From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
A Harford County Sheriff’s Office Deputy has been suspended with pay, in accordance with the Law Enforcement Officer’s Bill of Rights, after he was charged with two counts of second degree assault and two counts of fourth degree sex offense.
Corporal Thomas Gregory, who is assigned to the Court Security Division, was issued a criminal summons on March 21, 2019, following an investigation into an off duty incident, that occurred on March 9, 2019. The investigation was conducted by the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division and Office of Professional Standards. Gregory has been a member of the agency since 2002, most recently being promoted to Corporal in 2015.
The Harford County Sheriff’s Office holds its employees to the highest standards and will thoroughly investigate all allegations of misconduct, remaining vigilant to ensure our efforts are professional and meet the high standards the public has come to expect from our deputies. The acts alleged are not reflective of the hard work and dedication of the men and women of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office.
No further information is being released. Members of the public are reminded the defendant is presumed innocent of the charges and it will be the government’s burden to prove the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt at trial.
Kiki says
Its about time we hold these officers accountable..
I like big butts says
Oh my this is just so horrible. Let’s make sure we hold him accountable for pinching someone’s butt at a wedding. Go home KiKi
Republican Voter says
Really? So its OK to pinch someone’s butt? Maybe in Harford County it is, but not any other place. A Police Officer knows better. Whats next? Will you tolerate using a night stick?
Danny G says
Using a night stick to do what? This isn’t a guy who pinched a strangers butt in line at the deli counter. This was a wedding reception, probably alcohol involved, he took it a little too far with a little pinch to the fart maker. Bad decision yeah but not worth criminal charges and ruining the guys life.
Republican Voter says
This is Harford County where you can file anything you want to hassle people. The commissioner and the SAO will persue it. Then a bench of judges who cant/wont stop the crap either. Very dysfunctional area of the country.
Republican Voter says
Use your imagination what a night stick might be used for. You seem relatively smart you should be able to connect the dots.
Pw3 says
A cop should have better judgement….
Truth Be Told says
Cops should have better judgement than to sexually harass others, bully and intimidate, and steal from others. When they don’t then they should be charged and provided a trial by a jury.
Marie says
Pw3 says
Tone deaf…you’re part of the problem
Pw3 says
Why are your standards so low for a cop?????
Janie says
This is what our tax money is paying for? Seriously? I’ve been pinched (among other things) at events…you know I’ve done? Slapped faces, pushed men away (sometimes accompanied by a quippy “Do that again and your b##ls will be competing for space with your tonsils”). Done. Over. It’s clouds the real ‘dirty’ issues in that office. Deputies lie. They alter reports to fit their agenda. They engage in endless games of entrapment….Protect and Serve? That’s a joke. More like Harass and Arrest (and if you do that enough in some instances, you win the “most arrests” pooled money at the end of the month).
True Dat says
That’s because the Harford County system refuses to stop entertaining bullshit litigation. Those with true needs cant get service because of it. Such a lack of leadership in and amongst the entire organization from the Sheriffs Office, SAO, and Judges. It absolutely mind numbing the crap that goes on. I am somewhat surprised there are not more lawsuits lodged against this County for their mismanagement.
Any other state the citizens would not put up with it. Harford County Citizens are like blind sheep.
The Central Scrutinizer says
Jussee Smollett ….. Trashed an entire country.
Bob says
Many times when The Dagger posts a New Comment about a crime they include a prominent picture of the person that is charged. Why not include a picture of this officer?
Take a breath says
4th degree sec offense is a misdemeanor toolbag as is 2nd degree assault. This could mean he patted someone on the ass on the outside of their clothes which would also be a minor 2nd degree assault. These type of incidents occur all the time in social settings. If the offender was a mechanic or a laborer no one would give a flying poop and I guarantee the incident would not be on the dagger. The word on the street was that the charging document was a summons and not a warrant which speaks volumes regarding the severity. Sounds to me like someone has a hard one against this cop
LOL says
Who fucking cares, either way? LOL
Bob says
According to WJZ13 It was a Criminal Summons. The story on the TV did include a picture of the officer.
Old Time Po-Po says
@ take a Breath,
Exactly!! If this was not a Deputy it probably wouldn’t have even made the police blotter in the Aegis.and to top things off he was off duty.
It has been that way in the HCSO for decades, If you are not in the clique, one of the good old boys or not liked by someone with higher rank, and you do a good job, this is how you get treated. Sometimes the mystery is finding out who in the department you pissed off.
And one more thing, all the idiots posting crap without the facts, what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?
@ Bob, save the drama for your momma as they say, it was a summons so he wasn’t arrested, so no booking photo. .
Bob says
You misunderstand…I’m not necessarily talking about a booking photo. Many pictures regarding crimes that appear on The Dagger are not mug shots.
Old Time Po-Po says
Ok, either way, I don’t why you would want or need to see a picture of the officer, or what it matters, The officer has enough to deal with and doesn’t need his face all over the news. Would you want your picture all over the media if you were charged with something, especially by summons. But whatever floats your boat.
SoulCrusher says
It’s the hysteria of the #metoo generation. They want everybody convicted before they get a trial. The whole concept of innocent until proven guilty has gone by the wayside because not only are people being convicted by public opinion, the prosecutors will offer a plea deal and they will expect him to take it, or else. I don’t need to tell you anything. You know how it works….
Mike Callahan says
The picture was printed in his Baltimore County home town newspaper.. The Dagger is corrupt!
I am breathing says
I don’t know what social settings you take part, but what you describe is never acceptable unless you are a pervert.
Take a breath says
@ I am breathing
The event was a wedding with alcohol. Maybe because of your prudish ways you have never been invited to such an event. I don’t know. The alleged victims had mouths and I’m sure knew how to speak. If they were offended they should have immediately stated that or used their cell phones to promptly call the police. Instead they wait until another day or so to voice a complaint. Why, if the incident was that henous why did they not flee immediately for safety. The officer is being called by some people on Facebook as a predator. I call BS. The alleged victims weren’t pulled away to a clandestine secluded area they were on a dance floor. People were having a good time being silly. Nothing more! If someone was offended they should have immediately said so. They did not.
Marie says
Were you there? “People
Wee having a good time being silly”?
And what does henous mean?
SoulCrusher says
It means the writer made a spelling mistake. I’m sure he’s sorry that he did not meet the perfection that you require, on an internet blog no less.
