From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
[July 25, 2015, Joppa, MD] Deputies from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Southern Precinct and a Trooper from the Bel Air Barrack of the Maryland State Police were involved in the shooting of a 23 year old male subject from Joppa.
At approximately 2:57 am, deputies were dispatched to the 3300 block of Clayton Road in Joppa for the report of a disorderly subject. While en route, deputies were advised that the caller had informed dispatchers that their son was intoxicated and had possibly fired two shots while in his vehicle, which was located outside of their home at the time of the call.
Upon arrival, at approximately 3:04 am, deputies, with the assistance of a Maryland State Trooper, observed the subject in his vehicle, which had traveled off the driveway to the home and was stopped in a yard. As deputies and the trooper worked to communicate with the subject, he fired at least one shot from inside the vehicle. Deputies from the Sheriff’s Office and the State Trooper attempted to again communicate with the subject and peaceably resolve the incident. Assistance from the Sheriff’s Office K9 Unit, Special Response Team, and Crisis Negotiation Team was requested.
After approximately 30 minutes and unsuccessful negotiations, the subject exited his vehicle and fired his firearm towards law enforcement. In fear for their lives and the safety of others, deputies from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, and the Maryland State Trooper, returned fire, striking the subject.
The subject was transported to the University of Maryland R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center for his injuries by Maryland State Police helicopter, Trooper 1. No deputies or troopers were injured.
The involved deputies and trooper are on routine administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation into this incident. Investigators from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office and Maryland State Police Criminal Investigation Divisions are conducting a comprehensive investigation into the incident. Upon completion, the investigation will be forwarded to the Harford County State’s Attorney’s Office for review.
Sure hope this gets media attention as these officers showed restraint and patience. Kudos to both HCSO and MSP. There are thousands of officers doing the right thing, and a few bad apples should not outshine the daily dangers of the job.
Their training was spot on.
Gee, I wonder if any cops troll the Dagger. It’s pretty obvious in my opinion. Just look at all the thumbs up……
Coming from the biggest troll on the dagger. You really should get a hobby that doesn’t involve sitting on your fat posterior.
Call me what you will, but I’m still the most honest thing the Dagger has to offer…..
Honesty…. such a lonely word.
The one who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone is likely to find them self in places no one has ever been before. Furthermore, when the public has been fed lies about everything around them, those who speak the truth will normally be looked down upon. However, I’ll continue to tell the truth, so that those whose minds are open, will be warned of those who feed the lies and the truths they wish to hide. Those whose minds are closed, will continue to go no further than the crowd and will never know the truth of the world around them.
I have never smoked weed. Does it make everyone who does be as philosophical and pompous as the Soul man? Inquiring minds want to know.
Maybe I smoked a little bit of cheebah.
Weed, does not make you more philosophical or pompous. However, the truth does set you free. You should try the truth sometime. It’s addictive…….
Define “truth”
….please. For those of us that are less enlightened.
If I have to define the truth for you then you would have nothing to GOOGLE. Besides, I don’t think you’re capable of telling the truth…….
Hmmm…. took your advice… but the only thing that came up when I googled ‘soulcrusher’s definition of the truth’ was this:
Anyways…. take an actual philosophy…
Man, what are you like 80? You actually thought that was funny? Whatever, floats your boat old man……..
Nope. No humor intended.
Get back to me after you’ve completed those philosophy courses. Until then, you should refrain from espousing bubble-gum ideals of truth as it causes damage to your credibility. ehem…..
Sixty-nine and holding. Thank you for asking.
Have a great day!
May all your delusions be grand.
Well, at least we can agree that your comments were devoid of humor. I don’t worry about credibility as long as what I type is the truth. People can believe it or they don’t have to, but they will get truth from my statements. When are you going to start doing the same? Just for the record, you’ve been around since before my mother was born. Relax, take a Geritol and change your Depends. That’s the philosophy I am prescribing to you…..
Haha! Back in my day losers had to leave their mother’s basements to spread their uninformed philosophies. So glad its more comfortable for you now.
I’ll tell you what, if you can provide some concrete evidence that I am living in my mother’s basement on the computer, I’ll never, ever, comment on anything on the Dagger again. I own 1319 Patapsco Ave. in Baltimore. This is my home and I’m not in the basement…….
It probably will only get a small mention on the news. Its only a big media deal when people think the police messed up. Damn shame.
It’s only a big deal to the media when the perp is African American and the police officer(s) is/are Caucasian.
Really? Then how do you explain the happenings of the Freddy Gray case in Baltimore City? Black Officers were involved in that……
Sadly because there are a lot of stupid people in the world. Many interviews and commentaries were made during the Freddie Gray incident. Several of the black people making comments concluded that any black officer in the BPD who would arrest one of their own was a “sell out”, “white sympathizer”, Uncle Tom”. I n their minds all who were involved were white. Talk about racism incarnate. With that being said Abingdon Resident is spot on.
PS: God Bless the officers involved. They are true heroes.
I understand that Cops have a job to do. I also understand that the job has an element of risk and danger involved. But, if you consider 6 grown men, who’ve been trained with fire arms, who were wearing Kevlar vests, standing behind the cover of their cars and gunning down a drunk 23 year old, a bunch of heroes, then you got issues. They were doing their job. That’s all, nothing else.
