From the Office of the State’s Attorney for Harford County:
Albert J. Peisinger, Jr., State’s Attorney for Harford County, has announced the conviction of Duke Wayne Lambert, 37, of Elkton, Maryland, for possession with the intent to distribute fentanyl.
On February 3, 2021, detectives with the Harford County Narcotics Task Force responded to the scene of fatal overdose. During the course of the investigation, detectives recovered the victim’s phone and through analysis of the listed phone contacts, text conversations were observed between the decedent and numbers utilized by Lambert and a co-conspirator.
Later that same day, detectives with the Task Force utilized the victim’s phone to contact Lambert. In a series of text messages and using coded drug language, the detectives arranged to purchase a quantity of narcotics.
The detectives then rented a room at the Red Roof Inn in Edgewood, texting Lambert the room number along with details about the quantity and type of narcotics they wanted. When Lambert arrived and knocked on the door, the detectives opened it, immediately confronting and placing him under arrest. A search incident to the arrest revealed multiple glassine bags containing fentanyl.
Interestingly, fentanyl stays in your urine for up to three days, which can assist law enforcement and medical professionals in tracking usage and potential sources of distribution. Lambert’s cell phone, found on his person, was also linked to the decedent’s phone, further solidifying the case against him.
On December 3, 2021, the Honorable Yolanda Curtin imposed a total sentence of 20 years suspend all but 14 years incarceration to be served at the Division of Corrections. The Defendant will be on five years of supervised probation when he is released.
Mr. Peisinger thanked Assistant State’s Attorney Christopher J. Romano who prosecuted this matter and commended the Harford County Narcotics Task Force and the Maryland State Police Forensic Science Division for their hard work and dedication in conducting the investigation that resulted in the arrest and conviction of Mr. Lambert. Charges are still pending on Lambert’s co-conspirator.
“What To Make Of Polls That Show Americans Are Trending Toward The GOP”
(FiveThirtyEight – Bias Rating: LEFT CENTER Factual Reporting: HIGH)
The problem right now is that many – way too many – Americans, both Democrats and Republicans, are frustrated and angry. They feel our political, judicial, economic, and social systems are fundamentally broken. The question ahead of us is can we put it back together again? It’s not a ‘party thing’. It’s an ‘American thing’ and I just don’t know if we’re up to the challenge ahead of us.
Hi Bob,
I was going to continue to ignore you until you answered one of my questions… you won’t. Okay.
I’m bored… so let’s go. I know your cowardice will avoid these as well… but, as I said, I’m bored.
You wrote: ” It’s not a ‘party thing’. It’s an ‘American thing’ and I just don’t know if we’re up to the challenge ahead of us.”
Do you really believe this? And who is this ‘we’ you speak of? Don’t you dare project this train wreck you wanted onto anyone but you, and the folks who follow like you, do.
How do you reconcile this statement while the left has a monopoly on cancel culture? And seeks to expand its use and borders?
Sorry, Bob… you are unhappy with the revolution your philosophy is unleashing. You voted for this division. You voted to crush freedom. You voted to drive wedges in society. You voted for class warfare. You voted for racial disharmony. You voted for $30T debt. You voted for inflation. You voted for destroying this country. Tell us, Bob… why are you not happy with your vote?
Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. Open Your Eyes
Sir, Ma’am
Good Evening to you and to all of the others who have replied to your posting. I hope that you will not think me obnoxious for these comments, and I certainly have no desire to walk over you, or the others on this thread. I have no problem leaving this thread so you all may continue.
On another thread, initiated by Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms., Open Your Eyes contributors voiced there concerns about the present situation in this country. All agreed it was undesirable. Even Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. Bob found the present situation to be undesirable on his own thread. I tried not to preach to the choir in my responses, rather tried to summarize everyone’s thoughts together, perhaps not gracefully. I did enjoy the comments, apologies if anyone was insulted.
Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms., Bob lamented that the situation was to far gone. I disagree, most emphatically,, I believe that others from the previous thread do too. It can be changed, for the better. The question is not how, but when.
Just one question, If there was any one issue or topic that you would choose to change as a start point, what would you choose?
The illegal and unconstitutional practice of persecuting our people over supposed “crimes” that cause absolutely no harm to others would be a good start. However, the enforcement of the unconstitutional Code of Rules and Regulations generates too much money and keeps our prisons full, which the New World Order and the Democratic TRAITORS Against America will keep in place because they OWN the Bureaucracy….
Notice the bias and factual rating that this traitor added to his statement. Bob, is a member of the Democratic “Not See” Party and is in allegiance with the NEW WORLD ORDER and the Chinese Communist Party. People like Bob, hate America and the values of this great country. Bob, will do anything to help the “Not See” Terrorists he worships destroy the United States. Bob, should be executed for treason, but Bob and the rest of the “Not See” traitors get a free pass for waging war against our country. Bob, is a serial liar who uses the “misinformation” of all the terrorist regimes I have mentioned to try and convince the uninformed to join his “Not See” coup. If you believe in the “Not See” treason like Bob, you are a traitor too. Don’t be a traitor, a Democrat or a Republican. Be an American. Be a citizen of the United States. I’ve been saying this for the last decade, but now, Bob, seeks to use my idealism as a platform to expand the “Not See”ism onto others. Please ignore Bob. He is a traitor and a piece of garbage…just like Joe Biden.
Ha…. I don’t take him seriously… long past that. I saw his posts about gerbils have been removed, too bad; those were easily the most entertaining things posted. Was hoping responding and giving good reason to respond with drivel would provoke another round of hilarious posts. Otherwise Bob is just another troll… I suspect he likes to stir the pot, thinking we’re getting upset… I’m not… I just love his adventures, I laugh about them all day, that part of me that will never quite get out of middle school.
“Maryland Gov. Hogan won’t run for Senate, despite GOP push”
(Associated Press – (Bias Rating: LEAST BIAS Factual Reporting: VERY HIGH)
This is good news for Dems who are concerned about maintaining the majority in the Senate. I think Larry might have his eye on the 2024 Presidential race.
“Scientists link doubling of Texas earthquakes to oil company water injections”
(United Press International) – Bias Rating: LEAST BIAS Factual Reporting: HIGH)
If you live in west Texas, near these fracking wells, you might want to consider moving. I never realized that the current fracking process produced such a nasty by product. The disposal of which could cause earthquakes. Go figure.
As far as our environment and our planet goes there is no such thing as a ‘free lunch’
“Watters: Biden administration coordinating with Mexican cartels”
(Fox News (The Bulls**t Factory) – Bias Rating: RIGHT BIAS Factual Reporting: MIXED)
This is absolutely revolting. It’s hard to find words that even begin to describe this Fox broadcast. This kind of junk is garbage. It’s worse than yelling fire in a crowded theater. “If we lose our decency, we lose America”
Bob, there is nothing new about the government being involved in the importation of supposedly illegal substances and other illegal activities. The CIA was bringing in heroin thru the military way back in Vietnam and was bringing cocaine and marijuana in the 70’s and 80’s. The funds were used on “Black Projects” and the whole thing was used as an allowance for the traitor government to wage war against the United States. Furthermore, if you examine Biden’s past and his dealings with foreign nations used to enrich himself and his family, there should be little reason not to believe that Biden is once again in bed with enemies of the United States to cause damage to this country while putting more money in the pockets of his scumbag family. Keep being a brainwashed idiot and watch our country be destroyed by Biden and his administration…
By the way, WE THE PEOPLE find your sources that you list as “factual” to be nothing more than propaganda agents of the Democratic “Not See” Party and the sources you list as “biased” to be the tellers of truth.
Lynching Postcards: ‘Token Of A Great Day’.
(NPR – Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER Factual Reporting: HIGH )
This is a sobering reminder of man’s inhumanity to man. I just can’t comprehend how so many people could accede to such brutality and hatred. Racism is vicious! To this day the legacy of American slavery continues to hold us back, keeping us from fulfilling the American dream.
Slavery hasn’t been practiced in over a 150 years, yet the Democratic TRAITORS wish to remind everyone of the evil practice every time they can. Always remember, the Democrats were the slave holders and fought hard to keep slavery in America. Democrats, like Joe Biden, fought hard to keep the civil rights movement down and opposed freedom of the black race. Democrats were the KKK and other organizations that did these lynchings, even after slavery was ended. The Democrats are an evil bunch of treasonous liars and you can not trust a Democrat. To this day, Democrats are working hard to enslave all Americans, regardless of your race. The Democratic Party must be destroyed for being a treasonous anti-American terrorist organization parading around like a political party. They created ANTIFA and BLM. That should be all the proof you need…
“Biden signs into law first anti-lynching bill in U.S. history”
(Axios – Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER Factual Reporting: HIGH)
“This law makes us face our nation’s history, and helps us recognize the need for systemic change to advance the values of a truly multicultural society.”
You are an idiot. This bill was signed by the man who tried to prevent the civil rights movement for decades and has created crime bills that were obviously racially biased when he created them. Furthermore, the study is based on lynchings between 1865 and 1950, which makes the data used as stale. When was the last time we heard of a person being murdered by a lynch mob? The text of the bill will be used to give whites harsher sentences than blacks for the same damn crime and is once again a racist statute from the start. This is what Democrats do, they make racially biased bills, especially against white people. The Democratic war on whites is appalling. We are ALL equals and should receive the same punishment for the same crime. Bob, you disgust me and are an obviously racist piece of crap. The statute is illegal, unconstitutional and an act of fraud, war and treason.
First of all I am a firm believer that hate crimes should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The laws should be fairly enforced and the current assumption that only certain groups can be victimized needs to be eliminated. Hate is hate. With that being said I concur with much of what SoulCrusher has said. Clearly the Democrats and liberals know that their guy is an abysmal failure in almost all of his endeavors. He is arguably the worst President this country has experienced in my lifetime. The country is spiraling in to a sewer. The Democrats know this. What do they do? They reach into their old playbook (which has about two pages) and attempting to deflect “Exceptional Joe’s “ extreme ineptness by trying to energize their rapidly dwindling base by attempting to further fuel division to gain political traction. Truly pathetic. By the way, the last lynching in recent years that I can recall occurred in episode 3 of “Yellowstone”.
Sorry, my wife just corrected me. Season 3 of Yellowstone.
The point is the statute doesn’t address “lynching” and will be used to progress a narrative of racial hate crimes that will not be actual hate crimes. I also don’t like the way they expanded the definition of what “lynching” is, but that seems to be what Democrats do. If we keep allowing them to redefine everything, based upon their “Not See” Treason, they will literally be able to call anyone a lynch mob participant, yet no one ever got lynched. It is plain Democratic stupidity and is part of their “Not See” agenda. Look, I would hope that most murders are born of hatred because I wouldn’t kill another person unless I hated them or I was defending myself. Hatred is a human emotion and their is no Constitutional Authority to prosecute hate. Who determines what hatred is? Statutory jibber jabber like this is going to be used in a manner to prosecute whites and allow stiffer sentences for whites, which isn’t what this Country is about. We haven’t seen blacks or any other race prosecuted for hate crimes, except white people. It is what it is and if..the statute is nothing but pure Democratic idiocy and their narrative that white supremacy is the greatest threat to America is a joke. The greatest threat against America is the Democratic Traitors Against America and their Democracy of idiots and thieves.
Why Are Canadian Protesters Flying Confederate Flags?
(FP News (Foreign Policy) – Bias Rating: Least Bias Factual Reporting: HIGH)
Recently, the likes of Cruz, Jordan, Greene, Boebert, DeSantis and Trump have been speaking out in support of the Canadian Truck drivers. The DHS (Department of Homeland Security) is tracking the potential of a truck convey in America. Far-right American extremists would like nothing better than to have this movement spread chaos and unrest in the US.
One redneck flying a Confederate flag does not make ALL the protesters extremists. We have all seen what is going on. What the protesters are saying is the COVID shutdowns will end or they will shut everything else down. Shutdowns didn’t work. Masks didn’t work. Experimental drugs marketed as vaccines, but weren’t really vaccines, didn’t work. It is time for the Democrats to get their heads out of their asses.
“Three Senate Republicans urge archivist not to certify the Equal Rights Amendment”
(CNN News – Bias Rating: LEFT BIAS Factual Reporting: MIXED)
It’s ridiculous for ERA supporters to think that the 28th Amendment will become part of our Constitution if the archivist of the United States merely publishes and certifies it.
Congress extending the original deadline and states being able to rescind their original support of the amendment has made the entire process unmanageable. There should have been a new resolution or maybe the Supreme Court should have stepped in and made some sort of a ruling.
I am a strong supporter of the ERA. It’s a given we need some sort of Equal Rights amendment Let’s straighten out the current mess, pass an amendment, and move on.
Maybe Democrats, liberals, and BLM can learn something from the Canadian truckers. It is possible to make your point, through peaceful means, without committing arson, destroying millions of dollars of property, contributing to the unnecessary deaths of innocent citizens and injuring and killing police officers. Some how they are trying to play the only card they know how to play. The race card. When you know you have nothing try that. One of the truckers was photographed holding a Confederate battle flag with a truck tractor in the center and the left automatically characterize all of the protesters as racist due to the actions of one redneck who happens to be a truck driver. I watched many video news accounts of riots during the summer of 2020. Many of those observed destroying property and assaulting police officers were wearing or displaying BLM clothing or flags. So this question is directed at some of the race baiting, divisive POS who post on these topics. Following the logic of the liberal left would it be fair for me or anyone to conclude that based on the actions of the rioters, many of which were displaying BLM memorabilia, that all supporters of BLM are arsonists, destroyers of property, and enemies of police. I open the floor to the King of the race baiters.
“Trump-endorsed gubernatorial candidate Dan Cox calls for impeachment of Maryland Gov. Hogan”
(Yahoo News – Bias Rating: LEFT CENTER Factual Reporting: HIGH)
This QAnon conspiracist regularly genuflects & kisses Trump’s ring. He is an embarrassment to our state. Perhaps he should pack his bags and move to Mar-a-Lago.
Five police officers shot, three others injured while trying to save a child in Phoenix . I have to wonder why the story about a red neck in Canada gets posted by the liberal police hating, race baiting POS on this thread and the Phoenix issue does not. Why do you think this is? How about this. The liberals are in tailspin panic mode. All they have left is to attempt to create further division and blame it on conservatives. They will attempt to create a narrative based on the actions of some misguided Idiot and project it as the ideology of an entire group in attempt to regain some type of political traction. They are truly pathetic and seem not to concern themselves with long term negative consequences of their actions. Truly pathetic POS!!!
Hey OYE,
First, I think we all know the answers to your questions.
Second, please be more respectful to feces.
Third, as I said to our resident dimwit a long time ago… when you’re only firing blanks… when every punch you throw catches air… whatever cliché is used; it boils down to this: When all you have is nothing, nothing is all you have. AOC is called out for her levels of stupidity and responds that her opponents just are jealous not to date her. Really? Can that be taken seriously? Of course not.
Let the flame baiter post his little links… none of us should respond or even hint at what we all know.
This post is about opioid overdose and a conviction connected with the dealer… first thread is about political affiliation… then we get Hogan’s intentions, earthquakes, Mexican cartels, lynching, Canadian protesters, the ERA, and impeachment… none of it about the article. I’m going to take my own advice and just plainly ignore this individual. It is either a juvenile thinking it is upsetting folks or some old idiot… either way, not worthy of anyone’s time.
Advice to me – ignore… everyone else – ignore, please. Hopefully the gerbil posts come back… I need a good laugh.
Enjoy the weekend.
It is because the so called news organizations aren’t really reporting news. They are reporting politics and political propaganda. It can truly be said that we are living in an age of not just State run news agencies, but politically motivated news agencies. Sometime in the last few months, I saw an ad on a local news broadcast. I can’t remember if it was channel 11 or 13, but it was one of the two. The ad was targeted at asking your local Congressmen to increase Federal Funding of the local news agencies. You see, even our local stations are already being controlled by the government and this is the definition of State run media. It is truly sad that not just the big national media networks, but our local news networks are actually being funded by the government to the point that if they don’t get their Federal Funding they might not be able to stay afloat. It doesn’t get any more corrupt than this and this is how your government is controlling what is being reported. Now, with new findings in the Durham investigation, we now see that the Clinton Campaign actually paid to have Trump’s servers hacked so they could then link his servers to Russian IP addresses and this would confirm the so called Russian collusion. The FBI always knew this, but they let the Democratic hoax go on and this plagued Trump’s Presidency from the very start. Totally unbelievable that the FBI and Intelligence Operatives were all involved in this….to try and diminish the 2016 election, yet we are supposed to believe the 2020 election results.
Great Super Bowl! Moving on. Somebody on this thread once said that there was nothing there in the Durham investigation. Possibly that individual might not have had all the facts or was just a naive blind Trump hating liberal. The sad part is the findings of the Durham Investigation may not be formally pursued by the Biden DOJ but the truth has been exposed even though some will chose not to accept or will chose just to ignore it. A lot of liberal commentators look a little bit silly lol.
ALL of the Democratic Traitors said it. ALL of the RINO’s said it. I’m actually surprised the Bureaucracy has allowed the Durham Investigation to continue. It seems that Trump was the BEST President of my lifetime, which I already knew, but condemned for saying it. He was truthful to the American people and tried to make our Country get back to being number 1. It is now obvious that only Democrats command the Bureaucracy, even when the Commander in Chief isn’t a Democrat. The Bureaucracy must be disassembled. The Democratic Traitors that currently occupy unelected positions of government and are running the Country on behalf of the Democratic “Not See” Party and the New World Order, must be removed. The problem is half our population has been “educated” and conditioned to accept the “Not See” rule of those whom have no authority ordained by WE THE PEOPLE and will elect morons, like Joe Biden, to keep us moving in the direction of brainwashed idiots that want to be ruled, not governed….
What do you do for a living that allows you to compulsively comment on every topic, every issue to advance your narrative…..Just asking as you seem obsessed with commenting on the Dagger Press Comment lines???
What do you do for a living that allows you to ask someone what they do for a living and expect them to answer your stupid question? Why do you care? I can comment on the Dagger just like everyone else and I can do it anytime I like. There is no law that states otherwise…
Word on the street is that some of the employees of the computer tech company that were paid for by the Clinton’s have made it clear that they will not be the one without a chair when the Durham music stops. I think the Democrats have been caught bobbing when they should have been weaving and zigging when they should have been zagging this time. Somebody might have stepped on it hard. Going to be interesting to see how it plays out.
“Six questions about Clarence Thomas and Supreme Court conflict of interest”
(Politico – Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER Factual Reporting: HIGH)
The Supreme Court has become all about partisan politics. We need to depoliticize our highest court before it loses all credibility. Term limits and a Code of Ethics would be a good beginning.
Another issue that should be addressed is the Senate’s Supreme Court confirmation process. We have allowed these hearings to erode into some sort of political circus.
I agree with Senator Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) when he said the following:
“Cameras change human behavior” “I think we should recognize that the jackassery we often see around here is partly because of people mugging for short-term camera opportunities.”
It’s always been legal to manufacture a firearm in the United States for personal use.
Maybe this state needs to a better job keeping its Klingons under control.
I’m going to have my video equipment ready for the last day of the gas tax repeal. It should be a blast at the gas pumps. FJB
“In a stunning victory, Amazon workers on Staten Island vote for a union”
It’s all about the power of one person to make a real difference — Christian Smalls sure did!
Elon Musk just became the major stockholder in Twitter. Could mean big changes. It might contribute to a more fair playing field during the election process. I am quite sure the Democrats are watching the situation very closely. How does the saying go? “What goes around comes around.” The plot thickens
It is interesting because we will now find out if the Democrats will destroy a person and a company that makes electric cars, which is part of their green agenda. There is no doubt in my mind that they will now concentrate on Musk and attempt to destroy him, due to his political beliefs in fairness and free speech. The Democrats do not like anything fair and they hate free speech….To be a Democrat, at this point in time, is to be a TRAITOR against the United States.
Well, I hope it doesn’t mean that he reverses the tables on them by restricting their free speech… such childish and/or tyrannical behavior is not fitting for adults. I expect the left to do those things.
I find the break down of the Left both amusing but also incredibly hypocritical. They had absolutely no issues with Twitter and it’s usage until Elon Musk acquires it and states that he intends to make it more “free speech “ oriented. Now you have the likes of Joy Reid and Ari Melber, to name a just a few, having a total meltdown. Reid is playing her usual race card. Big surprise. Then you have Ari Melber whining like a little bitch. He suggests that the restructure of Twitter could compromise the outcome of elections by silencing candidates and inhibiting their ability to have their message get out to the public. I’m quite sure that has never happened before. What a whiny little Bitch! I guess when he was young his mother would only let him play football when the odds were 11 against 1. I have to wonder if he thought that was fair. Now the restructuring of Twitter may have reduced his odds to maybe 11:5 and he and the Left are concerned. Having to win without cheating, lying, or the “fix” being put in place concerns them greatly. Maybe he and the Left need to take a “chill pill” as another poster once said and start thinking about addressing the real issues. Thank God they have “Exceptional Joe” to navigate them through these very troubled waters. I sure hope that boat has enough life vests.
Agreed. If the left has their way they are allowed to prohibit any free speech that doesn’t suit their narratives. it is disgusting, as well as unconstitutional. If it is unconstitutional, it is illegal because the Constitution is the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND. Neither side should be able to prohibit free speech and using corporations to satisfy that political whim is unconstitutional.
I will bet you that Mr. Musk will not lose any sleep over the opinions of Joy Reid or the epitome of veracity and integrity Adam Schiff. I love watching the left implode.
If the Democrats possessed an ounce of integrity and desire for transparency they would push for an independent special investigation regarding the activities of Hunter Biden and let the chips fall where they may. The smart money says it will never happen. Let’s all see just how “exceptional” Joe really is.
