From the Harford County Health Department:
Members of the general public who live or work within 10 miles of Peach Bottom Power Plant can obtain free potassium iodide (KI) to keep in their home or place of business by attending the Community KI Distribution Day planned by the Harford County Health Department (HCHD).
The event will take place on Saturday, June 7, 2014 in the lobby at North Harford High School from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. at which both adult and child dose tablets will be made available. Residents will be asked to complete a short distribution form. Any time afterward, new residents and individuals previously unable to obtain KI during this event can do so by contacting the HCHD at 410-877-1028 to arrange to pick up their supply of KI.
Potassium iodide is an over-the-counter medication used to help protect the thyroid gland from radioactive iodine (RAI), which might be released in the event of a radiation emergency. In the proper dosage and administered within the medically appropriate timeframe, KI can effectively saturate the thyroid gland so that radioactive iodine cannot accumulate there, helping to protect the gland from acute or delayed effects from exposure to RAI. The use of KI is indicated only in such emergencies, and to be most effective, should be taken before or shortly after exposure to RAI.
“This Community KI Distribution Day is an initiative to supplement the County emergency plans in the event of an incident where radiation is released from the Peach Bottom Power plant. While evacuation will remain the primary strategy by which to safeguard the public, the KI will afford citizens an extra measure of protection,” explains Harford County Health Officer, Susan Kelly.
KI is also pre-distributed to schools located within 10 miles of the Peach Bottom Power Plant. “Then, should an incident occur while schools are in session, this would facilitate timely dispensing of KI to school children and staff,” continues Ms. Kelly. The schools include: Darlington Elementary School, Dublin Elementary School, North Harford Elementary School, North Harford Middle School, North Harford High School, and Harford Christian Academy. KI also will be pre-distributed to Broadcreek Boy Scout Camp, assisted living facilities and large daycares within the 10 mile zone.
Recipients of adult KI doses previously distributed should discard their old medication, which has now expired. The proper method of disposing of the KI is by throwing it away in the household trash for eventual removal to the local landfill. It should not be flushed down the commode or washed down the drain.
For more information about potassium iodide distribution or use, visit the Harford County Health Department website at
If one has a sever allergic reaction to iodine dyes and topical medications that can get into the blood stream, is this safe for those people to take? If so, one is doomed no matter what happens. Appropriate and qualified answers appreciated.