From the Maryland Democratic Party:
Maryland Democratic Party Supports Trump Impeachment Inquiry
On Tuesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that Congress would open a formal impeachment inquiry into the conduct of President Donald Trump. Recent reports revealed that Trump withheld $400 million in appropriated military aid to Ukraine shortly before he spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky by phone in July.
According to news reports, Trump and Zelensky spoke by phone to discuss “corruption” in Ukraine in connection to former Vice President Joe Biden and his son just days after the Ukrainian military aide was withheld. The contents of discussion were so alarming that it prompted a whistleblower complaint from the intelligence community. A complaint that has since– seemingly illegally– been withheld from Congressional Committees.
At present 204 Democrats– including all of Maryland’s congressional Democrats– support an impeachment inquiry. Maryland’s lone Republican congressman, Rep. Andy Harris, has yet to take a public position on the matter.
Maryland Democratic Party Chair Maya Rockeymoore Cummings expressed dismay at President Trump’s latest display of contempt for American Democracy and the rule of law:
“President Trump’s conduct regarding Ukraine, to which he publicly admitted, are the final straw in what has been an unending stream of moral, ethical, and potentially criminal lapses of judgement.
The American people cannot– and will not– stand idly by as this President destroys our Democracy at the expense of his personal and political benefit. I commend Speaker Pelosi and the Maryland congressional delegation Members that support her impeachment inquiry– for upholding the rule of law and providing the necessary checks and balances to the Executive Branch as the Framers of the Constitution intended.”
From Congressman Andy Harris:
Harris Statement on Trump Transcript and Impeachment Inquiry
WASHINGTON, DC: Rep. Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) commented on the White House release of documentation of the phone conversation between President Trump and President Zelenskyy of Ukraine. The link to the document is:
Rep. Andy Harris made the following statement:
“None of the allegations that Speaker Pelosi made yesterday are proven by the transcript of the conversation between President Trump and President Zelenskyy of Ukraine, and the White House is also preparing to release to Congress the whistleblower complaint based on this same telephone conversation. The transcript of the call is clear, and everyone should read it for themselves. Once again, no collusion.
In fact, for similar transparency, former Vice President Biden should release the transcripts of his conversations pressuring the Ukrainian government to fire its top prosecutor who led an investigation into a Ukrainian company that employed Biden’s son as an extremely highly paid consultant. Speaker Pelosi should also either stop this partisan impeachment inquiry because of the lack of evidence, or bring it before the full House of Representatives for a vote.”
From U.S. Sen. Chris Van Hollen:
Van Hollen Announces Support of House Impeachment Inquiry
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) released the following statement announcing his support for the U.S. House of Representatives to begin an impeachment inquiry into President Trump.
“President Trump’s actions are a threat to our democracy. His continued disregard for our Constitution and the democratic norms that guide our nation have caused irreparable harm to our country, our standing in the world, and to the Office of the Presidency. These issues must be fully investigated to the utmost of our abilities. As the White House continues to prevent the House of Representatives from exercising their Constitutionally-mandated oversight role, it has become clear that the tools provided by an impeachment inquiry must be employed. I have not come to this decision lightly — and I regret that the President’s actions require these measures. But the American people deserve the truth and confidence in their government, and I support an impeachment inquiry in order to expose the facts and protect our democracy.”
capt Obvious says
Andy Harris is an idiot
Bob says
You’re right. Our boy Andy is definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed.
SoulCrusher says
What Andy had to say about his whole Ukrainian ordeal is about the most truthful thing I have ever read him write. However, I will agree with your assessment on Harris and he is about as useless as any politician could ever be….
Harford Republican says
The transcript released is an 11 minute conversation, where is the other 19 minutes of the phone call?
This administration is the biggest bunch of idiots ever
Bob says
The President’s inept administration has become Trump’s own worst enemy. Looks like the beginning of the end.
SoulCrusher says
Maybe the end of his first term, but not the end of Trump’s Presidency. You Democratic morons are playing a game of complete and utter stupidity and in the end you will guarantee another term for Trump.
Bob says
Wrong! It’s one and done for Trump. The ways things are going, it might be even less than one. Le’s hope.
SoulCrusher says
You must get the real good drugs if you believe that….
Bob says
You bet. I’m believing it more & more each day. Like I told you before, all you have to do is open your eyes..
SoulCrusher says
Bob, I’m sorry but I just don’t see what you see. I see a lot of BS that the established bureaucracy has tried to mold into a crime when no crime is there. Show me the crime and not the fake Russia collusion or this stupid Ukraine conversation that amounts to a crime. Why is it wrong for him to ask about Biden when Biden was bragging to the news media of how he got a prosecutor fired who was investigating Biden’s son in a corruption allegation so his son could get a contract with the Ukrainian government? Biden’s son profited from his father’s efforts to get him in the door. Why is that wrong? Biden put himself out there for an investigation and for questions to be asked about that specific deal. You Democrats seem to think you are allowed to do anything you want and Trump can’t do anything that isn’t impeachable. Go ahead and impeach him in the House. It will go NOWHERE in the Senate because there is still no crime and the Democratic tactic of repeating lies over and over with no real crime being present is just not working anymore. The Democratic Party is completely corrupt and treasonous. That’s just the way it is.
Harford Republican says
And…. Volker resigns. Like rats off a burning ship.
SoulCrusher says
Are you serious? Kurt Volker was a United States Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations, which is a part time, unpaid position he held since 2017. He was named in the whistle blower report for trying to contain the damage caused by Giuliani to press Ukraine officials to investigate Democrats, like Joe Biden who admitted a questionable act that may be construed as corruption. Biden BRAGGED about the incident in question to a National Media source. If he was involved in leaking information to the supposed whistle blower, whom only hand second hand information, then his resignation was probably deserved. Sounds more like Trump is STILL draining the swamp….
Bob says
“McCain Institute head Kurt Volker at center of Trump-Ukraine probe”
Sure doesn’t sound like Trump draining the swamp to me. Seems like a pretty squeaky-clean Republican. More likely, he resigned his Envoy position, so he won’t be constrained when he testifies. We’ll see.
SoulCrusher says
Maybe, but more than likely he is fed up with doing something for the Country, not getting paid for it and now will more than likely get persecuted for it….
SoulCrusher says
LOL says
Bob says
Lindsey Graham has taken hypocrisy to a new level. He should be the poster child for Term Limits.
SoulCrusher says
The truth is ALL of Congress are prime examples for not only term limits, but also for not allowing former governmental employees or BAR Association members to become part of Congress. Neither government employees or any member of the BAR Association has any regard for the rights or the will of the people and they should not be allowed to represent us. If you are not a member of WE THE PEOPLE you should not represent WE THE PEOPLE and this Country needs more men like Trump and Devon Nunez in office. That’s the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.
Rand McNally says
There is no god.
SoulCrusher says
Let’s see what you say when you’re on your death bed taking the Morphine for your final nap. I’ve had to witness it quite a bit lately and let me tell you something, when you feel the devil nipping at your feet calling you to the next world it is amazing how many people find God in their final moments. Seen it with my own eyes from my own immediate family member. In the end, you’ll be wishing God could help you.
Just the facts says
God is a fairy tale made up by man. When you die you are dirt. You probably think god is out there with a little factory making souls. What did people do un their final moments before some goofy christian god was invented? LOL yer nutz
SoulCrusher says
You can believe what you want to believe, even if you don’t believe in anything at all. That’s your right. However, we’ll see won’t we….
Bob says
Devon Nunez is a complete and utter joke. He is one of the worst of the worst.
SoulCrusher says
Devon Nunez is a Patriot and a Democrat is a traitor. That’s the story…
FailNOT says
When Nunez was committee chairman he refused to investigate, took findings directly to the whitehouse and was suspended from the chair position. Don’t care about your political affiliation – follow the rules. Too many politicians are more interested in “I” than us or U.S.
SoulCrusher says
If he refused to investigate, how did he take findings directly to the White House that came from an investigation? WTF is wrong with you? Do you understand that your statements directly contradict themselves? The people whom you elected from the party you are preaching for don’t follow the rules either and secretly change the rules when it suits their agenda. Kinda like Hillary buying the Democratic Primary in 2016! Kinda like the intelligence agencies secretly removing a long standing rule that a whistle blower must have first hand knowledge!!!! You morons don’t even follow your own rules so why in the world would I follow the rules you won’t follow yourself? Your last statement is correct and the DemoSocioNazio movement is embraced by you idiots that are more interested in yourselves than the good of the Country. The hypocrisy that comes out of your mouth is no different than what comes out of your rear, it’s nothing but a bunch of shit.
Bob says
I guess his ‘midnight run’ to the White House in 2017 to kiss-up to you-know-who wasn’t enough. Now, it looks like he might be involved with the Ukraine stuff. Like I said a few months back—”He is one of the worst of the worst”.
“House releases new impeachment evidence linking Nunes aide to Parnas”
With any luck the citizens of his California District will vote out this worthless ‘Trump Enabler’ in November 2020. When will Republicans learn that, “Everything Trump Touches Dies”?
