Four Harford County Sheriff’s Office deputies sustained minor injuries while assisting Baltimore police during a wave of violent protests overnight, the agency said.
The four were among 22 Sheriff’s Office deputies sent to aid the Baltimore Police Department in the city’s Western District Saturday night, according to agency spokeswoman Cristie Kahler. Protests in the city over the death of Freddie Gray turned violent late Saturday, resulting in several dozen arrests.
The deputies sustained minor injuries to their legs after being struck by debris thrown by protestors, Kahler said; they have since returned home.
The Sheriff’s Office contingent was in Baltimore for approximately three hours after being called to assist with a specific situation. Once the situation was calmed, the Sheriff’s Office personnel were released from service.
Kahler said the deputies who assisted Baltimore police were not pulled from patrol shifts in Harford County, but were working on overtime.
“A mutual aid request was made and we responded,” Maj. Jack Simpson, commander of the Sheriff’s Office administrative services bureau wrote in an e-mail to The Dagger. “Although not normally for high profile events such as last night, law enforcement agencies work together routinely.”
BALTIMORE – U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) today issued the following statement on demonstrations following the death of Freddie Gray:
“I absolutely support the people’s right to be heard, but join the Gray family, faith community and other leaders in calling for an end to violence?. We need the facts to ensure justice for Freddie Gray and to restore faith in the practices and procedures of law enforcement in our community. We must not allow an already tragic situation to tear our community apart.”
It’s a shame that we have people in our communities who have no respect for others especially people of authority such as police and teachers. People feel they can do anything and it is ok.
Seriously, how can you clump Police and Teachers in the SAME category? Just wondering where that logic came from……
You need to visit some classrooms. The level of disrespect and disdain for authority is quite prevalent.
If you are a TEACHER and you think your job is to act like a POLICE OFFICER then you need to find a new job. If you are a POLICE OFFICER and you think your job is to act like a TEACHER then you need to find a new job as well. Educators don’t lock people up, nor do they enforce the law or take on the day to day dangers of criminal enforcement. Period. There is no comparison. The same goes for a Law Enforcement Officer. If you think your job is to teach people lessons then you are in for a rude awakening. One day while teaching that lesson you may end up with a bullet to the head. Do your jobs the way they were meant to be done or else find a new profession……..
Sometimes you can be an absolute idiot. The original comment referred to people who had no respect for authority. It had nothing to do with how police or teachers exercise their responsibilities.
I never said the jobs were the same only that the level of disrespect experienced by police officers has in many ways carried over into the classroom. While teachers do not enforce laws there are laws that require them to report suspected criminal activity like child abuse, being under the influence, thefts, assaults, etc. Most teachers do not face the day to day hazards experienced by many police officers but in some schools the threat of physical violence the psychological intimidation of teachers is very real and assaults on teachers are not uncommon.
An Educator is not a person of authority. The principle, vice principle and the school cops are. An Educator educates. An Educator does not incarcerate. A principle handles discipline as do the vice principle and school cops. You guys lumped them in one category, not me. Don’t like my opinion, don’t read it…….
And if you don’t like our opinions don’t read them.
The headline should read: “Four Harford County Sheriff’s Office Deputies Injured While Assisting Baltimore Police During RIOTS”. Those were not “protests”. Protests are legal and peaceful. That was a full out animalistic riot. Lets call it what it is. The more the media plays down this crap, the more acceptable this behavior is.
I wana say what those kids are doing is wrong and i get they feel failed by a system that is said is therevto help them but NEVER does but All of this would of been avoided if the 6 cops involved in the death where fired and or locked up now what you got a say about that cause please believe all the looter who broke the law are going to jail and they should but the coos get a pass because? Right smh but most of you guys are biggits and don’t want a truly peacfull world you don’t care for your fellow man and its so sad and you should loveore and hate and judge NONE
Looking at all these folks out on the street, where do they find the time, what with working a full time job, maintaining a household, paying bills, doing their taxes, raising children, including helping their children w homework, carpool, music lessons, boyscouts.
Oh, that’s right. These folks have all the time on their destructive, looting hateful hands, because they are not productive, contributing members of our society.
Maybe they feel like if they dont protest now, that their will not be any black men left to teach, help with homework, or to be productive, contributing, God Fearing, members in their community miss gulch. Miss gulch didnt u say u are a teacher? So u should have been one of the first people down there protesting, or helping to teach how to protest. Parents plant the seed, but teachers are suppossed to make sure it keeps plenty of water and therefore grow with the best of both worlds, do u agree Miss Gulch?
If they feel like there won’t be “any black men left to teach, help with homework, or to be productive, contributing, God Fearing, members in their community” then they should probably take a good long hard look at their own community. It’s not the police killing black men every day of year all this country and slinging dope to kids to raise up a whole new generation of drug addicts and gang members.
The black folks you see on the street protesting in Baltimore are not the hard working, committed to family values members of the black community. Most of them on the street are simply sperm donors and those who collect the sperm. The few who are not consist of the race hustlers who, by profession, make racial discord a business that provides an income for their efforts.
@ Mis Gulch
Respectfully, please don’t refer to those people in the Baltimore City incident as “Looters”. President Obama and Eric Holter would refer to them as “Undocumentd Shoppers”. Please try to maintain political correctness.
Sorry for the typos. Been working all night. The correct spellings should be Eric Holder and undocumented.
Racism is serious business…and tiring.
This is what happens when that whole “Pack” thing that Omar Simpson suggested plays out. The demonstrations were for the most part over. Then a select group of idiots decided to act like a “Pack” and basically turned everything into a riot. This is not good for Maryland. This is not good for Baltimore. This is not good for the country. I am no angel. I have disdain for Police for what I consider an eternal screwjob in my past. However, I can’t condone this type of action. People need to realize that if you act like a “Pack” or a MOB, the Police will put you down and may put you down for good. I’m surprised they only arrested 35 people during this altercation. You can not blame every Police Officer for the actions of a few…….
Lord of the Flies.
Al Sharpton is coming to town. He’s picking up Jesse Bane along the way so he can give out his cellphone number. He’ll also have a few free smartphones to give out, since some of the poor looters didn’t have one to shoot video with.
I am sure those deputies who were injured are especially encouraged by the mayor of Baltimore giving the rioters ‘space to destroy’. She turned them loose on the city.
It’s just a short drive from Baltimore to Edgewood to Bel Air to Fallston. Folks, its time to lock and load.
I hope the Governor refuses to send one dollar of tax money to Baltimore City to clean up the mess that those animals are causing. Nothing but welfare lapping animals.
I would hope that CVS does not rebuild or any other business that is destroyed in this freakin mess. Put a fence around that Zoo and let them burn themselves up. I’m sure Al Sharpton is proud.