Pw3 says
Dont know where you hang out but ass pinching does not happen all the rime6 in a social setting….
SoulCrusher says
It may in a situation where people are drinking, dancing and rubbing body parts against one another while dancing. Good lord, there is even dancing that specifically involves the spanking of butts. I think we need to hear all the facts before you persecute someone in the public eye….
True Dat says
This is normal behavior in HCSO…..Same headlines in 2005 where they demoted the officer and made him do paperwork in the detention center….Now he continues as he has Felony indictment against him. No surprise to most as he is a real tool. Unfortunately the issues in HCSO are deep and wide.
Confused says
Who did they demote and who has a felony indictment??
WHO says
There is cool website called Google….try it….I found what the poster is referring to….amazing what is out there on the web
Confused says
I found it….
Big Al says
So this happened 14 years ago, it was an on duty incident, and it relates to this butt pinch at a wedding how?
Truth Hurts says
Its very relevant it demonstrates a pattern of behavior in the department. Behavior that seems to be condoned.
SoulCrusher says
Look, I can go along with the illegal and unconstitutional lawbreaking of law enforcement regarding the performance of their duties as being a standard of behavior patterns, as that is exactly what it implies. However, if the story of the Wedding Reception is true and an off duty cop did pinch a woman’s butt while he was inebriated, that in no way shows a pattern or a practice. It shows an individual’s behavior and not that of the Office as a whole. I fail to see where this incident correlates a pattern of practice involving the HCSO.
Truth Hurts says
The office is a Good Old Boy fraternity that condones this kind of behavior and it goes back years. Sheriffs have resigned due to their miss steps. Officers have been demoted and stuck on desk duty until forced into retirement and continue to have issues being indicted even today. We saw the behavior of some of these guys/gals during the elections and primaries. Its not referred to as Hazard County for no reason at all.
Inquisitive Minds says
3/26 Sheriffs Return in MD Case Search what does that mean?
Inquisitive Minds says
This HCSO officer from 14 years ago is quite the menace. Simply look at his record in the Maryland Case search. Very revealing indeed. Hopefully he will get whats coming to him.
Bye Felicia says
KARMA! This guy is a huge ahole. I had several interactions with him when he was my neighbor. Several times the alcohol smell was so evident that i’d tell him to learn how to handle his alcohol. He’s trash.
Inquisitive Minds says
Really…..when were you his neighbor? Where was this so I can make sure I avoid ever buying a home near him.
Frank P says
What happened 14 years ago has what to do with what? You are reaching to make a point here. Get over yourself
Truth Hurts says
De Sousa will make him the bitch he really is….Rumor has it that he has had lots of practice.
Old Po says
I agree when he was in HCSO he was highly unliked by fellow Officers because of his character flaws. All the bailiffs know him and can’t stand him. So funny to watch as he puffs his chest out and acts the fool. Funny thing since his Felony Indictment he isn’t some cocky. Getting a dose of his own medicine just doesn’t sit so we’ll with him.
Truth Be Told says
(iii) $100,000 or more is guilty of a felony and:
1. is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 25 years or a fine not exceeding $25,000 or both; and
2. shall restore the property taken to the owner or pay the owner the value of the property or services.
Inquisitive Minds says
Says Notice of Discovery what does that mean? Anyone know what this POS got himself jammed up on? Pretty serious charges with significant jail time.
Al Franklin says
@ByeFelicia- you know and I know you are full of BS and didn’t live near him. If you were that worried why didn’t you report him before now. This butt grab that he allegedly didnisnt the end of the world. You are making this into something that is more than it needs to be. Same thing with the fine folks that made the allegations. They are worthless and there is no doubt in my mind he will be found not guilty. If there is an issue it’s the BS #METOO movement and people trying to smear the character of a good man. The truth will soon read it’s ugly face.
Inquisitive Minds says
Really? Seems like if he were going to be found innocent it would have happened by now……More likely KARMA has caught up with him. The same way he likely abused the system as a Sheriff he will get abused now. After all he is not well liked in the HCSO. Quite the contrary. I imagine they are going to have fun with him in State Pen. His repeated lies, misdeeds, and bullying.
It is a Felony Indictment so that means a group of Jurors was convinced he has done something. Must be something to it. After all who did he rip off?
Highly relevant because it demonstrates the kinds of dishonesty and deceit that comes out of the HCSO. They are crooked as the day is long.
Inquisitive Minds says
Maybe he and Desoussa can share a jail cell ?
What a Joke says
He pinched someone’s butt and pulled up another’s pant leg to her knee at a wedding. That sounds like a normal wedding, someone had it out for this guy. I can’t believe the court commissioner found probable cause. You have to arrest 75% or more of men who have no doubt done this. Add another 50-75% of women who have. This is ridiculous, I thought he did a lot more.
Truth Hurts Cupcake says
Really that is ok behavior? This man has never done that so I guess I am not part of the 75% that have? Any man that decided to do this to my wife or daughters would have bigger problems than a summons. HCSO isn’t above the law. What amazes me is he is placed on paid vacation rather than placing him on desk duty. As a taxpayer just doesn’t seem right to get a pay check while your not working.
Smackin Butt since 1973 says
You have never touched a woman’s butt? It was a 54 year old woman who may have been single. If you are still protecting your daughters like that at age 54, I question your mental status. This happens all the time when officers are charged, with a charge of any type of sexual offense you would be complaining if they had him on a desk. You sir are just a complainer
Truth Hurts Cupcake says
Amazing how you justify the action…..This isn’t 1973 anymore…Regardless of whether she is single or not its uncalled for. Its called assault I think. No I wouldn’t complain if they had him on a desk if they are paying him. Far better than free vacation at taxpayers expense.
Smackin Butt since 1973 says
Cupcake aka Snowflake, my guess is you are a 75 year old single virgin. It was a butt pinch. Have you ever been to a wedding reception later in the night? They get wild cupcake
Truth Hurts Cupcake says
Smackin Butt your ignorant. Your statements make you look even more ignorant. Bottom line is you don’t place your hands on a woman or man unless they are ok with it. That, or you may face charges. Pretty simple concept. I don’t care how wild the reception gets late at night. Its called RESPECT. I have wasted enough time on you.
SoulCrusher says
So, you’re saying he should’ve asked “Can I please pinch your butt”? I’m sure that’s how everyone in this country acts at a Wedding Reception….