SoulCrusher says
The FCPA legitimizes the President’s call for the Ukrainian investigation, including that of the Biden’s. It doesn’t matter if Trump or any Associate of his knew about the details of the investigation because the investigation was legal and legitimate. Same thing applies to Nunez and his aide. The truth is the Democrats specialize in stupidity and rely on the stupidity of voters aligned with the treason of the Democratic Party. The DemoSocioNazio party is lost and Pelosi is a verified traitor against the United States. She is literally using impeachment as an election tool. She should be hung by her neck until dead in front of the Capitol….that goes double for Adam Schiff.
Bob says
You would expect that Lindsey would know better. Everything Trump touches dies!!
That’s what happens when you go down the rabbit hole.
SoulCrusher says
No. When you go down the rabbit hole you venture into the realms of fantasy. You should have learned that from Alice in Wonderland. The impeachment is a fantasy of Democrats who to this day claim the impeachment is valid. You can not impeach unless a high crime or misdemeanor has occurred and clearly none was listed in the Articles of Impeachment.
jay says
Pelosi took this step (without a vote) that will surely focus attention on what to this point was the relatively un-publicized shenanigans of Joe Biden in Ukraine. No-one with a shred of common sense expects this phone call to result in Trumps removal from office, it just isn’t going to happen.
So, if it wont get rid of Trump but it will shine a light on Joe Biden and his sons corruption why did she do it? Why torpedo Bidens chance in the election in a futile attempt to unseat Trump? Who is pulling Pelosi’s strings?
Bob says
Below is good information on what you refer to as, “…relatively un-publicized shenanigans of Joe Biden in Ukraine”.
There appears to be very little, if any, there there.
Harford Republican says
While this specifically may not unseat trump it’s another reason he will not win re election and be tried for his crimes. Lets not forget there is another IRS whistle blower complaint against trump. Trump is going to take Barr, Graham, Nunes and the entire republican party down, this is exactly what they support and voted for.
Harford County Teacher says
“Who is pulling Pelosi’s strings?”
The Communists who want to tear down our government, who are in our government.
Soul Cruncher says
Seems like Fauxcahontas stands to benefit most from Biden being caught up in his own misdeeds.
fact says
Childish name calling is all the right has left.
Be proud little man.
SoulCrusher says
and bold faced lies and treason is all the left has ever had. You can be proud of being little and of whatever you identify yourself as, fuktard.
fact says
Your king and savior DJ Trump is up to 15,000 lies…. yea it’s the left…
SoulCrusher says
The left came up with all the fiction we have seen and are seeing right now. Your party is nothing but a coordinated lie of both politics and the media. It is the left. It has always been the left and it is the treason that the left keeps committing that will keep you dumb asses out of the White House for another 4 years. You can lie to the kids and the idiots all you want, but people who actually use their brain will not vote for a Democratic scumbag traitor for a long time….
fact says
Yet you can’t cite any democrat lies. It is apparent how you and your ilk can’t discuss the facts so you must resort to personal attacks and diversions in a feeble attempt to justify the presidents criminal activity
If we use your logic since you are a convicted felon who has served time in prison and have willingly given up your right to vote your rants have zero basis in fact.
SoulCrusher says
The entire Russian Collusion hoax was a lie. The narrative that Trump tried to effect a “quid pro quo” agreement involving political dirt on Biden is a lie. The transcript is widely available and there is no information confirming the ideals of you Democratic scumbags. Furthermore, I am NOT a convicted felon and have been politically persecuted by the Democratic party of this corrupt State in the unconstitutional law making of this State and Country. I am guaranteed not to be convicted of any felony created since 1867 and it’s right there in Article 18 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights. I don’t vote because I do not give consent to the Legislature or Congress because both of them are committing mass fraud and treason against the United States. If you knew the law, you would know this, fuktard.
fact says
You are a felon, you spent time in prison you lie and in your spare unemployed time read the Mueller report and educate yourself dumbass.
SoulCrusher says
You can think what you want. I told you the REAL law and the fake law you refer to is nothing but pure fraud and treason. Read Article 18 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights and realize that you’re nothing but a complete fuktard. There is no such thing as a felony, by law or statute, since 1867 as it has been forbidden to make such a law. That’s the bottom line. Furthermore, there is no Constitutional Authority by Federal or State government to make such a law. The laws were promulgated by the BAR Association and that means they were made by an illegitimate law making process. The law is fake. It doesn’t exist except for in regards to government employees and those whom the UCC governs. The UCC does NOT govern the people. The entire system is a nationwide racketeering scheme by the government and the BAR Association thru promulgation by the Nation Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, which has no authority to make any law regarding the people and all members belong to the BAR Association. The government can’t give itself that which is not ordained, nor can the BAR Association. Every police officer, prosecutor, judge and lawyer involved in CDS cases have committed fraud. Every police officer, prosecutor and judge have committed violation of oath, breach of contract, false imprisonment and treason. They have literal taken part in a declared war against WE THE PEOPLE which they definitely have no business doing. It seems to me that you need to educate your own damn self. Read the Maryland Constitution scumbag and cry yourself a river. Everything you are referring to is nothing but a bunch of fraud and treason created by an incompetent and untrustworthy legislature that has committed treason against its own damn people.
Harford County Teacher says
The fact that congresswoman Pelosi announced the impeachment proceedings BEFORE the release of the transcripts, and before reading the transcript herself, speaks for itself. The congressional Democrats are all about “Guilty until proven innocent”, and thankfully, for the most part, it has backfired in their faces — but not without ruining innocent lives first. Justice, in the end, will be served.
larry P says
If you really are a teacher and using this excuse after we ll know the DOJ is specifically named and implicated in the report and decided they did nothing wrong and shelved it I’d hope you would consider changing career paths. Or maybe you are a reflection of what people are complaining about.
Harford Republican says
And now trump is calling for the names of the whistle blowers and their informants. This is no way to run a republic.Welcome to the dictatorship.
Bob says
Your post got me thinking. At the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Ben Franklin was asked, “Well Doctor what have we got, a republic or a monarchy.” Franklin replied, “A republic . . . if you can keep it.”
I came of age in the 50s & 60s when there was a tremendous amount of political and social turmoil. Despite this I was very optimistic that our country was on the right path and moving forward. Back then I had no doubt that we could “keep it” — now I’m not so sure.
SoulCrusher says
Ben Franklin also said “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety”. In a world that has gone mad believing that your government is dedicated to the safety of its people and not interested in its own well being, I can only say that all of you who have been brainwashed into thinking your government will make you safe will end up enslaved to the useless government that has been polluted by the treason of the Democratic Party. End the Democrat Party and make the Country free again. Once we’re free, those who wish to harm us will fear us when they try to do us harm and we will send them to their treasonous graves….
LOL says
Bob, you must be old as hell.
Bob says
You’re right.
Dr No has to Go says
And now we find out there are more trump conversation put onto a secure intelligence server because of their political nature. Oh Andy Harris…… your no collusion falling apart quickly and we are only on day 2 of impeachment.
SoulCrusher says
Joe Biden, being the incompetent moron that he is, revealed the information leading up to this by bragging to a National media source that he told the Ukrainian government that if they didn’t fire a prosecutor investigating his son’s business dealings there would be negative consequences. The prosecutor was fired and Biden’s son got a lucrative contract in Ukraine. That is text book governmental corruption between leaders of two sovereign nations. Now, when Trump asks about the dealings Biden was BRAGGING about, the treason of the Democratic Party comes to a head and the disgusting Democratic traitors that are protecting their bureaucracy, not their Democracy, cry foul and want to impeach him for inquiring about Biden’s questionable actions. All of this after the Russian crock of crap. Furthermore, a document exists where Democratic members of Congress basically told the Ukrainian government that if they didn’t hand over information about Trump during prior investigations in could cost them those same Congressional traitors votes involving aid to the Ukraine and nobody wants to talk about that. There will be no impeachment, except for maybe a political fiasco orchestrated by the treason of the Democratically controlled House of Representatives and they will all look like the bunch of treasonous scumbags that they are. I’m telling you point blank, it’s time to ban the Democratic Party on the grounds of Article 3 Section 3 treason and take every scumbag Democrat in D.C. to the gallows. WE THE PEOPLE have put up with these scumbag Democratic traitors for long enough. Hang the traitors….
Harford Republican says
Because everyone knows the best way to prove you are innocent is kill the whistles blowers….. You are an idiot
SoulCrusher says
Who said kill the whistle blowers? I’m talking about executing every member of Congress and the entire bureaucracy for the undisputable uttering of false allegations and the treason they are committing on a daily basis. The whistle blowers only report on supposed allegations and are protected by the statutory code as they are supposedly doing their job by reporting on what they think is questionable. However, if they did for political reasons or even because they are seeking revenge for the dismissal of the former DNI member whom was favored by the CIA then it is treason and they should be hung as well. You’re the idiot. We could get a lot of good things done by hanging traitors and we could start with you….
Harford Republican says
Who said kill the whistle blowers?
The president, who has taken an oath and you are fine with that.