Who knows, the Biden family may end up making the Corleone family like the Cleaver family. Just saying.
The new Democratic talking point is that the Biden’s did all their corruption while Joe Biden was a private citizen, yet they went after Trump’s whole family for things they did as private citizens. Does anyone see the hypocrisy? No. The Democratic morons do everything they accuse everyone else of. There is no way that Joe Biden didn’t use the office of Vice President to help himself and his family financially. There is no way that Obama didn’t know he was doing it. This isn’t just about the Biden’s. It is about the entire bunch of Democratic TRAITORS betraying our country and our people.
Well Joy Reid is at it again. Now she is saying that “Americans are only concerned about Ukraine because it is white and mostly Christian “. How long is MSNBC going to give this race baiting POS a forum? It is no wonder the ratings remain where they are. She is causing incredible amounts of unnecessary division. Maybe she will subsequently try to deny making these comments and attempt to say she was “ hacked” again. Truly a pathetic POS!!!
She is a racist and those she appeals to are racists too.
America is a violent country. And sadly, it’s growing more violent with each passing day!
Why is it becoming more violent everyday? How about because many liberals and Democrats have been waging war against police and coddling criminals. How about because you have a President , who is a terrible leader, and who puts issues of crime on the back burner. How about when the improper actions of certain groups are ignored or diminished in the name of political correctness. How about the lack of assigning accountability and culpability to many because it doesn’t fit certain narratives. How about so called entertainers poisoning the minds of our youth and promoting violence. How about the absence of a strong family unit and Christian values. That should get you started. You might want to consider how liberal philosophies have exacerbated the issues which you are concerned about. Liberals are like the grasshoppers in the Aesop’s fable. They played and played and only thought about themselves and didn’t think about the future while the ants prepared for it. I guess the liberals are going to find out real soon about how rough the winter will be.
Looks like you have it covered. However, it won’t matter to the left. They are busy using wide brushes to paint the entire country to mirror what their philosophies have done in relatively small parts of the country. For example, I see some on the left will say the country is violent… by what measure? If you remove the Democratic, progressively run cities from the crime statistics this country actually has one of the lowest murder rates on the planet. To acknowledge this FACT would require the left to confront the TRUTH they advocate for crime, they advocate for corruption, they advocate for racism, they advocate for genocide, they advocate for every illness society can suffer. However, do not wait for such confessions… blame the guns.
A perfect example of my point regarding the MSM lunacy regarding the application of the concept of “political correctness”: Yesterday there was a horrific mass shooting in New York City injuring several people. Preliminary suspect information obtained by police was that the suspect was a short, “dark skinned”, heavy set male, wearing a construction vest, For what ever reason, many of the MSM outlets omitted the suspect’s race or color description during their reporting, Why??? This is an extremely important descriptor. The police rely heavily on following up on leads and information provided by the public to assist them in their investigation. I am quite sure there are many short heavyset males, many legitimately wearing construction vests on the streets of the city. I have to wonder how many times yesterday that the police investigations were hindered and misdirected by concerned citizens calling in sitings of short, heavyset males of any race. Why did the MSM omit this extremely important piece of the puzzle? One logical explanation is that they did not want to cast a negative light on a certain group in the interest of political correctness. Absolute insanity! People of all races sometime commit terrible acts. Sorry. Withholding information for any reason keeps dangerous people on the street unnecessarily. If the shooter was white I would hope that his race was clearly stated, repeatedly, by any all news sources. He needs to be removed from society. Bottom line. Failure to report properly or attempting to conceal bad behavior is wrong in any circumstance. Actually when the smoke clears and people think about the incident in it’s totality, there is a good possibility that the actions and intent of the MSM may have actually contributed to further division.
Will the President, Jen Psaki, or the MSM label and condemn the New York City subway shooting incident for what it was? A savage “Hate Crime”.
I’m sure none of them will say anything. They hate America. Most likely he’ll get a day pass to a Disney park. FJB
Why would they condemn it? It is what they want. If the Democratic TRAITORS Against America can convince WE THE PEOPLE that we need to be ruled because of violent behavior created by the government, its policies and the education provided to us then they will be able to take every right away that we are guaranteed. Yes, the shooting was horrific, but the assailant was educated to hate everyone around him either by the Democracy of idiots and thieves or from personal experiences. This doesn’t mean he isn’t responsible for his actions and should be let go. He committed legitimate Common Law Crimes against innocent people who never did a damn thing to him. I say he should be given a trial and executed.
The violence is caused by a combination of unconstitutional law, government policy and the lack of a real education. It is the government that causes this crime. If there wasn’t unconstitutional law, the governmental policy of betraying our neighbors and turning in one another and the fake education that behavior is a crime, even when there is no victim, there wouldn’t be violence as we see today. People are people. People will do violent things when angered. The government creates anger, division and violence. It is time to take our government back and make it law abiding again. The greatest criminals in this nation are those whom work for the government or the elected officials of the government. It is sad, but true….
I find it interesting that the MSM has already buried the coverage of the New York City subway shooting/hate crime. I guess they placed it in the same vault where the Waukesha incident and the Sacramento massacre are stored. Out of sight out of mind when it conflicts with your narrative. Can you say blatant hypocrisy?
“What to know about Judge Kathryn Mizelle, who struck down the travel mask mandate”
(NPR – Bias Rating: Left-Center – Factual Reporting: HIGH)
What a piece of work this lady is. Just what you would expect from someone who thinks SCOTUS Judge Clarence Thomas is “the greatest living American.”
“If CDC concludes that a mandatory order remains necessary for the public’s health after that assessment, the Department of Justice will appeal the district court’s decision.”
“Outrage After Police Detain Crying Black Child Over Stolen Chips”
(Yahoo News: LEFT-CENTER BIAS Factual Reporting: HIGH)
This sort of thing screams “Alternative response option”
The article by its title alone implies a possible inference of police bias towards black peoples. Welcome to today’s liberal journalism. Let us analyze the situation from the limited information provided. First of all there had apparently been the the theft of a bag of chips from probably a store. How did the police become involved? Probably from a call for service initiated by a call from a representative of the store. It appears that the initial information was that a black child, approximately 8 years of age, who appeared to be unsupervised had taken these chips prompting a call to the police. It is not known if an attempt was made to contact the child’s family or if it was attempted without success. The poster speaks of “alternative response options”. Ok, what would they be? Allow the child to leave, not knowing if he were a runaway due to issues at home. Allow an 8 year old to leave and walk the streets unsupervised running the risk of being abducted by a predator or hit by a car. I can hear the news now. “ A young black child, who was in need of supervision, was abducted or killed after being allowed to roam the streets by a white police officer who failed to follow policy”. How about calling a social worker and have them respond in their usual timely manner only to have them punt back to the police once they finally got there. The police officer decides to drive the child home. The child refuses to get in to the car. The officer does not handcuff him but instead grabs him by the arms above the elbows and slowly walks the child to the car. The video did not not indicate that the child was yanked or excessively manhandled. Yes the child was crying. He was probably scared or possibly having a tantrum. There appeared to be no improper conduct, name calling , or profanity.
I have to wonder why the race of anyone needed to be in injected in to this article. If it were a white child would this have been a story? Probably not. There was no improper conduct. It does not surprise me at all that the story was presented this way. In my mind just another attempt by liberals and the left to fan unnecessary division. Furthermore, I was definitely not surprised that this minor incident was chosen to be be posted by Bob on this forum. I have called him out in the past for being a cop bashing race baiter. I thought he might have tried to amend his divisive ways. I guess I was wrong.
“Syracuse mayor responds to viral video of police accosting 8-year-old boy accused of stealing chips”
This incident highlights the tension between law enforcement and the people they serve. I agree with Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh when he said, ” What has occurred demonstrates the continuing need for the City to provide support to our children and families and to invest in alternative response options to assist our officers.”
After reviewing this incident I’m sure the Syracuse Police Department will learn and adjust their response to future similar situations.
The police did the proper thing. The kid was stealing. I don’t know what you want. If you teach them that they can steal then they will steal. I think you need to get your head out of your ass and realize that no matter what age they are stealing is wrong and the appropriate thing is to at least scare them when they get caught stealing. Nothing to see in this video except what happens when police are doing their job properly…
“A new angle, a discussion with dad: Police and mayor discuss viral video for first time”
“Viral video prompts question: Who should respond to calls involving kids?”
“Best practice would be someone else responding to this call. Simple as that.” – Syracuse Police Deputy Chief Joe Cecile
“I Did That” while I was paying $4.01.9 for a gallon of regular today. Good job SNIFFY.
As far as the little thuglet in Syracuse is concerned, I really don’t give a fuck. I’m sure he’ll grow up to be an upstanding member in his community. As long as he stays there, and doesn’t get out to infect the law abiding areas of New York State, I’m sure the taxpayers are just fine with that. It’s the same way I feel about that Gumby/Mosby shithole called “charm city”. FJB
McConnell slams president behind ‘court-packing’ panel for completing Jackson appointment before Breyer leaves
(Fox News: Bias Rating – RIGHT – Factual Reporting – MIXED)
What a hypocrite McConnell should be the last person to accuse the Biden administration of “continuing to erode norms and our institutions.” This is the same guy that blocked President Obama’s Garland nomination in 2016. If Republicans regain control of the Senate in 2022, Mitch will likely attempt to block hearings should any Supreme Court nominations open up in 2023 and 2024.
LOL, Garland as attorney general has testified under oath that he is either a liar, incompetent, or both. Blocking him from a lifetime spot to rule on cases that affect virtually every aspect of life (and life itself) was a true public service. Be happy… you got one through… she may not know what makes a man a man and a woman a woman, but at least she isn’t lying to us – yet, that we know of.
And the icing on the cake for this post… condemning McConnell for something he will ‘likely’ do… HAHAHA!!! I guess the phrase “elections have consequences” applies only in convenient situations.
Quit whining about things that have not even happened. However, your entertainment value has not diminished. Too bad for you HB 1 didn’t pass… the outcome of the midterms would already be determined.
The following is a summation of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s testimony in court today:
‘I don’t know’ – ‘I can’t remember’ – ‘I don’t recall’
I was somewhat surprised that this horrible lady didn’t show up in full body armor, toting an AR-15. She has zero credibility and is the absolute bottom of the barrel.
“Opinion | Kevin McCarthy Will Live to Lie Again”
(Politico – Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER Factual Reporting: HIGH )
It’s a given that McCarthy is a chronic liar, without honor, who has violated his oath of office. What’s really alarming in this matter is that his constituents will likely reelect this deplorable in 2022.
Not me for sure.
I enjoy high rates of inflation.
I like paying out the ass for fuel and food.
I think it’s great the stock market is taking a shit and wiping out retirement plans.
I thinks it’s wonderful how the useless democrat motherfuckers want to disarm the AMERICAN PEOPLE while their cesspool cities are turned into kill zones.
I think it’s great to appoint people who carry their cocks in their pocketbooks to cabinet posts.
“It’s a given that McCarthy is a chronic liar, without honor, who has violated his oath of office”. – The same can be said of every Democratic Traitor who took part in ALL the Trump hoaxes. I think McCarthy made some statements before he had all the evidence that he has now…however, it is what it is.
“New study suggest Baltimore residents largely against calls to ‘defund police'”
(WBFF Baltimore News: Bias: Center Right – Factual Reporting: HIGH)
This doesn’t surprise one bit. I have always believed the overwhelming majority of Baltimoreans, especially those who reside in communities most impacted by violent crime, want to REFORM, not defund, the police.
I am not sure that we would all agree on the same definition of “REFORM”.
Does anyone know how I can apply for a civilian police job down in charm city? I’ve got no law enforcement or criminal justice experience (except for maybe a related time or two) so, do I qualify? Or, are those jobs going to be filled by friends and relatives of mayor Gumby and other baltimore “leaders”? I know they’re going to pay well, probably a lot more than a qualified uniformed officer makes. It’s worth a shot to do my part to reform the system, plus I’m confident I won’t have to do a fucking thing except collect automatic raises.
“Police reform bills stall in Maryland General Assembly’s 2022 session”
I disagree with Sen. Robert Cassily (R-Harford County) when he said the following.
“I’m watching what we’re doing again, this session, and it seems like we’re continuing the theme of anti-police legislation.”
Meaningful reform is pro-police. Reform is not a ‘nice to have’ it is an absolute ‘must have’. We must move forward and make it better for both our citizens and the police that serve and protect them.
What exactly does meaningful reform mean? Define that with some details… perhaps a utopian version what it looks like. Please.
I fully understand the rationale behind your post. During my career as a police officer on different occasions I was selected to participate in committees formed to address police reform. Input was requested from the community. Some of the input was beneficial to include various types of police/community interaction, citizen review boards, eduction programs, etc. Unfortunately a large part of the input was in my mind counterproductive. Basically many were demanding that the police should have no right to engage certain groups. They basically wanted to be free to conduct their affairs with total immunity. Teflon. Much of the input received was provided from known career criminals where the police doing their jobs was interfering with their criminal income. Certainly positive aspects of police reform should always be welcome and evaluated. However, the motive of those providing input should also be a factor in determining subsequent policy.
Thank you for that. I’m curious what Bob actually thinks here.
I consider ‘meaningful reforms’ to be measures that improve the situation. I don’t have issues with anything in the Police Accountability Act 0f 2021, Do you? So, if you want some detailed examples of what I would consider ‘meaningful reforms’ just go online and read the Act.
A “meaningful reform” would probably require the police to actually follow the law instead of breaking it to investigate a suspected crime. In particular, the police, prosecutors and judges are ALL allowed to break virtually ANY law in order to gain a conviction of a CDS case, as according to the current statutory jibber jabber involving CDS cases. They can lie, fabricate evidence, illegally incarcerate and coerce to gain CDS convictions as according to the Maryland Code involving CDS investigations. This is all illegal, unconstitutional and an act of fraud, war and treason. This reform needs to happen, as it has effected many Marylanders, including myself, to remove all life, liberty and pursuit of happiness unless we follow the orders of a traitor judge who illegally and unconstitutionally convicted a private citizen of their unconstitutional law and then that particular citizen has to agree to let the police get away with everything thru the use of a reconsideration hearing. This is more than grievous, it is TREASON and is punishable by death as according to the Constitution and the 2nd Continental Congress whom did set the penalty. When you war against the Constitution, either State or Federal, you have committed TREASON and violating our rights to enforce unconstitutional law made on behalf of foreign nations and religions is unacceptable. WE THE PEOPLE don’t need the redemption of a criminal organization who claims to be the law. There is only ONE law and that is that of the Constitution for the United States and the Maryland Constitution in this State. Anything in violation of that REAL law is TREASON. That is the way it is and until these provisions involving the CDS Act are removed from the codified jibber jabber, the Judicial Department will remain a criminal organization, under color of law.
Okay, looked it over… I do not have enough information to either have an issue with or against the new law. I suspect I need to see its impact first. Holding officers accountable for excessive force sounds really good, I’d agree. I suspect I need to educate myself to see the extent of these types of laws already in practice, fully implemented, in other jurisdictions to begin to form my opinion. I know that LEOs are being killed at a 60% higher rate this year compared to last. If that stems from ambushes as opposed to officers fearing for the legal mess they find themselves to run afoul of these new laws… well, that will impact my opinion.
Since we have broken ground with your willingness to answer a question… I’ll try my luck with a couple more.
If studies reveal that LEOs are dying at an increased rate due to these types of reforms; would you still support them?
Secondly, since holding policing agencies accountable seems to be popular; what would you support for holding criminals accountable? What kinds of reforms would you support to curb this crime wave created by progressive municipal policies (example, district attorneys not prosecuting cases of theft under $1,000 in value)?
Honestly, Bob, this second one truly has my interest. You have spoken on here before about the abysmal condition of Baltimore City. I think that city is worse in some parts than others, we can call those areas ‘underserved’ areas. If crime rates in those areas exceed a businesses ability to operate, and thus create deserts of goods/services; what can the governing authority offer to restore those areas?
It seems to me a solution can be found, but there are those in power keeping that power and profiting from their position of power not willing to risk losing that power and wealth to actually do anything. These folks are easy to spot: they keep blaming the instruments of crime rather than the criminals holding the instruments. Crimes are not committed BY instruments, but WITH instruments. Democrats and progressives control the entire power structure in Baltimore City, and have done so for decades. The sad condition of that city sits entirely on the shoulders of those governing, as does the solution. Lately the state has been a convenient scapegoat to blame, since the governor is a Republican. The next occupant is likely going to be a Democrat. So, now the focus will – again – be taken away from the real problems and allow to fester or grow, as has been the case for over 50 years.
How do you fix that?
I understand and share your concern for our Law Enforcement Officers. I would never support any reform, change, or practice that would endanger their safety. I agree with FBI director Christopher Wray when he said the following,
“Violence against law enforcement in this country is one of the biggest phenomena that I think doesn’t get enough attention.’
“Some of it is tied to the violent crime problem as a whole. But one of the phenomena that we saw in the last year is that an alarming percentage of the 73 law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty last year were killed through things like being ambushed or shot while out on patrol. … Wearing the badge shouldn’t make you a target.”
What has happened in cities like Baltimore boggles the mind. Our politics are broken. Our leaders have allowed ‘underserved’ areas in our cities to become ‘racial ghettos’, where crime & violence rule the day, not law & order. Politicians like Scott and Mosby have abdicated their responsibility to lead. I was hoping that perhaps Governor Hogan would intervene and provide some state resources to help the situation, but that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen. It’s not a Democratic or Republican thing. Sadly, it’s an American thing.
In my opinion, to say guns are only the “instruments” of violence is somewhat disingenuous. The bottom line for me is America has too many guns, legal and otherwise. It’s just too damn easy to get a gun, pull a trigger, and wound or kill someone.
Phenomenon defined:
‘A fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen especially one whose cause or explanation is in question’
“Violence against law enforcement in this country is one of the biggest phenomena that I think doesn’t get enough attention.’
I have to wonder why a 60% increase in police deaths, to include ambush and targeting situations in our country should be considered by anyone , especially those on the Left, to be a “Phenomenon”
For years the Left and the MSM’s weaponization of race for the purpose of fueling division and their vilifying of police has been common place. They have projected and image, particularly to people of color, that the police are targeting certain groups. This gross misinformation spawns fear which sadly incites violence towards and against police. It is my contention that both the Left and the MSM are in many ways responsible for the uptick in violence towards police. In many cases the blood is on their hands. Then they attempt to put up a facade that they are unaware of how this could happen. Truly pathetic.
Hey Bob, thank you for the response.
The city is worse than a quagmire. I’m not confident I share the view that Hogan or any other governor would or could intervene in the city. Again, the progressive/Democratic end of the spectrum profits too much in terms of holding power and making money to resolve these issues. Face it, do you honestly believe the city of Baltimore is going to elect a mayor and city council dedicated to restoring law and order? If so, it would have happened long before now. Sadly, the voters seem to respond to those offering the most from the public feeding trough. Add to it, we all know if Hogan were to take one step into fixing the mess all kinds of accusations would fly out of City Hall akin to shaking a hornets’ nest. It will just never happen.
Sorry, I just cannot share the position this is an ‘American thing’. I’ve done nothing to create or perpetuate the ‘snitches get stitches’ culture of the city. I have neighbors who look out for each other. We keep an eye on each other and our property to ensure safety. If and when someone runs counter to our local peace and order we call for help. My local politicians may make money from developers turning farms into subdivisions, but at least the criminal element is held at bay.
Your assessment of firearms is also a bit disingenuous. It is far too easy to ILLEGALLY obtain firearms and use them ILLEGALLY. The problem is that criminals are the ones who entertain criminal enterprises. When I buy a firearm I have a background check, a required license even to make the purchase, a wait period, etc. The criminal just let out on bail after holding up a convenience store will take less time to replace his/her illegal firearm than it takes me to fill out the paperwork to legally make a purchase. The problem is not guns or even access, but WHO has easy access… criminals. Get them in jail and keep them in there. If that means 40% of the population is incarcerated… so what? It’s like a drunk a trying to drink himself sober. If the solution to the drinking problem is taking shots of vodka after taking shots of whiskey… honestly, don’t expect me to agree.
I’d agree the solution is not a Republican vs. Democratic one. However, the problem becomes partisan political when the solutions are not really solutions. I think the problems get exacerbated when we have elected officials thinking that simply offering recreation facilities alone are going to erase the ‘gang culture’ these kids are immersed in. When we think addiction treatments and job training are also part of the solution is another false flag.
Do I think these things should be offered? Yes, of course. However, to think that simply securing a few million dollars to build and operate a recreation center that will bear the name of the sponsoring politician is going to get rid of ‘snitches get stitches’ or keep felons behind bars… yeah, no.
As for state takeover… read this about a recent city problem and the state stepping in. The leadership’s response? ‘It started before I got here.’ And we have to scratch our heads and wonder why the city is a mess?
Have a nice day.
What the hell do any of the Cassilly’s know about reform? This treasonous family has absolutely no business even being allowed to hold public office. I agree that police should be allowed to do their jobs. I agree the police should be allowed to gun down thugs and murderers, without remorse or penalty, especially if the offender pulls a gun on them. I agree that ALL crime involving theft or destruction of property should be prosecuted fully. However, the Cassilly’s created a statewide CDS racketeering ring and used their positions to enrich themselves and other members of the government using that same racketeering ring. For God’s sake, DeHaven even got a Jaguar from that racketeering ring. Let’s not leave out that they tried to give the eldest brother a PAY RAISE thru legislation that did blow up in their faces. It may be best that the Cassilly’s just fade away and stop acting like their shit doesn’t stink.
Wow, Marjorie Taylor Green’s latest ‘conspiracy’ theory now includes a comment about “Satan controlling the Church”.
