The following e-mail was sent to members of the Harford County Education Association by President Randy Cerveny on December 14, 2011. A copy was provided to The Dagger for publication.
A great deal of information has been swirling around about the County Executive’s proposed distribution of funds. Some has been accurate, and some less so. I would like to take this opportunity to make clear what has happened, what is around the corner, and what HCEA is doing on behalf of our members.
HCEA is committed to securing money for our teachers, and has been engaged in this process each step of the way. We want to make sure that you receive every cent of the money and that, while doing so, we defend our long-term financial and collective bargaining interests for which we’ve fought so hard.
As you know, last night, the County Council approved, with amendments, the County Executive’s legislation—thereby authorizing a payment of $625 for all county employees. The remaining $625 will be considered in the spring.
The fact that the Council passed the bill and the money is now in the school system’s budget is a big win and greatly enhances HCEA’s potential ability to use this money through renegotiations. This Friday, the Labor Board will hold a hearing to determine the money that is to be renegotiated. The money that was just released to HCPS could be part of that pot, meaning that the binding ruling of the Labor Board could help HCEA restore money lost over the last three years and help upgrade your salaries—permanently. Any upgrade to your salary schedule will raise your base salary and be returned year after year, not just once, as the County Executive has proposed. An upgrade also would enhance your retirement benefit; a one-time payment would not. Over time, this could mean a difference of thousands more dollars in your pocket. The worst-case scenario is that the Labor Board does not include the just released money in the pot to be renegotiated, but insist that that money be distributed as a one-time stipend of $1,250. Either way you will get your money.
Please know that HCEA is fighting for you and our long-term best interests: improving teacher salaries and defending our collective power. Thank you for your support, patience, and all that you do for our students every day.
Randall Cerveny, President
Harford County Education Association
National Board Certified Teacher
I do work for the school system as a custodian, however I have a very good relationship with the teachers in my school. I understand what you are trying to do, the bottom line is the teachers want the money. The school system has no interest in giving us anything but a song and dance. Meanwhile I’ve heard teachers and they are without a doubt mad and upset. Money that they could be getting on Monday to help with bills, Christmas shopping and other money issues, are not going to happen. Why? Because the delusion that teachers and other employees of the school system will get a raise. I highly doubt that, Tomback doesn’t care about anybody but himself. If he did he would have heard our cries about our pays, the fact that he purposely screwed up our health benefits is a sure sign of what he cares about. And we are not on that list.
Actually the county government has been trying to get money in to your pocket for many weeks now. It is the union that represents the teachers that has held it up. I wish and hope you get the money but please blame the right people. The fault has been with the HCEA.
Actually, HCEA is trying to get all of the teachers a step instead of a one time bonus. A step or cost of living increase is something you get year after year. A one time bonus is that, a one time bonus. I would rather wait for the step and get it year after year. In the long run, it will be more money for our salary and towards our retirement. They’ve had the money for the step all along. If the county was broke then how did we end up with the 16 million dollar surplus? Craig is trying to get past the union. All Harford County employees should get at least 1/2 step or a COLA. Craig is trying to paint the union as being the “bad guys” and I totally disagree with his methods. The money is there, give us a try step or COLA.
As easy as it is to blame this all on Dr. Tomback, it simply is not all his fault. He decides the budgetary priorities but he is only given a set amount of money to spend. While I believe that teachers and other system employees should have received their contractually agreed upon steps, the perpetual underfunding of Harford County Public Schools by the County Executive is the problem. HCPS simply is not funded on a per pupil basis at a level commensurate with surrounding counties or with a realistic assessment of the cost of creating a flourishing school system. In that we, the employees, parents and community have tolerated this ridiculous paradigm for so long, we are all complicit. Contact your County Council member and the County Executive. Tell them that you demand our schools become a priority and that school funding no longer be a political football. Demand that they fund our school on a level which allows for growth, appropriate employee compensation and appropriate staffing. Do not allow your elected officials to brag about what a bargain they get on their schools. Demand that the County Executive stop underfunding our schools.
Under funding our schools? Really Ryan? How bad does the economy have to get, before you believe the school system should hold what they have until things turn around? Your union, which isn’t really a union at all, places it’s own health and wealth at the top of it’s priorities, then the teachers and finally the students. How much does Cerveny make in his position, and is it true he got a raise last year?
