From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
October is Crime Prevention Month. Join us for the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Open House at the Southern Precinct from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm on October 27, 2013. Deputies will be available to offer tours of the precinct, provide community information on crime prevention, domestic violence, child support enforcement, recruitment, youth programs, and traffic safety, as well as K9 demonstrations. In addition, deputies will be collecting any unused/unwanted prescription medication for safe, eco-friendly disposal. Other Harford County agencies will be there, as well, to offer additional county resources.
How much will helicopter rides be? This could be a way to pay for this, just saying.
The only thing getting taken for a ride is the taxpayers of Harford County.
GIving the community only 3 days notice? Guess Bane is too busy with the planning of his new aviation unit
Major Crime Outbreak Meeting, two days notice, Crime Prevention meeting, three days notice, buying a helicopter, no notice! When will people see the joke that Bane is????
Watch how much notice he gives when it is time for his fund raisers. The open house is a good thing for the public to see the different Units and get to talk the people who work the streets. I will be in Harford County on this day for another event. I am hoping to get by to see the helicopter and to see some friends and some of my not so friendly friends.
Maybe they should pull the warrant units budget, i heard the sgt makes enough in overtime to buy the helicopter outright.
Yes, he more then anyone is not going to like a change in Sheriff.
You seem to have a lot of pent up personally motivated animosity to a lot of personnel still employed there Marc. Feel the hate within… soon you will belong to the Dark Side. Ooops. Too late.
Because- Marc Eaton is the only person willing to put his name out there about Jesse Bane and his lack of leadership. Maybe Jesse should focus more on supporting his deputies. Jesse is his own worst enemy and has nobody to blame but himself. This open house bs is a crock how about you spend a day seeing what really goes on within HCSO. The county watch camera system is unmanned, the agency is filled with specialized units, no raises for 6 plus years (ok so we got 4 % but health insurance and other things tacked on 7 % plus), there are more supervisor positions then ever before. You are out of touch and need to put your foot down. But instead you will stand in your class A uniform and have a party about the new aviation unit. Please someone anyone name what Sheriff Bane has done in his nearly 8 year term. Nothing! Well he did form the aviation unit, what a joke.
Im sure things havent changed over the years. Just like when they checked the pay of an employee several yrs ago and found how much he made in overtime. If the same thing was done to the sgt of the warrant unit jimmy waltman you will most likely see someone stealing money for many many years that is unjustified. Im sure things havent changed over the years, if anything it is probably much worse. A perfect example if you have friends in right places you can do whatever you want. He is no different then mark forwood, he is balantly stealing money from taxpayers and has not rendered police services to the citizens of harford county for many years.
When I was still working anyone above the rank of Cpl flexed their hours. One of the reasons I never tried to get promoted, I loved working overtime.
Will the Hug a Thug program be featured at this Open House?
It amuses me to see how you attack a man that is willing to meet the public and be open and honest. He is never over budget and is well liked by his employees. As for the Sergeant you smear above he is one of the nicest people I have ever met. No facts just smear prove it or stop it. As I said before I will be there to see the Aviation Unit that moves us in the right direction. The Sheriff is the most responsive Official in the County and I would support him for any Office he would run for now or in the future.
He is without a doubt one of the most open. He will go anywhere and tell anyone anything to secure another vote. Too bad we have repeatedly read on this very site many accounts of what he is saying torn apart with the facts. Jesse Bane knows people have tired of him and his stories. Even one of his own deputies is running against him and telling people that the man has no integrity. Bane is hoping that his “free” helicopters and humvies are enough to win over support. He will see the light when he walks out of the office with his boxes in hand and His FOJ’s scrambling to kiss the rear of the next sheriff.
Did you wear your kneepads out yet?
Even most of the former Bane supporters are saying that he needs to go. It would’ve happened last election, but Gahler wouldn’t distance himself from the Walters, etc and that scared off enough deputies that he didn’t get the union support. As it was he still nearly won the election. With the union support in 2010 he definitely would’ve beaten Bane. In 2014, Bane has about as much chance of being re-elected as Craig has of winning the governor’s race.
@Take A Flight, you are either one of his crew or even one of the people who are pushing the Aviation Unit. Open and honest? Really? Are we both talking about Bane. As for the Sgt., the person who posted those facts is the person to address not me. I do wonder how a Sgt gets so much overtime and from I am told he is hard to find when he is supposed to be working. Then again this is the same guy who can bypass the chain of command and walk right into to Col C’s office anytime he wants. This Sgt must pull rank on Major IA 28, because this is a violation of the rules and regs on following the chain of command. If she can read lips on a video and bring charges against a deputy who she thinks was talking about her, then why can’t she reprimand a Sgt for violating the chain of command. I will agree with you and support you on Bane running for another office, please get him to run for another office and you have my support. Maybe the county should come up with someone to shred documents, I am sure when he looses in 2014 there will be a lot of this going on. When the helicopter shows up for the big reveal will Major IA 28 and Major Jackson be standing on the side rails waiving as the unit comes down route 40, just like they do in the July 4th parade? Will Bane be flying one like President Bush and land it wearing his flight suit with a sign saying “mission accomplished”?