SoulCrusher says
Really? I heard the statement you are talking about and yeah, I’m good with it. If it comes to pass that the whistle blower did it for political reasons or revenge by the CIA, then yeah, hang the traitor.
Bob says
You need to the read up on the facts.
LOL says
He sprained his reading finger,
SoulCrusher says
You sprained your brain reading and watching Democratic propaganda that makes Joseph Goebbels look like a boy scout, but we all know you approve of treason.
SoulCrusher says
I did read the facts and you’re a fuktard.
Gordon Koerner says
There was a comment about the transcript of the phone call not showing that there was any quid pro quo. One has to read between the lines.
From information there were about 7 people taking notes on that phone call in the situation room. Does anyone in their right mind believe that 7 people will take the exact same notes. Whet is customary is to take all those notes and make one transcript. None are suppose to be destroyed. The most up to date is put in a classified computer system. The rest are stored in another system. From the news media and testimony the most damaging was put in a computer system that is meant for covert operations, etc. Like the Benin laden raid. Why such a low level document was put there can only be because of a cover up.
I have download both the phone call and the whistle blowers transcript. The whistle blowers transcript confirms the phone call and adds enough info to show that what is being reported is fact. Trump tried to get a foreign government to interfere in our election. Which sort of backs up the Mueller report that there was a possibility Russian interference was known and welcomed.
I also listened to the DNI as witness in the house hearing.
It is very evident this administration has no regard or is so stupid they don know what the word “SHALL” in a law or legal document means.
Just the facts says
I thought it was hysterical a couple of days ago Chris Christy was on GMA before the transcript was released. He said it’s only a problem if the president said something like “do me a favor” . Then they release the transcript and whoopsie there it is.
SoulCrusher says
Gordon, Gordon, Gordon…. We aren’t in an election season yet you fuktard so how is he getting the Ukrainian government to interfere in an election? With that train of thought, anything a President does can be construed as interference in the next election and you Democratic traitors are doing it all the time. I’ve never seen such hypocrisy and fuktardism in my life. I mean, get the peter out of your ear because it’s hitting you in the membrane tough guy. There is nothing in the Ukrainian transcript and there was nothing in the Russian investigation. The only people who believe the Democrat party and the Democrat’s bought and paid for news media is people who can’t think for themselves. The Democratic Party should be renamed to the Dumbocratic Party because anyone following that shit is dumb.
Gordon Koerner says
I am not talking about an election. I am talking about a treasonous president who will be impeached probably in December and will be up to the senate after that.. Merry Christmas Donald.
And then there is Pence going hundreds of miles out of the way to give Trump TAXPAYER money. Crime.
Someday I expect that someone will take Trump to court for all the taxpayer money he stole at his golf courses, hotels,etc. Right now it’s into the millions.
Soul Crusher I take it for you to be a proud conservative republican who does not want taxpayer money wasted, yet here you are attacking me, when you should be attacking Donald Trump.
SoulCrusher says
I didn’t attack you. I called you a fuktard because you’re a fuktard. That’s all.
Gordon Koerner says
Like I said you need therapy, when you tink furktard isn’t an insult.
SoulCrusher says
Just stating the truth. You are a fuktard and there isn’t anything wrong with telling the truth. If you don’t like being called a fuktard and think it is an insult, try not being a fuktard. It may make you a better person and might even make you a REAL American again. But for now, you’re a fuktard…..
Seriously? says
ITS NOT S TRANSCRIPT!!!!! It’s a memorandum of what Trump is willing to say. It’s not even direct quotes. Considering the record of lies from Trump this is not sufficient. The entire transcript needs to be pulled off the secret server and entered into evidence. The fact that he hid the transcript speaks volumes. This isn’t a matter of national security for this to reside there.
This is not the only impeachable offense either. Anyone that still supports him either puts country behind party or is ignorant of the facts.
SoulCrusher says
What you see is what you get. That is the record of the call as provided by the CIA reps who wrote it down. WTF do you want? He gave you everything requested. I think the House needs to be investigated for gross incompetence and US Code Section 2384 Seditious Conspiracy violations. I think the Democratic Party is treasonous and should be dissolved for Article 3 Section violations of warring against the United States. You have your opinion and I have mine. Anyone who still supports the Democratic Party is putting their Country behind party or is ignorant to the facts i.e. “brainwashed”.
LOL says
The only reason trump isn’t sitting in a cell next to Cohen for the same crime is because he is president. and here you are thinking democrats are brainwashed and all need to be investigated. You’re funny.
Gordon Koerner says
Soul Crusher are you that naive. The record states there were about 7 or 8 people taking notes in the situation room. Do you really believe everyone will say the heard the same thing. And if you were up to date the reports of all those were placed in the covert computer. The common practice is to take all those notes and make them into a complete transcript. What the WH did was give the least damaging. The lintel committee will see them all.
By the way there are more calls in that computer that are not covet operations. Like calls to Putin. The Two Russians meeting Trump in the WH and probably many more. This president thinks he is a dictator
SoulCrusher says
Sorry, but yeah, I think that people listening to a conversation should pretty much hear the same thing. If I am speaking to a group of 10 people and I called them a bunch of fuktards I would hope they would all know what I just said. WTF is wrong with you? 7 or 8 capable agents of the CIA should be in agreement in what was said when they are all listening to the same damn conversation. Now, if they all were in agreement the other way around that might look bad, but it didn’t work out that way. Did it?
Mike Callahan says
Trump is going to be Impeached!
SoulCrusher says
You know, Colbert actually had a good show when he did the “Colbert Report”. That crap he does on the Late Show isn’t even worth watching. I tried to watch him when he first got on the Late Show, but it wasn’t even funny or entertaining. All the great late night comedy shows are gone because everything is a political stunt. Bring back John Stewart. He was funny and even though he was a Democrat his show was great. Even when he was being a political hack, John did it right. Actually, John Stewart could probably give Trump a run for his money in a Presidential election…. it would be hilarious.
Gordon Koerner says
Soul Catcher the Late Night show have always had scripts on all the presidents. To you it would be funny when it’s about Obama, Clinton or any other democrat. BUT when a Republican you think its bad.
You are just like Donald. Obama made a joke about Donald at the correspondent dinner and got huge laughs. Now Donald is showing that he is a man with a 4 year old mentality, rolling back as many executive orders that Steve Miller can find. You see Trump isn’t smart enough to look them up himself or determine which ones to roll back.
SoulCrusher says
You’re an idiot. I’ve been watching late night TV since I was in middle school and it was NEVER this political and the hosts made good natured humor about politics. Now, you know I’m not a Republican or a Democrat. I don’t think political parties are a good thing. I like Trump because he is a REAL American and has tried to make things happen, but you Democratic traitors won’t let anything happen because you’re a bunch of scumbags. I liked Obama, when he was in office, but now I am pretty damn sure he is a stinking traitor that started all the Russia crap and I think he showed everybody how you are NOT supposed to leave office. Now you might not agree, but Obama CAUSED Trump to run by those jokes he made and the Donald actually won beating out that Democratic dirthole HRC. I didn’t like either of the Bush’s and I thought Bill Clinton was cool. Anybody getting a BJ in the White House is all right with me and I think he was persecuted for doing something every President before Jimmy Carter had done. My main problem with you Demotraitors is that you ALL wish for the destruction of liberty and want to make this country a governmental slave state. I don’t like or approve of that and if it happens I will take up arms against you scumbags. I am an American and a Patriot. I am a citizen of the United States and I believe that the Democratic Party is the source of ALL this countries woes and I would like to see the end of this two party system of treason that has harmed my country to the point of no return. I’m not a Republican, but I’m on Donald’s side and if wanted me to do something I would do it because he is genuine. I wouldn’t do a God damn thing for any of you Democratic traitors except for lead you to the noose. I don’t like traitors and that’s just the way it is….
Harford County Teacher says
All I have to say is, “Thanks for the 2020 win, congressional Democrats!”
Keep America Great!
Bob says
I believe you see the handwriting on the wall. Sounds like you are whistling pass the graveyard. Unfortunately, it’s too late, the bogeyman is gonna get ya!
Harford Republican says
As the current administration is currently self destructing because as they were busy goading dems about impeachment they had no plan when it actually happened. Best part of this is trump has zero self control and as he goes down there is no one he will not take with him. I imagine it will be years of his running his mouth revealing state secrets in some feeble attempt to stay relevant.
Gordon Koerner says
Harford Republican, it all depends how kind the Dems want to be with the entire WH staff. Right now there are over 8 who could be charged, plus Pence for his crime of giving money to Trump for flying hundreds of miles out of his way to give Trump money at his hotel. That is a crime. And then there is Barr. Who knows what they will find on him.
Remember all that went to prison under Nixon and Oliver North under Reagan. All for conspiracy and crimes against our laws. If you notice WH staff are now resigning
to get as far away from this as possible.
Harford Republican says
Oh I imagine in the next couple of weeks White House staff will be lining up to voluntarily testify in exchange for immunity. Last one standing is gonna be stuck in a cell with the orange shitgibbon ranting on for years about a witch hunt.