Truth Hurts Cupcake says
No he should have acted like a gentleman and not done it in the first place. That’s what he should have done. These cops act like a bunch of animals. When they cross the line then its time to reign them in. It isn’t acceptable behavior. Is it criminal. I don’t think so, but Harford County has issues in that they think every behavior requires filing criminal charges. That is absolutely ridiculous as well. Not sure if its corruption or plan and simple incompetence. I suspect the later.
SoulCrusher says
Ah, the drunken gentleman!?!? I see them all the time. NOT. Let me tell you something about a drunk. They are about as gentlemanly as a unpaid pimp. There are different degrees of intoxication, but as a general rule, the more a man or woman drinks the gentlemanly and ladylike aspects leave their bodies like the flatulence that same drink makes them pass. When people get drunk, they think everyone wants them. Hell, I no a 65 year old man that swears every attractive young lady wants him to bed them. Drinking distorts judgement and sometimes people think they see things that just didn’t happen. If a person makes an advance at you and you are unwilling, you should say something and they should stop, but when we have our beer goggles on we sometimes don’t see things the way they really are.
Pw3 says
You need to start hanging out w/a better crowd of people! That’s not normal ….don’t be an apologist…..
Say it w a Straight Face says
If in fact this is over patting someone’s behind without permission then shame on all of us for allowing our cultural conversation to call this sexual assault. As a woman who was actually sexually assaulted I find it insulting and ridiculous that my story is defiled by putting this in the same file. If somebody touches you on a dance floor in a way you dont like how about just telling them to knock it off rather than waste the courts time and potentially ruin a guy’s career over a nothing burger.
Truth Hurts says
That’s what they do in Harford County….Didn’t you know that? Fill the courts with all kinds of vindictiveness nonsense that should never be prosecuted. The HCSO, Commisioner, SAO, and the Judges are all culpable in the Kangaroo process in the county. They have a jail facility which is profit making organization to run so they want to ensure it is fully filled up to maximize the profit. To hell with the guys career and courts time for real crime. They are just unexpected results that everyone gets to live with. Then of course there is the slime ball Defense attorneys, bails bonds shops, and the others that are right there at the trough like the pigs they are. So if every other citizen in Harford County has to deal with why not have a HCSO Officer deal with it.
SoulCrusher says
That Bail Bonds Shop guarantees your right to NOT be imprisoned until convicted. That Bail Bonds Shop is authorized by the Constitution. You shouldn’t condemn those whom are guaranteeing your rights, even though they charge you a sum of money for it. If you don’t want to buy your freedom, get someone with property to post collateral for you. Not everyone knows people whom are willing to put their house up to this treasonous State to secure your freedom. You should be happy those Bail Bonds Shops exist…..
Truth Hurts says
I am happy they exist. However the system who has turned this into a profit making industry should be ashamed of itself. Bail is to ensure an appearance. Far to often they set it to punish. If someone can make a buck off the deal then good for them. The court system should not be making it lucrative for others. Excessive bails where people are forced to use a bondsman in most cases are not needed to ensure an appearance.
SoulCrusher says
Agreed 100%. I was even saying this when I owned my own Bail Bonds company. Far too often, the State has betrayed the people on this aspect of the system. Far too often, I waited at the Courthouse for a defendant to be seen and walked away totally empty handed because a Court Commissioner set a bail far too high, just so the defendant would NOT get out and miss their job the next day. This is ALL part of the system of attornment that the State has instituted in its Corporate Code. The saddest part of it all was that the defendants were NOT beholden to most of the so called crimes they committed, because if they didn’t break the Common Law there was no crime. All of this is part of a nationwide racketeering conspiracy so that the legal system thrives in all its tributaries while the people are robbed blind thru treachery and treason. However, to this day, I believe corporate surety is the most effective way to guarantee appearance and I believe the courts are far too incompetent and untrustworthy to be granted the authority to do bail on their own. The track record speaks for itself and bail set too high is a crime by the Commissioners and the Judges alike. Never forget, the Commissioner serves at the pleasure of a Judge and if that Judge tells them to set high bails they feel obligated to do it….
Truth Hurts says
The Commissioners are incompetent. When one can simply files a piece of paper, raise their right hand and claim its true, and the commissioner acts by issuing a warrant because they have “probably cause” then we have real problems, which the Maryland system has. Harford County specifically. They do nothing to police these cases and charging those that abuse the system with felonies they deserve. As long as citizens believe they can get away with it they will do it to even scores. I have seen it to many times in my experience.
Bail is another component that is absolute insanity. Judges who make judgement without the evidence based on something a ASA says, or worse yet lies about. Because the ASA has decided they know what the real truth is, but eventually find out the truth isnt quite so clear. OOOOPS we over reacted is what you get as a reply. OOOOPS were incompetent and the SAO and Judges in some cases are one and the same. Its simply perverse. As far as I can see there is no check or balance on any of them.
Judges should not be pulled from the pool of the SAO. These folks should be defense attorneys only. Members of SAO should have a cooling off period after they leave their SAO position before they can run for judges. We do it with Government employees who become off limits to contractors who may want to hire them because there is a possibility of a conflict of interest. Judges should be treated the very same way. Only those in the private sector should be allowed to run for judge until that cooling off period is complete. My Opinion
SoulCrusher says
@Truth Hurts – The REAL problem is they are fraudulently holding citizens accountable to the Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State. The Codes, Rules and Regulations are for government employees and elected officials, not WE THE PEOPLE. The STATE OF MARYLAND is a corporation that says it owns you and you are their chattel collateral because you have a Birth Certificate issued by the corporation. THIS IS FALSE. The people are citizens of Maryland not the STATE OF MARYLAND. The people are NOT government employees and this case law says it ALL – “”Because of what appear to be Lawful commands [Statutory Rules, Regulations and -codes–ordinances- and Restrictions] on the surface, many citizens, because of their respect for what appears to be law, are cunningly coerced into waiving their rights, due to ignorance… [deceptive practices, constructive fraud, barratry, legal plunder, conversion, and malicious prosecution in inferior administrative State courts].” (United States v. Minker, 350 U.S. 179, 187, 76 S.Ct. 281, 100 L.Ed. 185 (1956);……”All codes, rules and regulations are applicable to the government authorities only, not human/Creators in accordance with God’s laws. All codes, rules and regulations are unconstitutional and lacking in due process …” Rodriques v Ray Donavan [U.S. Department of Labor,] 769 F. 2d 1344, 1348 [1985].