It goes without saying that she’s not the sharpest tool in the shed. This lady is dangerous. The good news for America is, left to her own devices, she is self-destructive. I urge the citizens of her district to vote this abomination out of office.
8 dead, 24 wounded in Chicago weekend shootings and the there is still ten hours left. Typical Democratic run big city. What is the Mayor doing about this routine senseless loss of human life? What is President Biden doing? Maybe this should be addressed as a Home Land Security Issue but apparently the Biden administration has assigned them other priorities. After all according to President Biden and his administration “White Nationalism” is the greatest threat to America. I would be interested to see data correlating the weekly senseless deaths occurring in our Democratic cities, particularly to people of color, and White Nationalism. I realize their narrative supports the weaponizing of division, a frequently used strategy of the Left, but is often times not based in fact. I really don’t think that the President’s commission to address disinformation will attempt debunk “fake news” that facilitates the Left in their endeavors.
“This home has been on the city’s vacant building list for nearly 30 years”
The crime and violence that is ongoing in cities like Baltimore are heartbreaking. Approximately, 5,000 of the 15,000 abandoned, vacant properties are in the 9th district. The real tragedy of this situation is that city of Baltimore and the state of Maryland have the ‘wherewithal’ to address and fix the problem; however, they lack the ‘will
Take a few extra minutes and use the google search within the image to explore the neighborhood. Now, try to imagine what it would be like to live in and raise a family in this environment. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that many, if not most, outcomes in this environment would not be good.
‘Scoop: Esper says Trump wanted to shoot protesters’
(Axios – Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER – Factual Reporting: HIGH)
“Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper charges in a memoir out May 10 that former President Trump said when demonstrators were filling the streets around the White House following the death of George Floyd: “Can’t you just shoot them? Just shoot them in the legs or something?”
Many (too many) on the right are more upset with the ‘leak’ than the fact that America women could be on the verge of losing their rights to abortion.
Hey Bob,
You should really ask yourself a few questions before posting like you just did.
First, the right to an abortion is not going away. It might be relegated to the states as the DRAFT suggested. If someone living in any state wishes to enjoy the rights, privileges, and opportunities awarded by another state that option exists. For example, during the pandemic all the Democratic politicians flocking to Florida to avoid the mask mandates they imposed on the citizens of their own jurisdictions to have mask-less super-spreader events.
Second, perhaps the leak was a nefarious attempt to politicize the process for which the SCOTUS is supposed to be insulated. Your lack of outrage over the leak, and thus the usurpation of the process for political gain over constitutional roles, is illustrative of my previous statement toward you: You wish to politicize the Court rather than allow them to do their jobs. That lends me to believe the leak originated with members or staff from the far left side of the spectrum. To undermine the process of free and open dialogue among the justices to foster healthy debate, and perhaps even affect a vote on the issue when it arises has been damaged.
If indeed this is how the sequence of events rolled out; this leak is far more than a ‘leak’. It is an attempt to manipulate the justice system, it is every bit detrimental to our institutions as the events of January 6th. Last night I received a missive from Senator Van Hollen echoing the mere possibility of overturn and suggesting nothing can stand in the way of codifying infanticide laws in the US. The rhetoric he used was inflammatory, misleading, and indeed open to wide interpretation. He ought to be censured for inciting insurrection and perhaps even civil war.
Put your outrage back in the holster… go back to advocating for this type of jurisprudence… or perhaps jump on the court packing train (?)… by the way… Biden suggesting this opens the doors to a wide array of freedoms… talk about scare tactics. Good grief… such an irresponsible thing to be fed through his earpiece to recite… go back to posting hack links.
Perhaps “Exceptional Joe” should( from time to time, revisit some of his past statements and positions which are on recoverable record. You know things like abortion, school segregation, etc. When will the Left finally be able to admit that this guy doesn’t make a pimple on the ass of the type of leader we need NOW! Furthermore, when will they acknowledge that wheel is falling off the Democratic Party. Not just one but all of them.
Urkidding, Thanks so much for validating my POV regarding “many” on the right.
Sure, Bob… I validated your point was pointless. Agreed, I validated it. I do find it odd that you seem to care at all about a woman’s right to anything. I mean, it’s not like you care about rights at all. I mean, you have applauded the erosion of Second Amendment rights with as much regularity as someone on Metamucil. So, are you a hypocrite or ignorant?
Urkidding, Again, thanks for validating my POV. I appreciate it. You have a great day!
There is no loss of the rights to abortion. The States will decide individually if the procedure will be allowed in their State. There is no Constitutional Right to abortion, but the right to abortion is engrained in the 9th Amendment, as is all rights not enumerated in the Bill of Rights. The fact is there is no Constitutional Authority to allow Federal Jurisdiction over such matters and the same applies to the majority of the US Code. If this majority opinion stands as the opinion of the court, it will in effect uproot much of the unconstitutional law created by the TRAITOR government whom has over reached into society. I have no problem with women having the right to an abortion, as long as reasonable guidelines are followed to make sure we don’t take it too far. Anybody who believes that some of the recent law adopted by certain States involving late term abortion or negating the procedure completely is out of their minds. WE THE PEOPLE have the right to do just about anything we want, as long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of others. That is just the way it is and if you don’t like it, learn to love it…
If this unprecedented leak which occurred out of the Supreme Court was perpetrated by the left, which I believe it was, I have but one question. Do they need to “stack the deck” or as I prefer to describe it as “cheat” to facilitate their agendas? Even if the left was not culpable this time my question still stands. Obviously abortion issues are extremely important to many. I am not sure if the situation can or will ever be resolved. What can and should be addressed is the Left’s continuous attempts at distorting facts and attacking a fair Democratic process to achieve their goals. Case in point, the slow but damning findings of the Durham report. You remember that investigation where “there was no there there”.
It’s time for you to buck up and face the fact that the Durham investigation is an absolute ‘nothingburger’.
Hey Bob… almost missed this one from you. A ‘nothingburger’ you say?
Interesting. I was hoping to link something a bit more reliable than CNN, but, hey… I suspect you trust them.
Urkidding, I’m curious. What media source(s) do you trust?
The Supreme Court is clearly out of control. If the court overturns Roe vs Wade that will be a step too far. We need the following court reforms and we need them NOW:
• Term Limits
• Binding & enforceable Code of Ethics
• Reform the “Shadow Docket”
While we’re at it we also need to clean up the mess that is the Senate SCOTUS confirmation process.
I think it is interesting how the SCOTUS was running well until it didn’t agree with a certain shade on the political spectrum, much like the electoral college (boy, that got quiet fast, didn’t it? LOL). When Harry Reid threatened to push the nuclear button all the observers warned it would unleash a world of misery. And it did.
And this is the one thing I really cannot get past in regard to the left’s crying and screaming hissy fits: Why do you folks defecate on your pillow and then complain how bad it smells?
Term limits are a stupid solution. We now see how desperate the left will get over a hot button issue. The new precedent is being set to leak info to swing a decision. Yes, it is a big deal despite you thinking it is nothing. In the present case the right to an abortion is NOT going away, even if Roe is overturned. It is merely relegated back to the states. RBG warned about this a long time ago, you should really have listened to her. Despite Biden’s dire threats of government coming after other rights in the wake of this… yeah, scare tactics do work on the weak minded.
The justices are already guided by the canons… I’d agree when RBG voiced a public opinion on the outcome of the 2016 election she crossed the line of impartiality. I found that particularly disturbing since it was possible she would she might have had to review the outcome of that election. Very careless, but the canons were there and she chose to ignore them. I might agree that a separate code of ethics may have triggered a harsh rebuke, but we survived. She would likely have recused herself, and if not… she could have been impeached. Again, stockpiling layers of rules won’t make people behave better. See Baltimore City’s crime rates to confirm this.
Shadow Docket: I can get on board with this one, especially since the government is now getting into the business of selectively censoring the media/public. Given the fact recent testimony from the Sec’y of Homeland Security could not even define was ‘disinformation’ was… Agreed.
As for the confirmation process… agreed. The Democrats ought to stop fabricating slime stories to impeach nominees. The last several performances by the Democrats have been horrific. Yet, it also reveals that some nominated to the top bench cannot tell the difference between a man and woman… I find that revealing. Leve it alone. I’m sure the left will be able to invent some accusations against another nominee and you can get all lathered up about it again.
Urkidding, You and I disagree on ‘term limits’. I don’t think they would be a “stupid solution”. Nor, do I believe, it would further ‘politicize’ the court. As I’ve said before, I believe they would increase the Supreme Court’s ‘accountability’.
I’m fine to disagree. The problem, though, is that what you mean by accountability is not necessarily what anyone who has read or studied the Constitution means by accountability.
Creating a rotating cadre of jurists who will each spend at least one year as a lame duck before leaving have ‘nothing to lose’ by leaking drafts on a routine basis.
If accountable means knowing how deliberations are going so crowds of extremists can camp outside justices’ homes is what you mean… then, no.
If accountable means that Chuck Schumer can issue threats against sitting justices… then, no.
If accountable means that Chris Van Hollen sends out inflammatory and misleading information to incite potential violence in response to a decision… then, no.
Perhaps you are correct… it may not be politicizing the court when justices are threatened, when justices are intimidated, and when elected officials incite insurrection; it may just be the type of utopian society the left dreams about. You know… where a ministry of truth can ensure the party line is communicated… where dissenting voices can be muted… where threats and violence keep people in line… yes, a left wing dream world. Regardless what you call it… if you strongly desire and seek this type of totalitarian reform you should make sure you try it on first, I suggest an extended stay in North Korea, Iran, or some other place embracing the world you are seeking. Personally, I prefer the liberalized republic. It has never been perfect, but it is certainly better than any of the rest out there. Yes, you and I disagree.
Bob, the Supreme Court is only accountable to WE THE PEOPLE and the Constitution for the United States, not a political faction. Any inference to “term limits” is unconstitutional as Justices are appointed for life or until they step down. Why is it that every idea a Democrat has is completely against the Constitution? Why is it that Democrats always seem to want to violate or abrogate the Constitution? When you violate the Constitution you are breaking the law because the Constitution is the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND. One more time, please explain to us why you don’t think the LAW should be followed in order to facilitate your political whims.
“Washington Journal: Gabe Roth on the Push for Supreme Court Code of Ethics”
(C-Span: Bias Rating: LEAST BIASED Factual Reporting: VERY HIGH)
This interview is very interesting and informative. Gabe Roth, the Executive Director founded Fix the Court in 2014. He has worked hard to reform our federal courts, especially “The Supreme Court – America’s most powerful, least accountable government institution…” Check out his site – Fix the Court!
Don’t have the interest for an interview, but did look over the website. Thanks for sharing. Since you cite term limits numerous times, and that seems to be a priority for this organization as well as a panacea… I do have a question: How does it prevent a lame duck justice or justice’s clerk from stifling debate on a decision (akin to what recently happened) to coerce intimidation, threats, and indeed violence to effect a favorable outcome?
There is a solid argument that an 18 year term ‘could’ prevent a retirement from occurring under a more favorable administration, but that is not a bullet proof solution either. Such tactics could still be used via resignation prior to an election. If a far right justice was in year 15 at a halfway point of a president’s term, who happened to share ideology, what would stop them from ‘retiring early’ to ensure a similar philosophy would and indeed could survive 18 years (at least) past that point?
In other words, term limits – as I said earlier – are a stupid solution. Changing the rules to avoid a ‘fix’ has never worked in sports, politics, or anything… what makes anyone think it would work here? It would only take some crafty strategy to avoid unfavorable outcomes. I suspect the stars could align once in a while to truly change the complexion of the Court, which recently happened. Again, the left was fine with it when that alignment was favorable to them, but now needs modification because it went against them.
Cue the whining and hissy fits about the electoral college… it’s all good and functional when it suits the favorable outcome, but once it doesn’t… things are outdated and in need of serious reform, etc… it gets tiring. Selective outrage is easy to spot.
I think the more serious problem for the left, and Bob you embrace it, is that the extreme end of that spectrum is embracing extremism even tighter. The problem is that the extreme left probably comprises an even smaller measure of actual power (notice how AOC and her lunatic tribe were shuttered when Biden’s numbers were nearing single digit approval) and she only is allowed to open her idiot mind when things improve. Most issues the extreme left embrace are supported in polls at less than 10% nationally.
And I suspect it is those extremely low supported issues are the ones the left fear the most in the hands of judicial review. One, because they know they are unpopular; and two, because they are unconstitutional. It is the direct result of sinking in affirmation-bias, which the left does all the time and reflected in the obsession of mandates and forcing people to comply with their desires/choices, etc.
Urkidding, You’re short-changing yourself by not checking out the interview.
Fair enough… I’ll check it out. Could you entertain my questions, though, please. I tucked two of them in there, and I am truly curious how you respond to them.
Urkidding, ‘Term Limits’ wouldn’t prevent, nor would they necessarily cause, a ‘lame duck’ justice to attempt to stifle debate within the court. The same goes for a situation where a justice would play politics by ‘retiring early’. What ‘Term Limits would do is increase judicial accountability.
Okay, I watched it… another layer of nothingness toward Clarence Thomas who had to endure the wiles of a racist senator Biden at his confirmation hearings. I think it is properly identified at another misogynist double standard by the left.
He identified January as a ‘coup’? Really… I guess someone should share the FBI’s assessment of that day. Not only not a coup, but not even to the level of insurrection by legal definition. An ugly display for certain, but not what the left truly wants it to be.
Furthermore… lad talks about her tweets ‘somehow’ influencing Thomas on the bench? Conspiracy? Isn’t that convenient… perhaps Biden’s ministry of truth will be helpful.
Lastly, he feels confident the latest appointee will recuse herself ‘as required”. By what? Thought the court operated without any ethics expectations…
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson has ‘already’ pledged to recuse herself in the Harvard discrimination case. Now, Judge Thomas should pledge to recuse himself from any Jan 6th cases that may come before the Supreme Court.
The problem with the Court’s code of ethics is that they are not binding and enforceable.
Actually, I see a fair trade in the works… since it was his wife’s messages and the influence ‘must’ be there…
Now that the laptop has been verified, Biden can confess to being ‘Big Guy’ on all those wonderfully scandalous emails…
A recusal in exchange for a confession. Seems the level of evidence is stronger against the email’s on Hunter’s laptop, but…
In this case the left jumped to gun so they could use a ‘refusal to recuse’ as grounds for demanding his resignation so they could flip the seat… the left’s hysteria is off the rails and laughable for those of us not lathered up by such trivial things.
Think of it like this… imagine, if you will a former president meeting on board an airplane with the attorney general to just share photos of grandchildren… then suddenly a criminal investigation of the former president’s wife running for public office (top job even) disappears days later, poof, just like that! Almost as juicy as another attorney general investigate himself to see if he had committed a crime… guess what? He determined he didn’t! Confess, I didn’t see that coming! /sarcasm off
I keep telling you… every little or big hissy fit exposes the flagrant desperation…
Should he have recused himself? Yeah, he should have. Turns out it didn’t make a difference in the end (hey wait! What difference does it make now?! Thought I heard that one before… haha! Can’t make this stuff up…).
Now, please answer my questions. Thank you.
To remind… term limits won’t get rid of convenient early retirements, so it is likely the ‘fix’ will fix nothing; do you agree?
As the reality that overturning Roe doesn’t really have any effect at all, the focus is back on the politicization and breach of trust within the court. The independence of court has been fractured, honestly, I think irreparably. What among the items in the ‘Fix the Court’ list could or would prevent another leak, or routine leaks by lame duck justices?
I disagree with you about stifling debate. In fact, I’m confident you are beyond wrong on that one.
“MSNBC’s ‘The Rachel Maddow Show’ replaced by ‘MSNBC Prime’ four nights a week”
I will miss Rachel. She is one of my favorites. The way she lays out and presents a story line is top notch.
Even though it appears that Nicolle Wallace has the edge for this 9PM slot, I would like to see Ali Velshi get the job
Rachel Madcow is one of your favorites… such a surprise to hear this. Hahaha…
CNN took a gamble with a new pilot so why shouldn’t MSNBC. I had a great idea. How about if they come up with a panel show structured similar to “Outnumbered “ on Fox. I haven’t thought of a name yet but the panel could consist of possibly Joy Behar, Joy Reid, Rachel Maddow, Sunny Hostin, and to round it off “Bob”. Talk about fair and balanced. They should give it a shot. With their current ratings what do they have to lose?
SHe’ll have to munch on it for awhile but I’m sure SHe’ll find something to sink her teeth into.
Well the Left has overstepped it again. Now they are posting on line the home addresses of Supreme Court Justices and suggesting that protesters go to those locations. Wrong! The residence of anyone, including public officials should be off limits, but not to a group that makes up their own rules as they go along. At one time, the Left had no problem with Supreme Court, term limits, and the amount of Justices as long as it facilitated their agenda. The same goes with their current feelings regarding the filibuster. They are truly hypocrites.
I have no problem with lawful assembly for the purpose of a peaceful demonstration at government and other public places. I had no problem with people going to the Capitol on January 6th to peacefully protest what many felt to be the results of a questionable election. Once you had segments of that group lowering themselves to the level and tactics of the Left and BLM and attempted to violently breach the building they became criminals and should be held accountable. The Left proved during the summer of 2020 that they basically had only one way to deal with conflict. Violence and more violence. I look for the violence to worsen. The Left feels threatened now because they are losing control of a portion of social media and can no longer readily be able to control the tempo of the flow of information. You know censor to benefit their agenda. They are becoming frustrated and will turn to their most commonly used method to deal with conflict. Violence. More is coming! What kind of message is being taught to our children? Truly pathetic.
“McConnell calls US abortion ban ‘possible,’ says he won’t change filibuster to pass it”
Don’t believe McConnell. He would scrap the Senate ‘filibuster’ in a minute to get a federal abortion ban if SCOTUS overturns Roe v Wade. This guy has zero credibility. Let’s hope America votes Democratic in the midterms. A Republican controlled Senate led by Mitch would be a complete & utter disaster for our country.
Except…. the judicial philosophy of returning the issue to the states would be the very grounds to appeal any such law, notwithstanding anything done to the filibuster to achieve it!
Bob… the economy is about to tank for real. Come November, except those regions where Democrats are locked in, I suspect every competitive race will go to Republicans. The House will flip, not sure who is up in the Senate, but if it is a toss, you can expect both to flip.
Biden would be smart right now to sign back all the energy EOs he signed his first day. It is a safe thing to do. Those Democrats who would consider voting Republican would then have to weigh other issues. Folks like you will vote Democrat regardless, he knows it… so even pissing you off is a safe thing. You’ll vote for him or the Dem ticket no matter who is on it.
Republicans only have leverage one issue that is always a deciding factor: are you better off today than you were last year, or two years ago? Right now 95% of the country is way worse off. The strategic reserve tap expired and prices reacted. By end of the summer I think $5/gallon will be cheap if you can find it. Fed interest rate hikes will hit, perhaps pump the brakes on inflation, but then housing slow down will trigger a recession likely pretty deep.
My advice… tell your allies in Congress to stop dismantling all the mechanisms that worked for a very long time to deal with their childish tantrums. You guys threaten it, do it, then whine when the other side follows your lead. As I said earlier, you folks on the extreme left suffer severely from affirmation bias, and it shows. Hint, on most of your topics, your position garners less than 10% in public polling. You guys act like 90% agree… it’s just not true.
If you believe the Supreme Court, as currently configured, would overturn a federal abortion ban law, I have a bridge to sell you. And I suppose you and the rest of the ‘extreme right” aren’t guilty of “affirmation bias”. You need to wake up!
Ah… the gaslight came on. I get it now. Not on the market for any bridges, but that waterfront property you bought has a few issues.
So it seems the mobs are gathering to intimidate justices. Tell me, Bob, do you support that? And the violence against pro-life locations over the weekend, what is your take?
Typically these types of acts of violence draw some sort of rebuke in the form of some categorical condemnation or link to an article doing that for you… so, can we safely presume silence is affirmation?
Violence is the Left’s most frequently used weapon when they don’t get their way. I think that was very evident during the summer of 2020 and currently everyday. Truly pathetic. If a conservative would go to a Justice’s residence to protest the MSM, the Left, and Bob would have a total meltdown. They constantly are attacking the Democratic process when they don’t get their way. The Supreme Court was fine until it conflicted with the agenda of the Left. Now it needs to be amended. The same with Filibuster. The same with Twitter. The Left are total hypocrites in the eyes of the country with less and less people talking them seriously every day. Between “Exceptional Joe”, the radical Left, and the Squad to name just a few the country is going down the toilet. $4.50 gas, inflation, immigration, crime……and the list goes on but we still have those who have posted ridiculous things on this site. You know the ones that said under President Biden the country “is on the right track “ or it is moving in “the right direction” or he “is cleaning up his predecessor’s mess”. To those people I say show me the facts or seek help for delusional disorder. In a lighter note. I recently had occasion to visit the Trump Winery in Virginia. Definitely worth the trip. I was thinking about buying Bob a bottle of wine but I wouldn’t know how to get it to him.
Urkidding, I wouldn’t characterize the activists that protested at the conservative Justices’ homes as “mobs”. With that said I’m not in favor of protests or demonstrations at their homes. Also, I’m against all violence irrespective of what side of our politics it comes from.
If you really want an example of a ‘mob’ in action look no further than those who stormed and broke into our Capitol on Jan 6th in an attempt to overturn the election.
Or how about the swaths of ANTIFA and BLM protestors during the George Floyd riots and the Portland siege…they were magnificent terrorists…as long as they aided the Democratic “Not See” Party.
Bob, that’s precious… ‘activists’… well, I’ve heard the difference between a freedom fighter and a terrorist is whose side you are on. I wholeheartedly would call that mass of misfits that stormed the Capitol a mob, I might even call them traitors. I hope they get everything coming their way.
