Local law enforcement agencies on Tuesday monitored rumors of a protest connected to the Freddie Gray case which would take place in Bel Air later this week–but by Tuesday evening at least one agency said those rumors were not credible.
The Bel Air Police Department appeared to confirm in a Facebook post Tuesday afternoon that “A groups [sic] is planning a protest in the downtown Bel Air area on April 30, 2015. We continue to verify and investigate the information.”
Other posts on social media earlier in the day indicated the demonstration would begin at Bel Air High School at 5 p.m. and proceed down Main Street.
“We are monitoring the situation and at this time, we do not have any information regarding specific threats,” Bel Air police wrote in an earlier post. “We are working with allied agencies and will be prepared for any incidents that may arise.”
On Tuesday morning, Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Cristie Kahler said that agency was also tracking reports of plans for a protest. However, by Tuesday evening, she said investigation found that the “the information and origin of the [protest] post is not credible.”
“During the course of today’s events, many rumors and misinformation involving rallies in Bel Air, and other areas around the county have been circulated online,” the Sheriff’s Office wrote in a Facebook post. “Currently, information developed by way of investigation and interviews leads us to believe that the information concerning these events is NOT CREDIBLE [sic].”
While utilizing Facebook posts to communicate official statements, Bel Air police also urged citizens not to use social media to fuel rumors and misinformation.
“If you have, any information regarding specific threats against people or places, please contact police by calling 911,” the department said. “Please do not instant message information to this page or post information here for all to see. Misinformation can create problems and speculation that will not be of benefit to police or public safety. Once again, please contact police by calling 911 or 410-638-4500 if you have relevant information.”
What is the protest topic?
The new Bel Air Wal Mart.
There is going to be 12 people protesting.
I personally can’t wait for the new Walmart its already a done deal.
Say it ain’t so. I was hoping to scoop up Gary’s house for pennies on the dollar and rent it out as section 8. Where is the “plunge”?
I hope they arrest anyone block traffic.
Harford has a new motto – ‘You Loot, We SHOOT!’
I, for one, will not put up that foolishness seen in Baltimore City. I know that many of my neighbors feel the same way and many are also lawfully armed and there’s PLENTY of ammo in this neighborhood. Here, in Harford County, if outsiders come in to agitate, the locals will empower the police and we will protect our life and property with whatever means are necessary, up to and including with firearms.
Again, if You Loot, We SHOOT!
Molon Labe,
I would suspect that mostly everything East of RT40 would have problems.
That crap would never cross west of I95.
Your bulldog mouths would get your chihuahua asses in a sling.
Maybe you should tell us all where we live so we make sure that we bring enough….I mean, so we make sure we stay away from your house.
White middle-aged farm-owning mother from Harford County here. Be quiet gun-lover. Your stupidity is showing.
Your gonna shoot unarmed teens for coming into your neighborhood? Your no better then the cops. Ha and people ask why their rioting.
No, he’s going to shoot them for looting.
I mean i wouldnt see why they would loot a residential neighborhood. Its a Protest not a Riot. It turned into a Riot in Baltimore because of people throwing bottles and calling them N*ggers. I mean if you were protesting or was black and someone called you that and threw stuff at you i bet you would react. There not rioting about freddie anymore its about people not listening to Baltimore’s problems. This is the only way people will hear
Are you a special kind of stupid. Name calling had nothing to do with these Thugs.
Yes I am, Believe what you want so will I. I don’t Fucking care if what I believe is right. To me it s. So yes I am Special. (:
Ok, So you have a black president, black attorney general, a black mayor, a black city council, a black police commissioner, a police department that is 50% minority. The first 5 listed are democrats, and up until a few months ago a democratic governor. So who is not listening.
“Your” indicates something belongs to you… “you’re” is the contraction of the two words you and are. For example: Your problem is that you’re not getting this right. “Their” indicates something belongs to them… they’re is the contraction of they and are. For example: Their problem is that they’re jealous of what others have but are unwilling to work to obtain those materialistic items so when the opportunity comes along to steal them, all inhibition is tossed out the window. I’m sick of this whole situation. The poorest areas of any city in America still teem with opportunities that kids in third world countries can only dream about. I have seen. Education? Seriously? Anyone who wants to learn can learn in the crappiest schools so long as they WANT to learn just as someone with no interest in learning can sit in the best schools and learn nothing. I’ve spoken to teachers brought from overseas to work in inner city schools and they are shocked by what they find here. They break down when they recount the abuse, insults, being assaulted and spit on by the bright “future”. Were we not told repeatedly how the protesters used social media to coordinate? Doesn’t that mean they have access to the Internet? That’s access – in their freaking pocket – to information, knowledge and interaction that, when I was their age, was pure science fiction. The only use for it they can come up with is theft, destruction and ©rap music. The wonders of this modern world are wasted on the most useless, whiny, self-absorbed generation in the history of mankind. Hey “future” next time break into a library and read a book – if you can figure out how it works.
I mean…where YOU live. I already know where I live.
An insult to bulldogs and Chihuahuas.
this county is full of separatist. No love for the minorities. I bet you all attend church on Sunday. I do and I pray that the people in Harco wake up,
More sensationalism without merit! Probably someone heard about the rally for the Bel Air Walmart and the telephone line game ended up with bogus news of a “protest”. Now back to our regularly schedule program.
Yup, greatly exacerbated by the mouth-breathing drama queens who are buying this crap hook, line and sinker.
its all BS the aegis and the sun just want more hits to the web page and to sell more papers along with the typical histeria
if you want to know who is at fault for this crazy stuff look no farther then the democrats
them dems would have let this crap rage on for months
our great new govener jumped right in and strarted to get the ball rolling to stop it
“All of it began the first time some of you who know better and are old enough to know better let young people think they had the right to choose the laws they would obey, as long as they were doing it in the name of social protest!”
I really want to know who provided “days” off of work to Protest and Riot? Are they workers or are they working in the only field of work they know how? Craving chaos, destruction and a reason to destroy humanity. Do they attend church on Sunday? We are now fighting Americans against Americans. There are other countries where you “might” feel “Safer”??! Contributions will be made to pay your airfare…GET OUT!!!!!
Hey 7.62. I got a real greasy gerbal for you…be nice to him please. If you don’t want him I’m sure you can find someone west of 40 to take him in n teach him how… Us grease balls east of 40 have plenty of grease if you run out!
Finally, I want to comment on Mr Cahall’s call for 911. Only the beautiful people, and wonderfully naïve would call 911. Are you to educated or too stupid to realize that calling that number is like calling for the devil. I know for a fact that harford co uses that number to profile not to protect. You are a documented fool when calling this number and if you don’t have a very good reason for calling you could very well find yorself in “Jail”. A friend of mine called 911 in harford co about a fight across the street. By the time the cops arrived the fight was over and who ya think come ah knockin at the door. Yea the cops wanted to lock him up for calling 911. Only a FOOL would call 911 in harford co. Only someone who wants a secret police record would call that joke of a #…..enjoy your gerbil!
Reading posts under the name “Dissenter” makes me believe you (or you all, multiple users) have an agenda to move forward.
Before the new Harford County Emergency Operations Center went active, upgraded or changed something – broadcastify.com had good clear Fire/EMS talk groups. I dont listen to Police scanner too much.
Common 911 calls for service: elderly health calls, diabetic emergency, over doses.
I’ve heard “calls” where someone (presume dialed 911) for a headache.