Bob says
Below is a document link for (Whistle-Blower Complaint), (Inspector General Letter) and (Trump’s call with Ukrainian leader):
Gordon Koerner says
Sorry Bob. Can’t read. Do not subscribe to the NYT Was trying to get the inspector General letter as I have snot read. Only saw parts of it.
Bob says
Gordon, I don’t subscribe to the NYT.and yet I can access all of them. Can you read ‘any’ of the documents?
Bob says
“First House Republican comes out in support of impeachment inquiry:”
“Trump told Russian officials in 2017 he wasn’t concerned about Moscow’s interference in U.S. election”
Gordon Koerner says
SoulCrusher says As I read your remarks it certainly seems you have a direct line to Republican Talking points.
capt Obvious says
An interesting observation Andy Harris may want to consider. As the facts come out more and more republicans are moving away from supporting trump, has anyone seen a single Democrat defending trump or switching their opinion? If this is all bullshit as soulllcrusher likes to believe logically the president should be gaining support yet the exact opposite is happening within his own party.
SoulCrusher says
You don’t have a clue what is going on. Of course a Democrat isn’t going to switch sides. They believe in foreigners and religious cults making our law thru treaties and promulgation. They believe that lawyers and the government are their friend. They believe in suing people for hurting their feelings and that children should choose their gender. No red blooded American male believes in that shit. However, a bunch of overdosed Wellbutrin females and a slue of feminized males actually believe that shit. Your government is your enemy. It is committing mass fraud and treason against it’s own damn people. You morons believe that being politically incorrect is a crime and that if I abuse my freedom of speech by telling the truth I must pay for the crime of being true. You are a bunch of idiots. You’re persecuting the President of the United States with a bunch of bull shit. That’s just the way it is…. Telling the truth isn’t a crime even if it makes you butthurt. Neither is investigating a braggart that insinuates his own damn wrong doing. Remember, impeachment in the House isn’t nothing but a bunch of allegation. Only the Senate could convict and I still don’t think they’ve come up with a high crime or even a misdemeanor that can actually cut the mustard. He can’t be convicted without any tangible proof. Bottom line is the House Democrats are guilty of Sedition and Treason.
Harford Republican says
“They believe in suing people for hurting their feelings” and how many people is your leader suing?
“Your government is your enemy. It is committing mass fraud and treason against it’s own damn people” I believe all democrats will agree with that statement.
“You’re persecuting the President of the United States with a bunch of bull shit” Campaign finance isn’t bullshit. Micheal Cohen is sitting in jail.
because he and the president have been found guilty.
And lastly impeachment is a political process, it’s about cleansing the office.
SoulCrusher says
Just a reminder, Barrack Obama broke campaign finance laws and if I recall correctly nobody went to jail or even was insinuated that they should go to jail or be impeached. You have two sets of standards and the bottom line is if you are a Democrat you get fined and if you are Donald Trump you get crucified….Trump sues for false and misleading statements and the mass fraud and treason I was referring to is the illegal persecution of citizens over the Code, Rules and Regulations of government employees that have been forced on the public by the Democratic traitors of your political party.
Harford Republican says
And this is where your lies betray you, It was OBamas campaign and not OBama personally found guilty. The reason no one went to jail was it was a civil matter not criminal like trump signing a check to pay off porn stars then lying about it. Your bias gets in the way of you ability to see the truth. That’s sad.
SoulCrusher says
You’re such an idiot. My lies? For Christ’s sake you are leaving out the fact that Obama orchestrated a complete line of treason trying to completely sabotage Trump’s Presidency. Who cares about Stormy Daniels? She prostituted herself you moron. She’s a skank. The pay off was a continuation of an event that happened 10 years prior because he didn’t want his wife to find out. Your bias gets in the way for you to see the truth because you aren’t interested in the truth. You’re only interested in Democratic treason and persecution. That’s what is really sad.
Gordon Koerner says
Soul Crusher here is a definition maybe even you can understand.
The President, the Vice President, and other officers of the United States, can be kicked out of office (impeached) if they are found guilty of double-crossing (betraying) the country, offering people money or getting money to do something dishonest, or other really big crimes.
Which mean in that transcript Trump ask Ukraine to communicate with Russian about the 2016 election, in other words he wants Ukraine to to take the blame for what Russia did or something like that. Then he asks a favor of Ukraine president to investigate a closed matter in Ukraine to dig up or fabricate lies about the Bidens’s.
One other thing we are all aware you are a republican leaning hiding behind a so called Independent. If you were truly Independent you would not always be attacking Democrats and defending Republicans. Of course when one’s mind goes they do tend to not know whom they are.
With Trump passing over 1,400 lies just when will you ever recognize the truth. Of course with your head so far up his ?? how could you.
Tax returns before office could show he was a Russian asset before he became president. Since he didn’t disclose it (if Fact) it is a crime that others are going to jail for. I don’t believe he is above the law so he should be impeached. Really though most of the past will just strengthen the case before us that is on a fast track. His high crimes in the phone call from the phone call and the whistle blower complaint backing up what is written in that phone call. Plus when the House gets to see the Covert Computer they will find the full transcript and probably other like the call to Putin and the call to the Saudi Prince.
SoulCrusher says
Well, you got that definition straight from the Morning Joe Treason Brigade and that’s a fact. Biden put his own self out there by being a bragging fool and I didn’t read anywhere that a “quid pro quo” exists. I’m not a R or a D and I believe political parties have led us to where we are right now and I do believe even an idiot like you can agree to that. I really like your narrative and then you put in “if Fact” because that is just plain ambiguous and makes you look even more like a moron. Now you don’t believe Trump is above the law, but you certainly think Biden is or you wouldn’t object to him being investigated, even if it is by a foreign nation. There was no high crimes on the telephone call and you’re just a Demotraitor. The House isn’t going to get full access to the secure server because they have no reason to get full access to it, especially when the House Democrats are guilty of treason and sedition. Why would you give a group of treasonous Democratic scum access to anything but a rope and a noose?
Harford Republican says
This is so typical when you are presented with facts debunking your lies you can’t respond to you move the goal posts. So tell us all if OBama was so guilty of treason why did trump and the republican congress do nothing about it? I’m expecting now you will deflect to Hillary or perhaps her husband Bill who lied about sex with oh wait we don’t want to go there that got him impeached……. LOL.
SoulCrusher says
Bill didn’t get impeached moron. He got charged with lying by the House. It takes a conviction in the Senate for impeachment to occur, fuktard. Obama, just like every other former President, gets a free pass for the crimes he committed while in office. That’s another part of executive privilege you just can’t seem to comprehend. Now, you haven’t given any facts and all you keep giving us is an imaginary narrative just like that punk Adam Schiff. You’re nothing but a lying traitor to the United States and that is what the facts really are, fuktard.
Bob says
SoulCrusher, you got it wrong. Clinton was ‘impeached’. However, he was ‘not convicted’.
SoulCrusher says
By the way, what is the odds that “Harford Republican” and “Gordon Koerner” are the exact same person? Better yet, what are the odd that the “Harford Republican” is really a Demotraitor….
SoulCrusher says
You know what Bob, I believe you’re right. He was impeached for the Lewinsky bullshit, but he didn’t have to leave office. He was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice involving the Lewinsky slut. I think Clinton’s impeachment was bullshit as well because he lied about Lewinsky and any other red blooded American male probably would’ve done they same, especially since he was married to the Democratic hussy, HRC.
Gordon Koerner says
capt. Obvious, It is not what congress thinks it’s what we the people think. The Congress is following what we the people think. Since this last Trump attempts to be a dictator the approval for impeachment went from as low as 23% that as of yesterday was at 49%. Have not seen polls since that, but my bet is by Monday the public will be supporting impeachment over 50%.This is exactly what happened with the Nixon impeachment. Which by the way he was never impeached. The public pressure got so high that senators went to Nixon and asked him to resign, rather then being impeached. With Trump’s ego even if there are 67 senators saying they will vote to impeach I am not sure if Trump will resign. Trump knows he has to stay president or he will end up in jail after this presidency. Of course he just may resign, jump on his plane and go to Russia..
SoulCrusher says
The big difference is Water Gate was a real crime ordered by the President Richard Nixon. When Trump orders the DNC burglarized to get political dirt I’ll go along with impeachment and I don’t want to hear about the historically false narrative that Nixon didn’t know about the break in. Everybody knows that’s not true. Trump isn’t going to resign and you are going to have to vote him out. That’s the American way. What’s wrong? You don’t think you’ve got enough brainwashed fuktards to do it?
Harford Republican says
So when the president told McGhan to insert false paperwork to cover his lies that’s not a crime…. LOL you are a hoot.
SoulCrusher says
That’s an allegation that has absolutely no credibility. It’s about as credible as the Adam Schiff narrative. McGhan didn’t insert any false paper work, but it’s looking like the Democratic Party probably is whom authored the whistle blower complaint….