How would you characterize the ‘mostly peaceful’ protestors from the summer of 2020? You know the ones who killed numerous, torched countless cars and buildings, and otherwise burned cities to the ground to advance the progressive Democratic agenda you embrace?
Bob, there is a difference between you and me that is more than mere politics. For what purpose would or could an ‘activist’ have to protest outside someone’s home? Their place of business is one thing, and frankly to be expected. But, to show up at their home, a place we should expect to feel safe has ONLY ONE REASON OR PURPOSE. ONLY ONE!!!!!! Intimidation to threaten. And once you cross that line you lose legitimacy of your cause, you have become a criminal.
Your ‘activists’ can join that mass of misfits in prison. They are simply two sides of the same coin. One group stormed the Capitol to alter a proceeding, and the other is latently threatening the lives of SCOTUS justices… I do not expect you to draw the same conclusion because – as I said above – you desire the outcomes they seek. You may not agree with the methods (yes, I believe they’d kill them in an instant but for the police stationed there to prevent EXACTLY that from happening), but you sure would be pleased with the court tilting back to the extreme left.
As I said, we are very different.
Urkidding, Yes ,”we are very different”. And that’s a good thing.
“MSNBC guest wants to ‘make sweet love’ to Supreme Court leaker, ‘joyfully abort’ fetus if she gets pregnant”
(Fox News: Bias Rating – RIGHT – Factual Reporting – MIXED)
I know it might not be appropriate. I’m sorry. I just couldn’t help myself. I laughed hysterically when I watched this piece from Ayman’s show on Sunday night. Laurie Kilmartin, a comedian, said the leaker was her hero and she would like to find out who that person is so she could make sweet love to him. And if that person was a Republican and she got pregnant she would gladly abort the fetus.
Bob, I laugh at the fact that Democrats say “My Body, My Choice”, when we are talking about aborting a fetus. However, the same doesn’t apply when we are talking about having an experimental cocktail of chemicals injected into our bodies in the name of COVID. The COVID cocktails don’t prevent infection and do not prevent the spread. Neither do masks. Then everyone wonders why I call it the Democratic “Not See” Party…..
I find it very hypocritical that there are many people that adamantly oppose Capital Punishment because it is “barbaric “ even when the intended recipient committed a heinous act but are willing to take the life of an unborn child that has committed no crimes and has done nothing other than inconveniencing the lifestyle of a woman. Sure there are valid arguments regarding exceptions but you can certainly see the argument of the pro-life side.
The Left has had a lengthy track record of trying to “stack the deck” to control the tempo and manipulate the system to facilitate their needs. When that can not be accomplished by legitimate means alternative measures, to include violence are often employed. With that mindset in place I have legitimate concerns regarding the safety of Elon Musk. The Left have lost their minds regarding the fact that they can no longer control Twitter. The man is too smart and wealthy for the Left to engage by reasonable means.
I hope with all my heart that elimination is not a consideration of the Left but quite frankly I can not discount that possibility.
Currently the Left has concentrated their strategy on utilizing the current abortion as their “silver bullet” . They think that the passion regarding that issue will negate the concerns regarding inflation, immigration, the economy, gas and food prices, and crime to name a few. You can see that the Left’s failure to condemn the violence and protests regarding the current abortion issue confirms that they are “going all in”. Right now, as long as you have “Exceptional Joe” at the helm this is all they have . I have to wonder come midterm time exactly how much juice this crusade will have.
That was my point to Bob earlier… I think the only thing that matters is the economy come election time. The question I have, though, is if the Fed’s actions are going to tank the housing market and cause a catastrophic recession/depression before then? Either way, I don’t see the Dems hanging onto to much. Access to abortion may be important to many folks in some areas, but in most areas I strongly suspect it ranks pretty low, particularly when faced with a tanking economy. But they always have Russia… maybe Steele’s next dossier will be valid…
Urkidding, I’ve got a question for you. I tried to post a message yesterday about comments made by Laurie Kilmartin, a comedian, on the Ayman Mohyeldin show. I included a Fox News link. For whatever reason the Dagger didn’t post my message and flagged it ‘Awaiting moderation’. I have had several messages in the past few months that were the flagged the same which never appeared on the forum.
Have you ever had any of your posts flagged ‘Awaiting moderation?
It has happened in the past. Your post did get posted, look above.
I think the problem is that the post is trolling and in poor taste. I think the ‘joke’ or attempt at humor is the same as cerebral humor or a racist joke. Yup, we’re different.
So what is your take on Lori Lightfoot ‘call[ing] to arms’ abortion supporters? A call to arms? I think we all know what that means… your side is embracing violence, again. What does your support look like when a violent campaign of assassination or insurrection is being promoted to advance your ideas?
Urkidding, I’m not sure about the ‘trolling and taste’ thing. If that were the case most of the posts on the Dagger would never see the light of day. That post appeared on the forum only after my post of May 10, 2022 at 1:12pm to you, which also was initially flagged “Awaiting moderation.
I seemed to have only been ‘pending’ when I attached a link, but not recently. Okay, trolling might be a stretch, but poor taste for certain. I don’t find it funny on any level. But then again I seem to prefer funny humor as opposed to sarcastic/political humor of today where creativity has to be replaced by mockery.
Urkidding, Also, if the issue was so outrageous regarding “taste” I don’t believe Fox News would have posted it on their web site.
Outrageous versus questionable… I don’t see it as outrageous, but very questionable. I wouldn’t ‘censor’ it, I think it is helpful to know who finds humor in racist jokes, cerebral humor, and perhaps even questions about life. When it can be trivialized to simply ‘getting back at someone’ it lowers itself to the level of playground, childish behavior. The annoying kind where the person knows better but went ahead anyway.
Urkidding, Regarding, Lori Lightfoot’s “call to arms’ comment. In the past Trump and his supporters would try to explain away some of their most outrageous comments by calling them “hyperbole’. Maybe, that’s the case with Lightfoot’s comment?
Well Bob, I’ve said it before… I’m not one of Trump’s MAGA crowd… remember, I voted third party. I voted for the woman, and I didn’t need a bio degree to say that. Sitting ‘outside’ this nightmare, of sorts, allows me to see this more clearly. Indeed I view it through the eyes of an old fashioned conservative, the type that embraced enlightened freedom at face value; but clear enough to see that Biden and his extremism is every bit as dangerous as Trump and his. You align with Biden’s vision so you do not see its dangerous side.
Let’s take Kentaji Brown Jackson’s appointment as an example. Is she qualified? Yes. Was she chosen for those qualifications? No, not exactly.
You see, she was chosen because she fit an ‘identity’ promised previously. The deck was stacked in her favor before the vacancy happened. We used to call that racist if it took on a different look.
Was there a more qualified individual for the spot? Maybe, maybe not. I don’t know. I’d find it hard to imagine she was ‘qualified’ above all others that could have been considered. There will always be that one final characteristic to define who gets a job versus someone else. The problem here is it boiled down to identity.
Thus, the only thing you can say FOR CERTAIN, is that she was the ‘most qualified’ in that identity. Does that equate to getting the best? Not really, unless, all other things are equal. In this case, I can’t say that is true, none of us can.
So I ask you… is new racism better than old racism?
Urkidding, Regrettably, extremists have hijacked traditional conservatism? Now is the time for ‘old fashioned conservatives’ to take it back.
Bob, the same can be said of the Democratic Party. I don’t use terms like the “Democratic Traitors Against America” and the Democratic “Not See” Party for no good reason.
“US has the highest rate of gun-related deaths in more than 25 years, new CDC data shows”
(CNN News – Bias Rating: LEFT BIAS Factual Reporting: MIXED)
There was another mass shooting in East Baltimore today. One killed and 3 wounded. Baltimore Police Commissioner Michael Harrison said the gunman was armed with an assault rifle, fired over 60 rounds, and fled into an alleyway nearby. Baltimore City has become a veritable battlefield.
Maybe the CDC should concentrate on disease and not gun statistics. At this point, if anyone actually believes anything the CDC says then they probably should be examined for a mental illness. It is common knowledge that CDC actually stands for “Center of Democratic Control” and not “Center for Disease Control” that it is actually supposed to mean. The CDC has given false information about medicines, treatments and masks to further a governmental agenda, which the MSM has pushed as well. Only the Democratic TRAITORS Against America actually believe this nonsense and maybe the sheep that they intend to lead to the slaughter as well….
“Senator says Biden should consider Defense Production Act to boost baby formula supply”
The infant formula shortage “is a life or death issue” for a lot of babies in the U.S. and a national emergency, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand says.
It’s time President Biden gets off his duff on this issue. I listened to a mother & father today on TV. The father gets up every morning goes to a half a dozen stores to try and find formula. Whatever needs to be done to address this problem, get it done NOW, Mr. President!
This issue is NOT one to be considered to invoke the Defense Act, especially since the issue is partially created by Biden’s incompetent Administration. How about he just allows the manufacturing plant to reopen? I also find it to be reprehensible that there is plenty of formula for the babies of illegal immigrants, but not for the American people. This is just more Democratic hatred against our people and Joe Biden needs to be removed from office.
Somebody needs to get in contact with Nina Jankowicz and tell her she has her first investigation. That would be “Exceptional Joe”. It looks like he just got caught speeding on Twitter. Oh no! Question. When are the MSM and the left going to throw in the towel on this guy? He is a sinking ship.
What a good job they’re doing starving our babies by giving formula to the border jumpers; sort of a retroactive abortion.
Pretty soon they’ll be giving out discount coupons to the rest of the fetus flusher crowd.
“Payton Gendron, Buffalo Mass Shooting Suspect: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know”
The only fact that really matters is the police didn’t gun the little bastard down when they arrested him. When something as horrible as this happens, the police shouldn’t be interested in making an arrest. The police should’ve killed him and then we wouldn’t have to pay for his trial, incarceration and eventual rehabilitation, which will probably lead to his release from prison in 20 years. What he did was pure evil and there is no reason to figure out why he did it.
I truly hope that Mr. Gendron’s case is investigated and prosecuted on the Federal level utilizing Federal statutes where the death penalty could and should be applicable. This guy is a truly disturbed and dangerous sociopath which the country can do without. My prayers go out to all of those who were killed and injured because Gendron’s racist mentality was not immediately identified by law enforcement and or mental health professionals. I watched a press conference made by New York Governor Hochul where she pledged to attack and eliminate racist extremism. I think this is a good endeavor but have to wonder why it wasn’t initiated earlier. On April 12th, Frank James, a Black Nationalist, who posted numerous anti-white messages on line, threw a smoke bomb into a crowded subway, and shot people as they exited the train. Obviously an incident motivated by hate. Obviously racially motivated extremism. For what ever reason the incident was not enough of a catalyst to initiate an anti-extremism action and efforts by the Governor’s Office at that time. The bottom line is hate is hate no matter who harbors it.
“Fox News suddenly goes quiet on ‘great replacement’ theory after Buffalo shooting
(The Guardian: Bias – Left-Center Factual Reporting: High)
How much longer will Fox News (The Bulls**t Factory) continue to give Tucker Carlson and other far-right extremists a forum to spread their racist hate? Enough is enough!
Last time I checked, it is the Democrats who are STILL pushing race based policy and have always been the party of racism. You can keep pushing the Democratic lie, but anyone with common sense knows that the Democratic “Not See” Party is full of crap. That includes YOU, Boob.
“37-Second Montage Is All It Takes To Expose Tucker Carlson’s Hypocrisy”
(Yahoo News: Bias – Left-Center Factual Reporting – High)
‘Testicle tanning’ is not really an issue for Tucker because he doesn’t have any of those to worry about.
“Scoop: Chris Wallace to anchor new show on CNN”
(Axios: – Bias – Left-Center – Factual Reporting – High)
This is good news. Chris has always been one of my favorites. Unlike his previous employer, Fox News (The Bulls**t Factory), he is ‘fair and balanced’.
“Biden invokes Defense Production Act to increase infant formula supply”
(Reuters: Bias: – Least Biased – Factual Reporting: Very High)
It’s about time! I can’t quite figure out why it took so long for the President to initiate this sort of emergency action.
“Tired of Massacres? Get Rid of the Guns”
Gail Collins wrote an opinion piece in the New York Times today with the above title. Check it out. Her solutions to the problem are simple and straightforward. A big step forward would be to bring back the 1994 ban of semiautomatic rifles.
Unless we do something quickly ‘body armor’ will soon be a ‘must have’ for grocery shopping. Concerning guns –Less is Best!
Ban the American Hating Liberals. FJB
When you disarm the public it allows a tyranny to flourish. What do you really think the Democratic “Not See” Party really wants to do? If WE THE PEOPLE can not defend ourselves from a senseless regime of idiots and thieves then freedom will be lost. Guns keep us free. That’s just the way it is…
“In the past,” Gottlieb said, “Biden has advocated bans on semi-auto rifles and 9mm pistols. That’s also not a solution because it attaches blame to guns instead of the people who misuse them. At a time when we need to bring Americans together against these unspeakable crimes, Biden and his fellow Democrats always find a way to divide us over guns. This is a time for sound judgment, not sound bites. It’s too bad anti-gun Democrats have chosen to not be the adults in the room.
“Half of the states have adopted permitless carry to make it possible for citizens like the ones murdered in Buffalo to fight back,” he added. “It never occurs to politicians such as Hochul or Biden that they have been wrong on gun rights all along. But they have been disastrously wrong, and the proof is the police tape around the Tops supermarket in Buffalo.”
Your advocacy of this is unsurprising. The problem is that these types of measures do not do anything. You seem to recall the infamous North Hollywood Shootout in 1997, a few years after your coveted semiauto ban. Why did the two perpetrators of that crime not abide by the law?
Let us make this simple… if you are in fear of possessing a semiautomatic firearm that will cause you to go on a massacre type event, do not legally or illegally buy one. I have no fears, none what so ever, I will commit such a crime. Therefore, I do not, and frankly neither does the state, fear I pose any risk to the population.
If you think these types of measures actually will work, you need to exert your efforts finding ways to get the criminals to obey those laws better than the ones they plot to violate. Good luck.
Whoopi says that gas prices and inflation are not the fault of “Exceptional Joe”. Maybe he should get rid of the clueless Janet Yellen and appoint Whoopi.
I was rather convinced after the recent hearings on UFOs that somehow the blame would shift to ET as well… I guess my question becomes this: If prices did miraculously drop by 40% in the next two weeks, would the credit for such a favorable fluctuation also get pinned on Putin’s collar? How exactly will this game work? Some of us are curious.
“Speculation over whether Biden will run again heats up”
(The Hill: Bias Rating: LEAST BIAS Factual Reporting: MOSTLY FACTUAL)
My guess right now is President Biden will not run for reelection. At this point I’m undecided regarding an alternative. I’m not a big fan of Vice President Harris. Her job performance, so far, leaves much to be desired. Let’s hope she gets her act together.
Job performance so far? Oh boy.
As most Democrats did, I find her average… out of, what was it?, 25 or 26 candidates in 2020, she exited almost square middle of the pack. That gives her average credentials in terms of the campaign. Willie Brown of course saw a greater asset for her future, though.
You see, Bob, that’s the problems with identity over actual merit promotion – or, well, you know… – other types of promotion methods… you are not really getting the best. I covered this topic for you recently. You get the ‘best’ of a certain characteristic (or performance), but certainly not the ‘best’ candidate.
If I were a Democratic strategist… I’d find a way to get Bernie his shot. I personally think he would make Biden look brilliant economically, as Bernie would have us harvesting meat from the zoos before midterms. Biden’s reputation can go from a plagiarist/worst president to plagiarist/second-worst president. At the very least, make sure it doesn’t become or remain a field of 13… the image of 13 people, that could represent each of the 13 troops Biden had killed in Kabul; may not play well with most audiences. (Yeah, not forgotten…)
Congressional Black Caucus Chairwoman Representative Joyce Beatty of Ohio blamed the recent Dallas Korean Salon shooting on a white supremacist. The only problem was the shooter was a black man with a history of anti-Asian interactions. Oops! Looks like the Left got caught speeding. They have attempted to weaponize race for political leverage again. In the last two months there have been to high profile horrific displays of racial hatred in our country. In one a Black Nationalist throws a smoke bomb in to a crowded New York subway and starts shooting people as they left the car. The suspect had a documented history of hating white people as displayed by his on line posts. He was a disturbed man who committed a violent act of hate. Then you have a deranged young white supremacist sociopath who travels over 200 miles to a predominantly black area of Buffalo and begins shooting black people in supermarket. The suspect had a documented history of hatred towards black people as displayed by his on line posts. I am not sure if either of these individuals had formal affiliation with actual hate groups or organizations. What has been displayed by both of these incidents? Racism exists by both white and black people and needs to stop. Instead of addressing the issue from all sides the Left, the liberal MSM, and the Democrats attempt to weaponize race to gain political traction. They know that is their go to strategy. They have implied if you are white, a conservative, a Republican, and you don’t follow their narrative you are a racist and or a white supremacist. Furthermore, anyone in that category is an immediate and real threat to all black people. A total fallacy. They don’t care because in their warped minds they can gain political headway. They really don’t concern themselves with the long-term effects of their actions by constantly fueling division. Hate and prejudice can and is harbored by people of all races. The problem
needs to be addressed fairly and transparently on all fronts. Sometimes it appears that the Left is comfortable and has no problem moving our country in the direction of a civil or class war to accomplish their goals. I am an old man with not an abundance of time left on this earth. I do have great concerns regarding the safety and quality of life in the future for my children and grandchildren.
Agreed, for the most part. You have to remember that it isn’t illegal to hate or be a racist. Emotions can not be criminalized. It is the crime that occurs that is illegal. Just because someone hates a certain race or religion doesn’t make it a crime. You can still live peacefully and choose not to include that race or religious follower in your life. The problem of teaching hate and using it politically is another issue. Yes, we shouldn’t teach hate, even if it is to hate one’s self. We shouldn’t use hate politically as well. Those whom do so should be shunned or ignored. However, I’m not gonna cry foul at someone because they hate, I’m just not gonna be part of their lives. That’s my opinion.
“Biden’s approval dips to lowest of presidency: AP-NORC poll”
(Associated Press – (Bias Rating: LEAST BIAS Factual Reporting: VERY HIGH)
Of particular concern for the President and the Democrats is the precipitous one month drop (82% to 73%) of support within his own party.
Why should it concern them? Do you expect anything differently?
Biden has spent his entire life on the public trough, and plagiarized along his way. He has always been an empty suit carefully hidden and obscured from his own racism, ineptitude, and flagrant inability to do anything productive beyond spend the money others work hard to make. At long last he has to ‘lead’ and has to ‘perform’…. but we can see what his type of creature can actually do. Little wonder he failing miserably.
Add into this nightmare the very strong probability he is only doing and saying what the teleprompter typist is saying… well… yeah… poor showing. Let us just hope the ship doesn’t sink before we can get to a safe harbor.
“Catholic bishop bars communion to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi over abortion rights support”
(CNBC – Bias – Left-Center – Factual Reporting – Mostly Factual)
Not a good thing for Archbishop Cordileone to do especially “after the Vatican last year warned U.S. bishops against a move to deny communion to President Joe Biden, a Catholic who supports abortion rights”.
All this does is politicize religion. My advice, as a fallen-away Catholic, for this Bishop is worry less about barring people from Communion and more about addressing the child abuse issue within the clergy.
“Report details widespread cover-up of sexual abuse among Southern Baptist leaders”
(PBS – Bias Rating: Left-Center Factual Reporting: VERY HIGH)
Just like the Catholic Church. the Southern Baptist has refused to address the issue of child abuse by their ministers and clergy. Much of organized religion is quick to condemn abortion, yet is willing to ignore and deny sex abuse reports. Their hypocrisy is stunning.
Pelosi: Why doesn’t Catholic Church punish death penalty supporters?
(The Hill: Bias Rating: LEAST BIAS Factual Reporting: MOSTLY FACTUAL)
The Catholic Church has become a master of hypocrisy.
She knows how to do the right things to get a head and certainly how to get to the root of the issue
Just received a silver alert on my phone for the D.C. area.: White male , 78 years old , with what appears to be broken puppet strings hanging from his body, who thinks he is the POTUS and who repeatedly will utter “it is Putin’s fault” He may rarely be seen in the company of a middle aged giggly, clueless, light skinned black female .
It must be Joe and the Hoe…
Congressman Hakeem Jeffries D-NY said on Face the Nation that he predicts that the Democrats will hold on to the majority in the midterm. Furthermore, he said that “Exceptional Joe” has done “ a very good job”. Interesting. A perfect example of blind partisan politics. I would be very interested in reading his written justification for such a hypothesis’. I would like to see if the old adage applies that “figures don’t lie liars figure”
This is because the Democratic TRAITORS Against America believe that doing harm to the United States is a good thing. The Democrats will not rest until they have destroyed everything about this Country and have instilled “Not See” Terrorism here while every American becomes a slave to the TRAITOR Government. Anyone who thinks the current Government is doing a “very good job” should be removed from office, charged with TREASON and hung by their necks until they are no more…
“Americans feel uneasy as economic concerns grow — CBS News poll”
(CBS News – Bias: Left Center Factual Reporting: High)
“Uneasy & worried” is how I feel about the state of our country. This CBS poll is sobering. It reflects the fundamental divide that has become the new face of America.
This was my personal favorite… “Mr. Biden does get relatively higher marks for caring about people than he does for being quick to react to events (though neither finds a majority). In fact, as the administration has been critiqued for being slow to address inflation, that now echoes in the public’s larger criticism directed at Mr. Biden, that he is slow to react generally. It’s not just his political opponents who say this: more than a third of Democrats say it of Mr. Biden, too.”