HCPS is spends towards the bottom 1/5th in the state Per pupil from county money!
I’m not entirely sure, but isn’t that the point of the author you replied to?….the fact that the school system places the students at the bottom of the funding list?
A union is no different than a corporation. It cares FIRST about self-preservation of the entity (the union), next about the well being of the collective that make up that entity (due-paying members), and it cares the least (financially) about the individuals (students) that are being served by the individuals (teachers) that make up the entity (union).
no I interpret his remarks as believing school funding in Harford county as being at an acceptable level!
You are wrong. Our very self-preservation is reliant on the preservatin of the rights of our members. Whether you believe it or not HCEA is doing what we must.
Jay, HCEA is fighting for both the kids and the teachers. That is our responsibility. No, Randy did not get a raise last year. the increase is a reflection of summer pay which he did not take the first year. Also, the $100,000 number includes his benefits which HCEA must pay back to HCPS.
The HCEA President’s COMPENSATION has increased consecutively for at least 3 of the past 4 years while teachers has not…come on…stop the BS. Just look at the tax returns. The COMPENSATION/SALARY has increased almost every year eating up nearly 40% of all dues. The association collected over $600,000 in dues in the past 3 years and has spent a little over $10,000 on negotiations….give me a is a joke.
Your numbers simply are not accurate. Any member who would like to see the financial record or report need only ask.
Figures are correct…unless HCEA lies on their taxes
check out their tax returns here. I’m sure your smart enough to read them.
FY 2007-2008…dues=$229,830…HCEA Pres. Comp=$86,869 Negot.=$3,010
FY 2008-2009…dues=$266,666…HCEA Pres. Comp=$89,244 Negot.=$3,915
FY 2009-2010…dues=$260,314…HCEA Pres. Comp=$105,206 Negot.=$3,332
So, Explain how my numbers are wrong???? This year his salary is probably about the same…if the jump is due to the switching of reporting to include his benefits the IRS is not going to like that very much because Non-profits are required to consistently report income/compensation the same way from year to year. Either way, even if you through in the HCEA’s expenses for “meetings and conferences” the reality is that they spend little of our dues on what they should be spent on…hiring properly educated advisors & lawyers. This issue was handled poorly. Again, where am I wrong in the numbers Ryan or Randy or anyone??????
No HCEA does not lie on their taxes. Randy makes the same as any teacher on his step. He also was paid summer pay and has an expense account. We have lawyers, who are very competent at MSEA. We negotiated pay increases last year, they just were not funded. Only about $200 out of each member’s dues stay at the local level. The rest goes to the state and national union, to provide lawyers, etc. You can not see what HCEA did or did not do by looking at tax documents. We spend many man hours on negotiations.
I have contacted the County Council and the County Executive and I have told them that they need to be more involved in the school budget because HCPS administration and the school board are both incompetent in my opinion. They get plenty of money but spend it on the wrong things.
Wonderful Alex. However, if you analyze the budget carefully you will find that there really is not alot of mispent money. Download the document and go item by item. You will see.
Mr. Burbey,
It is nice to be able to blame elected officials for lack of funds, however, you are incorrect. Yes, the Supt. is given a set amount of money, but he and the Board decide how it will be spent. Money has been provided for raises, and the Supt. spends it elsewhere. That is not the fault of the elected leaders. Several years ago for the first time in Charter history, County Executive James Harkins fully funded the BOE’s request, even though he was greatly criticized for it. Teachers still did not get the raise they should have gotten because the teacher resource is not respected. It is like the mother who keeps her house spotless, and the rest of the family just takes it for granted. County Executive Craig, a former teacher, just wanted to help, and instead is made a sinister character for his actions. Blame your BOE and Supt.
If he really just wanted to help, why didn’t he or doesn’t he write the checks himself? Why send it through the BoE at all? If he just wants to give people money just write the check. He could help by sitting down with all the stakeholders and negotiating a reasonable and sustainable solution to the educatinal funding problem in Harford County.
Doing so would require that the Board of Ed hand over to County Government information such as employees’ Social Security numbers, which they may not be able to legally do. Plus, it probably would require that the County send out W2s to teachers. I’m sure it was probably more trouble than it was worth. (Although the County Exec may now wish he had sone it that way.)