Harford Republican says
apparently one of us didn’t read the Mueller report and it wasn’t me….. McGahn testified under oath you moron. There are 9 other potential justice obstructions. and as usual you will not respond to the facts but need to deflect in an attempt t move the goalpost. How did I not see Adam Schiff coming. LOL Keep it up you dance nice…. LOL
Bob says
I agree. The amount ‘obstruction of justice’ found in Part 2 of the Mueller Report is overwhelming. Trump should be very, very grateful he is President. Otherwise, he would be in an orange jumpsuit behind bars.
SoulCrusher says
Actually, I went out and started watching the game because you’re so insignificant a traitor that you bore me. There was no obstruction of justice because justice was never sought. Only the political persecution that is the routine of the treasonous Democratic Party is all that became of the Mueller Report. By the way, Robert Mueller is a traitor too and that is why you want to hold his nuts and scratch his ass. You Demotraitors really love the cock, don’t you?
SoulCrusher says
Sorry “Harford Republicunt”, I thought McGhan was part of the Ukraine bullshit you traitors think is an impeachable offense. Look, you can impeach these nuts son. I don’t give a crap. The Ravens are sucking and I wasted most of afternoon watching that BS. However, none of this changes the fact that you are a Democratic traitor against the United Stated and should be hung by your treasonous neck until dead. Does it?
Harford Republican says
Well it seems trumps buddy Vladd just sent him a message that he better not even consider releasing the transcript of their call. As the noose tightens.
SoulCrusher says
Yeah and he asked the Ukrainian President his permission before releasing the transcript. He wouldn’t have released it otherwise and Vlad is just telling him upfront that he isn’t going to be consenting to the release of any of their conversations. Trump does have Executive Privilege and could have told Congress to shove it up their ass. He didn’t so he could shut them up, but no matter what he says you guys think he has just committed a Water Gate type offense. There wasn’t a damn thing in that transcript and that’s just the way it is….
Harford Republican says
“he asked the Ukrainian President his permission before releasing the transcript” The fact you can’t see a difference really points out your partisan argument. The attempting to hide behind executive privileged the man swore to protect the US not dole out cash to support his re election bid and criminal endeavors. SC since you hate this county and all the brave people who defend it so much why don’t you leave?
SoulCrusher says
I love my country, but hate my government. I tell you what, why don’t you come and try to make me leave? The fact is ANY President is supposed to ask a foreign leader’s permission to disclose private and sensitive material involving conversations regarding diplomacy and or National Security of both this nation and the foreign country’s security. Your second sentence shows you’re either a hypocrite or a moron. Just for the record, every talking point you’ve been pointing out lately comes straight from the Democratic agenda and I question your moniker of “Harford Republican” and only see the words of a Democratic traitor being spewed from your pie hole. I’m not for the R’s or the D’s, however, I will support Trump because he is a REAL American and you’re NOT. I’ve got a great idea! Why don’t you leave the country before you start telling everyone else to leave? Fuktard….
Harford Republican says
Real Americans that love this country do not support a president that shits on the Constitution.
“The fact is ANY President is supposed to ask a foreign leader’s permission to disclose private and sensitive material” do you just make this crap up? Is that in the proper etiquette book on how to treat adversarial governments that helped you get elected? Do you even listen to yourself? You’re f’kin nuts.
Lastly could you please point out the items in the conversation related to national security and diplomacy that it needed to be put on a secure server meant to hold matters of extreme intelligence? We know you can’t because the reason his lawyers put it there was to hide his treasonous activity.
You once again have shown you lack of credibility and the continual name calling is childish. Frankly you are unAmerican and I would help you leave this country if you need assistance, we do not need people like you and as a patriot it is my duty to offer you all the assistance you need. Just say the word.
SoulCrusher says
First of all, You’re NOT a Republican. You’re a Democratic fuktard and a traitor. Now that we have that out of the way, I think you should check the US Code before you start calling other people something that you definitely are. Trump’s conversations started getting put on secure servers long before any of this happened because of the constant leaking he suffered from Obama’s henchmen that are still in the Alphabet Agencies. I will call you anything I want. It’s that 1st Amendment thing that is echoed in the Maryland Constitution as well thru Article 10 of the Declaration of Rights. You are an unAmerican traitor against the United States and you can’t make me leave anywhere I don’t want to leave. I don’t want any assistance from a Democratic traitor like yourself and if I wanted to leave this Country I would do it by my own accord. Once again, come try and make me leave and see where that get’s you. You won’t like where you end up. Traitor.
SoulCrusher says
On second thought, send my $4.25 million and I’ll leave this Country. That’s the treason fees Harford County, the STATE OF MARYLAND and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA owe me for the political persecution that I suffered by the Harford County Circuit Court. Make the check out to “I. P. Daily” and I’ll be sure to deposit it in the toilet the same way you Democrats have deposited the Constitution in the toilet by wiping your asses with it…..
Gordon Koerner says
SoulCrusher saysYou really need to get into Therapy.
Gordon Koerner says
SoulCrusher Since you may not be able to understand, my last message was YOU need to get into Therapy
SoulCrusher says
Oh, I see. I need therapy so I can swallow the treason pill like you did. Son, I chose the “red” pill, not the “blue ” one. That doesn’t mean I’m a Republican either, so don’t construe the analogy into something you want it to mean.
Bob says
“AP Analysis: It doesn’t take a crime to impeach a president”
President Trump’s Articles of Impeachment will include abuse of power and the violation of the public trust.
Bob says
“In fact, ‘high Crimes and Misdemeanors’ is not defined in the Constitution and does not require corresponding statutory charges. The context implies conduct that violates the public trust—and that view is echoed by the Framers of the Constitution and early American scholars.”
— Justin Amash on Monday, May 20th, 2019 in a tweet
“What counts as a high crime or misdemeanor for impeachment? Justin Amash got it right”
SoulCrusher says
You Demotraitors are a unique breed of idiot. Article 2 Section 4 clearly establishes “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors”. On that note, it is clear to me that a “high crime” should have an effect that is similar to Treason or Bribery or it is just a misdemeanor. That being said, I still haven’t seen anything he’s done that establishes a misdemeanor, yet alone a high crime. Furthermore, he can’t be held to any standard of a government employee until he actually became a government employee and that’s why everything that happened before he was a President doesn’t matter. His tax returns don’t matter. His past business dealings don’t matter. His personal life involving sexual allegations and infidelity don’t matter. It’s because all of it happened before he was a government employee. You aren’t held to a higher standard until you are in fact a government employee. However, our government wants to hold us ALL to a higher standard while the government employees are breaking the established Federal law ALL THE TIME. The real problem with Justin Amash’s interpretation of the Constitution is you can’t just make up what a high crime or a misdemeanor is. It must be codified in the US Code for it to be a crime and you can’t do something “ex post facto” either. Clearly he hasn’t done anything wrong and he isn’t interfering in an election because there isn’t any election going on yet. The only thing going on is the Democratic Primary and I don’t even think it has actually officially has started yet. Doesn’t matter, you Democratic traitors will make shit up and expect it to stick no matter what. We will have to wait until November 2020 to see if you stinkhole traitors have brainwashed the American public enough for them to buy your bullshit again. Won’t we?
Gordon Koerner says
Soul Crusher, NO. You are the complete idiot. You try to make your own determination of what is the impeachable term means. As historians and law professors and professors that teach the constitution you display of total ignorance of what art.2 sec 4 means. you need to be put in an institution and get your ead straightened out.
Do you know that as te contempt of courts pile up at sometime the House just may send the sergeant at arms to arrest these people, lock them up and then the courts will hold hearings.
SoulCrusher says
MF’er come try and put me in an institution and you will end up sucking you’re nuts thru a straw for the rest of your life. Do you understand? You’re not man enough to mess with me. Christ, you’re one step away from being a peter puffer as it is and you think you could actually mess with someone like me? Fuk you Gordo.
SoulCrusher says
As far as the rest of your stupid comment, the sergeant at arms is a bitch. He can’t keep anybody locked up and MUST release to either a real correctional facility or back into the street. The sergeant at arms has absolutely no power what so ever and is nothing but a tool of political prosecution. As AG Barr told the Democratic scumbag speaker of the house, ” Did you bring your handcuffs”? What a crock of crap you Dumbocrats are preaching…..The sergeant at arms has more of a chance at holding these nuts than he does at even holding anyone in custody for more than a day. You’re just a fuktard.
Gordon Koerner says
Soul Crusher your sense of reason is beyond insane. And your insults of women are disgusting.
Your interpretation of the power of the House is much like all ignorant people who live in this society. Unable to grasp what is truth and what is fiction.
It is completely senseless to even try to get your to understand.
When one thinks about you and your comments it is really easy, that to you it’s YOU over country.
SoulCrusher says
I will insult you, any woman or any man that needs a good insulting, as I am guaranteed that right by the 1st Amendment and Article 10 of the MD Declaration of Rights. I don’t care about your opinion as you are a traitor and a fuktard. The HOUSE DEMOCRATS are guilty of Seditious Conspiracy, fraud, perjury and TREASON. Your defense of these traitors makes you a traitor and I would be happy to carry out the full penalty of law on your treasonous forehead on behalf of Trump. You seem to forget that your PARTY has become totally illegal and unconstitutional that ANY argument you make is nothing but the rambling of a fuktard traitor. As for your last paragraph, your interpretation of abrogating the established Federal and State laws provided by our Constitutions in favor of the statutes made by the political criminals in our Congress and Legislatures means that it is all about YOU over country because you want it all to happen so YOU can feel safe and allow the continuance of political persecution over the REAL rule of law that prohibits such acts. YOU ARE A TRAITOR GORDON! That is what is easy to understand….
