From James A. Close:
I am writing this letter in support of Wini Roche, candidate for County Council District F.
She will bring a woman’s voice to the Council. She will be her own person. A check of MD campaign finance contributions shows she has support mostly from individuals. Her opponent, Curtis Beulah, has contributions from developers, zoning lawyers and businesses, for the most part. Check for yourself at – once there put the candidate’s name in the receiver box and put the time period in, and I suggest from 01/01/2018 to date. Mr. Beulah does what he’s told to do on the council. He doesn’t pay his taxes. He owes over $160,000.00 in taxes. He had to self report this matter. See Check under “disclosures” – there’s a theft conviction in there. Is this who you want on the Council?
Wini Roche has the energy and ability to be a reasoned voice for the District. Curtis Beulah is the majority’s puppet. Vote for Wini Roche on Tuesday. Thank you.
James A. Close,
Havre de Grace, MD
Curtis Beulah’s profession is to offer financial advice, and yet he has tax liens filed against him by both the IRS and the State of Maryland.
If he can’t manage is own money, why would anyone think he could manage the taxpayers’ money???
But he’s a black republican tho’. I need to vote for him to prove I’m not a racist.
I watched the last couple meetings of the county council – except for Mike Parrone – it was a love fest of how much the guys meant to each other. Not too much about anything that was a significant accomplishment other than maybe jerking around Joppa Magnolia development. Ready for some new blood that won’t rubber stamp all of Mr. Glassman and Mr. Boniface agenda without first at least knowing what is going on. Sometimes I get the idea some on the council thought getting through agenda items and successfully concluding a meeting equated itself to a successful council. I’m thinking sometimes we were better served without charter government. Having Ms. Roche and Ms. Kukurin and Ms. Bladesdell added to the council along with Ms. Johnson – might be just the change needed.
Definitely do not need Kukurin! She’s a democrat from California and look how bad California is doing financially, not to mention all their other issues.
Wini is anti NRA (guns), anti our loved Sheriff Gahler and anti our President.
We don’t need people who “think” they can change our county and our beliefs/values.
Lastly, this article was written by a friend of Wini. Business taxes have absolutely nothing to do with personal taxes. He owes business taxes, as many do and are being paid! That is between the company, the accountant and our government. Does not have anything to do with him, as he has already proven as an elected official. #fakenews!
You might want to revisit your Cali claims, just because the orange shitgibbon president mouthed the words doesn’t make it true you clueless imbecile. The man owes back taxes business or personal he made money and tried not to pay what he owed, that is just not American values.
I do NOT agree. WE THE PEOPLE have been denied or have had infringed ALL of our rights as guaranteed by the US Constitution and the Maryland Constitution. Since the Federal and State governments get their power of taxation thru the same documents that guarantee our rights, I declare the covenants broken and ALL taxation is now forfeit. If our rights are non existent then the government’s power of taxation is non existent as well, regarding the taxation of the citizens. The Courts have literally declared “there is no such monster” in regards to the constitutions I speak of and that means that the constitutional governments have been overthrown from within our government and the current government is acting without the authority of WE THE PEOPLE and is an act of treason against WE THE PEOPLE. There is nothing more un American than this and the paying of taxes is no longer an American value. Why would WE THE PEOPLE pay a tax to our government to commit treason against us? The answer is we wouldn’t and should not until the government reforms its current State of treason and realizes that it works for WE THE PEOPLE and that WE THE PEOPLE don’t work for the government. The US CODE and the Annotated Code of Maryland are embedded with so many unconstitutional rules, regulations and supposed laws that we must consider these codes acts of treason as well. Taxation issues regarding individuals is moot because the government has forfeit its power and authority to tax. That’s just the way it is….
Before you start resorting to uneducated name calling, you might want to do your research on California. The debt owed, the taxes, small businesses leaving, sanctuary cities, etc. NY & California are probably the two worst places to live for Americans.
Knowing several small business owners, you have no idea of why someone is paying back taxes. He isn’t trying to not pay or he would not be able to run for office. I know 3 different companies that all owe back taxes and are working with the state and govt to get them paid. All three had dealing with the local payroll company that was stealing and not paying the taxes. Totally not their fault but they still have to pay them back.
Being bashing anyone’s business dealings, you should really do your research and state facts.
JFC you really are that stupid. While I am impressed with your argument of inequality if we base taxes at 20% his liens of over $200,000 means there was a million dollars earned by someone who never paid the tax.
And as for Cali you are just flat out wrong while the dagger won’t allow links it doesn’t take much searching to find out their tax revenues and economy is booming like never before, they are considering giving money back to taxpayers. All the while we have a moron for president who is bankrupting thr country like he did his personal business’s 8 times.
We wish Maryland was more like New York or California. Our schools would be well funded and our teachers would be better compensated. Governor Jealous can make it happen. We endorse him.