Do you think that incident was a board game where the figures were just set up in place in a play scenario? The officers had to respond, assess, and deploy in a very dangerous situation where a man was already disturbed and holding a gun. Those “heroes” took a great deal of time and personal risk attempting to reason with that man but sadly it took the course that it did. I am quite sure that none of them wanted it to turn out that way. I posted earlier about the world being full of stupid, ignorant people……..I give you the Soul man. I rest my case.
In principal I agree with your statement. Using the word Hero has become common place in this day and, in my opinion, detracts from the real meaning of the word.
That said, a Hero is also in the eyes of the beholder. If someone sees another as their Hero, I certainly don’t think they have issues for that thought.
I have to agree with Mike Welsh. Bravery and heroics are probably based on the viewers own personal perception. I should respect that. It kind of galls me though when the likes of the Soul man weigh in on a situation that he is not familiar with and has never been exposed to. But as Mike said every one sees things their own way. I think it is kind of humorous that a man who’s biggest threat to his personal safety in his life was probably flicking an assassin beetle off of one his pot plants can diminish the work of those brave officers. But as Mike said “to each his own”
The truth is what I typed. You don’t have to like it. Its just the truth……
@Open Your Eyes – I was a Bail Bondsman for 13 years. For at least 8 of them I did my own Fugitive Recovery work. I’ve had guns placed to my temple. I’ve had my Collar Bone broken twice, my ankle once and if I move my back a certain way I can’t walk the next day. I’ve disarmed a man holding a gun to my head, twice, and have placed the cuffs on men three times my size. All to bring them in to face justice due to failing to appear in court. I’ve never claimed to be a hero. I’ve never claimed to be a role model. I am what I am, or I guess I should say I was what I was. Your Court System opened my eyes to the reality that there is no fair trials or hearings in todays courts. I will never serve the corrupt Judicial System ever again. I’m good with that. So, YES, I have been exposed to situations very similar to what they encountered and I still don’t think they are heroes. Now as for bugs on the Pot plants. I’ve not grown anything for a while, but the only bugs I ever had a problem with were Spider Mites and Sean Marston…….
Yawn………A modified quote from John Wayne in the movie “the Cowboys”. That was fiction too
Whatever…..I could care less…..
Try “I couldn’t care less” if you want your statement to actually make sense.
“Hey Joe, where you going with that gun in your hand…..” –
True, this is America where you have the right to be wrong, as you often are.
As was your mother when she decided not to abort you……
Sorry SC, I’m not going to respond to that one. I choose not to live my life in the gutter with folks like you.
You DID respond at 12:27 pm. Don’t even try it. Saying your NOT going to respond is still a response. You wanted to put your two cents in this, you wanted to tell me how WRONG I am and how OFTEN I am WRONG. I say I’m NOT wrong and that I’m RIGHT very OFTEN. You should come down to the gutter sometime. You’ll see a lot of TRUTH there. As all the crap people like you try to DISPOSE of, washes down to the gutter…..
Don’t talk about concepts you can’t define.
Have a great day!
My best to Mom.
Which concept are you referring to? Have a bad day. Mom says she hopes I get to meet you one day, that way I can dot all your I’s……
Continual marijuana use has been shown to affect memory… but if you try, you may be able to follow the conversation….
On another note,
your tax habits, announced in public forum may result in a future meeting….
Have a great night!
Bring it on. I have nothing to hide….. Poser.
Look Jerry, don’t you think you stop making idle threats about your clout with the irs. The irs is not interested in anything you have to say.
Just out of curiosity, who is Jerry? A J Taylor, Joe BelAir or Open Your Eyes?
Good Job HCSO and MSP.
When does the looting start?
When you, and the rest of your hill billy family go to Walmart.
You mean the future Edgewood North Wal Mart?
I just noticed the new section 8 housing behind the Abingdon Wal Mart. How did the slip that in?
Its not section 8.
Go order an extra large of gravy fries you obese middle aged speech slurring white male
What race? African American, German American, Polish American, Jewish American, Irish American, Muslim American, Russian American, Chinese American, Japanese American, Latin American, Canadian American, Etc.,
If I may add “white” African American and “white” Hispanic. Brought to “Webster’s dictionary” courtesy of the liberal democrats. Didn’t want you to overlook any races. Equally opportunity.
Oh, you mean wiggers and Black-tinos. What about the Chi-negroes? You guys are just a complete bunch of racist idiots. Sad thing is, a lot of these comments are probably from law enforcement and retired law enforcement.
I was never in law enforcement, and I would shovel poop before I would sign up with the Bozo’s from Harford County.
Well, I definitely agree with your last statement……
In the scheme of things, does race really matter? If it happened the way The Dagger reported, the man needs mental help.
It’s because certain people and media want it to be about race…….
the only good thing 95 percent of harford county cops are good for is eating donuts. until they see a black person innocently sitting on the sidewalk, then they beat him for no reason. other then that all they do is eat donuts. and im white, BTW
What’s the other 5% good for?
the other 4 percent are good for helping HCPS teachers get away with crimes. the other 1 percent are decent human beings.
Suspect a HCPS teacher? Love hearing about HCPS teachers involved in criminal activity
Wow all I am goin to say if he was black all you would hear is how cops have to get thugs off the street ECT….but he is white and is calling for help.