So does he really just want to help? This money was not negotiatied. No solution ws negotiated. As proven by the line item veto Mr. Craig has a my way or the highway mentality. By the way, the county council changed the language in the bill, not HCEA.
Hey Ryan,
If you don’t like the school system, quit.
Teaching is the easiest degree to get, in fact it’s a joke.
Remember those who do, do, those who can’t teach…
And with that comment, I invite you, PwtG, to come into my classroom for a week or two, and let’s see how you can handle it. Obviously, you must be a more capable person than I since I am a teacher who wouldn’t be able to “do” anything else.
Can you run some IEP meetings this week? I need you to have the invites out and the assessments done and write the goals and plop sheets for each of them and you willget no extra time to do it!
Typical comment from someone that has no real understanding of what teaching is all about. Education is a Social Science degree and while it may not be a “hard science” it really is no different than many other liberal arts degrees such as public administration, psychology, business, music, foreign language, to name a few. I would agree there is an overemphasis on petrology at the expense of content specific knowledge and there are too many of what I will call garbage courses in college education programs that could be reduced or eliminated – but you can find them in any degree program. I have worked inside and outside (private industry) the public school system and I can tell you that teaching is the most challenging work I have ever done. I put in more hours without compensation, spend more on required continuing education (which I did not have to do in my private sector jobs), I am more regulated by law and policy, and have the least control and authority over my employees (in this case students) then anywhere else I have worked. While not as physically demanding as some other jobs it is by far the most mentally taxing and exhausting work I have ever done. Your can’t do/teach refrain just demonstrates your lack of understanding on the topic.
A comment like that will get you nowhere in this discussion. In fact, it does nothing but highlight your complete ignorance in what it really takes to be a teacher.
I am not a teacher, but I am married to someone that taught for several years before we started a family. It is one of the most thankless jobs out there. Mostly due to parents that are too enamored with their own kids to enforce any sort of discipline on them when they step out of line, or to parents that completely give their kid no attention/nurturing at home. So, a “teacher” not only has to educate the kids, but they also need to be a damn parent to those that need the extra attention/nurturing or discipline. And oh, by the way, they need to discipline the brat without laying a single hand on them….not even to guide them down to the principal’s office because they’re disrupting the class. Don’t know about you, but I sure couldn’t do it.
If all the teachers who don’t like the school system took your advice and quit, the largest result would be that there would be many more folks like RPWTG running around spewing nonsense with no basis in fact. On what basis in fact is the teaching degree the easiest to obtain? What other positions require a Masters degree within 5 year, Oh by the way you are expected to take the majority of the course work durring the summer when you are :on vacation”..
Dear Pissed,
My parents taught me to fight for what you beleive, to stand strong against naked aggression, to try to make the world and your home a place of which you can be proud; not to stick my tail between my legs and run. Likewise, I am committed to my kids and my community and my profession. Sorry, I think I will stay.
” I would rather be beaten and be a man than to be elected and be a little puppy dog. I have always supported measures and principles and not men. I have acted fearless[ly] and independent and I never will regret my course. I would rather be politically buried than to be hypocritically immortalized.” Davy Crockett
Some think they are experts on what teachers do because they went to school. Would be like me being an expert on being a dentist because I go every 6 months.
I guess Randy was wrong. Craig just line item vetoed the bill. Teachers get nothing now. Thanks for screwing us Randy!
Please tell me you are wrong. I thought they gave hcps the money already, and they were waiting for hcea’s approval. How about this can the teachers that don’t belong to hcea do something to get their money? hcea doesn’t represnet them.
I had a friend (hcps employee not a teacher) that he got his money today in his bank account.
Harford County Executive Craig Issues Line Item Veto; Removes One-Time Pay Bonus for Board of Education Employees
I do agree that teaching is a thankless job where our teachers are over worked and under paid. I believe parents (not all) treat school like some sort of free day care and have no involvement in their children’s education. However, the teachers or their unions need to look at the bigger picture. No other county employee, including the Sheriff’s Office has received raises either. Their unions aren’t the only ones that negotiated raises and didn’t get them. Blaming David Craig and the County Council for not giving them more money is ridiculous. The county writes a VERY LARGE check every year to the schools. Now, they have a closed budget so where the money goes, no one really knows. Seeing that David Craig did something right this year and there is a surplus in the budget maybe the schools should let their budget be known. They might learn a thing or two about budgeting. Speaking of the surplus, we don’t know if it’s a onetime thing or if it will be reoccurring. Because of that, the County cannot guarantee raises. I cannot tell you how tired I am of hearing about how the other county employees or Sheriff’s Office are going without or cutting back so we can make financial obligations to the schools. YOU’RE NOT THE ONLY ONES! Take the bonus, get off your high horse and ride out the recession like the rest of us.