Perhaps when he had a judgement for not paying taxes in march of 2016 he could have done something to avoid the next judgement 9 months later in 2017. Clearly not paying your taxes has no bearing on running for office.
County Council has nothing to do with Trump or Second Amendment. What does it matter that she doesn’t like Gahler, even if it’s true ?
County Council has nothing to do with the Second Amendment nor with Trump. She’s entitled to her opinion on Gahler – what does that matter ?
Gahler is a POS. She is spot on concerning him.
The platforms our President and our Sheriff have run on and won on, is what the American/County voted for. If her believe don’t align with their beliefs, and the people have spoken by voting them in, we will vote for someone who supports them. How can you say her feeling about Sheriff Gahler don’t matter when his main focus has been school safety and opioid attiction. The councils job is to be the voice of its people and the majority of our county supports Sheriff Gahler in making these two issues a priority.
First of all the American people did not vote for Trump. He won by the electorl college not the popular vote. Second More guns in schools is not the answer. That is a political statement by the sheriff to get the republican vote in this county. All a school needs is a strong student taking a gun away from a teacher and killing students with the teachers gun. Most stupid Ideal ever presented. Third have personally asked the sheriff why when a white person is stopped only 1 crusier car is present. When ever a black is stopped 4,5, 6 cruiser cars are there including state police. Sheriif’s reply ” glad so many could answer the call”. He never acknowledged that those could be racist stops. Third it is a fact that marjuana has reduced opiod addiction in many studies, yet there seems to be a crack down on marjuana by this county law enforcement. Fourth, the sheriff is in bed with ICE, but will not release information of how he is in bed with ICE.
I am certain she supports all that can be done regarding the opiode crisis and school safety. The votes for Trump we’re 2 years ago and Gahler we’re 4 years ago. Views in the County may have changed. If you want a voice that will not rubber-stamp what the developer led administration wants, then vote for Winning.
I am addressing only your “racist stop” portion of your comment. First , coming from you, after you have made some very interesting comments before, I am rather taken aback by this one. You seem to have some knowledge of the field, however limited, here’s some food for thought. Think about the location of these stops? High crime area, frequently used route for contraband smugglers? Number of occupants of vehicle stopped versus LEO? Maybe there is further intel on the car, owner or cautions associated to the vehicle or tag?
It’s strange how you point out observing the circumstances around the motor vehicle stops you describe, but as recently as Friday evening on the way home up 95 from Baltimore, I observed a traffic stop on the ramp just off Rt 152.(Like everyone else avoiding the traffic jam @ RT 24 exit) Present at this stop were two MSP Highway Troopers, both black males, two MDTA Officers, both white, and one was a female, and what appeared to be either an off duty or plainclothes officer a black male on this stop. Oh and by the way, handcuffed and standing up against the guardrail were two white males and a white female while the LEO’s conducted their investigation. Even more to my surprise as I was heading towards Edgewood Rd on Rt 7 to cut back over to RT 24 I saw that a lone white female Deputy had stopped a car driven by a black male near Winters Run Inn in what appeared to be a common perhaps speeding violation or maybe a repair order stop. I don’t have the actual reason for the stop, but that refutes your generalized statement from above.
Just something to think about before making rather broad actuations about our Law Enforcement Officers here in the County. And added, it’s rather dangerous nowadays in this profession with people having the anti-police attitude. ( And yes, there are some “bad apple” cops, but the good decent ones FAR outweigh the few bad ones!)
If President Trump did not win the vote of the people in so many states, he wouldn’t have won the electorial college. And now his approval rating are just going up more and more now that the democrats and fake news are being exposed. He is a President for the ALL American people and people are seeing that.
As far as referring to the Sheriff and police being racists when pulling people over, this is total bull! My son and his friend, both white males, were pulled over in an area that is known for crime.They were approached by an officer with his gun drawn and back up followed. They both were respectful and had no issues. It’s not about the skin color but more about wanting to come home to their family at night and protecting themselves in communities where police have been bashed & threatened.
There are many studies as to marajuana use. There are studies also that say it is a gateway drug which leads to other drug use. Many rehabs will say that when asking addicts, they say it all began with marajuana use and onto harder drugs then that. Sheriff Gahler is against all drugs use other then medical.
Sheriffs Gahler commitment to reduce opioid use is a big reason why he supports ICE. No, he is not in bed with them! Where are your facts to make such a blanket statement. Once again, it’s known and. proven that a large amount of drugs are being brought in across the borders illegally. Majority of American do not want people coming here illegally and support ICE and our President. Not only do we not want the illegal drugs but we don’t want the tax increases which come along for paying for all of these illegals.
Poh pho You are a typical narrow mind Republican type. You center on 2 words and forget the verb Could. I never said they were racist stops. I said they ” could be “. Simple minded people always think they are smart. That is far from the truth.