Mike Callahan says
AG William Barr has been implicated in the the Whistle Blower Gate corruption!!!!!!
Gordon Koerner says
As the chants at Trumps rallies went “Lock Her Up” they are now turning to “Lock up Trump and his entire administration and that includes Barr, Pence and especially Stephen Miller.”
SoulCrusher says
You’re a total idiot and I don’t think you will eve hear such nonsense at a Trump rally. Gordon, just STFU because you are delusional.
Gordon Koerner says
Soul Crusher here is some information. Hope your able to comprehend.
“”Courts have recognized that the House and Senate each have the authority to enforce their orders by imprisoning those who violate them—literally. They can direct their respective sergeant at arms to arrest officials they’ve found to be in contempt and bring them to the Capitol for trial and, potentially, jail. Congress hasn’t invoked what’s known as the “power of inherent contempt” in nearly a century, but the escalating clash between two co-equal branches of government has Democrats talking about moves previously deemed unthinkable””
SoulCrusher says
The House and the Senate can only make law for government officials and employees. ANY arrest of any citizen that is not under the government’s thumb, except for interfering or disrupting the LAWFUL Congressional activities, is an act of fraud, war and treason against the public they persecute. Furthermore, since you think these political criminals and their sergeant at arms have such power, that is more of a reason to NOT honor a subpoena by the traitors and ignore any thing the scumbags say. The court rulings you are quoting were not made by the SCOTUS and any court besides SCOTUS is an Article 1 Court that has no Judicial authority and all their actions are simply ministerial. That’s what happens when the dream of the former DEMOCRATIC DICTATOR FDR and his treasonous successor TRUMAN signed our Country over to the UN. ALL actions of the treasonous corporate governments are those of foreign nations and those whom take part in such actions are foreign entities subject to being a casualty of war. Screw you Gordon. You are a stinking traitor and you have been brainwashed by the DEMOTRAITORS of the DUMBOCRAT party. Period. End of discussion. Traitor….
SoulCrusher says
By the way, who is going to prosecute William Barr? The DOJ? He is the head of the DOJ moron. Congress has no judicial authority and all their actions are legislative in nature. What planet are you from?
Gordon Koerner says
Soul Lard, Right now Barr is in contempt of congress and can be arrested and taken to trail.
There are many subpoenas that are being ignored that also could be enforced under this law.
The law I am talking about was put in the Constitution in 1821. You are just a moron who loves to shoot off his mouth with no facts. Another brainwashed Fox idiot.
SoulCrusher says
No Gordon. You’re a complete fool. The President can not be taken to trial (not trail) until he has been impeached. Impeachment isn’t a criminal conviction because Congress has NO AUTHORITY to convict, you dumb ass. They are a legislative branch and have absolutely NO JUDICICIAL POWER what so ever. They can only send him to a trial once impeached and then the DOJ takes over, not you Demotraitors. Quite frankly, I have nothing but contempt for Congress and virtually the entirety of government because it’s nothing but a corporate treason machine that behaves like a mafia and a terrorist organization against its own God damn people. You are a complete useless tool of Democratic treason and I hope you get what’s coming to you, traitor.
Gordon Koerner says
The right has been constructing a system to make sure no Republican president is ever forced from office again, no matter what he does.
Obviously this doesn’t mean a system of basic, small-“d” democratic accountability. We don’t have anything like that. We’re less than a fifth of the way through the 21st century, and already U.S. elites have started one gigantic fraudulent war in the Middle East and nearly conjured a second Great Depression, with zero consequences for themselves.
What we do have is another kind of system, one that the right wing in the U.S. has been constructing since Watergate: a system to make sure no Republican president is ever forced from office again, no matter what they do — even if they shoot someone on 5th Avenue. The right has devoted decades of careful, patient investment to creating this system, which has three main arms.
First, there’s a gigantic media ecosystem, with Fox News at the apex and innumerable smaller creatures. Second, there’s an intelligentsia based in think tanks and Ivy League professorships funded by conservative foundations. Third, there’s a legion of right-wing judges carefully selected for monomaniacal partisan loyalty.
Together they’ve created what Bruce Bartlett, a Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush staffer turned apostate, called “self-brainwashing.” “Conservatives now refuse to even listen to any news or opinion not vetted through Fox, and to believe whatever appears on it as the gospel truth,” Bartlett wrote in 2015. Nothing is true for Republicans unless the system says it is. If this system had been in place in 1974, Bartlett believes, “Nixon would have finished his term.”
SoulCrusher says
Gordon Koerner is a traitor against the United States. He speaks the foul talking points of the Democrat Party whom are ALL committing Sedition, Seditious Conspiracy, Fraud, War and TREASON against the duly elected President of the United States. The Media is behaving badly and it is because the HUGE majority of media venues are all bought and paid for by the treasonous Democratic Party and the criminals who make illegal and unconstitutional law on the regular. Now, I’m talking to every American out there who feels they have been jilted by the system. Who has made the unconstitutional law that has made you suffer? The Democrats. Who wants your rights regulated to the point of abrogation? The Democrats. Who has made the public a slave to their paycheck and every business owner a tax collector for the government? The Democrats. Who wants you to believe in an outrageously false narrative that only fuktards like Gordon and scumbags like Adam Schiff make up as they go along? The Democrats. The truth is, the Democratic Party is evil, illegal, unconstitutional, treasonous and bad for the United States. Think about it and you will come to the conclusion that Gordon Koerner and the Democratic Party are nothing but complete sleazeball traitors and the best thing you can do is ignore all the false representations they spew and stand for. Once again Gordo, STFU, traitor….
Gordon Koerner says
Soul Tard or should I say Soul Trump. The words you write are exactly Trump words.
LOL says
What’s wrong with you, Gordon?
Why personally insult someone you disagree with?
Bonus Points: Reply to me without making a political connection to Republican/Democrat.
Gordon Koerner says
LOL Have you read what Soul Crusher is calling me. I will reply back insults as long as he continues to insult me. Every time I comment on any subject he always comes back with name calling.
SoulCrusher says
That’s because you are a traitor Gordon. Duh….
Gordon Koerner says
LOL if you went back and read how many time Soul called me “Fuktard”, just why haven’t you apologized for your comment to met. Almost every comment from Soul calls me that name. Maybe you don’t know what the word means. If not you should look up the definition.
Anyway you owe me an apology for your post..
SoulCrusher says
Gordon, I am sorry you are a fuktard. Get over yourself….
SoulCrusher says
For those of you out there that didn’t know what a fuktard is, well, let me help you out. Hey Gordon! This one’s for you girlfriend…..
Gordon Koerner says
Dagger Press I thought you had rules about foul language. Constantly Soul Crusher posts the word F@@tard, but now he writes he writes the actual word. Just when will you follow your own rules.
SoulCrusher says
Those words aren’t Trump’s or anyone else’s. They are mine and mine alone. Fuktard.
Bob says
Buckle up America! If the last week is any indication, it’s gonna be a very rough ride ahead. Trump’s strategy is three-fold DENY – (No Crime/Quid Pro Quo), DEFLECT – (Joe/Hunter Biden, Clinton, Fake News) and INTIMIDATION – (execution of spies, arrest people for treason & the threat of civil war).
The President’s ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ are clearly abuse of power and breach of the public trust.
SoulCrusher says
Bob, you are so wrong. There was no scandal involving the Ukraine transcript. The Biden’s should be investigated. Hillary was investigated and it was found that she DID tamper with evidence that could have damned her and got away with it. The media covering everything as if the lies out of the Democratic party are true make those same news sources FAKE NEWS. The fact is the government is committing treason against Trump and the House Democrats are guilty of writing the whistle blower report, seditious conspiracy, sedition and treason. We used to execute traitors, now we honor them for betraying our people and our country. A perfect example is Democrats making patently unconstitutional statutes, having police enforce the illegal statutes under the color of law while committing treason enforcing the political persecution and then they want us to look at the cops like they are our friends. Hell no. The cops and the government are our mortal enemies. How many people have been slain by police during this “war on drugs” that the government has illegally declared and enforced on ME AND MY PEOPLE! Then we hear about 33 police officers getting killed this year, but no one wants to talk about how many American citizens have been killed by the police. There is no duty to enforce unconstitutional statutes created by the treason of Congress and the Legislatures. If a cop kills a person enforcing unconstitutional law, that is murder on behalf of the Democratic Party that made that statute. Police performing political persecution on behalf of the Democrats is the real war and people are finally starting to see who their real enemies are. Notice to Law Enforcement, when you enforce illegal and unconstitutional law, you have become the criminal. You have violated your oath. You have committed political fraud under the false color of law. You have violated the Constitutional contract and you have forfeit ALL power and authority of the government you serve. You have committed TREASON against your own God damn people that pay your damn salaries. It is your duty to know what statutes are unconstitutional and refuse to enforce the treason. It is also your duty to tell those in the government that you will enforce unconstitutional statute NO MORE, even if it costs you your job. No police officer should be forced to commit treason on behalf of the Democratic Party, but the Democrats will continue their practice of illegal law making and expect those who enforce the fake law to do their bidding. Finally, there is no high crimes or misdemeanors that have been committed by Trump and the Democrats are complete and utter traitors to their people and the Country.