So, most folks are tired of his naps and ignoring the problems of the country… surprise. Aside from the network’s rose colored glasses analysis… Biden is a failed presidency.
The jury is still out regarding the Biden Presidency. The good news is that he has over 2 years left to clean up the mess left by his predecessor. The bad news is the democrats might lose control of one or both houses of Congress.
Ummm… clean up?
Are you telling us that Afghanistan is ‘cleaned up’? You mean, the Taliban who gave all these assurances to Obiden (loved that) about protecting women’s rights, etc… have you missed all the news out of that country lately? Every promise, it seems, so far has been broken. Obiden didn’t even fill 13 body bags for a noble exit. And let us not even get started on all the hardware left behind… clean up?
Are you telling us inflation is under control? You mean the new record high rates of inflation each month… the outlook so bright that virtually every measure of the economy shows us heading into the abyss? And what do we hear from this administration? Well, one out of 78 data points looks good… so, cheer up! And get used to it. Cleaned up?
Are you telling us crime is under control? You mean new record high rates of crime in virtually every city that keeps statistics? This becomes even more staggering when you consider some of those progressive cities have stopped calling some crimes, crimes. So they do not report it. So even by redefined, definitions crime rates are not rising, they are SOARING. Cleaned up?
Are you telling us the international stage is cleaned up? You mean how Obiden has failed in every category of foreign policy? I know by the autumn of 2023 the Democrats are going to try to convince everyone Putin invaded Ukraine prior to Obiden taking office… however, I fear too much has been time stamped on this one. The failure to deter Putin may indeed go down as clearly and illustratively the worst foreign policy failure in US history. Not to mention his constant non-tele prompted comments being rolled or walked back because he is either senile or as stupid as his reputation was for all those years (plagiarizers plagiarize for a reason). Clean up?
Are you telling Obiden has covid under control? You mean how he claims there was no vaccine prior to his taking office? This pandemic was been wrapped in lies, money, and deceit from day one… and this clown of a president has only made it worse. Then parading the fear to the monkeypox… oh, you must be kidding… when does the fearmongering end? Clean up?
Are you telling us the southern border is under control? You mean how record levels of illegal immigrants have crossed the border… even those with evil intent? Caravans of folks came trooping north wearing his name on their shirts as he took office. He dismantled every program that was getting control of the situation. He has also compromised our national security by colluding with foreign nationals to place this nation at risk. Cleaned up?
Bob, this is EXACTLY why I called you a prole. Predictable and useful to Big Brother. If you can honestly look at how things are in this country and world today, and yes! much of it can be squarely placed at the hand of actions taken by Obiden… how can you see him doing a good job? On any of it?
Here is a challenge for you, and the kicker is, I am not a Trump supporter… tell me how good a job this president is doing without mentioning Trump, Republicans, or anything else prior to his inauguration. List his economic, foreign policy, and domestic tranquility successes with supporting data. Not his dreams, but accomplished policy.
I’m not really sure what mess that Bob is referring to.
Was it low inflation?
Was it a thriving economy?
Was it energy independence? Was it a much more secure border? Was it a lower unemployment rate for minorities? Was it respect on the world stage? Was it a less crime ridden nation? Was it a safer world? I look at the country today run by a total inept boob and have to ask how could it be much worse? What has been made better? I guess Bob’s tunnel vision failed to see that 3/4 of the people of our country feel that we are going in the “wrong” direction and apparently are not happy with “Exceptional Joe’s “ leadership. In conclusion I feel that Bob’s post should be perceived as an antagonistic attempt at getting attention. It doesn’t seem to be based on fact only his unbridled contempt. Really pathetic actually.
Look it up.
CBS News, a Fucking Joke. Bias: Far, Far Left, Jizz Receptacle for the Deviant Left, Hates Straight White Males.
Factual Reporting: You Must Be Kidding
If you’re a hard working American, Obiden and Co. are doing all they can to fuck you over. I don’t need a poll to tell me that fact.
Mr. President, Please! If you do nothing else, this country MUST have reasonable, commonsense gun control and reform.
When your only tool is a hammer, all your problems look like loose nails. And that is sad because the problem here is a ‘leaky pipe’, and that hammer won’t help.
All gun control legislation is unconstitutional. End of story.
“On Monday, the Supreme Court said no. The court, in a 6–3 decision that fell along the usual ideological lines, ruled that the two men couldn’t introduce new evidence that their previous lawyers were ineffective when asking the federal courts to intervene.”
Yet, one more, Supreme Court travesty. It boggles my mind that 6 judges would make such a ruling. What’s particularly disturbing is that two litigants involved are on Arizona’s death row.
I agree with Justice Sotomayor when she wrote in dissent, “This decision is perverse“
“The Real Reason America Doesn’t Have Gun Control”
(The Atlantic: Bias: Left-Center Factual Reporting: High)
Unless the Senate reforms the ‘filibuster’ there is little or no chance that we will be able to pass commonsense federal gun control laws that can make a real difference. The Senate is broken! And if we choose to ignore this fact, the carnage of gun violence goes will go on day after day.
Another aspect of the gun violence issue is the amount of influence and control the gun lobby (NRA) has over the Legislative branch of our government. It’s all about money. We got to break that hold. If not, we’re stuck!
Common sense question: How will people breaking current laws suddenly follow new ones?
If new laws are ‘commonsense’ this should be easy to answer. So, please, give it a try. Thank you.
Commonsense tells you if Texas did not allow an 18 year to purchase a gun, especially an assault-style weapon, this might have prevented the Uvalde mass killing. Seems more than reasonable to me.
Commonsense tells us that there is no way to prevent mass killings when there is still a Democrat Party, whom is educating young Americans to hate each other and everything about this country. To be a Democrat is to be a TRAITOR against our Country.
So, let me get this straight… someone who is going to kill (illegal act) a room of people in a place (illegal to carry) after leading police on some form of chase (illegal act)… is going to consciously pause before forming these ideas, then abandon them simply because the ‘law’ doesn’t allow him to ‘legally’ obtain a firearm to commit the act?!?
Look, I know you dream of government goon squads going to house to house, kicking in doors to seize firearms of all types in some misguided and misinformed belief you’ll be safe.
Safe from what? What will you seriously be safe from? It certainly will not be the government, the only ones armed in your world. It won’t be safe from knives, rocks, cars, trucks, etc…
What happened in Texas was a tragedy. The big problem is that it is being exploited by the left to push an agenda that is misinformed, misguided, and misdirected. With each passing day we learn more and more the ‘official’ word from the government officials is wrapped in various versions of truth. Sad.
I dunno Bob… you are either incredibly naïve or stupid.
Urkidding, In this matter I’m neither naïve or stupid. Laws don’t prevent crime. Laws deter crime. The left is not trying to exploit what happened in Texas. What the overwhelming number of Americans want are reasonable laws that would deter gun violence.
Okay… provide me a reasonable law that would deter what happened in Texas. But, let us not discriminate here either. I want your reasonable law to deter what happened in the Waukesha, WI, Christmas parade that killed 6 and injured 62. No one has called for the banning of the van that did that… yeah, the van… not the driver. That is how the trusted media crafted that story.
I’m not fooled by all this… the underlying effort has nothing to do with keeping anyone safe, it is simply to disarm the population. Period. Once we are disarmed nothing stands in anyone tyrant’s way to do as they please. If this were about safety… the conversation would be on mental health and doing what we could to identify very legitimate threats. As long as the focus stays singularly on a legal instrument protected by the Constitution, these events will continue. Don’t be fooled.
Urkidding, It’s pretty simple. For starters – How about a relatively simple, straightforward law prohibiting anyone under the age of 21 from purchasing an assault-style weapons. Many, if not most, states prohibit the purchasing of alcohol by those under 21. So why not prevent those under 21 from purchasing assault-style weapons?
Because many people under the age of 21 rely on motor vehicles to get to school, work, and other places. Don’t forget, I cited a case with an ‘assault style’ van. I do not share the idea it is reasonable to restrict ownership and/or operation of motor vehicles from people under 21.
Actually, here in Maryland the age for possessing regulated firearms is 21. How is that working in Baltimore City? I own a handgun (regulated firearm) and had to go through the HQL class, then apply for a license to purchase, make the purchase, wait the mandatory number of days, and then finally got my ‘weapon of war’. Do the kids shooting each other up in the city go through that process? Do you think they bypass it and buy illegally?
So, you want me to reasonably expect a kid who wants to commit multiple felonies with a firearm is just going to wait for their 21st birthday to do so? Do you think it is remotely possible they will obtain the firearm illegally?
C’mon, man. These laws are only making harder and more restrictive for those ALREADY OBEYING the law.
So, go ahead… pass a 21 year-old gun purchase age… works in Baltimore City, doesn’t it?
By your logic, the murder rate in Baltimore City should be dwarfed by the rest of the state where firearms are more readily accessible, right?
So, no… your suggestion is illogical, misleading, misguided, and utterly ignores the actual problem.
Try again.
Urkidding, am I correct to assume that you feel laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol to those under 21 are also “…illogical, misleading, misguided…”?
A false parity. Try harder to defend how your suggestion is working in Baltimore City already. You stated restricting sales to people 21 and over would result in a safer society. Maryland has that law already. The murder rate in Baltimore City is on a record pace in a sad direction. Your suggestion should be lowering that rate, not raising it. Explain that for me, please.
Urkidding, There you go trying to be slick again. A simple yes or no to my question would suffice.
Bob, there you go deflecting and avoiding again…
It’s a false parity. I cannot answer your question to your satisfaction in this discussion because it has nothing to do with this discussion.
Either we can talk about access or limitations to firearms OR we can talk about age restrictions and responsibility for alcohol. Trying to connect one to the other is dishonest and you know it.
In terms of limiting firearms to 21 year-olds, the misguided, illogical, and misleading belief is that fewer [mass] shootings will result. Baltimore City has had a sad and grim pace this year in terms of loss of life, and the age of purchase is already over 21… how is that working? Does it matter if it happens all in one event or spread out over months?
Restricting alcohol has a myriad of reasons surrounding it, not merely responsibility. It does not compare in any honest fashion. Thus, restrictions on its availability to certain age groups makes sense. The same reasoning that keeps 5 year-olds from getting driving licenses or 12 year-olds from getting marriage licenses. See, it doesn’t equate… answer my questions.
Urkidding. We both know why you won’t answer my question with a simple yes or no.
Well, I’d like to think it is because you woke up to the fact your question is a false parity, but I doubt you can see that. I sense you feel you posed a question that makes you feel like you trapped me in some sort of intellectual dilemma, etc… well, Bob, since being wrong is something you have perfected into an art form… here goes:
You asked: “Urkidding, am I correct to assume that you feel laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol to those under 21 are also “…illogical, misleading, misguided…”?”
First, assume nothing.
Second, banning alcohol to those 18-20 is illogical. As long as we ask them to carry those scary weapons of war to defend our freedom, I do find a logical disconnect to deny them a beer.
Third, it might rise to the level of misleading to assume the drinking and driving problem in this country, which precipitated much of the push to raise the age limit (with a healthy dose of federal bribery), was eliminated with raising the age limits. The laws for DUI/DWI had to be stiffened in the wake of raising the age limit because the barely perceptible shift in statistics did not provide the desired outcomes.
Fourth, in this case not misguided. There is physiological evidence that excessive alcohol under the age of 25 does have some ill-effects on the still developing brain. I would argue if this was about health or responsibility to ensure good brain growth the age should have been raised to 25.
So, there you have it, Bob. Since you posed a question completely off topic about alcohol consumption that I felt was not important to your response to my questions… I went ahead and answered it for you anyway. Turns out it is a combination of yes and no. So, you are right about ONE thing… a simple yes or no was insufficient.
Okay, Bob… your turn.
#1: So, you want me to reasonably expect a kid who wants to commit multiple felonies with a firearm is just going to wait for their 21st birthday to do so? Do you think it is remotely possible they will obtain the firearm illegally?
#2: Those trusted elected officials in Baltimore City blame easier access to firearms, especially those dastardly ‘ghost guns’ for their problems… so I asked:
By your logic, the murder rate in Baltimore City should be dwarfed by the rest of the state where firearms are more readily accessible, right?
Now… I won’t make any assumptions, and I feel confident you won’t answer these questions, any more than the ones I’ve posed in the past. C’mon man, be brave… you can even break it down if it is complex. I won’t confine you to ‘simple yes or no’ responses.
Urkidding, You have allowed your mind to become an absolute muddled mess of convoluted logic and gibberish. Your repeated fallback is to obfuscate, distract and complicate.
Your Question:
#1: So, you want me to reasonably expect a kid who wants to commit multiple felonies with a firearm is just going to wait for their 21st birthday to do so? Do you think it is remotely possible they will obtain the firearm illegally?
My Answer: Yes, I do think it is remotely possible they will obtain a firearm illegally
Your Question:
#2: Those trusted elected officials in Baltimore City blame easier access to firearms, especially those dastardly ‘ghost guns’ for their problems… so I asked:
By your logic, the murder rate in Baltimore City should be dwarfed by the rest of the state where firearms are more readily accessible, right?
M Answer: Wrong. I disagree with the premise you attempted to set up for your question. The query you pose reflects ‘your’ logic, not mine. In fact, I suspect just the opposite. I think guns, especially illegal ones, are much more readily available in Baltimore City than in the rest of the state.
But…. Bob, you said passing a law requiring the minimum purchase age for a firearm at 21 will make us safer. Since Maryland law requires 21 already, how is it keeping Baltimore City safer since it is in Maryland? Last I checked they are experiencing increased number of murders… and as the city is being exported to the suburbs the crime is following it (we’re seeing it already). The suburbs are in Maryland also…
You claimed raising the age to purchase to 21 would make things safer. The data does not support that in Maryland.
And you said of me, “your mind to become an absolute muddled mess of convoluted logic and gibberish. Your repeated fallback is to obfuscate, distract and complicate.”????
Always good for a laugh Bob, always… and you are right again… you certainly work under a different logic. What astounds me; you were the one who ran an argument about the drinking age to make a point about gun safety. Clearly a different logic, clearly… Best compliment I got this year. Thank you.
Urkidding, Let me try to clear up your mess a bit. Below is what I said on May 27th
at 12:52 pm:
Commonsense tells you if Texas did not allow an 18 year to purchase
a gun, especially an assault-style weapon, this might have prevented the
Uvalde mass killing. Seems more than reasonable to me.
It’s a simple forward statement that I stand by. Please note I made no mention of Maryland or Baltimore City. Also, when I bought up the 21-yr old age issue in a subsequent post I didn’t mention Maryland or Baltimore City. You’re the one that bought up those issues. I hope this clears up your confusion.
Concerning Guns – Less is Best
Okay, Bob… back to gaslighting I see. And let us not forget selective reading.
I cannot (and did not for that matter) ignore what you said on the 27th, but the conversation did not end there, did it? No, I simply pressed you on whether you really felt simply raising the legal age to purchase a firearm would actually prevent (or deter) the act from happening. I do not share your belief raising the age to purchase firearms will do any good.
That conversation continued on the 31st at 9:57. My question was specific to mass shooter and incidents of people driving vehicles into crowds. I simply asked what reasonable law could prevent or deter either type of mass killing event.
At 11:08 you brought the legal age of purchasing alcohol into the conversation.
At 12:02 I pondered the irrational idea of restricting motor vehicles to those under 21. By extension I further pressed you to understand how raising the age of legal purchase of firearms would prevent or deter any crime since jurisdictions already with those laws have not escaped the scourge of violence and are indeed not only still dangerous, but getting worse. It is empirical evidence to refute your claim.
At 12:26 you ignored my questions and instead focused on trying to trap me in some sort of dilemma with a question about the legal age to buy alcohol.
At 2:35 I alerted you that trying to conflate the question I provided was useless.
At 2:57 you wore that old slick suit yourself, sensing blood in the water, you went in for the win…
On June 1, at 7:19 I broke your dreams and articulated in detail how the issue you were pressing about alcohol was not compatible to the conversation. I then pressed again the direct correlative topic back to you to answer.
At 1:39 you did answer to my surprise. And you then you added the ad hominin attacks for extra strength. Nice one.
At 2:19 I asked again how the law you claimed would make us safer, that is not statistically doing so, is in fact working…
At 6:03 you insist I’m in a mess… and assert you stand by a position unsupported by the facts.
Bob, enjoy your day… you are correct… there is a mess to be found. Answer my question: Is the legal age for purchasing firearms at 21 in Maryland making this state’s over all crime rate go up or down? Baltimore City specific, since it represents most of our crime? Simple yes or no, I think that is how you like answers to be provided, right?
Your Question: : Is the legal age for purchasing firearms at 21 in Maryland making this state’s overall crime rate go up or down? Baltimore City specific, since it represents most of our crime?
My Answer: I do not know.
My Question: What is your answer to your question? Please include any statistics, data, articles, links, etc that are supportive of your POV in this regards. I look forward to checking out any information you can provide me.
I will post a link in a separate note, since the Dagger is not approving any of my links. I am going to share a document of a study done by the state, I hope you trust our elected officials to report accurate data.
My answer to my own question, I’ll say it again… I do not believe ‘strengthening’ the laws restricting access to firearms to disqualified people works or will work. The study, should you be able to see it, will verify this position.
From the report I plan to share:
“Based on the results of this Report on Crime Firearms Study, the Office identified the following major findings:
? 61.8% of gun crime cases occurred in Baltimore City and Prince George’s County.
? Over 76% of gun case charges, that were recommended by the Center, are still pending.
? The most common charge associated with crime firearm cases is illegal possession.
? Over half of all recovered crime firearms, identified by the ATF, originated out-of-state.
Page 15
? Over 53% of in-State crime firearms were recovered from the purchaser’s county of residence.
? There is variation in the 10 states as it relates to legislation.
? Maryland’s average time-to-crime was 11.41 years, compared to the national average of 8.29 years.
? The majority of all crime firearms were committed by individuals who were prohibited from owning a firearm.”
You consider my logic flawed, but this summary paints a pretty clear picture. Our crime is centered in two very narrow jurisdictions. If we can presume that firearms illegally transported into the state pass through neighboring jurisdictions that are not experiencing the same rates of crime, we cannot conclude it is simply access to the firearm. I am confident there are other factors at play.
Additionally, my flawed thinking concludes that the people committing crimes were already breaking laws, adding to those laws will not make us safer. Indeed, they may matter for one of those stray cases where the gun purchaser waits a while (or not) to commit a crime, but this hardly represents the actual problem areas or higher cases of frequent crime.
Look, what happened in Texas and New York were heinous acts. I agree they should not have happened. But, to build the narrative that it is simply a case of ‘easy access’ to firearms as the “cause” rather than merely something else; is patently false. Raising the age, lengthening the waiting periods, banning certain styles or calibers, etc., will do nothing to deter or stop those already violating the law with intents to violate more. I cannot understand what part of that you fail to see.
The law has put numerous steps between me and my right to own a firearm. I detailed how I followed the law. I own multiple firearms and none of them have been used in a crime, and there are no plans to do so. And if in the case when seconds matter and the police are minutes away, I like the idea I have some chance to defend my family.
So, when some politician who is protected by multiple police officers armed with the best technology and caliber their self-imposed budgets can afford pretty much everywhere they go, tells me to trust them to stand outside while some lunatic kills innocent victims for an hour, and then detain those trying to help… that I have no right to possess a firearm!?! Yeah, hot air, stupid hot air at that.
I am suspect of a government that wants to disarm its people in the name of safety, since statistics demonstrate such measures are not making us safe, but indeed the crime rates are increasing. Honestly, if you need me to cite sources showing the national rates of crime are increasing in this country… you are going to wear me out with excuses to ignore what everyone knows.
Law breakers will break the law. Makes more laws and they will break them, too.
Understand… people will get killed by knives, pressure cookers, moving trucks, and anything else manipulated to cause harm to someone. If you truly wanted to keep everyone safe, you’d advocate incarcerating everyone safely in their own cells.
You say common sense… agreed. Common sense. Not the emotional tear-jerker articles and other propaganda the media is spewing. NPR ran an article so full of lies I could not finish it. Yes, I want something done, but attacking law-abiding people and businesses is not common sense, that’s scapegoating. It deflects from the actual problem. And I tend to agree with you, but in a more precise and accurate manner… less guns in the hands of criminals = less is best. Go after the criminals and leave the law abiding people alone. That, in my flawed logic as you see it, is common sense.
Bang-Bang Baldwin shot and killed more innocent people than any law abiding firearm owner.
The Federal Government isn’t allowed to make gun control laws. It would be unconstitutional and an act of fraud, war and treason. It would bring about a civil war. Why is it that Democrats want to start wars every where? Why is it that Democrats would arm the Taliban, yet want to take gun from Americans? Why is it that Democrats want to give Ukrainians guns, yet disarm Americans? Why is it that Democrats want to destroy our Country? It is time to destroy the Democrat Party, end the UN and get this Country back on track.
“Georgia candidate’s ‘Jesus Guns Babies’ tagline is a Christian nationalist parody — but it’s real”
(NBC News: Bias Rating – Left-Center – Factual Reporting – High)
The good news is Governor Kemp easily beat Kandiss Taylor in Georgia’s Republican primary for Governor. What is shocking is that ~43k people would actually cast a vote for this horrible lady. It’s amazing what some of these ‘so-called’ Christian’ nationalist groups can justify in their warped little minds.
It is amazing what Democrats can justify in their brainwashed minds. How come the Democrat Party hasn’t been banned for the TREASON they have committed for the last Century? The Democrat Party needs to be destroyed.