SoulCrusher says
and then there is the ultimate defense to these terroristic traitors – “With such overwhelming case law there is no question about the fact of the claim made here statutes are not law. Plaintiff/the court now challenges prosecution and Magistrate to prove the statutes apply to plaintiff/court. Plaintiff denies being a government employee if the prosecution or state or Magistrates wish to say different then prove I have been a paid employee of federal or state Government. As well article 1 section 8 clause 14 says clearly the government makes the rules for the government not the people”. Cruden v. Neale, 2 N.C. 338 (1796) 2 S.E.].
Calling you out says
I call BS on Soul Crusher’s quotes of the Minker and Rodriquez cases. Those quotes are fake and never appear in those cases. This is typical tax protester drivel.
SoulCrusher says,+rules+and+regulations+are+applicable+to+the+government+authorities+only,+not+human/Creators+in+accordance+with+God%E2%80%99s+laws.+All+codes,+rules+and+regulations+are+unconstitutional+and+lacking+in+due+process&source=bl&ots=oVWCN03l4n&sig=ACfU3U1wyxgw6TYonFnZuGaWtSpXrtJW9w&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjortnH-aHhAhUhwFkKHUDkDD0Q6AEwBnoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=All%20codes%2C%20rules%20and%20regulations%20are%20applicable%20to%20the%20government%20authorities%20only%2C%20not%20human%2FCreators%20in%20accordance%20with%20God%E2%80%99s%20laws.%20All%20codes%2C%20rules%20and%20regulations%20are%20unconstitutional%20and%20lacking%20in%20due%20process&f=false
SoulCrusher says,+because+of+their+respect+for+what+appears+to+be+law,+are+cunningly+coerced+into+waiving+their+rights,+due+to+ignorance&source=bl&ots=72yUwLg5KX&sig=ACfU3U1y-ZTlJ5YeAj-DEz9Z2qU5XfUdOQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjAzdTM-KHhAhWInFkKHfH7BIgQ6AEwA3oECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=many%20citizens%2C%20because%20of%20their%20respect%20for%20what%20appears%20to%20be%20law%2C%20are%20cunningly%20coerced%20into%20waiving%20their%20rights%2C%20due%20to%20ignorance&f=false
SoulCrusher says
Maybe you should purchase the entire case and read it if you don’t like me giving it to you for free…..
SoulCrusher says
Remember, what I give to you for FREE, your lawyer or attorney wouldn’t give you for $1,000,000…..because they are ALL treasonous racketeers and they are stealing your money that they don’t deserve, nor earn. It is the mission of every treasonous scum aligned with the BAR to destroy and humiliate their clients and only after the prosecutor, Judge and you own shameful attorney have robbed the accounts associated with your birth certificate will they then tell you “the Judge will reconsider your sentence and you can get your life back”. However, when you take that reconsideration, it allows the Judge to erase the treason and fraud he has committed from the record of the court. ALL convictions of statutes that don’t conform to the Constitution or the Common Law therein, are void from lack of due process and the omission of the one key fact that every Judge whom has done so commits, YOU ARE NOT A GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE. In the case of the man in this article, he was at a PRIVATE event of a Wedding Reception. He was not in uniform or performing an official duty. The Reception was NOT open to the general public. He was acting in his PRIVATE PERSON and as a natural creation of God.
Calling you out says
SoulCrusher, don’t try to foist off some fake, made-up quote from a tax protester book as a legitimate source of a case law quote.
Here is the actual Minker Supreme Court case.
The purported quote you listed appears nowhere in that case.
And, as to the supposed “Supreme Court” case of Rodriquez, it does not exist. The case you referenced is the Rodriguez case, with a “g” not a “q” (G not Q). And the defendant is Donovan, not Donavan. And, it is not a Supreme Court case, but is a U.S. Court of Appeals case (Ninth Circuit) as evidenced by the F. 2d cite. Here is a link to the full opinion. Again, the purported quote you listed appears nowhere in that case.
With regard to your other blather about “the law of the sea,” etc., these are nothing but stale tax protester and sovereign citizen arguments that have been rejected time after time by every court that has considered them, and are no longer worthy of any time necessary to rebut them.
Calling you out says
I forgot to add the link to the Rodrigues case.
Here it is.
SoulCrusher says
You may be right, but they appear all over the internet and are correct. Fine, if you can’t accept that these are SCOTUS decisions then you can accept them as what I have to say because I agree with them to the max. Codes, Rules and Regulations are unconstitutional unless they pass the constitutional muster and virtually none of them get due process because of the forced convictions by the maritime courts. The law of the sea is the law that is foreign to the land. All government employees and elected officials are if fact foreign entities and are illegally enforcing the law of the sea while they stand upon the land. Now, I’m calling you out. Go read Article 1 Section 8 and you tell me where your precious Federal treason machine gets the power and authority to make laws regulating the behavior of WE THE PEOPLE. It doesn’t occur anywhere in Article 1 Section 8 and specifically says the government can only proclaim piracies and felonies of the SEA. The government is specifically NOT given the power of any uniform behavior laws across this land because of the tyranny it implies. The law of the SEA also applies to corporate law and the law of contracts. Just for the record, I don’t need any SCOTUS decisions to tell me what the law is because it is plainly spelled out in the Constitution and that’s the bottom line. I agree to disagree….
Captian Obvious says
Where do you come up with this crap? The jail is run for profit? Since when? I worked there and never knew that.
Truth Hurts says
Do a little research if your capable. Look at the budgets to start with. You worked there huh….when? I suspect 2005 ish. After your demotion.
Pw3 says
Apologist…very sad…
SoulCrusher says
Codes, Rules and Regulations are the law of government within the purview of the sea. If he was on duty he must follow the law of the sea. Since he was off duty, he was acting in his private person and is NOT accountable to the law of the sea. The case could be dismissed by challenging the jurisdiction of the court in that the court has absolutely no jurisdiction of matters involving private persons that do not invoke Common Law. The accuser was not victimized in accordance to the Common Law and this case is an act of fraud. Neither the Corporation or any of its entities can be harmed from lawsuit by the alleged victim, only he in his private person can be harmed in matters such as these. As the man said earlier, this is a “nothing burger” and remember, men own corporations not the other way around. In his private person he is not beholden to the law that commands him while on duty.