Gordon Koerner says
Soul this is Hillary’s crime. A private email server, which of course the Trump and his family in the WH are using private email servers after all his attacks in 2016.
During her tenure as United States Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton drew controversy by using a private email server for official public communications rather than using official State Department email accounts maintained on secure federal servers. An FBI examination of Clinton’s server found over 100 emails containing classified information, including 65 emails deemed “Secret” and 22 deemed “Top Secret”. An additional 2,093 emails not marked classified were retroactively classified by the State Department.
Bob says
Rudy G. needs help ASAP. I think he’s lost it. He probably worried about testifying under oath. Yesterday, Trump’s former Home Land Security Advisor ripped Rudy for “repeating the debunked theory” related to Ukraine and the DNC server to the president. Then he followed up by saying, the best way to ‘self-impeach’ is hire Rudy. Wow!
Bob says
The pace of the Breaking News ‘Trump Impeachment stories’ is mind-boggling. Just today, the WAPO, NYT and the Wall Street Journal came out with yet more. I was watching the TV news as these stories were breaking and noticed that some of the talking-heads started chuckling about the pace and quantity of all this ‘breaking news’. To be honest I don’t see the humor any more.
Frankly, I’m scared. We can’t afford to smile and continue to slough it off as Trump being Trump. Our country could be heading toward the precipice of an existential threat. The danger is that our President has a serious Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and when backed into a corner could become seriously unstable. I hope and pray there are people in the White House and our government, that are watching him closely and would sound the alarm if necessary.
SoulCrusher says
It’s pretty clear to me that the Democratic Party is who authored this whistle blower report and this is nothing but a political set up. You can talk about Trump all you want, but when Schiff and Pelosi are creating set ups, instilling false narratives against the President and having other government employees do their bidding on behalf of the Democratic Party, it is clear that the government is still owned by the Demotraitors and the deep state is still occupying the swamp. The House Democrats have created a SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY and are treasonous against the United States.
Gordon Koerner says
Soul can you ever comment without using the other party as your reply????
You really need to look at the party you are defending.. They are the criminals who love party over country.
SoulCrusher says
ALL politicians are criminals you dumbass. It doesn’t matter if you are a R or a D, you are still supporting a corporate political sub division that is seeking control of the national corporate government and the main problem is that the government itself is a corporation. Why the hell do you think I don’t vote? It’s not because I’m prohibited from voting, it’s because I don’t consent to anything the Congress or State legislatures do. REAL Americans don’t do politics, we do right and wrong. We don’t persecute each other and we leave each other alone because everyone has the RIGHT to be left alone. However, Democrats are a special kind of criminal because they wish to do things just like the Pre-World War II government of Germany did things. The Dems are fascists. They use ANTIFA like the Germans used the brown shirts to terrorize the public. They use a controlled media to push their policies and brainwash the public into thinking WRONG. Gordon, you are a Democratic traitor against the United States because ALL Democrats are traitors to the US Constitution and WE THE PEOPLE of these United States whom are the United States. The government has no authority to socially reform anything and it can’t do anything that is beyond what was ordained for them to do. The fact that the government is doing anything and everything it wants to do is evidence that the corporate government has overthrown the Constitutional Republic and since that is the case ALL power and authority of government is forfeit. That includes taxation. The only way to reform a treason corporate government is to defund it. That’s the bottom line Gordo. Try being an American and not a Demotraitor and I probably wouldn’t call you the names I do. Did I hurt your feelings? Tell it to someone who gives a shit….
Gordon Koerner says
Soul only a liar or someone guilty of crimes accuse everyone in Congress a crook.
SoulCrusher says
I’ve already told you why the men and women of Congress are criminals and if you can’t figure it out then that is on you. I am anything but a liar and I guess you could call me a criminal if I had broken any Common Law, but I have not. See, the big difference between you and me is I am the truth and you are a big Democratic lie. I have spoken the truth for so long I don’t even know if I am capable of lying anymore. I know the truth hurts people sometimes, but I didn’t think me telling you the truth would make a grown man, such as yourself, so God damn butthurt.
Bob says
Lindsey Graham: “Why Did They Change The Rules” Allowing Whistleblowers To Cite Hearsay? “This Thing Stinks”
Well Lindsey, It looks like you got it wrong again. You guys never let the facts get in the way. See below link. I guess you haven’t read the book, ‘Everything Trump Touches Dies’
“Fact check: Trump and other Republicans falsely claim whistleblower rules changed just before Ukraine complaint”
Bob says
“Graham urges foreign leaders to assist Barr with investigation into 2016 election”
Just when I think Lindsay has gone about as low as he can go, he manages to dig down a little farther.
SoulCrusher says
What is truly sad is that the Attorney General for the United States needs assistance from foreign governments to accomplish an investigation into the treasonous activities of the Democrat Party involving an election. The fact is the Democrats have been covering up their obvious tampering with elections and it should be investigated in every State, nation wide.
Bob says
I know about the Russian interference in our 2016 election. Can you point me to any facts that support your assertion there has been some sort of obvious, nationwide democratic election tampering?
SoulCrusher says
Are you serious? Look for your damn self…..
Bob says
SoulCrusher, If you can, please try to calm down. It’s not that I am lazy and unable to find voter fraud or election tampering on the web. I asked for your INPUT, so we could possibly start with a common set of facts. And, BINGO you came up with ‘The Heritage Organization’ a site that I check out frequently. This site, although very conservative, is one of the more factual on the subject.
I urge anyone that is interested in Voter Fraud to check it out. Their site is chock full of reliable voter fraud information from the past 20 years. The database is searchable by year, state, type of case and type of fraud. For example if you put in the year 2019 you’ll find there were on 15 cases nationwide. For 2018 there were approximately 57 cases.
I just don’t see the data to support your assertion that “…the Democrats have been covering up their obvious tampering with elections and it should be investigated in every state, nation wide.” Every state does investigate voter fraud. There is just not much to look at. Perhaps you think the federal government should be investigating the states?
A much more important concern is VOTER SUPPRESSION!
SoulCrusher says
SoulCrusher says
SoulCrusher says
SoulCrusher says
SoulCrusher says
reality check says
That’s shocking why isn’t trump doing something about it?
SoulCrusher says
Wow, Bob is a Dagger editor. How else could somebody insert their comment and position it where ever they like and NOT in the order by occurrence, like everybody else’s comments end up. Now, Bob, I don’t need to calm down because those articles I posted on here were from page 1 of a google search and took virtually no time at all. I did check the articles briefly for content on what we were discussing to make sure there was relevance. The fact is the Democratic Party is using every dirty scumbag trick they can muster to try and make Trump look like he’s nuts. NEWS FLASH – TRUMP DOESN”T NEED YOUR HELP TO MAKE HIM LOOK NUTS BECAUSE HE IS NUTS! Why would anyone want to become President when the life they had was so easy and good. In reality, I think he ran as a stunt and never thought he could win. When he won, it shows that Americans are getting tired of the Democratic Party and the BS they push on the public. Did the government really think Americans would accept the gender restroom rage, little boys being encouraged to act like little girls, government funded sex changes for traitors and Barrack Obama going to foreign nations to tell them “America was founded on inequality”? Listen Demotraitor, I am an American and I believe in America. I just don’t believe our government is American and I think that every government employee is a stinkhole traitor. When you take an oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and then you are told to enforce statute that is unconstitutional, you have betrayed your oath and are in breach of the Constitutional contract which is a covenant. Since, WE THE PEOPLE have no rights, as according to the corporation, YOU THE GOVERNMENT get no tax. The only way to reform a treasonous corporate government is by defunding it and putting it out of business.
Bob says
I’m relived to know that you’ve seen the light regarding our President. Now, cam down, breathe deeply and have a great weekend!
Gordon Koerner says
Trump is going down and heading for jail afterwards.
“””Lawyers for the House of Representatives revealed on Monday that they have reason to believe that the grand-jury redactions in special counsel Robert Mueller’s report show that President Donald Trump lied about his knowledge of his campaign’s contacts with WikiLeaks.
The attorneys made the stunning suggestion in a court filing as part of the House Judiciary Committee’s bid for Mueller’s grand-jury materials, which have remained secret by law.
To back up their claim, the House’s legal team — led by House General Counsel Douglas Letter — cited a passage in Mueller’s report about former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s testimony that he “recalled” Trump asking to be kept “updated” about WikiLeaks’ disclosures of Democratic National Committee emails. There is a grand-jury redaction in that passage, the lawyers note…
SoulCrusher says
Trump’s got about as much of a chance of going to jail that HRC does. That’s the bottom line.