‘A mother who was handcuffed outside the Texas school shooting later ran into the school and pulled her two children to safety: report”
(INSIDER – Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER Factual Reporting: HIGH )
There is nothing quite so powerful as a ‘Mother’s Love’
You might want to think about homeschooling your children. Biden’s crew can’t wait to mutilate your kids.
By waiving the pending and current gasoline tax? Are they that fucking stupid?
Some of the 19 children killed in Uvalde were so severely wounded that parents were asked to submit DNA samples to provide positive identification of the victims. This would save some of the parents from the trauma of having to identify the horribly disfigured remains of their beloved children. Also, DNA testing makes it must less likely that the wrong remains would be released to a parent.
I fully understand, especially for the sake of the parents and families, why there can’t be open coffins. However, a part of me feels that perhaps if America had to confront, more directly, the horror of wounds from assault-style weapons, it might make a difference.
“Too Many Guns = Too Many Deaths”
During the past fifty years, the NRA has gone from a gun safety organization to one of the most powerful and corrupt special interest lobby groups in the country. The problem is this group has evolved into a clear and present danger for our country.
Rise up America! It’s time to relegate the NRA and Wayne LaPierre to the trash heap of history. Since we are unable to pass reasonable, sensible gun control laws, then maybe former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens had it right in 2018 when he said :
Repeal the Second Amendment!
The problem isn’t guns. The problem is people with guns doing the wrong thing. There isn’t any such thing as sensible gun control laws because you would be taking the rights of those whom would not do such a thing. However, nice try at deflecting from the REAL problem, which is Democratic control of education and the mental health of the kids being harmed by the Democracy of idiots and thieves…
Ted Cruz’s solution to school gun violence: “Have one door into and out of the school, and have … armed police officers at that door,” What in in God’s creation is wrong with this guy? Has he completely lost his mind? I’m sure fire departments are shocked at and can’t believe the stupidity of his suggestion. He is an embarrassment. The people of Texas deserve better than this clown. There should be a recall election or maybe we should cut to the chase and give him a one-way ticket to Cancun Mexico.
“Too Many Guns = Too Many Deaths”
Stop politicizing and stirring the pot Bob. I agree the situation in Texas was tragic and horrific. I agree shooter, a sociopath, slipped through the cracks even with the existence of numerous red flags. The bottom line is a homicidal person will find a way to kill by any available means even if firearms are not available. With the average police response time of over 20 minutes lawful citizens need to rely on the protections afforded by the second amendment.
You take issue with Senator Cruz and his suggestions to promote better school security. Your partisan bias abounds. He did say that all doors to a school should be permanently secured. He suggested that access be restricted to one location protected and guarded by an armed police officer. The other doors could be equipped with a remote controlled lock system in the event of an emergency or physically unlocked by authorized personnel. If a Democrat offered the same suggestion I have to wonder what your position would be.
I don’t know who you really are Bob and really don’t want to know. What I would like is for the editor(s) of the Dagger to obtain your information from the IP address and identify you. For your safety your personal information should not be disseminated to the other Dagger readers. From there through the freedom of information it could be determined if “Bob”has or ever has owned a firearm. It would be interesting for myself and the other readers to find out if Bob is in fact a hypocrite.
My error. Paragraph two line five should read “didn’t say” that all doors…..
OYE, Your ‘Bob Fixation’ is showing through yet once again. It looks like you need another therapy session. With that in mind let me try to make a few things clear to you. When I make a post to this forum I’m not trying to ‘stir the pot’. I’m simply expressing my opinions, right, wrong, or otherwise. If my opinions elicit feedback from others on this forum, so be it. However, I’m sorry my comments seem to send you over the deep end.
You don’t have to wonder about my reaction to Cruz’s door comment. Rest assured, if a Democrat or for that matter anyone, were to make the same comment my reaction would be the same. You can take that to the bank.
Your comments about my real identity and your concern for my safety are downright bizarre and somewhat irrational. Regarding guns, I have never owned a firearm. For that matter, the last time I even shot a gun was on a military firing range when I was in the service in the sixties.
“CNN’s Acosta tells NRA to ‘look into its soul’ to protect kids”
(The Hill: Bias Rating: LEAST BIAS Factual Reporting: MOSTLY FACTUAL)
The problem is the NRA doesn’t have a soul to look into. The lives of our children are secondary to their agenda.
“TOO Many Guns = Too Many Deaths”
True statement Bob… I was reading that the Vikings and barbarians were the only ones with big, scary black rifles when they ran crazy all over Europe back in the day… spared no one from those big capacity firearms… it must have worked, Europe banned them and the Vikings and barbarians disappeared.
Was on a talk show this morning yakking about the dangers of firearms. As usual, she had the same useless fucking opinions as when she was mayor of killzone baltimore. She gave space to destroy. FJB
The dimentia-in-chief despises law enforcement.
CNN correspondent says” Biden can’t do much about gas prices” How long are they going to keep carrying the water for this clown? It is no wonder their ratings are in the toilet.
Hickory (Bel Air) housing project experiences first homicide. Any big surprise? Baltimore City here we come. Another one is coming across the street. Stay tuned.
“Maryland Law Banning Ghost Guns to Take Effect”
This law goes into effect June 1, 2022. It is a good example of a reasonable, commonsense gun control law which will make us all safer. Let’s hope other states follow suit and quickly enact similar laws
Too Many Guns = Too Many Deaths
“Baltimore suing ghost gun manufacturer as Maryland ban goes into effect”
(The Hill: Bias Rating: LEAST BIAS Factual Reporting: MOSTLY FACTUAL)
It looks like Maryland is going to aggressively enforce this new law. This is a good thing. There should be a law like this on the federal level.
Tougher Gun Laws = Safer Communities
Biden’s Political Career. By year:
1973: Biden enters politics.
1977: Biden fights to keep schools segregated because in his own words,
“allowing blacks to integrate would create a racial jungle” Fact check me.
1983: BIDEN votes to Tax Social Security.
1988: Ran for president but had to end his campaign after getting busted for plagiarism.*
1993: BIDEN votes to Tax Social Security, AGAIN.
1994: Biden writes the “Stop and Frisk” law which is what blacks blame for “systemic racism” today.
This law took millions of black men from their homes and transplanted them into prison. Way to go, Joe.
This was Biden’s biggest accomplishment in 47 years of elected office. Fact check me, it’s true.
1997: Hang on, not yet.
2003: Still nothing.
2008: Calls Obama the first “articulate” and “clean” mainstream African-American.
2012: Nope, nothing yet.
2021: Still Nothing, except ruination!
Have a good day, pray for the Republic!
Does anyone still think he should be referred to as “Exceptional Joe” ?
“Sussmann acquitted on charge brought by special counsel Durham”
(Politico – Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER Factual Reporting: HIGH )
Like I said before, the Durham Investigation is “much ado about nothing”. It’s time for ‘Johnnie Boy’ to pack his bags and ride off into the sunset.
After “for starters” turns into an absolute fucking failure, you treasonous fucks will come up with some other asinine failure of an idea which will AGAIN severely curtail the right of a LAW ABIDING American to obtain a firearm. Instead, why dont you investiagte the monsters in education and the pharmaceutical industry who were responsible for dumping mind altering drugs down the throats of our children?
On a post through Truth Social, Trump wrote:
“Our Legal System is CORRUPT, our Judges (and Justices!) are highly partisan, compromised or just plain scared, our Borders are OPEN, our Elections are Rigged, Inflation is RAMPANT, gas prices and food costs are ‘through the roof,’ our Military ‘Leadership’ is Woke, our Country is going to HELL, and Michael Sussmann is not guilty. How’s everything else doing? Enjoy your day!!!”
I guess the ex-president is not having a very good day. His list includes everything but the kitchen sink. I can’t wait for his rant when they fit him for an orange jumpsuit.
News flash. Trump is no longer the President. The country has much bigger problems. NOW!!!! You guys put in to office the worst, most inept, clueless, divisive loser in decades. What are you going to do about the irreconcilable damage this guy has caused in less than two years? By the way I find it very hypocritical that you guys, who reportedly support stronger harsher gun laws, are willing to give the President’s son a pass for his violation regarding this issue. I would love to hear your justification.
“Did Hunter Biden Violate Law in Buying Handgun? 3 Big Questions”
(The Daily Signal: Bias Rating: RIGHT BIAS Factual Reporting: MIXED)
“It’s not clear whether the younger Biden broke the letter of federal gun law, although several legal experts and commentators say the question warrants an investigation.”
OYE, My take on this is if federal prosecutors feel that Hunter Biden violated the law and they can prove it, they should bring it on and indite him. If Hunter broke the law he should suffer the consequences.
“On gun reform, neighboring Canada takes a different tack”
(The Hill: Bias Rating: LEAST BIAS Factual Reporting: MOSTLY FACTUAL)
“Unfortunately, the reality is in our country [gun violence] is getting worse and has been getting worse over the past years,” Trudeau said Monday in announcing the proposals. “We need only look south of the border to know that if we do not take action, firmly and rapidly, it gets worse and worse and more difficult to counter.”
Tougher Gun Laws = Safer Communities
Can someone please answer why “Exceptional Joe” talks a mean game regarding gun control and enhanced gun laws but his son skated after he violated federal law by lying on an application prior to obtaining a firearm. The smart money says Hunter, like the Clintons will never see the inside of a courtroom.
OYE, I’ll be honest with you. I am somewhat disappointed in our President’s job performance, so far. With that said, I propose that we drop the “Exceptional Joe” moniker and start calling him “Average Joe”
Yet, another mass murder. Police found a note from the killer, saying he intended to kill the doctor, who performed back surgery on him on May 19th. The killer wrote he intended to kill the doctor who performed his back surgery and anyone else that got in his way. He complained of pain and wanted additional assistance. The killer purchased the AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle on Wednesday at 2:00p.m and the killings occurred shortly before 5:00p.m. This type of tragedy makes a good case for ‘waiting periods’ for gun purchases.
Too Many Guns = Too Many Deaths
“Classmates wouldn’t sign his yearbook, so older students stepped in”
With all the bad news these days it too easy to underestimate the power of people, especially young people, to make a difference. This story makes me feel good. I like it!
Biden says he can’t “throw a switch” to fix the gas prices. A good argument can be made that he basically threw a switch to F up almost everything to include gas prices . He is without a doubt the worst most inept ineffective President this country has experienced in decades. I can’t believe he is the best the Democrats had to offer..
OYE, I’m curious. Who do you think is the ‘best’ the Democrats have to offer?
Tulsi Gabbert and Joe Manchin have earned my respect to a degree. They seem to govern by their conscience and the needs of their constituents and not be bullied by the far left or the squad. I know you have a nut for Manchin because he won’t support the removal of the filibuster. You will probably change your tune when Congress flips. Then you guys will think the filibuster is great thing again and use it when you can, as often as you can. I got to go “fearless leader” is speaking on television. I found it Interesting during his opening statements he named numerous high profile mass shootings but conspicuously omitted the New York subway shooting. Other than a few mistaken facts I will have to give it to the President . I thought his message was passionate and deliberate. I have to wonder when the adderall will wear off.
I don’t believe a word he said… his administration is convinced the economy has never been better. That makes them delusional or liars.
“Gabbard” sorry for the misspelling
A powerful speech by our President on guns and gun violence!
“Biden calls on Congress to reinstate federal assault weapons ban”
(Axios: Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER Factual Reporting: HIGH)
In 2004 Congress made things worse when they refused to renew the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban. If Congress doesn’t have the good sense to pass a ban on assault weapons now, then at least raise the age from 18 to 21 to purchase them.
Gun manufacturers and sellers have had near blanket protection from lawsuits since the passage of the 2005 Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA). This has to change, Just like all other businesses in our country they should be held accountable for the products they manufacturer and sell. They should not have immunity.
Now is the time to face the gun crisis that is destroying our country. We can’t afford to ignore it any longer.
Too Many Guns = Too Many Deaths
You should not infringe on the rights of all because of the actions of a certain few. The only reason they want to take certain types of guns away from the public is because they are planning on doing something that might make the public want to use those same certain guns against them. How can you prevent a tyranny if WE THE PEOPLE are not armed in a way to prevent it?
“Biden to visit Saudi Arabia in push to lower oil prices and punish Russia”
((The Guardian: Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER Factual Reporting: HIGH)
I disagree with our President on his one. Saudi Arabia is a despotic country with a long history of human rights violations that killed and cut up the body of WAPO Reporter, Jamal Khashoggi.
Our President (“Average Joe”) should follow through with what he said during his Presidential campaign, “We were going to in fact make them pay the price and make them in fact the pariah that they are,”
Do not schedule a state visit to Saudi Arabia. If a visit is already scheduled, cancel it.
Good morning Bob,
I agree he should follow through on all his promises, except the ones to destroy our economy (it was laid out on his website, and everything is unfolding exactly as predicted). I’m sorry you bought his deception and have partial buyer’s remorse. Rest assured, though, he has only acted on some of his self-destructive promises he made during the campaign… the real pain is yet to come. By the time he gets done we will be happily paying $5 a gallon and adjust our expectations to some pretty simple diets of bare necessities. Not sure if we will be eating the zoo animals, but I suspect road kill won’t last long in most places. Just remember, you asked for this and voted in favor of it. Enjoy it.
“The Left Wants to Repeal the Second Amendment”
(The American Conservative: Bias Rating: RIGHT-CENTER Factual Reporting: HIGH)
During the last couple of weeks I have given a lot of thought to the 2nd Amendment. I am betwixt and between on the issue of repealing it. If I was confident its repeal would significantly reduce the gun violence, I would say do it. The issue for me is I’m not convinced it’s a magic pill that would or could dramatically change the situation.
The problem is beyond the 2nd Amendment. We have allowed our ‘politics’ to poison our American psyche. We play politics and try to split hairs by saying things like an AR-15 is not technically an assault weapon. We have become jaded to gun violence and death. America has lost its way.
Tougher Gun Laws = Safer Communities
“Of Course the Constitution Evolves—The Second Amendment Should, Too”
The 2nd Amendment is about the right of a well-regulated militia to keep and bear arms. The problem is not the 2nd Amendment. The real problem is the 2008 SCOTUS Heller interpretation of the amendment.
Let’s hope the current court doesn’t exacerbate things by restricting state gun laws, like the one in New York, which limits concealed carry handgun licenses to adults over the age of 21 with specific defense needs. Should they decide to do something like this, gun violence will only increase. Hopefully, this conservative court won’t choose to follow such a path.
Too Many Guns = Too Many Deaths
In your paragraph below the link you seem to have conspicuously omitted part of the second amendment. You know “the right of “people” to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed upon”. It does not and was not intended to apply to just an organized militia. You know it. I know it. As I said before situational enforcement of existing gun laws is a big part of the problem. Unfortunately people intent on killing will do so. They will find a means. I am certainly in favor of strict comprehensive background checks but with a national police response of over twenty minutes good citizens need to rely on the protections of the second amendment. Dangerous people will unfortunately sometimes slip through the cracks. Everyday unlicensed, unauthorized, unqualified drivers will get behind the wheels of automobile and many will drive drunk. Sometimes legally licensed drivers will drive drunk. Both result in the deaths of thousands every year. You will either get my point or you won’t. In most cases, as with automobiles, the second amendment is a good thing.
OYE, the larger part of the argument is utterly ignoring the FACTS of history. It also represents the narrowest reading of the Constitution and, for that matter, complete ignorance of the document. It also reflects a twisted and servile attitude adopted by many that the government is given and/or has some inherent responsibility to protect. That is a very new idea rooted not in Enlightenment thinking upon which the republic was formulated, but rather the benevolent dictator mindset prevalent during the Middle Ages and earlier.
A close reading of the Constitution will reveal very precise language that is largely ignored: refer to Article I, Section 8, it reads:
“To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;
To provide and maintain a Navy;”
To raise and support an army, but not for more than two years. I think that quite clearly demonstrates the view on a standing military. The army was never intended to be a permanent institution on the model it is today (police as well as provided by their absence in the early days at the municipal level). The navy, another story. Now, I yield the complexity of war-fighting relegates the necessity of the structure we have, but legally and foundational for argument’s sake, there was never an intention to arm only the government. To view it otherwise is anti-constitutional and abhorrent to the tenets of freedom.
Further, it is expanded to include:
“To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;”
The militia was expected to be a more ‘permanent’ structure. However, also limited in its ability to act on its own accord. We must bear in mind these framers were working to balance tyranny of monarchy and the wiles of democracy/anarchy. Thus was born the republic, which those wishing to see oppression as a way of life in line with their desires, control; are violently opposed.
A key phrase there is ‘training’. Once was a time when firearms were in most homes and teaching about their use and safety was important to the family. In fact, schools adopted this type of safety training with firearms. At some point that stopped. At some point the family began to fall apart. I do not find it coincidental that the rise of crimes committed with firearms can be traced to that era.
Back to the militia… the same folks ignorant or stupid of the facts surrounding the notion of the government alone being armed are just as likely to be uninformed of this aspect as well. Funny thing is, Scalia outlined it perfectly in the Heller decision. The militia was all able bodied men providing their own firearm or one by the state, but relying on the collective effort for powder and shot. This is firmly understood by anyone who has read and understood this country’s early bid for independence. The regulars of the crown’s service were on their way to Lexington to seize powder and shot, not suppress any rebellion. The act of moving on that powder and shot called the militia out! That act was worth defending.
Bottom line, when the document was drafted the framers had just finished a war against a power that demonstrated the abuses that were possible under a monarch. Fearing such tyranny against the very fabric of freedom they set into writing such protections against infringement of certain inalienable rights, among those being the bearing of arms.
Every argument against that notion fails to bridge the logical construction of the document itself. It is second, not first nor third. The first contains language specific to individual freedoms and collective protection. The third through eighth are all specific to individuals as well. The ninth reserves rights to individuals and the spirit of collectivism as well. The tenth is reserved for the states, but do not let the left hear that, they will melt in an anger fever you cannot measure. The second bridges with individual aspect as well as collective responsibility.
I understand the ‘r’ word is bad for the left. It suggests people are accountable to each other for collective security and behavior. It all begins to make sense why they are pushing for decriminalization of so many things (some I may agree with, but theft is not among them) and defunding the police and abolishing prisons.
Anyhow, I do not suspect any minds will change with the history and civics lesson. Scalia did a brilliant job laying it all out in Heller far more articulately than I did here. In other words, it is easier to ignore facts in favor of impassioned emotionalism that leads to the erroneous conclusion that people are safer when only the criminals and the police who are minutes away when seconds count are armed. I have not given up hope of wisdom penetrating their heads, but I’m beginning to wonder.
Once again, lawful gun owners are not the problem. Gun laws don’t work because criminals don’t follow law. However, the “law” is unconstitutional. The problem isn’t the Constitution evolving because nothing has been repealed and new Amendments haven’t been added. The problem is the BAR and the government is ignoring the Constitution and committing TREASON in virtually every aspect. When you make it harder for citizens to defend themselves from violence committed by criminals you are not doing the public any good. Furthermore, the Constitution should be followed to prevent the tyranny of the Federal and State governments. The public should be armed to the point that a tyranny can be put down, even if it means Civil War. Remember, this Country was founded on a rebellion and it can happen again if need be.
“Matthew McConaughey calls for action after shooting in hometown of Uvalde, Texas”
A very emotional and moving plea
“Felix and Kimberly Rubio call for action on Capitol Hill after losing their daughter”
Today they stand for their daughter Lexi and as her voice they demand action.
Joy Behar said “if more black people owned guns it would expedite gun law reform”. Really Joy? Does she not watch the news? Does she have any idea what is going on in our country? Why is she such a divisive (a word that describes the lowest most despicable type of woman, a word that I find foul and offensive, and have only met a handful of women who have earned it as a descriptor). I have said it repeatedly. Weaponizing racial divide for political or other reasons is counterproductive and wrong. The damage she causes from her tirades is harmful and long lasting. She needs to retire now.
It is easier to blame the weapon when your political ideology is not to incarcerate criminals. The progressive judicial reform policies such as; no bail, reduced sentences and refusal to prosecute crimes have caused more gun deaths than those caused by law-abiding gun owners. In almost every case these killers are repeat offenders or people with a known history of violence or propensity towards violence. With criminals
walking around with zero fear of law enforcement, zero fear of consequences for carrying a firearm or
discharging a firearm it it no wonder the murder rates are not much higher.
My advice to everyone is to move as far away from liberals as fast you can. Their shit-hole communities filled with criminals, poverty, homelessness and drug addicts with eventually be a place you will call home or will have to work, shop or commute through. You eventually will experience the degradation of you home value, your kids education and your quality of life due to this failed experiment that progressives continue to try to use to transform America into every 40 years or so.
This is why democrats eventually lose majority political power within the United States for many years following and the people who have not seen this experiment for many decades, get a taste of these failed policies first hand with hyper-inflation, lawlessness, lower standard of living and lower quality of life.
Joe Biden is Jimmy Carter on steroids and 2022 is just a rerun of the same failed 1970 economic and social policies just dusted off, rebranded and reinstituted for the uneducated, uninformed or unborn voters of that time period.
“House passes sweeping gun package in largely party-line vote”
Alas, this sweeping gun reform package probably doesn’t stand a chance in the Senate. We have been sold a bill of goods by GOP politicians, the gun lobby and gun makers. I agree with WAPO columnist, Max Boot’s claim that the ‘GOP gun cult’ is the ‘sickness in US culture’.
We have lost our way. Guns won’t make America safer. To a large degree ‘gun mania’ has made life in America more dangerous and violent. We need sensible gun reform – NOW!
Too Many Guns = Too Many Deaths
Too many criminals with guns = too many deaths.
Nicholas Roske. Does that name mean anything to anyone? A good chance not if you are a fan of MSNBC or CNN. He is a “peaceful protester” and pro-choice Lefty arrested outside of Justice Kavanaugh’s home with a gun. Apparently he was going to take a page out of the far left or BLM handbooks and was going address conflict and difference of opinion with violence. Kind of like those peaceful folks protesting during the summer of 2022.
