From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Detectives with the Harford County Sheriff’s Office are investigating after a 40-year-old male was shot and killed in Edgewood.
On Friday, November 1, at approximately 3:19 a.m., deputies assigned to the Southern Precinct of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office were in the area of Edgewater Village on proactive foot patrol when they heard a single gunshot that came from the area of Grempler Way and Brookside Drive. Deputies immediately responded to that area, and at approximately 3:21 a.m., located an adult male victim, identified as Joshua Dwayne Crouse, 40 of Joppa, in the roadway in the 1800 block of Grempler Way. Deputies immediately began life saving measures in an effort to save his life. Medics with the Joppa Magnolia Volunteer Fire Company responded to assume treatment and pronounced him dead at 3:50 a.m.
The investigation was assumed by Detectives from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division. Investigators from the Forensic Services Unit responded to the area to collect and preserve physical evidence in support of the investigation.
The investigation is ongoing. There are no further details being released at this time. Anyone with information about this crime is asked to call Detective S. Moro at 443-409-3154. Those who wish to remain anonymous may report their information through the methods listed below. If the information you provide leads to the arrest and indictment of the individuals responsible for this crime, you may be eligible for a cash reward up to $2,000.00.
Submit a tip online at
Text message: Metro Crime Stoppers: Text “CRIMES” (274637)
Begin the message “MCS,” then add the information.
Phone: Harford Crime Solvers: Call 1-888-540-8477
Amazing, totally amazing. This article has been out for several hours and TruthBeTold hasn’t taken one cheap shot at a the Harford County Sheriff’s Office or the Harford County States Attorney’s Office. I sure hope he/she didn’t take I’ll. Then again there is always the possibility that he/she could be serving weekends and not have access to a computer.
States attorney is ok. This joker of a sheriff should be questioned by truth be told. The Sheriff is too busy eating pizza on the taxpayer dollar in Chicago. Hopefully he didn’t get bit by a Lyme carrying tick. His memory is already in shambles he doesn’t need another tick to make it worse,
If my suspicion is correct the TruthBeTold should be back home and posting any time now lol
Ah your special aren’t you? Evidently I am in your head….Never know where you may see me….keep wondering…..I am behind every tree looking for you sweetie pie. Do they have computers in State Prison? Asking for a friend.
Sorry I couldn’t respond until now I was at work. You know earning a living to support my family. The time frame of your postings seems to support my suspicions. How was your weekend? Did anyone come to visit you? I am going to take a wild guess that one of your weekend entrees was hot turkey and gravy. Lol
Durp he made a funny. Your so very clever. Happy to hear you have a job so that the rest of us don’t need to pay for your sorry ass.
Any other stupid commentary or guessed or anything else you would like to Spew?
Fact of the matter is I am occupying your head. There is lots of space up there I have been told.
My weekend was great. We took a nice vacation up to Poconos and enjoyed ourselves. You meanwhile sat at home in Mom’s basement.
Tonight I am going to vlay pipe on a Big Titty female. How bout you? Maye one of your boys will give you a reach around.
I heard you could order blow up dolls with different size breasts. I have a suspicion that you couldn’t take that with you where you spent your weekend lol
Another funny…..Bless your Heart… is to be with your Boys? It will be good practice for your future I am sure. Anyone who has to make allegations has something to hide. What you hiding? Felony chasing you perhaps?
Move along and lick those Sherrif’s boots. Don’t forget to let Mom know your home.
Did they get him yet, or is HCSO still running around in circles like the Keystone Cops they are? They should call that retired indicted felon crime fighter extraordinaire Corporal Eddy for some help on this one. He can jet over in his cool black firebird with the bubble gum light like Starsky and Hutch.
Cant Figure You Out it is true you have no life outside of Dagger and whatever other nefarious activities you do.What does leather taste like? I have never licked boots like you seem willing to do. Do they taste good? Please do tell.
Bye or is it By or maybe its BY. Who knows one of them will work.
Just checked authoritative database and yep still an indicted Felon…..hmmmm very interesting
Aberdeen City Mayor Patrick McGrady accepted a campaign contribution 09/30/19 from John Charles Stortstrom a known White Nationalist Neo Nazi!
McGrady is running for re=election on the promise of : “Together we can build a community that works for everyone!~
How does that work?
McGrady accepts campaign money from a known racist and promises a community of togetherness!
Here is the City of Aberdeen Report of Financial Contributions for Patrick McGrady October 8th report!
The Neo-Nazi’s contribution is the second one listed on 9/30/19
The unfortunate reality is that its highly unlikely HCSO will resolve this case. They don’t have much of a record or the skills for doing so. Even if they may get lucky the SAO will screw it up from there.
Just the Facts Jack!
Already solved. Yesterday’s news:
Hey Truth. How would you like your crow prepared? Lol That probably isn’t on the weekend menu.
Derp…..another funny……
Actually the HCSO has been chasing this guy since Feb of this year….Interesting huh? After he has now allegedly committed murder but the HCSO cant find him. They must be busy with Jay Walkers or something.
Far from solved.
I’m not familiar with any wanted criminal by the name of Jay Walkers. I have heard of a minor traffic infraction known as jaywalking. I am starting to figure out why you were incapable of pursuing a career in law enforcement. You have to be smart enough to compete in the selection process. Lol Just as a point of reference even the FBI has serious criminals that have eluded them for long periods of time. Every time you post you further display your ignorance.
Yeah that’s it… keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel good. You have to be smart enough to compete? Really….The jokers at HCSO are smart? If you say so. They look pretty stupid from where I sit.
This kid seems to be much smarter than that group.
They have had a warrant out on this guy since May 2019.,….Seems little suspicious that he would even be in the area let alone shoot someone…..Just sayin
I sure hope that PO PO isn’t an indicator you were or are a cop. Do you know how many people hide in plain view from the police every day. Do you know how many wanted people keep committing crimes? Just saying
Yeah Ok….we will attribute it to that…..
Actually since Feb 2019….I stand corrected. So now allegedly he has murdered some one while running around on active warrants. Any chance HCSO could figure out where he is? No hurry take your time
Too busy responding to fights at Popeye’s for fights over a chicken sandwich to worry about searching for a murder suspect.
Where is Popeyes in Harford County? Seriously I am trying to think where I have seen one.
You’re busting the HCSO butt for not finding a perp! And you cant find Popeye’s?
Speaks volumes.
So do you know where Popeyes is?
HCSO are inept. If true this perp has been allowed to remain on the streets since Jan 2019. Now allegedly he has committed murder. In the same area nonetheless. Can’t figure out where he is? Come on now that’s the real story here.
Anybody with even a little bit of investigative ability should be able to pick this guy up. That is the key. The HCSO cant find their way out of a brown paper bag because they are too busy pursuing BS. Now someone may have died as a result of their incompetence. Convince me otherwise.
MEGA. Make Edgewood great again!