The HCPS budget is not a closed document but is public record which can be found on the HCPS webpage.
The budget is public as stated. Look at it. Mark my words, the county has more money stashed.
Hey…Thomas Paine & Randy…How are we supposed to get the bonus money now that it is no longer available due to Craig’s line item veto…you clowns really screwed this up….and don’t argue that we will get the money as a step, because we were going to get that anyway due to the forced renegotiations…we could of had both if you would have handled it properly. Damn shame. Next time use the dues you get to get real legal advice from competent people you morons.
Harford County Executive Craig Issues Line Item Veto; Removes One-Time Pay Bonus for Board of Education Employees
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From Harford County government:
Harford County Executive David R. Craig has issued the following statement regarding his use of a line item veto on fund appropriations legislative bill 11-54, As Amended, which was passed by the Harford County Council on December 13.
“In light of recent statements issued by the Harford County Education Association (HCEA), and its intent to subvert actions of this administration and the County Council to issue a one-time bonus to Harford County Government and Board of Education employees, I will be exercising power granted to me by Section 311 of the Harford County Charter to issue a line item veto on Bill 11-54 As Amended to strike the fund appropriation to the Board of Education.
“HCEA’s attempt to hijack this fund appropriation to support its case before the Maryland Public School Labor Relations Board in an effort to secure the unfunded recurring salary increase previously negotiated with the Board of Education places the county in a financially unsustainable position that I cannot support at this time.
“Upon resolution of the matter before the Maryland Public School Labor Relations Board, I will decide with the County Council whether to re-introduce legislation to restore funding for a true one-time bonus to Board of Education employees. It was my intention during the outset of this proposal that this be a one-time non-recurring expense, and that all employees be treated equally.
“As a 34 year educator and a former member of HCEA, I am deeply disappointed in its leadership and their efforts to co-opt this legislation. I applaud the other Harford County Government and Board of Education unions on their leadership, collaboration, and cooperation in recognizing the true intent of this bonus proposal. I am dismayed that a simple act of providing employees with a holiday bonus has been perverted for political gain at the expense of Harford County taxpayers and Board of Education employees.
“I look forward to being able to pass a bill for the Board of Education which will not become a union exhibit in a Maryland Public School Labor Relations Board case, and hope that this issue can be put behind us so that bonuses can be issued to Board of Education employees as was intended.”
The Line Item Veto does not affect bonus payments to Harford County Government Employees, Sheriff’s Office employees, or employees of the Harford County Public Libraries.
Way to go Cerveny…you TOTALLY screwed your teachers this time. But then again, when you’re making a six figure income doing what you do, why would YOU care about a $1250 bonus? You should be removed from your position effective immediately. And before I get a comment from Ryan Burby about doing the right thing, Ryan, I used to teach with you, and everyone knows you’re nothing but a yes man who has no spine. Your nosse is so far up the administration’s butt, I can’t tell where you end and they begin.
First, the county council reduced the bonus to $625 for now. Second, my name is spelled Burbey. Third, if you really did work with me you should know that I am not up anyon’e butt. Lastly, if you want to engage in mud-slinging and character assasination, at least have the courage to use your real name.
Nobody but you uses their real name on here because everyone who speaks the truth about HCPP knows there are repercussions. Not for you though because you are and always have been the HCPS’s boy. Ask anyone who works with you…they think you’re a weasle. Got it…Burby?