WOW!!! You guys are on a roll!!! I think it is a good idea to start an Aviation section. Oh, and I’m not a transplant to this county.. I was born and raised here. Your helicopter will be a very good asset contrary to what you think. It is there for patrol. And Marc you know me. You could always give up your take home car for a higher salary. maybe you should ask the administration to look at that.
Jeff I am retired. No raises for six years and take their cars for this helicopter is a bad idea. Down the road a helicopter would be a good idea. When you have agency all around with this resource willing to help then it is not a good idea. I think the kicker is that Bane told his people he was not considering this and they could not afford it. Then one day he has two helicopters. We both know how grants work. My traffic position was a grant back in 1996, after one year the county had to pick up the tab for this slot. If the county can’t give raises to teachers or it’s cops then they don’t need this million dollar unit. We wanted a full time motor unit to work details and do traffic enforcement. The administration showed us why this was not able to be done. Manpower and cost effectiveness. This was for motorcycles that cost much less then up keep on forty year old helicopters.
Two helicopters. They will need one just to cannibalize for parts to repair the other 40 year old bird. Exactly how does the HCSO envision using this helicopter? Aside from medical transport requests, how many times in the past year did the HCSO feel the need to request aviation assistance. Better yet, how many times was that request not honored? Virtually none! And now we want to pay for the cost of an aviation unit on a full time basis. Money for additional manpower at the Detention Center is an issue, and should certainly have a much higher priority than forming an aviation unit. The taxpayers are currently paying for a completed multimillion dollar jail expansion that has sat empty for two years because of a lack of manpower to staff it. In fact, the HCSO doesn’t even have enough officers to adequately staff the older part of the jail without extensive overtime.
Hey just wondering what Gahler, Peck, Bane and Ryan feel about issues time to %hit or get off the pot have not heard from any of them. What about deputies getting screwed with, what about multiple deputies that are current and former with PTSD. What about the aviation program and what about hiring more people and giving current deputies raises, It’s time for answers. But I don’t think that we or the public will get any. I challenge the first person to give a straight answer. I expect that none of you will respond. Its ok but if you do thank you but I will be shocked if you do.
Mr Wickwire, I agree and I hope and I am sure they will respond in good time. While we wait I would love for Bane to come forward and explain his reason for all of this. No raises, but certain senior DFC’s made sure they got a special rank and a raise. A jail that is empty and cost millions to build but no staff to run it. He new coming into office this new wing was being built yet he never planned for the staff to run it. He has lost control of Major IA 28, now he can’t demote her or try to corral her for fear of loosing that certain vote he needs. This is causing tension between her and a good man. He was a no show at the event at Ripken’s Stadium,and as far as I know a no show at the open house. I think he is still trying to figure out damage control on the Aviation Unit. What where you thinking Jesse? Even a dummy like me knows if you can afford raises, to staff a multimillion dollar jail expansion then maybe you can’t afford a multimillion dollar a year Aviation Unit. Your cameras for stopping crime are unmanned. You have specialty Units that need to be done away with and the assets put back on the road to deal with the gang problems. You guys on the second floor of the kingdom can go out and bring back your own lunch, you don’t need a DFC to do this for you. Your people are fed up with you and you minions. You have good people who are just crossing off the days until they can retire to get away from you and what you have done to a once proud Sheriff’s Office. You know as well as I do in the early eighties after Sheriff Kunkle, the Harford County Sheriff’s Office was one of the best in the State of Maryland. Why do you think so many retiring police officers came there to work? How does it feel to have your dirty laundry and sneaky exploits out for all to see? This feeling is not half as bad as the feeling the people who have to work for you feel. Dealing with the dangers of the job are nothing compared to dealing with you and your staff of head hunters.
So Mr. Wickwire I would love to hear from JLB on all of this first. Then this will give the other three candidates time to get the real correct numbers together to confront LJB’s fuzzy math. Maybe he uses Turbo Tax calculators to help put them together.
Looks like Gahler wins on the first issue you want to know about. Funny thing is that he answered your question 5 months before you asked it!
Mental and Physical health should be at the forefront of this agency. I do not work for HCSO but work for a bordering county. To hear that brothers and sisters were fired or humiliated for asking for help makes me sick. You support your people not turn your back on them, there needs to be a serious overhaul up there, I just pray for you all that it happens. I do live in this county so don’t think that I’m not watching how you are being treated. Good luck my brothers and sisters.