contents to eat a steak, How exactly do you eat a steamed crab? Next time you are feasting on a pile of crabs just imagine the pieces of dead cat and rotten stuff still in it’s digestive track that the crabber used to catch it… The fact it was swimming in human poop and urine only adds flavor.
BillH, who cares? Apparently you do, that’s great for you. Pat yourself on the back, or whatever it is you think you are “one up” about not caring for eating steamed blue crabs out one or many water sheds.
Most middle aged white males suffer health related problems from bad cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure. Eating a bushel of crabs a year as part of your diet has such a low effect on the greater scale it’s meaningless.
Keep tightening your tinfoil.
Oh hell yea snort a pound of coke and mainline some heroin….. Life is a party dude…..
Thank jesus that douche bags like What are taken early and often….. I’ll piss on your grave buddy.
That’s pretty uncalled for, BillH. Now you are resort to vulgar language, and childish insults?
You can seek the opinion of statistics related to health of demographics via your health care provider, I doubt many of them will mention eating steamed crabs poses any increased risks.
We need a ….. a….. “flush tax” or maybe a …..A “rain tax” to deal with this type of insanity and irresponsibility.
BillH, are you an internet tough guy? Keyboard cowboy?
Who uses Jesus, Douchebag, and Pissing in the same sentence?
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