Pw3 says
He’s not fit to be a cop
Bob says
“Reasonable conduct”
“The duty to act in a responsible manner does not end the moment an officer clocks-out. Off-duty officers are required to uphold integrity, discipline and ethics in their private life. In many ways, the private behavior of a police officer is entwined with the public image of their police department; an officer’s conduct could paint a good or bad picture of their entire police agency. Although police officers are entitled to the same right to privacy, they could be dismissed from the force if their behavior is so unlawful or morally questionable.
It is important for officers to contemplate about the implications of taking off-duty action. Such actions, though well-meaning, have the potential of exposing the officer to civil and criminal liability.”
SoulCrusher says
Wrong. If his conduct does not occur on duty and has nothing to do with anything that could be construed as an official act, then his conduct is not beholden to the law of the sea. Period. End of discussion. The problem with your reading of “reasonable conduct” is that you are already skewed toward the conviction of the man before he has had a trial. If the facts of this case are that he was at a wedding reception, got drunk and maybe touched someone inappropriately while dancing, how the hell can you say that the conduct was unreasonable when the person he was dancing with may or may not have given him signals to do just what he did? Was it the next day when everyone sobered up they felt embarrassed? Hogwash. There comes a time when we have to realize that even police officers are people. I’ve always known this. If this is an isolated incident where this man squeezed an ass while intoxicated, so what. By your thinking, the corporation owns him in his private person and this is a perception that we are all owned by the corporation because we are all being held to account to FALSE statutes of a Legislature that is acting as a mafia and a terrorist organization. I’m sorry, but in this instance I can not condone the complete destruction of this man’s professional life in violation of Article 24 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights when he did not violate the Common Law. I’m sorry, but you are completely wrong in this incident and I think reasonable minds should prevail. Please take into account that I am assuming the narrative of the Wedding Reception is the facts of this case and that I am not saying that an off duty cop should force themselves on someone and judging by the charges in the case, he did not.
Bob says
I guess we’ll just have to agree-to-disagree on a “reasonable definition” of “reasonable conduct”. I am not trying to pass judgment on his innocence/guilt in this matter. We’ll just have to wait for the facts of the case to play out.
My POV is since police officers occupy a special position of power, authority and responsibility in our society, it is both prudent and “reasonable” that they are held to a higher standard.
By the way, SoulCrusher, I will agree to stop using the word “reasonable” for any and all future posts should you agree to do the same for the 3T’s (tyranny, tyrants & treason). 🙂
SoulCrusher says
I respect your opinion on what you think is reasonable conduct, but I don’t agree with you when and where that reasonable conduct ought be used. I have no problem with you using the word “reasonable” and I use it myself. Your little deal in the last sentence of your comments is “unreasonable” and one sided in my opinion. I know you guys don’t like the 3T’s, but the 3T’s are what the truth is. I have guaranteed the readers of the Dagger the truth and by using words other than the truth I would be misrepresenting myself to the Dagger readers. WE THE PEOPLE can NOT rely on our lawyers or our government to be lawful in their actions when we are accused of non-crimes, so the people will get the truth by the Crusher of Heads, Holes and Souls. I’m sorry Bob, but I can NOT honor any bargain like that. Either the STATE OF MARYLAND reforms itself to be a lawful government or I will call them the traitors that they are. The system of attornment must end and I hold all whom are part of it accountable. Why don’t you?
Captian Obvious says
A Deputy’s conduct is scrutinized on and off duty. They represent the department on and off duty and can be punished for off duty incidents.
North Harford Democrat says
Oh well… maybe this guy can get employed in law enforcement in another continent, assuming Canada won’t hire someone in law enforcement who’s been charged with some misdemeanors in the USA.
SoulCrusher says
Or maybe he will get convicted, lose his job and never work again. Wouldn’t that make you happy? Let me be very clear, the Code, Rules and Regulations of the Democratic traitors you worship are NOT law. This is NOT a Democracy. The Democratic party does not rule this State. The Democratic party rules the corporation of this State and that corporation does NOT own him in his private person. Sure, his lawyer will betray him and the Jesuit Priests that you call Judges will probably convict him on behalf of the HOLY SEE, but none of this is real. Why is it that Democrats want the total destruction of others just because they don’t like a person? Once again, I call for the complete destruction of the Democratic party in this State and hope it gets banned from this State in perpetuity. You guys are complete monsters. Your idea that he should move to Canada for grabbing a butt is what I have come to expect from Democratic traitors in this State. Your Democracy has become a living hell and the name of that hell is MARYLAND. Congratulations, you have turned our great State into a hell. Traitor….
Founder says
Soul Crusher, regrettably the Dem party is such a part of this State that it will never, ever be removed. It is now a part of the State’s very DNA. And Maryland will be all the poorer because of that.
Bob says
Founder, Cheer up! The Repubs are alive and well in Harford County & on the Eastern Shore, Maryland has a Republican Governor, the Supreme Court is scheduled to hear Oral Augments Tuesday of this week on the 6th District gerrymandering issue. Who knows, the 6th District probably red again…sad for me, good for you.
You’re welcome for cheering you up. Now, I need a bowl of ice cream and a couple of cookies to pick myself up.
Bob says
Update 3/26/19 —: “U.S. Supreme Court tackles Maryland gerrymandering case that’s split Democrats and Republicans”
Decision expected in late June on the 6th District gerrymandering issue.
Truth Hurts says
What Republican Governor? Hogan? Come on now. He is a Democrat and has proven it time and time again.
Pw3 says
I would be happy if he lost his job. A buffoon like that should not be a cop….
SoulCrusher says
Oh and by the way, the last time I checked Canada is part of the same continent that we currently have our feet planted on….
North Harford Democrat says
Yeah, I know Canada is in North America, that’s why I said another continent.
I’m not sure what the average Canadian Law Enforcement agency Hiring standards are, so if he was to have a disposition of guilt, this person would likely not be hireable in American Law Enforcement ever again, even if possible, I’d imagine there are still large enough applicant pools to pick someone else that doesn’t have misdemeanor conviction(s).
The only thing that would make me “happy” is truthful judicial process regardless of the outcome.
Believe it or not, but I’m not one of those people who automatically believe everyone is guilty.
SoulCrusher says
What about Mexico?
North Harford Democrat says
What about it?
I’m sure this gentleman could apply for Police work there?
Although I think a country in Europe would be more appealing if Canada won’t hire him.