Chuck Schumer said, “I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price.”
Inciting violence against sitting justices. Garland could at least investigate if Schumer colluded with this domestic terrorist to impact our democracy. I don’t expect Nancy to skip a liquid lunch and appoint a special committee to air prime hearings on this… but at least the attorney general can do a better job pretending to care about these calls for assassination of federal officials. I expect the fringe lunatics from the left to enjoy the blood spilled, but the AG is expected to at least sound like the law is important. Guess not… I will say this, the left is making this non-aligned voter begin to see red.
“Donald Trump said maybe mob was right to chant ‘Hang Mike Pence’ – report”
(The Guardian: Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER Factual Reporting: HIGH)
‘Maybe’, we ought to cut to the chase, throw Trump in jail, and be done with him.
A complete and utter sham. Apparently, it is only permissible to protest on behalf of the Democratic “Not See” Party. There was no insurrection. However, the Democratic Traitors Against America did use a summer long “insurrection” to increase division and racism, while blaming Trump for the summer long BLM and ANTIFA riots. ANTIFA was brought to D.C. on January 6th by these same Democratic Traitors and ANTIFA was leading the charge in the Capital, while filming the whole thing. If you want proof, look at the video of the only person whom was actually killed that day and the killing was done by a Capital Police Officer. The person who made that video was a known ANTIFA member dressed up like a Trump supporter. The whole thing was a “false flag” operation conducted by the Democratic “Not See” Party. The hearings are a sham and everyone with common sense knows that the 2020 election was bullshit. Our government, which is made up mostly of the Democratic TRAITORS Against America, has refused to allow the evidence that the Democrats, foreign nations and religious fanatics actually conducted and manipulated the vote on behalf of the New World Order. This is the truth. There is NO DEMOCRACY because the 2020 election was a sham. The mail in ballot is illegal, unconstitutional and an act of fraud, war and treason against the United States. I don’t care what anyone thinks, I know what happened and I will not go along with the TRAITOR narrative of the Democrats and the Media.
Come on man, it was “an attack on Democracy” just ask them. Funny how taking over police stations and occupying, burning government buildings, advancing on the White House during a demonstration is not considered the same. How about attempting to assassinate a Supreme Court Justice and demonstrating outside of their homes disturbing the peace and blocking free passage? You see I paid attention during eighth grade civics class. The Judiciary is one of the three parts of our government which facilitate our Democracy. Sure seems like an attack on Democracy to me. Democrats have moved all in on worrying about a previous President when the worst person in history to hold that job is running our country in to the ground. Do they really think that this current dog and pony show will make voters forget about Biden, inflation, immigration, gas and food prices and the list goes on? They even tried to stack the deck with Liz Cheney and puss boy Adam Kinzinger. Off the record I am an old man but that guy almost makes me ready to lower myself to the mentality of the BLM or the far Left and give him a good old fashion bitch slapping. Can’t wait for the Red Romp coming in November. The Dems have only themselves to blame.
I do. Gas was $2.19 a gallon.
Senators strike bipartisan gun safety agreement”
(Politico – Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER Factual Reporting: HIGH )
Finally, some good news! It looks like the Senate is going to ‘compromise’ and pass a gun safety bill. It’s a beginning. What’s important is we can’t let the perfect become the enemy of the good.
“31 members of the white nationalist Patriot Front arrested near an Idaho Pride event”
NPR – Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER Factual Reporting: HIGH)
This is scary stuff! It seems clear this group came with the intent to incite a riot at a Pride picnic in Idaho. A tip by a concerned citizen, who saw the men getting into the back of U-Haul saved the day. This goes to show just how important it is for anyone, who see something out of the ordinary, to notify the police. No telling what would have happened if these guys had been able to make it to this Pride event.
What’s critical for America at this time in our history is that we don’t let ‘extremists’ hijack our country. The vitriol, hate, and violence of the ‘extremes’ have poisoned our politics. Sadly, we are at a point where we consider anyone who ‘disagrees’ with our POV as the ‘enemy’.
Progressive Democrats’ and ‘Conservative Republicans’ are not the problem. They are the solution. We desperately need the 60% of Americans, who occupy the center, center-right, and the center-left, to come together, compromise and move us forward.
Subject: Good Bye Cruel World. Sad News
Brad lived in California….. He was sick of the world, of Covid-19, Brexit, Russian belligerence, China, global warming, racial tensions, and the rest of the disturbing stories that occupy media headlines.
Brad drove his car into his garage and then sealed every doorway and window as best he could. He got back into his car and lowered all the windows, selected his favorite radio station, started the car and revved it to a slow idle.
Two days later, a worried neighbor peered through his garage window and saw him in the car. She notified the emergency services and they broke in, pulling Brad from the car.
A little sip of water and, surprisingly, he was in perfect condition, but his Tesla had a dead battery.
Brad is a registered California Democrat and a liberal. (Speaks volumes actually)
“Trump releases 12-page response to Jan. 6 hearing”
(The Hill: Bias Rating: LEAST BIAS Factual Reporting: MOSTLY FACTUAL)
William Barr set aside party affiliation and testified truthfully. Refreshing to see in politics no matter what side you support. Attorney General Garland seems to be remiss in his duties possibly for very partisan reasons. I can see no reason why the protesters demonstrating outside of Supreme Court Justices have not been arrested and or charged. Sadly it is becoming increasingly apparent that the fraternity between members of the Liberal Left supersedes the concept of right and wrong and the rule of law.
“The Jan. 6 panel says the Trump campaign misled donors using election lies”
(NPR – Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER Factual Reporting: HIGH)
Follow the money!
Bob, you are more correct than ever! Exactly why we should have an investigation into “Big guy” from those famous emails from that confirmed laptop that is connected to corruption and collusion at the highest levels of government. Follow the money indeed. I have questions indeed… exactly what does an energy novice do to earn massive chunks of cash from an energy company? How does a novice artist sell artwork for prices that learned artists can only dream about? Agreed.
It reminds me of those old days when folks at the top levels of government cashed in so handsomely on futures markets when so many others were losing money… ah yes, follow the money indeed.
I can not see any reasonable explanation for any member of Congress to vote against a bill increasing protections for Supreme Court Justices. Maybe someone can offer input. It is noteworthy that all who opposed the bill were Democrats including members of the “Squad”. Furthermore, I don’t understand why those protesting outside of the homes of Supreme Court Justices have not been justifiably arrested and charged. Why has the Attorney General not addressed this issue? It seems to again reinforce my belief that in the case of the Liberal Left the fraternity of their membership supersedes the importance of the concept of right and wrong and sadly the rule of law. Hopefully when the upcoming new Congress is in power the inactions of our current Attorney General will be addressed
“Protesting at justices’ homes should be a subject of condemnation, not criminal charges”
(The Hill: Bias Rating: LEAST BIAS Factual Reporting: MOSTLY FACTUAL)
I agree with Righty-Tighty. Jonathan Turley, on this one. He believes the use of federal law, 18 U.S.C. 1507 “to arrest protesters would be a serious blow to free speech and would be difficult to defend in the courts”.
Lock them up and put it to the test. If they were at Sotomayor’s house they would have been already hooked up as they should be. It stinks of partisan politics. What are Democrats worried about, No matter what happens they will be okay. Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg predicted there Will not be a red wave. I am sure that the Democrats are giving a sigh of relief tonight.
OYE, I’m gonna go out on a limb and speculate on something. In the past few months I have noticed you have made several comments about Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg. Either the “View” is one of your favorites (not likely) or it is one of your wife’s favorites (more likely) and she has made the show required viewing for you. She’s obviously trying to get you to see the light and save you from yourself. I wish her success in that endeavor. 🙂
Be careful going out on that limb. You may fall in to a pile of (Soto) manure. A little brief biography about myself. I was born and lived part of my life in East Baltimore. My parents and grandparents were hard working Democrats when the party stood for for working people that just wanted a fair shake. Through the years the party mutated and dispensed with traditional Democratic values and became a haven for freeloaders, moochers, and people satisfying their own personal agendas. A people that no longer practiced the JFK mentality, you know “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” . Actually I and my family did not leave the Democratic Party it left us. As for my wife, she is and always has supported conservative christian values. For my own amusement, and to maintain a fair and balanced POV, I will periodically go to the more liberal sites. Behar and Goldberg are propagandist for the far left. Their rhetoric promotes racial divide and hatred and is often times most counterproductive. Their contempt for former President Trump even exceeds yours. They continually will “carry the water “ for your guy who is arguably the most inept and worst President in our lifetimes.They do not have a talk show they have an opinion show. Their opinion. They are harmful to our country, they are harmful to our children, and I as a Christian will leave it at this. I wish they would just go away. That is all I have to say. I was bored tonight so I actually played along. Sorry buddy but that’s all you get. Respond if you wish I’m done playing with Bob. Sorry.
“House passes bill to increase security for families of Supreme Court justices”
(Axios: Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER Factual Reporting: HIGH)
I disagree with all 27 House Democrats that voted against this bill. With that said, let me pose a hypothetical. If the current court was a liberal one with a 6 to 3 breakdown, would ‘all’ of the House Repubs still vote in favor of the bill? I wonder.
I’m bored… I’ll bite.
Hypothetically, it’s a moot point and worthless to pursue. Since going out on limbs seems fashionable…
There is an existing law forbidding demonstrations at justices’ homes, which is still not being enforced. I know you want to believe Garland is measuring his steps… /sarcasm on/ Of course he is! As measured as all the big city progressives enforcing the laws on the books during the summer of 2020. /sarcasm off/
Here is a news flash, Bob… Garland, just like the squad and Chuck Schumer, who called for the assassination, want those two justices dead. That would give Biden two more nominees, who’d be sworn in before the bodies were in the ground.
The extreme left has shown its colors. Schumer incites assassination. Van Hollen called for civil war. Pelosi, if she could stay sober long enough, would be calling for the same.
And you Bob… not sure if you even know what you think. Yesterday (6/15) at 4:17 PM you posted an op-ed piece suggesting first amendment rights were being infringed by not allowing demonstrations at justices’ homes. Then you post this ingenuine disagreement with the other extremists regarding voting against the recent bill to extend protections to justices’ families…
Why? Do you honestly believe Garland is going to enforce that law any better than the one he is already ignoring?
You made some gross assumptions about OYE’s wife saving him from himself… not entirely sure what that means. Bob, re-read everything you posted recently and ask yourself if it sounds like a sane person. If you come away thinking you sound sane, you are insane. If you read your posts and come away thinking the author is insane, you had a lucid moment.
To answer your hypothetical… probably. And probably for an equally valid, invalid reason to vote against this bill. But, they are elected to represent and the voters can have the final word.
So, my not so hypothetical questions to you:
1. Exactly why do you think Garland is allowing lawlessness to continue? [By the way, the context of this dereliction is the VERY DEFINITION of extreme politicization of the DOJ.]
2. Why do you think the Senate fails to censure Chuck Schumer for inciting assassinations against sitting justices?
Now, before you deflect or avoid… it is a fact Garland has not acted and is showing no indications he will. Second, it is a fact Schumer called for assassinations. His quote, when analyzed uses expressions that have never been used for positive consequences, only negative or grave ones. Since justices serve for life, it cannot veil actions at the next election. What must a common sense person conclude? Be brave, Bob, answer these.
Your Question: 1. Exactly why do you think Garland is allowing lawlessness to continue? [By the way, the context of this dereliction is the VERY DEFINITION of extreme politicization of the DOJ.]
My Answer: I disagree with the hypothesis of your question, I don’t think Garland is allowing lawlessness to continue.
Your Question: 2. Why do you think the Senate fails to censure Chuck Schumer for inciting assassinations against sitting justices?
My Answer: Again, I disagree with the hypothesis of your question. I don’t believe Chuck Schumer ‘incited assassinations’ against sitting justices. Therefore, I don’t believe the Senate failed to censure.
You wrote: “I don’t think Garland is allowing lawlessness to continue.”
I cite: “A statute enacted in 1950: Title 18, Section 1507, of the U.S. Code. The law states that it is illegal, ‘with the intent of influencing any judge,’ to: picket or parade ‘in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer or with such intent,’ to resort ‘to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence’.”
Truly you do not need me to supply images and media reports showing precisely this activity occurring. Therefore, Bob, I do not care you disagree. The FACTS prove your beliefs UNTRUE. So, answer the question, do not dodge it on the alter of ignorance or stupidity (since now you KNOW).
You said: “I don’t believe Chuck Schumer ‘incited assassinations’ against sitting justices.”
On this one you get a bit more latitude. So, explain to me this instead, please. Exactly what can one reasonably conclude from the quote by Chuck Schumer when he refers to two justices directly, using language cautioning them of consequences when, at least according to the Constitution (ONLY legal means, by the way) there is no legal procedure to actually threaten them with?
The quote, to help you out here… “I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price.”
Be mindful when you deflect on this one… he is directly referring to two justices by name, not the institution nor anything else. And a man did travel across the country with the intent to kill one of the named justices, and cited his anger over the individual’s position on a pending case, to which Schumer was directly addressing in his words.
STOP DEFLECTING AND HIDING, Bob… be brave here. Own your extremism, defend it or at least explain it. And for the sake of mankind’s sanity… do not try to hide behind an obfuscation again.
I do not believe Schumer’s comments are ‘criminal’ or merit ‘censure’. And I do not consider my views on this subject as extremist. Therefore, there is no need for me to ‘defend or explain’ what I’m not. Perhaps you would be less frustrated, if you just asked & answered your own questions.
BTW, Schumer’s comment about Gorsuch & Kavanaugh was made March 2020, when the Republicans controlled the Senate & the DOJ. He was not censured, nor was any criminal action taken against Schumer at that time.
Bob, stop flattering yourself projecting frustration onto me… this is a tactic of the weak minded and desperate. Explains much, but does nothing to strengthen anything you say.
I do not care if he uttered the words 30 years ago… you think that mitigates the impact those words would have at any other time?
I did not ask you if felt they were criminal, not to cite when they were spoken, nor anything other than what I asked. What else could he have meant? It is a simple question Bob, simple.
Secondly, Garland… do you still believe he is doing his job after citing the FACTS he is not? C’mon, Bob. Be brave.
Like I said, stop deflecting, dodging, and projecting; all the things someone who is lying does. Be honest, try it.
What’s interesting is that you would waste your time trying to elicit feedback from someone you consider to be a liar and a weak-minded person. Clearly, a case of someone searching for validation.
Deflection with a hint of gaslighting…perhaps you should worry less about shrinking my head and demonstrate to the rest of us you can use yours. Good job, Bob… I do not consider you a liar, I simply proved it.
There you go with that “us” thing again – a sure sign of your desperation. I understand.
Desperation? Seriously, Bob, stop flattering yourself with this repeated accusation. To be honest, I’m not even sure what you mean by it. I asked you simple questions. You replied with ridiculous statements, as if your opinion of anything mattered to me or anyone. And rather than simply state what you know to be true, since it was PROVEN, you choose instead to cling to a lie, obfuscate the context, and continue to deflect, gaslight, and project. I am and may be many things, desperate, is not one of them. Desperate? I do believe someone in this neighborhood is, and if you ask the mirror on the wall it might just let you know.
Since you are unable to accept my answers to your questions my suggestion is stop asking me questions. My take on things obviously frustrate you to no end. You need to give yourself a break, let it go, and move on.
Accurate assessment. I do not accept lying. I’m not frustrated, except to the extent there is a person willing to embrace flagrant lies to the point they accept them as truth. Get help, Bob, please, it’s dangerous.
I’m also somewhat concerned about what you describe as the “inactions’ of the Attorney General. In Garland’s defense. I’m gonna take the high ground and hope that he is just extremely methodical in the performance of his duties. On the positive side Garland should get a lot of credit for depoliticizing the DOJ.
Garland’s actions regarding the January 6th supposed insurrection is the very essence of politicizing the DOJ. The events of January 6th were the results of a peaceful protest turned into mob violence by a small group of ANTIFA members trying to penetrate the security of the Capitol. The prosecution of Americans walking thru a building that is owned by those very same Americans is reprehensible. Garland is a “Not See” traitor against our Country and he should be given the full penalty of Article 3 Section 3 for his obvious war against the American people. Bob, you are a highly partisan piece of garbage that believes in the Democratic “Not See” Party and the destruction of America. If you hate America so badly and want to see our Country turned into a 3rd world country ruled by the New World Order, why don’t you seek shelter somewhere that has already instituted the abolishment of freedom? I think you’d be happier where ever that may be…..Traitor.
“EXCLUSIVE: Ginni Thomas Says She Looks ‘Forward To Talking To’ January 6 Committee, Wants To ‘Clear Up Misconceptions’”
“The invite for Thomas to testify will come “soon,” according to Thompson.”
“Five takeaways: Jan. 6 panel bears down on Pence pressure campaign”
(The Hill: Bias Rating: LEAST BIAS Factual Reporting: MOSTLY FACTUAL)
The House panel is doing a superb job of presenting the facts surrounding the Jan 6th Insurrection. The evidence of Eastman’s & Trump’s criminal liability is growing with each session of the panel.
Well as Nero fiddled Rome burned. Never has there been a more fitting analogy. Ok I have a question. If you get by possible violations of due process, and if you get by violations of the “discovery rules”, and if this ultimately passes the smell test in the Supreme Court, and if you get your pound of flesh from former President Trump then what? When are you going to address the abortion issues? No not Roe v. Wade I am talking about that abortion in the White House. I’m talking about the abortion in the economy, inflation, gas prices , the border, the world stage and the list goes on. You people are sitting back and letting this country go down the shitter and you have consumed yourself with Donald Trump. In fairness restrooms to facilitate various sexual identities have been installed in the Congress building. A major accomplishment that will go down on history.You people are truly pathetic and most counterproductive. I am quite sure the far left mentality will try to justify there actions but stand by for the next flush folks.
Okay members of the Left, Liberals, and Democrats. Are you guys ready to say “Uncle” yet? You and most of the MSM have been attempting to run interference for the clown in the White House for a year and a half attempting to conceal his ineptness and abysmal performance. For God sake the guy can’t even ride a bicycle let alone attempt to be the leader of the free world. As I said before the country is going down the sewer and the guy is clueless. At first it was comical to watch him fail but now it is getting really scary. Scary for our security and for the ultimate future and wellbeing of our children and grandchildren. Open Your Eyes before it is too late.
Figures don’t lie, liars figure. Chicago has posted their crime statistics which showed a 17% reduction in shootings. I said really????? I contacted a buddy of mine who was formerly a Chicago police officer and asked him about it. He said that the reporting system was amended to alter the perception of crime occurrences. You could have a drive by shooting resulting in 20 people being shot and that is recorded as a single shooting incident. Other jurisdictions are supposedly reporting crime statistics in the same way. How is this misrepresenting of statistics helping address and remedy the violent crime situation occurring in country? Who came up with this strategy? I think I can guess.
“Supreme Court strikes down Maine tuition aid policy that barred religious schools”
(The Hill: Bias Rating: LEAST BIAS Factual Reporting: MOSTLY FACTUAL)
The 6-3 Robert’s court is at it again. This court continues to promote religion and erode the Establishment clause of our Constitution I agree with Judge Sotomayor when she wrote, “This Court continues to dismantle the wall of separation between church and state that the Framers fought to build.” This courts
I wonder, if the families and schools involved in this decision were ‘Muslim’, would this court have ruled differently. Our forefathers wanted a wall of separation between church and state because they realized one man’s Bible or Koran is another man’s heresy. We have to be very careful, as we could be headed down a very slippery slope.
To quote the decision:
“The principles applied in Trinity Lutheran and Espinoza suffice to resolve this case. Maine offers its citizens a benefit: tuition assistance payments for any family whose school district does not provide a public secondary school. Just like the wide range of nonprofit organizations eligible to receive playground resurfacing grants in Trinity Lutheran, a wide range of private schools are eligible to receive Maine tuition assistance payments here. And like the daycare center in Trinity Lutheran, the religious schools in this case are disqualified from this generally available benefit “solely because of their religious character.” 582 U. S., at ___. Likewise, in Espinoza, as here, the Court considered a state benefit program that provided public funds to support tuition payments at private schools and specifically carved out private religious schools from those eligible to receive such funds. Both that program and this one disqualify certain private schools from public funding “solely because they are religious.” 591 U. S., at ___. A law that operates in that manner must be subjected to “the strictest scrutiny.” Id., at ___–___.
Maine’s program cannot survive strict scrutiny. A neutral benefit program in which public funds flow to religious organizations through the independent choices of private benefit recipients does not offend
the Establishment Clause. See Zelman v. Simmons-Harris, 536 U. S. 639, 652–653. Maine’s decision to continue excluding religious schools from its tuition assistance program after Zelman thus promotes
stricter separation of church and state than the Federal Constitution requires. But a State’s antiestablishment interest does not justify enactments that exclude some members of the community from an otherwise generally available public benefit because of their religious exercise. Pp. 9–11.
The First Circuit’s attempts to recharacterize the nature of Maine’s tuition assistance program do not suffice to distinguish this case from Trinity Lutheran or Espinoza. Pp. 11–18.
The First Circuit held that the “nonsectarian” requirement was constitutional because the benefit was properly viewed not as tuition payments to be used at approved private schools but instead as funding for the “rough equivalent of the public school education that Maine may permissibly require to be secular.” 979 F. 3d 21, 44. But the statute does not say anything like that. The benefit provided by statute is tuition at a public or private school, selected by the parent, with no suggestion that the “private school” must somehow provide a “public” education. Moreover, the differences between private schools eligible
to receive tuition assistance under Maine’s program and a Maine public school are numerous and important. To start with, private schools do not have to accept all students, while public schools generally do. In addition, the free public education that Maine insists it is providing through the tuition assistance program is often not free, as some participating private schools charge several times the maximum benefit that Maine is willing to provide. And the curriculum taught at participating private schools need not even resemble that taught in the Maine public schools.