Well, I am not. Were I my life would be far easier. I have to think that the vast majority of people who voted for me in my building don’t. Lots of people use their real name. You are just too much of a coward to put your name to your caustic words. I am definitely not HCPS’s boy. Just seartch some of the things I’ve written for the Dagger or look at the video of some of the Council or BoE meetings at which I have spoken. It is sad that people must hid behind mask to cast dispersions upon honorable men. Carry on Iago, your day will come…
So kudos to County Exec Craig for thinking of the county staff and teachers who haven’t received any money in three years thanks to Dr. T. Once again the union leadership is thinking of it’s own self-interest and not its dues paying members. Randy, don’t try to pull the “can’t take it because it’s against the law” card; your reason may sound good to you but any money right now for teachers is better than nothing! We are dumbfounded by this action. Perhaps talk to your members and ask for their opinion- you’d be surprised (or really not) after you present all the facts and remove your own personal agenda, to see that teachers would have appreciated something prior to the holidays. Good luck and sorry teachers of Harford County -remember this for the next elections.
Please explain what does the HCEA have to gain by turning down the bonuses, besides not weakening its negotiting position. What did Randy Cerveny gain from this?
LMFAO!!!!! See, this is why nobody likes you Burby…who the hell goes around making reference to Othello??? You think you’re so much smarter than everybody else…and THAT’S why you come off as such a windbag. The fact you couldn’t win an election against a guy half the teachers think is incompetant speaks volumes…you’ll make a fine administrator some day buddy.
THe difference between you and I is that I don’t care who likes and who does not. In answer to your questin, educated people make references to literature. Knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, slobbering idiots mock them.
Teachers you should NOT think you are:
A Protected Class
Guaranteed Anything
Oppressed (you have it better than most people)
Good at Educating
So quit your complaining.
I don’t recall anyone saying that teachers are special or a protected class. We are “complaining” as you call it because the Board of Ed claimed not to have the money to support step increases of its teachers when in fact, it was there all along. And Fran, come on into my class room any time you want because my students enjoy being in my class each day, and you know what, I am a damn good teacher!
Oh, Fran, I thought you were writing an acrostic poem, but then “SAGOGS” really doesn’t spell anything, does it. Even if I add the extra “T” at the beginning, and the “F” at the end, it still doesn’t amount to much.
In fact, nothing you wrote makes much sense with regards to the entire conversation that has gone on before your post.
I was going for a caustic prose.
The only option we have is WORK TO RULE. Teachers must leave at dismissal time, don’t offer to meet with parents off the clock, don’t make phone calls off the clock, BUT do your very best during the time you do have with students. Hopefully parents will see the difference and help advocate for our financial needs.
Yes “working to rule” will get teachers support from the parents and taxpayers.
Go ahead give it your best shot and shine a bright light on the selfishness of teachers and unions.
Why do teachers think an economic recession doesn’t apply to them while many people in Harford County are unemployed and underemployed?
Please tell me how working to your contracted duty hours is selfish. Isn’t working beyond those duty hours selfless or is that what teachers are supposed to do? By cutting back extra duties taxpayers will begin to see the total services teachers actual provide, which most of them we do not have to.
The recession has and continues to apply to teachers. However, it is not lack of funding, but instead the lies of Mr. Craig and HCPS that have prevented teachers from receiving competitive competition. The money is there. You keep fighting for lower taxes and teachers will keep fighting for better compensation. We’ll see who comes out ahead.
Or, as was suggested, taxpayers can just leave Harford County. Isn’t that what you want teachers to do?
By all means Thomas “work to rule”.
I hope, as you should, that it does not have to come that. Because political maneuvers like that will ultimately hurt those who don’t have a say…the students. Hopefully the adults in the room can work out a deal. But unfortunately it does not look that is going to happen. Working to rule may be the best thing for everyone…the teachers…the taxpayers…may be even the students…because that will most likely be the only thing that brings serious attention to this issue and a serious resolution.
The Bel Air Town Commissioners will introduce a budget amendment Monday night to transfer funds from the town’s contingency account into various departments to fund a 2% cost of living adjustment for employees.
Hmmm…I wonder how much the county is sitting on?
Stillwell, we have actually reduced our take home pay. We pay more for our health care and we now pay 2% more to the state to help our state pay off their debt. In addition, we have been required to put more into our pension. We have lost income the last few years and only been asked to do more and more. I hate not to stay after school to tutor children, but I need to have some way to show my value to the school system and student’s parents. This decision does not come easily for me. I need to have reserve some dignity since I have worked hard to get what I have. I have educated myself with a B.S., M.A., and 60 additional credit. I KNOW I am worth more in salary.
Why don’t you take your degrees and experience and find a new job. Maybe it will improve your self-image and dignity, but don’t be surprised if there is no job out there for you.