SoulCrusher says
You know what? The thought that an American citizen should have to go to another country because of a conviction of a non-crime, is truly pathetic. The thought that millions of Americans are convicted every year of crimes proclaimed by the UN and the HOLY SEE, is truly pathetic. This is mass fraud and treason against the United States and every member or employee of the governmental corporations should face Article 3 Section 3 provisions. You may NOT war against the United States and expect no repercussions. Even if you are a foreign entity, when you war against us in our land, you have become an enemy combatant on our shores and should be treated as the enemy combatant that you are. Perhaps we should keep Gitmo open and store traitors there to preserve the Republic…
Actions Speak says
To all the morons saying that officers should be held to a higher standard and presumed on duty even when they are off duty, MAYBE we should start paying them as such. They make nothing near what they should, especially having to deal with jackasses all the time and seeing things that will never leave their mind. Pay them what they deserve, support them and don’t treat them like they are garbage
ImmaPotatoEater says
And then you got volunteer fire fighters.
Weren’t some of them arguing about who was going to put out the first fire that lead to someone drive around someone else’s station?
Some real professional conduct. LOL
Pw3 says
I agree. If we paid better, we would get better and more educated candidates for officers….
SoulCrusher says
You might get better candidates for officers when you stop waging war against the people you are supposed to be serving. You might get better candidates if the job description doesn’t include fraud and treason. Codes, Rules and Regulations are being fraudulently enforced on the general public across this entire nation. This is indicative of a government committing mass fraud, treason and war against the very people who fund it. Until you reform the entire criminal justice system and realize that those whom are enforcing statute on the general public are the actual criminals, you won’t get quality recruits because a quality recruit will realize that the job requires them to be something they were not hired for. No one wants to be known as a terrorist or a traitor, yet enforcing the Annotated Code of Maryland and the US Code on non government employees makes the enforcers terrorists and traitors. I accuse the STATE OF MARYLAND of mass fraud, treason, violation of oath, conspiracy against the Constitutions, racketeering and waging war against WE THE PEOPLE of these United States. Until this changes, you will see less qualified recruits and more cop slayings nationwide. Make the law lawful and you will get just rewards…..
Truth be Told says
Spot On! When citizens feel attacked by their own police force then they turn their back on them. Common sense is lacking in Maryland. Lock everyone up policies don’t work. Non Diverse Police forces do not work. Active racist attitudes and behaviors do not work. Taking guns from law abiding citizens does not work. Time that Maryland woke up and changed its ways.
The Central Scrutinizer says
To Harold Breaux, Trump has been shown to be righteous as far as Russian collusion. Trump has also been determined to have not committed any other crimes against America such as obstruction of justice. The exact wording states that the investigation scope included “any Americans” and the conclusion only includes “Trump and his campaign”. This leads one to wonder if the fake , Russian produced, dossier that was used as fake evidence and 5 million dollars was paid by the Hillary campaign is the reason the same description was not used in the collusion finding.
The fact is the Hillary campaign screwed Sanders. Tried to screw Trump, and backfired pathetically. Its time to move forward and start the investigations into masking, misuse of govt agencies…..and “CRIMES AGAINST AMERICA” involved in this failed coup!
SoulCrusher says
I always said “Trump is NOT a traitor”. I’m glad he was vindicated. The Democrats will now attack him as the spiteful traitors that they really are. Quite frankly, if he gets rid of the Patriot Act and pulls out of the UN and its treaty law, I would call him the greatest President of all time….
Pw3 says
II’ll read the full report b4 believing Trumps hand picked Lackey’s interpretation. If he’s innocent, what’s the problem? The report also so far said Trump is NOT exonerated…wake up!!!
SoulCrusher says
Trump’s hand picked lackey? I think he already was an AG at one time for a Bush and I think he was confirmed by a bi-partisan Senate. So far, Barr has summarized a rather lengthy report and we will get to see it once it has been redacted. The idea that the report shouldn’t be redacted in any way is totally opposite the way these same Congressmen felt about the Ken Starr report. That tells it all. You say Trump has not been exonerated, but he was in that NO COLLUSION was found what so ever. Since collusion isn’t a crime, what justice was he obstructing? Possibly a politically motivated witch hunt by the Democratic party? I think you should take your own advice and wake up. Trump didn’t commit a crime.
Bob says
The conclusion of the Mueller Investigation reminds me of the following Churchill quote:
“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning”.
The ball is now in Congress’s court.— Our national nightmare continues.
The Central Scrutinizer says
The ball is not in congress’s court. Congress can only refer to the AG. The AG has stated that the evidence does not warrant any action. Its hinted in the letter to congress from AG Barr…that Hillary et al might be in deep dodo.
SoulCrusher says
I agree that legally Trump has been vindicated. There was NO collusion and collusion isn’t a crime. Since there was no crime, there can be no obstruction because without a crime what justice was he obstructing? However, I foresee the political witch hunt continuing. They want to persecute on fiction and that’s the whole purpose of the Mueller investigation from the start. The bottom line is the dossier was a fiction that started a political investigation by Democrats using Law Enforcement as a political tool. This isn’t proper and we must consider all of this as the waste of time and money that it is.
Just the facts says
The dossier isn’t fiction, none of it has be disproven not one single allegation. That being said, it is a dossier look up what that means idiot. If you walk into a bank and hand them a hold up note yet get no money you are still a bank robber but are free to use the defense there was no robbery. It’s no wonder you went to jail.
SoulCrusher says
It doesn’t matter what was disproven, only what was proven. The dossier is total garbage and Mueller couldn’t substantiate ANY of it, nor could he find ANY collusion. Collusion isn’t a crime, so there can’t be any obstruction. Michael Steele couldn’t substantiate any of it and he wrote it. The dossier is a fairy tale, nothing more, nothing less. Get over it…
Barbara Wheeler says
Soul Crusher, I completely agree with you. The report is like toilet paper with diarrhea on it. It should be flushed.
Pw3 says
Are you so dumb you believe trumps hand picked lackey’s opinion? RELEASE THE FULL REPORT!! What is GOP afraid of?
SoulCrusher says
It will be released once it is redacted. Redaction is required by law and the Democrats want to violate the law so they can get every name in the report to continue their investigation in the legislature. Do you really think the legislature will find something that Mueller didn’t? Mueller’s tactics were down right acts of terrorism. I don’t think Congress will find a damn thing Mueller didn’t already find. Count on it….
Just the facts says
Trump said if there was anything bad in the report Muellers people would be complaining of a cover up by Barr.
Muellers people are complaining of a coverup by Barr.