The key manner in which participating private schools are required to resemble Maine public schools, however, is that they must be secular. Maine may provide a strictly secular education in its public
schools. But BCS and Temple Academy—like numerous other recipients of Maine tuition assistance payments—are not public schools. Maine has chosen to offer tuition assistance that parents may direct to the public or private schools of their choice. Maine’s administration of that benefit is subject to the free exercise principles governing any public benefit program—including the prohibition on denying the benefit based on a recipient’s religious exercise. Pp. 11–15.
The Court of Appeals also attempted to distinguish this case from Trinity Lutheran and Espinoza on the ground that the funding restrictions in those cases were “solely status-based religious discrimination,” while the challenged provision here “imposes a use-based restriction.” 979 F. 3d, at 35, 37–38. Trinity Lutheran and Espinoza held that the Free Exercise Clause forbids discrimination on the basis of religious status. But those decisions never suggested that use-based discrimination is any less offensive to the Free Exercise Clause. This case illustrates why. “[E]ducating young people in their faith, inculcating its teachings, and training them to live their faith are responsibilities that lie at the very core of the mission of a private religious school.” Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru, 591 U. S.
___, ___. In short, the prohibition on status-based discrimination under the Free Exercise Clause is not a permission to engage in usebased discrimination.
Locke v. Davey, 540 U. S. 712, does not assist Maine here. The scholarship funds at issue in Locke were intended to be used “to prepare for the ministry.” Trinity Lutheran, 582 U. S., at ___. Locke’s reasoning expressly turned on what it identified as the “historic and substantial state interest” against using “taxpayer funds to support church leaders.” 540 U. S., at 722, 725. But “it is clear that there is no ‘historic and substantial’ tradition against aiding [private religious] schools” that is “comparable.” Espinoza, 591 U. S., at ___. Locke cannot be read to generally authorize the State to exclude religious persons from the enjoyment of public benefits on the basis of their anticipated religious use of the
benefits. Pp. 15–18.
979 F. 3d 21, reversed and remanded.”
It’s a solid argument to an otherwise poorly written statute.
I found the dissenting argument in this case to be much more compelling. Like I said, ” . . . a very slippery slope”.
Explain how it is a slippery slope. The law in question was not requiring people who otherwise did not want a religious education for their kids to obtain one. The Establishment Clause was not in jeopardy in this case by any measure of reading. The Free Exercise Clause was. Oh yeah, the other side of the First Amendment religious freedoms argument the left either forgets exists, or ignores.
Explain how it is a slippery slope.
More classic Bob……
Well I disagree with this particular Supreme Court ruling. I think I could get a little more traction in my argument by playing the division angle. (Again) What can I do? I got it! I will inject Muslims and the religion of Islam in to the mix. That might get someone cranked up enough to side with me I know the race card has been overplayed.
More Left=More Division
OYE, Once gain you make me laugh. Thank you!
“If Donald Trump were convicted, Joe Biden would have to consider a pardon”
(United Press International) – Bias Rating: LEAST BIAS Factual Reporting: HIGH)
He would seriously consider a pardon. Very similar to the situation when President Ford pardoned Nixon. Even though Trump is clearly a crook, it’s likely that the best course of action would be to pardon him before a trial. The question then would be will Trump accept a pardon. You bet, he would!
“Judge dismisses latest bid from Fox Corp. to toss Dominion lawsuit”
(The Hill: Bias Rating: LEAST BIAS Factual Reporting: MOSTLY FACTUAL)
I believe this suit by Dominion is ultimately going to cost Fox News (Bulls..t Factory) BIG TIME, probably hundreds of millions of dollars. Justice will be served. Fox is gonna have to pay for their lies.
Bob, stop losing your mind in a salivating orgy of hyperbole. I don’t have a horse in this race, but they will ultimately settle on something. You know, just how the leftist outlets are settled (and some are still in process) with Nick Sandmann, and very soon the others with respect to Kyle Rittenhouse against the likes of Zuckerberg. Of course, in the case of Rittenhouse, he’d be a fool to settle. Unlike Sandmann who just suffered libelous harm, Rittenhouse was facing trial jeopardy and the tainting of the jury pool against him had far more costly consequences. Doubt a decision would bankrupt the Meta mogul, but Rittenhouse would be set for life (probably a few).
You have to understand that Bob has in the past has quickly formulated opinions based on events, particularly those who don’t support his left leaning narratives based on some of the left wing (rags) that he considers as Gospel. I urge you to go to some of his posts which he submitted just prior to, and during the Rittenhouse trial. He even created and asked me, as a career police officer, to respond to a scenario of his creation, apparently based on the Rittenhouse incident from editorialized information he obtained from some of his source sites. It appeared that he was soliciting a response from me where I would have considered utilizing deadly force. As it turned out the testimony did not support the narrative of the left and the young man was acquitted. After the verdict I informed Bob that currently under our existing rule of law people are innocent until proven guilty or responsible. I thought progress was made and a lesson was learned but I might be mistaken. Please feel to research and revisit some of his posts.
“DeSantis closing in on Trump as 2024 favorite”
“New Hampshire GOP voters give DeSantis boost, signal competition for Trump in 2024”
Trump is clearly a sinking ship. DeSantis is not much better. Since it seems likely that President Biden will not run for reelection the first priority for the Dems is start thinking about an alternative Presidential candidate for 2024. I do not think Kamala Harris would be a good choice.
“Maryland gun law could be challenged after similar law in NY struck down by Supreme Court”
Opinion: “The US supreme court voted in favour of … people getting shot”
(The Guardian – Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER Factual Reporting: HIGH)
The Robert’s 6-3 Conservative Supreme Court has lost its mind. Once again, they have managed to come up with another POS, dangerous ruling. This court has a knack for making a bad situation even worse. Undoubtedly, a giant step backwards for our country.. It’s a return to the Wild West. Why don’t we get on with it, arm everybody and have a nationwide gun fight at the OK Corral?
Are you totally clueless? Do you not watch or read the news? The country has been the “Wild West” for many years. Where are the liberals about addressing crime and violence by CRIMINALS? The country has been failing dismally for many years in protecting its citizenry. Lawful citizens rely on the Second Amendment for their own protection because the country and society has failed to do so. If the Left is really interested in public safety they need to take good faith measures to solidify their positions by holding gun offenders accountable. By percentage what groups are unfortunately largely responsible for gun violence and gun victimization? People are dying like it is free every night but because of who they are Liberals have to walk a fine line. Their mentality is…….Let’s not aggressively address those groups let’s disarm lawful citizens because we don’t want to have to hold certain groups accountable. Some make the knee jerk analogy that the country will become the “Wild West” because of this ruling. I often attend church in rural southern Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania has a concealed carry provision which can be obtained by lawful eligible citizens and has been in existence for a long time. Most of the parishioners are gun carry legal. I have been attending that church for many years and have attended numerous functions outside of the church and have NEVER seen any “Wild West” scenarios. None. Bottom line if the Left would hold more accountable and get guns out of the hands of CRIMINALS maybe we will evolve in to a world that lawful citizens do not have to rely on the protection of the Second Amendment. Liberals and the Left need to clean up the mess that their policies have caused.
Your post says it all. We are in a very dangerous situation when we have have to arm ourselves to go to church, rural or otherwise. God help us!!
Increasingly necessary as the left increases their rhetoric to the point they call for the assassination of justices, inciting civic unrest, promote vandalism and rioting, and declare that civil war is perhaps one option still available… yes, Bob, the extreme left has put us in a very dangerous position. Good of you to wake up to this fact.
Nice try Bob. You are the master of distorting facts and deflection. You conspicuously omit addressing the real problems. I can tell you it is not lawful citizens. Why don’t you get a handle on the problem which you Liberals and Lefties choose to ignore or coddle. Furthermore, I will be interesting to see how your folks will peacefully protest the Roe v. Wade ruling. Smart money says the Left will address disagreement and conflict in their usual fashion. “Violence.”Definitely reflects on the mentality and maturity of the Left. Enter Keith Obermann role model and class act. You guys are really pathetic. What was that about division?
Another great day for America and most of it’s citizens under the age of zero.
Go ride your bike with the Alzheimer’s-In-Chief
“Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade in Landmark Decision”
Just when you think it couldn’t get worse. The ‘Terrible 6’ have done it again. This decision will further divide our already divided country. The only silver lining is that it will fire up America to vote Democratic in November.
After this decision came out my wife said to me, “Hon, maybe we should think about moving to Canada?” I told her absolutely not. Also, she suggested that I stop posting on the Dagger. I told her I couldn’t do that because it’s my responsibility to balance out the ‘hogwash’ from the likes of OYE & Urkidding. 🙂
Tremendous comeback Bob. How can ordinary minds compete with your intellect. Lol.
Judging from your POVs on most things, I suspect your mind is anything, but ‘ordinary’ 🙂
Another tremendous come back from Bob. What is next? Na na nu na na. Come on Bob up your game
OYE, I need your help to ‘up my game’. Do you have any suggestions for me in that regard? As always your suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!
The Constitution does not grant the right to an abortion to anyone. The Roe decision basically granted abortion but the supreme court does not have the power to create laws. Many legal experts agree that Roe was on not on a solid legal foundation, the same basis that gay marriage is on as well. The court basically send this back to the States.
The ruling does not prohibit abortion nor does the ruling impose a time limit on when abortions can take place.
Here is why Roe was overturned.
1. Obama had a supermajority in both houses and did not make Roe law and never even tried.
2. Harry Reid killed the filibuster allowing majority vote to confirm a supreme court justice.
(this is how Trumps appointments got it).
3. RBG would not retire thinking Hillary would easily beat Trump but Hillary lost and RBG passed away.
4. Hillary lost the election to Trump with hollywood, the medial and social media on her side.
5. Trump kept his promise to put originalists on the court. Three to be exact.
6. Liberals weren’t happy with just abortion, they have pushed this to now include late term and after birth abortions. Continuously forcing this issue back to the courts.
God bless those 6 justices. It was a great week for America. FJB
“Confidence in Supreme Court is at lowest level in 50-year recorded history, Gallup poll finds”
(The Hill: Bias Rating: LEAST BIAS Factual Reporting: MOSTLY FACTUAL)
This lack of confidence in the Supreme Court reflected in this June 2020 Gallup Poll is a reflection of the politicization of our highest court. I expect the next poll will reflect even less confidence. The ‘Terrible 6’ is taking our country to a place we don’t want to go to.
“Sen. Collins suggests Kavanaugh, Gorsuch lied during Senate testimony about respecting Supreme Court precedent”
The handwriting was on the wall during Senate hearings for these two guys. Collins was sold a bill of goods by both Kavanaugh & Gorsuch and she swallowed it hook, line & sinker Shame on you, Susan You should have known better.
Infanticide, energy independence, border security, CRT, schools allowed to push gender reassignment surgery on your kids are all on the ballot as well.
Let me correct my spelling in a couple previous posts.:
“Thomas calls for overturning precedents on contraceptives, LGBTQ rights”
(The Hill: Bias Rating: LEAST BIAS Factual Reporting: MOSTLY FACTUAL)
Looks like this is what’s next on the ‘Terrible 6’s agenda overturn precedent on Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell. Elizabeth Warren said, the Supreme Court doesn’t have the last word on ‘abortion’, ‘We the People’ have the last word on ‘abortion’.
We can and must turn around this abomination of a court!
Now, where did I leave my bicycle? FJB
Aw shucks… Bob, you mentioned me in a comment about owing the community some duty to balance “hogwash” coming from me!?!? LOL.
You either think too highly of yourself or this blog. It is nice, though, to think I am at least 50% of the reason you won’t move to Canada. I never knew I could have so much power over another person. Maybe I can take this newly discovered power and do something magical with it… hahaha!
Hilarious, Bob, simply hilarious. Got my weekend started with a laugh. You are always good with the laughs, Bob, you truly are…
Urkidding, I’m happy to hear that I got your weekend started off with a good laugh. Keep smiling! 🙂
Ah good… you are paying attention this time…
I asked earlier about how the ruling on school vouchers how it was a slippery slope, which you agreed to in a dissenting opinion. I simply asked how a decision against a law was a slippery slope since the legislation in question did not require families to do anything they otherwise felt they should not do?
Help me out here… I don’t see it.
‘To see it’, you have to take off your blinders and put on your thinking cap.
“Put on your thinking cap” Wow! I haven’t heard that since second grade with Sister Lawrence Marie. We rarely agree but I did appreciate the trip down memory lane.
OYE, Sister Mary Edwards, one of my favorite grammar school teachers, pleaded with us every day to put on our ‘Thinking Caps. Those were the days.
Okay… since you won’t or cannot answer…
Let’s see… by metaphor… answer this hypothetical…
If one lives in a jurisdiction where white milk is offered free of charge in one area, but no milk is offered in another part of that jurisdiction… the jurisdiction offers a voucher to get white milk or chocolate, but not strawberry. Now, it may be true that the chocolate and strawberry are similar or the same in all facets except one. That is called discrimination.
So, some folks who want the strawberry milk sue the jurisdiction over the discrimination. It turns out that some wise people look over the facts and realize they argument is valid. The jurisdiction is offering white milk and permitting chocolate, but not strawberry for no valid reason but a discriminatory one. So they conclude that if a person wants white, chocolate or strawberry, that’s fine.
Along comes Bob… he looks at this and agrees that the people who want strawberry milk are trying to force everyone else to want strawberry, or at the least on a slippery slope toward that situation. The problem is, that is not the case at all. The strawberry milk fans just want to have strawberry milk. In fact, the white and chocolate milk folks have nothing to do with this, at all.
So, someone else is wondering how it that Bob can agree there is a slippery slope when no one is asking anyone to want strawberry milk, just allow the people who do, to do so; just like everyone else gets their decision.
There Bob… put on your thinking cap and convince me the strawberry milk folks are trying to force strawberry milk on everyone else.
And Bob… ‘blinders’, really? Trying to gaslight again?
I suspect I’ll get more deflection and dodging, but at least I know I’m doing my part to keep you from singing “O Canada”, LOL….
Wow, the guy has to carry an instruction card with him. I hope he put one on his bicycle. FJB
Why is it okay for Democrats and folks on the Left to make disingenuous and racially offensive comments to Justice Thomas but if a Conservative or a Republican were to make a similar comment regarding someone of color it would make become a major event in the MSM? Furthermore, are members of the Left okay with the activities of protesters regarding the Roe v. Wade decision. Particularly those occurring on the west coast? Bob feel free to respond.
OYE, For me it depends on the “racially offensive comments” If someone on either side of our politics uses an over-the-top slur like the ‘N-word’ to describe Judge Thomas, the condemnation of such would be immediate and universal. I read a couple of stories on Fox News & NY Post where he apparently was referred to as “Uncle Tom” and “Uncle Clarence”. I’m not so sure I would classify those two descriptions as full out, blatant ‘racial slurs’. What do you think?
Acts of violence by Roe v Wade protestors should not and must not be tolerated– No ifs, ands, or buts about it. It’s especially important for a city like Portland, that has a history of violent demonstrations, to do a better job of controlling these situations.
I think that the comments have pushed the envelope too far. This comment comes from
a group (Democrats and Liberals) who routinely weaponize race as a political tool. A group that attempts to label almost anything, no matter how innocent, in to a racial incident. A group that will label anyone who differs with their philosophy as a racists. Bob you and I both know that any similar action or innuendo made by a Conservative or a Republican towards a person of color would be immediately addressed and condemned by the MSM and the left. Sadly the Left will continually ignore this hypocrisy.
Way to go Joe Kennedy. Marine, Christian ,and good American. God Bless you sir!
Oh no Mr. Bill! Rumor has it that Paul Pelosii might have had a co-pilot with him when he got in his accident and subsequent DWI arrest. Could this be why the police are reluctant to release the body camera video? It looks like he not only got in to a car accident but he literally might have been “caught speeding”. Does Nancy have enough juice to make this go away? I guess we will see. If the police are unable or refuse to produce the body camera footage it will speak volumes.
How come the Brit’s have had no problem exposing President Biden as a liar and probably a co-conspirator? You would think parlaying the information from Hunter’s lap top in to a huge story, which it is , should be on the mind of any aggressive reporter. Why is the MSM continuing to run cover for a man and an administration when the wheels are clearly falling off? Maybe more truth will be revealed in January. I have to totally agree with SoulCrusher…..the Democrats are “ the no see party” probably by design.
“Fox News viewers tuning out Jan. 6 hearings:
Apparently, many viewers of Fox News (Bulls**t Factory), like some Dagger posters, believe the ‘truth’ will go away if they ignore it.
Do you mean that Fox viewers have adopted the age old strategies of avoidance and denial routinely utilized by the Left? You probably don’t want to open that door. Lol. Come on man!
Hillary Clinton says, Clarence Thomas is a person of ‘resentment, grievance, anger’
Undoubtedly, there’s no love lost between Hillary and Clarence. There is a petition out, signed by nearly a half a million, urging Thomas be impeached if he doesn’t resign. Show me where to sign.
No one cares what that old hag says, she maybe worth one donkey.
This is interesting on Jan 6th Revelations.
This is interesting on Jan 6th Revelations. http//
“Supreme Court limits EPA in curbing power plant emissions”
(Associated Press – (Bias Rating: LEAST BIAS Factual Reporting: VERY HIGH)
I guess the ‘Terrible-6 figured they’re doing such a good job of destroying America, they might as well – ‘DESTROY THE PLANET’ – while they are at it.
Hi Bob,
In another case of hyperbole posing as a thought… from the article you shared, “But Roberts wrote that the Clean Air Act doesn’t give EPA the authority to do so and that Congress must speak clearly on this subject.”
So, to explain for those of you only reading headlines… The law was written to address a pressing issue of the day. Well, in this instance it appears the government was acting to reach beyond power granted by the original law. And the Court using its power to reel in the power of government (yes, read the Constitution, it restrains the power of government, does not promote its arbitrary expanse at government’s desire, I know that is a hard civics pill to swallow, but you must accept the FACT) and specifically outlining the steps it must take.
Here’s the catch, Bob… make the case, petition your representatives, make the process work the way it was designed. It was never designed for government agencies to use the power it is given and run as far as it pleased. Rather it was designed to be specific in respect to intent and find a legitimate process to regulate.
It almost seems you enjoy hyping up the false flag hyperbole to avoid the hard work of finding areas of agreement, negotiating, and working to find solutions to problems facing everyone. In other words, Bob, you like being part of the problem. Nice work. Keep up the work the left is doing to sow disunity.
And, by the way… you need to change the ‘least bias’ label you applied above, the references in that article to other decisions was meant to do little more than remind the reader of other irrelevant to the topic decisions by the Court. It’s a subtle way to build anger by readers prevailing from one ideological direction. It’s a device used by propaganda agencies to help control your emotions… your use of ‘Terrible 6’ is proof it is working.
“Supreme Court refuses to hear Ohio prisoner’s death penalty appeal”
The ‘Terrible-6’ abortion ruling is all about the life of an unborn fetus. Yet, this same court refuses to hear a death penalty appeal from a 55 year old man (IQ of 55-68) who murdered a 12 year boy in 1986. Sounds like a contradiction in terms to me. If the Terrible-6 is concerned about the sanctity of human life they should BAN THE DEATH PENALTY.
Hi Bob,
You may want to make a stronger argument than the one you just did. One can easily rephrase your words to say that you and folks who think like you, ‘are more concerned about the life of a 55 year-old killer than the life of a baby.’ If you choose to conflate the issues of capital punishment and abortion into one solely about life, let’s just say it becomes more nuanced.
I encourage all readers to go to YouTube and check out “if God was a liberal”
I think of this every time Bob makes a post
OYE, I’m glad my posts stimulate your mind. Both, you and I are old and we need all the stimulation we can get. You have a great Holiday weekend!
Can some of our Left Liberal Democrats please answer just a few questions. I am attempting to get a better understanding about what makes them tick. Very recently a South Carolina State Delegates ( Krystle Matthews) phone conversation was made public. Apparently it was to someone in a prison I believe. In the conversation she suggested that black “drug dealers’ should donate their Iil gotten gains to her campaign. Furthermore black people should go out and steal for her campaign. Just Google her and the conversation will come up. What a POS for many reasons to imply that black people routinely deal drugs particularly “dope” (heroin) and furthermore could be persuaded to steal to fund her campaign. Where is the outrage? Where is the MSM? Where is the condemnation? Her comments were both disingenuous and unfair to the black community. Could you imagine if a white person or a Conservative would have made similar comments. It would be front page news in the MSM. I am quite sure that her behavior will be ignored and buried by the MSM. Such hypocrisy. So pathetic. Probably the only way that people on this post who lean to the Left would ever have been made aware of this POS is by reading my post and then following up on it. For the record, I am not holding my breath for a response.
I would like to answer you OYE, but I have my boyfriend’s head up my ass
Additionally, that POS Krystle Matthews is running for US Senate against Tim Scott. It is troubling enough to me that someone with her thought process was voted in to the South Carolina State Legislature. Now she wants to be a Senator? Very troubling!. Very divisive and dangerous!
I find it interesting that not many of the MSM or liberal late night liberal entertainers refer to Senatorial Candidate Herschel Walker as an Uncle Tom or Uncle Herschel. They have no problem referring to Senator Tim Scott or Justice Thomas in that vein. I guess they had second thoughts because they probably value their dental work. They shouldn’t worry, Mr. Walker would never lower himself to the level and tactics of the left.