In the late days of the campaign for Governor this year, Lt. Governor Anthony Brown’s campaign was desperate for money. So desperate he took a $500,000 loan from a labor union so that he could make payroll. But he also had another surprising donor: Republican Harford County Executive candidate Barry Glassman.
The money didn’t come directly from Barry Glassman, instead, it came from a Political Action Committee ostensibly controlled by the now County Executive and his political team. The treasurer for the campaign is the same treasurer as Billy Boniface’s campaign and the campaign chairman of the Harford Leadership Slate. The Deer Creek PAC held a fundraiser called Buses and Bluegrass, surprisingly there wasn’t a single sign presented at the fundraiser that indicated it was for the Deer Creek PAC, instead the backdrop was a Barry Glassman for County Executive banner.
The Deer Creek PAC paid for campaign expenses for Glassman Campaign Manager Mike Mason, Glassman appointee Amber Shrodes appears to have planned the PAC’s fundraiser. It paid for personalized water bottles for a fair, I’m guessing the names on those water bottles wasn’t “Deer Creek PAC.” It paid for Poetri Deal to go to what was possibly the Maryland Association of Counties convention.
Who is Poetri Deal? She was the only paid staffer that the Glassman campaign had (Mike Mason and Dane Meserve received bonuses after the election), but the Glassman campaign wasn’t her only benefactor. While she was working for Barry, she split her time with another high profile campaign, you guessed it: Anthony Brown for Governor. Why did Barry hire an Anthony Brown staffer to work on his campaign? Is it too difficult to find Republicans in Harford County that you need to get Democrats? Did he want a skill that only a Coppin State graduate could provide?
Another beneficiary of the Deer Creek PAC largess, Democrat Mary Ann Lisanti who just won a seat in the Maryland House of Delegates, and has the distinction of being the only Democrat elected in Harford County. To give the conspiracy theorists some fun, the check was written the same day David Craig vetoed the bill to raise the next County Executive’s salary.
Here’s where Barry Glassman may get in a little bit of trouble, you see those expenses up there that paid for the campaign manager to get a computer, or for the staffer to attend MACO, or for the water bottles for the fair, and those are probably expenses related directly to the Glassman campaign. The Glassman campaign should have identified these as in-kind contributions to the campaign, especially considering that the Deer Creek PAC isn’t on the Harford Leadership Slate with Glassman and Boniface.
I wonder if Larry Hogan realized this before speaking at Barry Glassman’s inauguration.
But politicians taking bribes sorry “loans” from labor unions is ok? WTF
Whether there’s a “D” or “R” after the politician’s name, they all listen to the same station: WIIFM……and we’re all too happy to keep funding the station.
It’s not unusual at all for someone to work with people across party lines, such as someone from the Democrat party working with a Republican or vice versa. It’s how a two party systems functions correctly, and how you can tell when someone is an overall good person because people from across party lines are willing to work with them.
Also, to anyone who has paid any attention to the campaigns, it’s obvious that Glassman hopped on the Hogan Bandwagon when it was still empty and before he even announced his run for governor. Why do you think Craig has been such a sour-puss?
As far as the campaign vs PAC expenditures go, can’t really comment on that, as that’s all pretty new information to me. But as far as people overlapping between jobs in various local campaigns and PACs, you’d be surprised how few people actually involve themselves with local politics. It’s causes them to overlap because no one else is willing or able to do the job for the lack of gains that come with it.
Thank God somebody does some real news reporting in this county!!
I must say Bah-Bah Barry I’m shocked by this back room hanky-panky of yours! Bet you didn’t learn this behavior down on the farm?
” To give the conspiracy theorists some fun, the check was written the same day David Craig vetoed the bill to raise the next County Executive’s salary.”
It should be noted for those not following along closely that the County Executive pay raise bill was co-introduced by Lisanti and Boniface and both voted for it and to override the veto.
Does Anyone not know about Boniface voting for the bill that made it possible for him to change positions and be paid. The corruption in the County never ceases to amaze me. I wish that someone would have just run an honest campaign and actually want to improve the County, not their Bank Accounts.
“To give the conspiracy theorists some fun, the check was written the same day David Craig vetoed the bill to raise the next County Executive’s salary.”
It should be clarified for those not following along closely that Boniface and Lisanti both co-introduced the County Executive pay raise bill and both voted for it and to override the veto.
This isn’t Barry’s doing, this is what happens when you listen to people like Dick Streett and Bob Hockaday. These big developers in Harford County might give tons of money to Republican County Executives, but they love nothing more than supporting Democrats in Annapolis.
Plus, what Martin Watcher doesn’t tell you is that Barry’s Deer Creek PAC gave the same contribution to Hogan.
How much money did the Hogan campaign get from Mr. Glassman?
The tail wagging the dog! Except I had already seen the movie. Barry say it aint’ so my hazard county CE!
This guy is going to be a danger to himself. First, appointing Mrs. Shrodes to direct a department she doesn’t know its components and now she is the tail that wagged the dog?? Awesome!!!. I would call her deep throat but you hazard county necks would think about something else. Just Googe it!!!
“hazard county necks”? racist much?
That’s not racism, its called Geographical Discrimination…..
What? Are you saying there aren’t any minorities is hazard county? What a crock!
No, I’m saying the comment “hazard county necks” is not racist. Its a Geographically Discriminating comment……
Campaign consultants, like lawyers, are just hired guns. Nothing to get worked up about on this.
And if you are dwelling on conspiracy theories about Lisanti and Boniface….. I say Lisanti is as about Republican as a Dem can get and Boniface is about as Dem as a Republican can get. I’m a Republican and voted for Ms. Lisanti. Heck, Mr Craig had her sign on his front lawn and that’s why i voted for her.
Maybe it was a strategic move on the PAC’s part, given how the Governor’s race was a nailbiter and the limited success Craig had dealing with the current administration?
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