SoulCrusher says
Really? Name one….
SoulCrusher says
and please provide a link so I can read it. Don’t give me the crap that some newspaper is saying using anonymous sources either….
Whistleblower says
Barr Summary was a cover up ! Leaks from Mueller team!
SoulCrusher says
Just like I thought, a big bunch of nothing. There isn’t one member of Mueller’s team cited in the article and it is all from anonymous sources. The only names listed are of REPORTERS, not actual DOJ members or members of Mueller’s team. I asked for something other than anonymous sources. You did not deliver….
Just the facts says
Yet you will believe nameless sources when it come to OBama and Hillary…..
SoulCrusher says
Hillary was singled out by interim chairperson for the Democratic National Committee Donna Brazile as having bought the 2016 Democratic primary. What ever you’re talking about with Obama, I don’t know. I have made my own opinions on Obama and firmly believe he didn’t allow a amicable transfer of power between Trump and himself. I think ALL the evidence speaks for itself. Maybe you should stop talking out of your rear end and use your own common sense. That is if you have any…..
Bob says
“Martha Stewart to Donald Trump: Can there be obstruction of justice with no underlying crime?”
Tracy says
Bob, do you like nectar?
Bob says
Tracy, to be honest with you I do not believe I have ever eaten nectar.
SoulCrusher says
Most people drink nectar. I guess you’re one of those guys that eats all the water as well.
Bob says
I thought nectar was like honey.
SoulCrusher says
By definition it’s basically any thick fruit juice. Normally anything sweet or desired to drink is considered nectar. You’ve never heard of “nectar of the Gods”? That’s normally considered to be a drink that has alcohol in it and tastes good or gets you drunk fast.
Bob says
SoulCrusher, thank you for clearing my ignorance on the subject. You made me thirsty. I’m ready to give it a try!
Thats the Fact Jack says
Nectar is a good thing……certain Beers are the Nectar of the Gods
Old Po says
I agree when he was in HCSO he was highly unliked by fellow Officers because of his character flaws. All the bailiffs know him and can’t stand him. So funny to watch as he puffs his chest out and acts the fool. Funny thing since his Felony Indictment he isn’t some cocky. Getting a dose of his own medicine just doesn’t sit so we’ll with him.
Truth be Told says
Keplin was a running joke at HCSO. His years of deceit have caught up with him. Couldn’t happen to a bigger AHole or better person. Many are happy to see this.
Captian Obvious says
Donald Charles Rhodes, check out this name on Maryland Case Judiciary. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
Truth Be Told says
I will play along….what does that have to do with the things going on in HCSO? Especially as it relates to this discussion and what is public information? it wasn’t Captain was it? In fact it wasn’t even Sergeant by the time all was said and done. And now Karma is doing her/his thing. Looks like someone trying to tell more fiction than truth. Nonetheless its like the Heinz commercial….Anticipation…..
Truth Be Told says
This is the right story correct?
Captian Obvious says
Mr. Rhodes, I’m just saying you shouldn’t be casting dispersions on others while you have that long laundry list.
Truth Be Told says
@Captian Obvious you speak an infinite deal of nothing. Seems you are seeing people in your head? Anyone can extrapolate the details from the link that was posted. You know the truth as well as the lies of the matter. Please don’t be coy with us as it makes you look like a fool. Tootles old man.
Martha says
@Captian you are a douchebag whom we all hope gets his just desserts. You have bullied so many in your lifetime and for what?
Nothing but a lying narcissist.
Truth be Told says
Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black coming from you? You pass dispersion around like their candy. Karma is showing that to be true.
Old Po says
25 Subpoena requests……Wow must be pretty serious Felony Indictment
Truth Be Told says
Maybe they are going to try and convince jury that he isn’t a dishonest POS like everyone else knows.
Old Po says
Must have struck a nerve….Huh….
Truth Be Told says
Yes indeed….
Old Po says
Looks like the Captian has crawled back under the rock from where he came. Silence is golden.
Bob says
Isn’t it Captain?
Old Po says
It should be Captain Clueless Felon Extraordinare.
Old Po says
“Captian” Obvious post effectively illustrates the point. Thank You Captian Obvious. From all whose lives have been impacted by this crooked cop lets hope he gets his. Long time coming. Even his own family wasn’t immune from his lack of character.
Captian Obvious says
Done intentionally.
Truth Be Told says
Pretty Tricky….Here everyone just thought you couldn’t spell. (more likely the later than the former).
Old PO says
When one lies so much he cant keep track of the lies and no longer knows what the truth is then they will eventually have a problem. Very interesting phenomena that plays out consistently with HCSO Deputies and Retired Deputies. Interesting phenomena. We saw it just this week when they hassled the Black Attorney in District Court. We see with others who abuse process and tell big stories even to a point where they make false statements while under oath. Eventually however it catches up.
Open Your Eyes says
@ Old PO
My father often said that no one knows how smart or how stupid you are until you open your mouth. Let the truth be known that the Deputy in question regarding the black attorney was acting at the direction of the States Attorney. The States Attorney had legitimate concerns after speaking with the man who identified himself as an attorney. The man was reportedly not very articulate and did not appear to be conducting himself in a professional manner and did not appear to understand court procedures and could have possibly been misrepresenting himself as a lawyer. At the direction of the States Attorney the Deputy asked to see the man’s MD Bar association
ID card to dispell any suspicion. Instead of producing same the man elected to play the race card. If asking for ID is racial the world is a sad place. People need to grow some thicker skin.
Old Po says
@Open Your Eyes,,,,,try reading the news again……the Lawyer did present his ID. If the States Attorney was involved then Shame on them. Sounds to me like more than the HCSO owes the man an sincere apology. From Lisanti and her racist rhetoric, HCSO, and now you are implicating the SAO.
“Not conducting himself in a Professional Manner?” “Did not understand court procedures?” Perhaps Harford County court procedures are not aligned with every other county in the State? What the hell does any of that mean?
In other words this attorney wasn’t intimidated by the States Attorney and was actually representing his clients interests. Can Harford County afford another multi-million dollar judgement against it?
Disgraceful what goes on in Harford County.
Old Po says
No people don’t need to grow thicker skin. The agencies that work for We the People in Harford County need to pull their heads out of their asses and stop acting the way they do.
If not then the taxpayers should be prepared to pay out the settlements and lawsuits.