Gordon Koerner says
Soul we will see who goes to jail. Paul Irwing, the sergeant at arms may just be told to round them all up and put them in the jail in the house.
Notice the sergeant at arms is a male holding the office since 2011.
SoulCrusher says
He has to get them in the HOUSE for him to have any power or authority to begin with. If they don’t show up, he has no arrest power to leave his jurisdiction and make an arrest. Besides, he would be an accomplice to Seditious Conspiracy and Treason that ALL of the House Democrats are guilty of. Political persecution is all we are seeing and you are a traitor.
Mike Callahan says
Nixon defenders still think he was a victim of a “Coup”! Nixon was a criminal. Trump also is a criminal The “coup” talk is Fox/Trump propaganda!.
Ice Crusher says
Mike Callahan says
Nixon’s impeachment created Fix News propaganda to prevent another Republican impeachment!
Mike Callahan says
Nixon defenders still think he was “framed” by the “enemy” free press!
Mike Callahan says
The Fox News propaganda machine is working!
In the fantasy world of Fox News 71% of Fox viewers oppose Trumps impeachment while 17% support it!
In reality, non-Fox News viewers support Trump impeachment by 51% while only 31% oppose!
Mike Callahan says
Bob says
“Trump publicly asks China to probe Biden, even amid impeachment inquiry”
“WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Donald Trump on Thursday again invited foreign interference in a U.S. presidential election by publicly calling on China to investigate Democratic political rival Joe Biden, the kind of request that has already triggered an impeachment inquiry in Congress.”
As if, the Ukraine isn’t enough. Our President’s strategy is to publicly announce his crime. Sort like a robber, who walks into the bank and says, Hands up America, this is a robbery! Put all you political rights into my MAGA hat.
SoulCrusher says
No, he is doing it publicly because it isn’t a crime. Biden put him self out there by making statements that sounded pretty damning about himself involving Hunter’s business affairs. So, you can’t investigate alleged wrong doing by a former VP even though that same VP revealed everything to a national news media? Give me a break…..
Bob says
You’re barking up the wrong tree on Biden.
SoulCrusher says
Man, you are warped. If you can’t see what was going on with the Biden’s in both the Ukrainian and Chinese incidents then you are just a brainwashed fool. Biden put his own self out there when he said what he said. End of story. Trump has done nothing wrong but investigate possible political corruption of a past Democratic VP who BRAGGED about getting people fired so his boy could get rich….
Bob says
The story won’t be over till Trump is gone. BTW, I just read that Ukraine is going to reopen the Biden investigation. I bet you’re a happy camper. The really good news is that my Yankees are winning 5-4
SoulCrusher says
First of all, I am NOT happy that Biden is being investigated, I’m just saying he should be investigated after his comments. I have no real animosity toward Biden and I don’t dislike him as much as I do people like HRC, AOC, Pelosi, Schiff, Talib and Omar. He’s no where near as bad as those scumbags. He’s just an idiot. Secondly, the Yankees can suck a fart out of my ass and I think the Astros are going to put them in their place.
Mike Callahan says
Q: Is Trump an anti-semite?
A: Does a bear shit in the woods?
Mike Callahan says
Trump is the most corrupt President in American history!
Like Nixon he will most likely resign in dishonor after impeachment hearings!
He is a totally corrupt and unfit to be president
SoulCrusher says
Are you crazy? He will run and win a second, third and fourth Presidency, possibly even rule the world. Hold on. We’re talking about Trump and not the DemoDictator FDR who broke all the gentlemanly rules and instilled the treason of the current corporate government against the very people who ordained the government and pay their God damn salaries. Trump will win 2020. Count on it….
Gordon Koerner says
Here is what is wrong with a president owning properties in foreign countries. It has to do with just what did the Turkey president say to Trump about his properties. Did he say if you don’t pull the troops from n. Syria, I will take take your properties and remove your name from the buildings.
SoulCrusher says
The last time I checked, Trump signed all his businesses over to his kids. He doesn’t own any property in foreign countries anymore and he did that when he took office. I won’t sound stupid and say he doesn’t still have an interest in his offspring’s business enterprise, but he did hand them over because he now runs the US Corporation and that changes your life forever. Trump has already hit Turkey hard with economic sanctions once and you think he wouldn’t do it again with even more of a fury? Sounds more like you’re pulling an Adam Schiff and presenting your own narrative of events. However, what more could we possibly expect from you.
Bob says
One of the first and most serious mistakes of his Presidency was Trump’s decision to NOT DIVEST HIMSELF FROM HIS BUSINESS INTEREST instead he just handed over the day to day control of his companies to his sons.
The below PBS New Hour link states the following:
“Trump stands to earn between $100,000 and $1 million per year from Trump Tower Istanbul, according to a U.S. Office of Government Ethics report from earlier this year.”
Gordon Koerner says
Thank you Bob for your comment and posting PBS.
I will no longer be responding to the guys comment above you, S.C. Post an article showing Trump owns property in Turkey and he goes into denial.
Here is another one from Trumps mouth.
SoulCrusher says
Actually, you are both wrong and Donald Trump relinquished control of the Trump Organization to his two son’s. Trump’s assets are being overseen by an ethics officer and the Trump Organization will not pursue any new foreign business deals while he is President of the United States. Now, Gordon, it was extremely hard not to call you a fuktard on your comment that started this thread, but I tried not to because I was trying NOT to offend your vagina after your little cry baby routine you pulled a few days ago. However, fuk that. Gordon, you are a fuktard and will be a fuktard as long as you’re pushing this stupid impeachment agenda of the treasonous Democratic party that you worship. Now, you’re not a fuktard because you are a Democrat. You are a fuktard because you want REAL Americns to believe the stupidity of this fake impeachment inquiry. You are a traitor because you’re a Democrat, but that is a totally different subject and you really don’t seem to mind being a traitor. So, there you have it. You’re a fuktard and a traitor. Congratulations!!!
Gordon Koerner says
S.C. you are such a moron, that you probably believed all those folders were filled with papers saying he was turning his assets over to his 2 sons. Where as the truth is they filled with blank pieces of paper.
You are such a moron that if a lightning bolt truth hits you in the face you would think it’s a lie.
Every time you reply to me your ignorance of denial shines high in the sky. I know there is nothing that will ever penetrate your think skull and in no way am I trying.
November you will see the impeachment indictments and I doubt if you will even understand the language of the impeachment. Your just like Trump a sick child in a man’s body.
LOL take note that it was SC who called me all kinds of name and I believe the words he used he should be kicked off this comment section. Seems with this president the media is over looking their long time practices.
Mike Callahan says
The Dagger is a creation of ex-Aegis reporter Brian Goodman. His main social media interest these days is his Facebook .
SoulCrusher says
Did I hurt your fuktarded feelings Gordon? There is no grounds for impeachment other than you and the Demotardic party don’t approve of REAL Americans holding office. You would love to see the Demoslut, Nancy Pelosi, get handed the Presidency, just like she got handed her first Congressional position. You and the Democratic party are all a bunch of traitors and it burns me up when you mention the Constitutionality of anything because you Demotraitors have committed mass fraud, war and treason against the American people and turned our Law Enforcement into your personal political persecuting terrorist organization on American soil. Screw you Gordo, you’re a stinkhole traitor.
Gordon Koerner says
S.C. hurt my feelings. Insults from a sick child in an adult body could never hurt my feelings.
Your so much in denial you can’t see your face in the mirror. When you look in a mirror you see how Harford County screwed your imaginary ego.
When he is gone from office. He will either end up in jail or flee to Russia. He has screwed this up so much I wonder if Russia will even take him. Putin doesn’t have room for failures.
SoulCrusher says
Really? I thought you weren’t going to respond to me anymore? Just another DemoTraitor lying about the reality they wish was true. Trump is the President. Trump will be President for another term and you’re just a fuktarded traitor.
Gordon Koerner says
Here is one back from 2016 which sort of supports my first comment about Turkey’s president and Trump.
Copy and paste.
“””Trump name controversy
In June 2016, Turkish President Erdogan has been reported to call for the removal of the Trump name from the towers, saying “Trump has no tolerance for Muslims living in the US. And on top of that they used a brand in Istanbul with his name.
Location: Mecidiyeköy, ?i?li, Istanbul, Turkey
Coordinates: 41°4?3?N 28°59?33.03?E? / ?…
Architect: Brigitte Weber Architectural Office
Gordon Koerner says
Profile in Courage
Former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch was told by the Trump administration she could not testify to the House. She then drove to the hose, parked her car and took the long walk across the parking lot, went up the steps, entered the house and testified for 9 1/2 house.
While all the men cowered in their hiding place it took a women to defy the traitor who sits in the WH. A president who is more worried about making money then governing.
That is why I am voting for a woman for president. If one truly wants house cleaning it is a woman who will do it.
Gordon Koerner says
Here is a story on the betting odds that Trump will be impeached. The article is a little old because it has climbed to 71%..