“When ever a black is stopped 4,5, 6 cruiser cars are there including state police. Sheriif’s reply ” glad so many could answer the call”. He never acknowledged that those could be racist stops.
It appears that You “could be” the “simple minded” person here. I have not resorted to name calling or labeling, or profiling or assuming anything , especially what my party affiliation is. Seems to me that you are assuming and referring to all stops of black males as “racist stops.” If you had maybe focused on my response closely, you would have noticed I deferred from the political rhetoric or any other topics brought up in that response.
But thank you for pointing out to me, what you believe are my shortcomings. You are more than welcome for the insight as to what might be the most logical answer to your tainted post about LEO. And with that and lack of name calling towards you, you have a wonderful day.
@Gordon Koerner,
If @Poh Poh Too was too polite and didn’t say it, I will. You’re a moron, and speak about simple minds? How about proofreading as well as spell checking your threads before posting. And maybe a refresher in grammar and sentence structure would be in order. Talk about a simple mind, look in the mirror. Many of us support you Poh Poh Too and all our military and police. Thanks for your service.
Hey Gordon, get your facts straight before coming on here and talking crap and make yourself look like a fool. Like you care? Must use too much marijuana, careful it leads to stupidity and you are the poster child for that right here , right now. Stay away from those opiates. And learn how to spell will you, or did the marijuana effect that as well?
OPIOD is a priority? really. Gahler does a lot of talking about Opioids, but we havent seen a whole lot of actionable results.
Another person who doesn’t do a fact check before coming on here and making incorrect statements. FYI Opiate related deaths and overdoses are down in this county this year, and across the region. The only county that has seen an increase is Anne Arundel County. St Mary’s and Allegheny Counties have seen a dramatic decline as well. Too bad the rest of the country can’t follow suit.
Kindly check your data before coming on here and attempt to belittle the Sheriff and his department.
And as far as Baltimore City goes, well that department is rather unreliable in their classification of calls, so we will probably not have an accurate report for some time until they get their act together in reporting calls for service as they should be.
Thank you all for your lovely comments??? Seems you all “COULD BE” jerks. Don’t know who you are but it sure does seem to fit.
The gateway drugs are caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. These are what is prevalent in most households across this country. The problem is that people don’t see caffeine, alcohol and tobacco as drugs, yet they are. Ease of access to any intoxicating substance is the gateway and these are common in households across this country. It is probably true that Marijuana is the first “illegal” substance most people try and we once again have to look at its prevalence and ease of access. I will agree that in most cases Marijuana might be the gateway “illegal” drug, but those same people would probably attest to using caffeine, alcohol or tobacco before they ever even considered using Marijuana. They were already using drugs, yet these substances are considered acceptable and haven’t been labeled as drugs at all. We must be realistic about this subject and to believe that Marijuana was used before coffee, beer, wine, spirits or cigarettes is actually improbable. People who used Marijuana and ended up being addicted to a substance were well on their way in search of euphoria before Marijuana ever even entered the picture.
This does not happen too often, but I must agree with him on most points he makes here. Definitely alcohol and to a degree caffeine are what some might consider intoxicating substances that certainly may affect one’s cognitive abilities. I think tobacco is certainly addicting, but believe the victim is primarily the person smoking it , unlike the potential of hurting others i.e. alcohol or caffeine.
Also inclusive in this discussion most certainly should be the availability of opiate painkillers so easily obtained from lax physicians who don’t monitor their patients close enough, eventually ending up with patients becoming addicted to them and thus the turn to illegal drugs.
I have no definitive answer to this problem, but it seems like we need to do more to combat this and do it soon.
She worked for Arnold Schwarzenegger. I would say that pretty much debunks the Clifornia liberal attack.
Interesting read from while she worked with Arnold. Raise taxes, cuts to schools, etc
So you are voting for three man hating woman who’s main platform is they are woman. They are all democratic socialists who parade around in their pink hats demanding equality. If they are so for equality, why push the “woman” card. They have agenda other then empowering their female ago, while demeaning men.
Demeaning Men. Pay back is hell.
You want me to vote for a Social Democrat?
Good one!
Judgments are against Mr. Beulah and his wife. There is one judgment against both of them and Deltex, the company. Go see for yourself at “MD Judiciary Case Search”. Once there, agree to the terms and put his name in and the information will come up.
Very well said Mr. Cose.
Demeaning Men. Pay back is hell.
With talk about how bad other states, etc. are – this past council saw more development, higher water rates, the closing of the street landfill leading to higher fees and we’re still saddled with some of the highest property taxes in an already high priced state. So where’s the “conservative” in all that. Some folks spew the same stuff for so long they start to really believe it whether it’s true or not.
#JoggingWhileBlack in Harford County