Open Your Eyes says
You should check with people who were actually present and not rely on what could be an article containing slanted facts. Check and see if the ID was immediately presented before the race card was played. It might open your eyes. I know this country is going crazy to the left but I don’t think that asking for identification is grounds for a million dollar law suit. Lol
Old Po says
Thanks for the advice…Not that those present would have any reason to cover up something. That would never happen in Harford County. Harford County with multiple racist like events in so many months. Including their own Delegate.
Perhaps you believe people are too stupid to see what goes on. Nice try. What will happen is Gahler and company will hope it goes away and will be back to business as usual.
Open Your Eyes says
There was no advice given. I only attempted to give you insight. I know we are getting off on a tangent but you are generalizing about police officers that you don’t know when you may not know all of the facts. I guess we can agree to disagree. I can speak from experience as a retired police officer with over 30 years of service. A police officer who never had a brutality, integrity, or bias complaint. I can tell you without reservation in all of my years of service when an inquiry or investigation involving a black person was made the race card or a bias inference was made well over 80 percent of the time. Most of these calls for service were from citizens and not self initiated. Many of the complainants were black people who were being disturbed or who wanted to report a serious incident. Maybe if you walked in my shoes and didn’t watch so much CNN or MSNBC you could see. Not racism reality.
Old Po says
I stand corrected….Thanks for the “Insight”. Yes we can agree to disagree. You would suggest the facts are not all known. You would also suggest that this Lawyer is somehow wrong. The very fact that the question had to be raised should give everyone significant pause. That is the reputation of Harford County. The fact that you have people in leadership positions who use language that they know better and then do not do the right thing should give everyone pause.
Perhaps the HCSO is the issue? Have you thought about that? If you have 30 years then you may be part of the very problem you don’t even see. That is truly the issue not the members of the community that HCSO are here to protect and serve. Harford County court houses is but one element of a dysfunctional Good Old Boy network that includes the HCSO. There is a presumption of innocence in this country and it would be good for those executing the law to remember that. Sometimes the victims are actually the defendants. That is, but one reason why people don’t trust the system. Cops who actively lie on the stand when sworn just to secure a conviction is another reason. Were you one of them? The stories are infamous in Harford County under previous leadership. You know it and I know it.
When/if the institution wakes up then and only then will things change for the better. Until then Harford County will remain the backwater place that people leave from.
Just the Facts says
@Open Your Eyes…..your answer is the typical establishment answer. To be expected of someone who has been in the system 30 years.
Truth Be Told says
“As James told WBAL-TV, the officer initially referred to him by his client’s name. After telling the deputy that he was, in fact, the client’s lawyer, the officer then asked James for ID, which James provided.”
“Now, that should have been the end of the story, right? But for some reason that evades me, the deputy wasn’t convinced, asking James for further proof he was actually an attorney—despite just seeing him do his job in the courtroom.”
“James didn’t have his state bar card or business cards on him, bringing the deputy to an important crossroads: take James at his word or escalate the situation.”
You know which path the deputy chose.
That folks is the story…..
Regular occurrence in Harford County.
Truth Be Told says
“Again—because this can’t be repeated enough—this was after the deputy saw a judge accepting, on the record, that James was an attorney and his client was absent, as James’ attorney Chelsea Crawford pointed out during an on-camera interview.”
Open Your Eyes says
I give up. You guys are too much. Just a reminder for you guys Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow will be on shortly. I am going to go out on a limb and say you guys are fans.Lol
Truth Be Told says
You shouldn’t make assumptions….that limb will probably break because your too heavy for it.
Eye opener says
Sooooo its ok to go around and touch or slap someones ass i dont care if he was drunk at a wedding or whatever it’s wrong no way around it or no justification on duty or off it’s wrong !!! If u dont think that it’s wrong then u agree with an officer that sells drugs on his off duty time ether way it’s wrong a crime is a crime !!
SoulCrusher says
You’re just plain crazy. How can you compare butt slapping to drug dealing? You’ve got serious issues…
Old Po says
Happy April 1st you fools!!!
Truth Be Told says
@Captian Obvious you speak an infinite deal of nothing. Seems you are seeing people in your head? Anyone can extrapolate the details from the link that was posted. You know the truth as well as the lies of the matter. Please don’t be coy with us as it makes you look like a fool. Tootles old man.
Bob says
“Law firm representing man ‘lawyering while black’ getting complaints Harford ‘not as welcoming to people of color”
Just the Facts says
The story says all that needs to be said. People who live in this County understand the truth in it.
Very sad says
How many of those complaints came from black people who were legitimate suspects in crimes? News flash. In a great majority of encounters where there has been a preponderance of evidence implicating a black person they still utilize race as a defense when none really exist. Many of those same people are betraying their own people by making erroneous complaints against law enforcement as “a get out of jail free card” when they were in fact breaking the law. It would be interesting to see the true facts regarding the backgrounds of people and the circumstances involving their involvement with law enforcement. Unfortunately today’s media will accept all complaints as factual without verifying same. Blacks are always portrayed as the ultimate victim when interacting with law enforcement. Liberal media will never suggest anything to the contrary. The liberal meeting actually fuels some of today’s racial divide in their attempt to elevate declining ratings. Very sad
Truth be Told says
Cops …. especially HCSO Officers are never dishonest. If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you. The HCSO is either dishonest or incompetent, which one would you like?
Bob says
Does the The Dagger allow more than one user to use the “same” name? I ask this because I noticed a post (3/30/2019 @10:23PM) in this forum from “Bob” that I didn’t write, correcting someone’s spelling error.
SoulCrusher says
Anyone can use any name. Registration isn’t required. Comments are anonymous. However, if your comments include a terrorist or bomb threat, I’m sure they will give up an IP address as they should.
Bob says
SoulCrusher, Thank you! Your demonstration was spot on. It seems a little ridiculous allowing anyone/everyone to use the same “username” whenever & wherever. There ought to be a “registration’ process which includes a unique username & corresponding email address. There should only be one “Bob” and one “SoulCrusher”. I think I’ll go read-only and lay low for awhile.
I’ve enjoyed and learned much from our exchanges. I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors.
Bob says
See Bob, this is the SoulCrusher using your moniker, just for demonstrational purposes. As a general rule, I only use my own moniker because I want people to know that it is me who is doing the talking.
ForestHillResident says
No picture?
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Rawr says
Go away, ISIS
Dee Low says
So, is this guy still employed by the Sheriff’s Office or did he get fired?